Finance Calculations

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expected hpr

real rate= nominal/inflation 8.74% divident 4

nominal = 12.00% sell price 19
inflation 3.00% buy price 20

holding period return(hpr) 15.20% capital Asset pricing model

purchase price 53.75 exp return =risk free rate+beta of inv
sell price 59.77
divident 2.15 exp return(k)
risk free rate
expected return of portfolio beta
chance hpr return variance portf return
0.2 44% 8.80% 0.021125
0.5 15% 7.50% 0.000613
0.3 -16% -4.80% 0.022688
0.00% 0
0.00% 0
invest 50000 mean 11.50% 0.04 variance
std div 21.08%
xp profit 5750
credit risk premium = expected return difference beteween 2 portfolio

accrued interest 4.79 current yield 5.22%

annual pay 50 coupon 60
payment time/year 2 cost 1150
last payment when 35
payment period lenght 182.5
flat price 1000
invoice price 1004.795

bond present value duration

face value 1000
coupon 8%
matures 5
discount rate/ytm 10.00% cash flow pres val % of pv weighted %
yearly present value 1 80 72.72727 7.87% 0.07869348
2 80 66.1157 7.15% 0.14307905
3 80 60.10518 6.50% 0.19510779
4 80 54.64108 5.91% 0.23649429
5 1080 670.595 72.56% 3.62803747

1400 100.00% 4.28 years

totla value 924.1843

icing model
xp return =risk free rate+beta of inv*(risky rate-risk free rate)


intrinsic value (divident+sale price)/1+exp return(k) continous intr value =divident(expe growth rate/required rate
intr value 53.75 intr val -127.118644
divident 2.15 divident 3.75
sale price 59.77 exp growth 15.20%
exp retunr(k) 15.20% req return 12.25%
if intr value > market price =>BUY next year intrinsic value -146.4407 (current price*(1+exp grow

rate of price appreciation

divident yield 5.00% cap yield 20.00%
divident 2.5 price sell 60
price 50 price buy 50

1 year mat future price 3535
constant growth model price 3500
g 12.00% T bill rate 3%
ROE 20% div yield 2%
plowback(b) 0.6
pe growth rate/required rate of return)

(current price*(1+exp growth)

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