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Table of Contents

Health and Safety Policy.......................................................................................................................3

Duties of Workers.................................................................................................................................3
The requirement of Law....................................................................................................................3
Employer Duties................................................................................................................................4
Your Responsibilities........................................................................................................................4
Your Rights:......................................................................................................................................4
Your Right to Know..........................................................................................................................4
Right to Participate............................................................................................................................5
Duty of Committee............................................................................................................................5
Refusal Right.....................................................................................................................................5
Front Office.......................................................................................................................................6
Sales Department...............................................................................................................................6
Hotel Kitchen....................................................................................................................................6
Event Planning..................................................................................................................................7
Safety Officer....................................................................................................................................7
Franchise Manager............................................................................................................................7
Franchise Manager............................................................................................................................7
Safety Officer....................................................................................................................................7
Other Staff.........................................................................................................................................8
General Safety Rules.............................................................................................................................8
Safety Tips.............................................................................................................................................8
First Aid................................................................................................................................................9
Reporting of Accidents and Near Miss..................................................................................................9
Protocol of Critical Injury......................................................................................................................9
Accident Investigation Policy..............................................................................................................10
Drug and Alcohol Policy.....................................................................................................................10
Disciplinary Action.............................................................................................................................10
Warning Signs.....................................................................................................................................11
Environmental Policy..........................................................................................................................11
Action Plan..........................................................................................................................................11
Challenges and solutions.....................................................................................................................12
Health and Safety Policy
W Hotel is devoted to establishing and maintaining a healthy and safe work environment that
is constantly improving. The accomplishment of this objective can only be accomplished by
exceeding all necessary legal requirements and following to stated goals, along with the
cultivation of a passionate dedication toward environment, health, and safety in W Hotel
contractors, employees, customers, and guests.

Particularly, Joint Health and Safety Committee and management will have collaboration for
mitigating dangers as much as possible. All personnel health and safety will be the
responsibility of managers and supervisors. It includes the responsibility of provision of
relevant training, as well as adequate follow-up of the reported problems of health and safety
and provision of remedial action. It is required that employees and supervisors, must carry
out their responsibilities in a healthy and safe environment, and they are responsible for their
own and others' health and safety. W Hotel provides the required training for guaranteeing
the application of appropriate work practices on the job and that they are encouraged outside
of work. W Hotel has the authority to take the necessary actions against the individual that
fails to work safely and healthily.

Everyone is responsible for workplace environment, safety, and loss prevention. W Hotel
expects that everyone will make their contribution towards our efforts of maintaining a safe
and healthy and safe work environment. W Hotel will only be able to provide a safe and
healthy work environment with commitment and dedication of employees (Health and Safety
Executive, 2019).

Duties of Workers
Protecting your, your coworker, and guests, health and safety is your essential responsibility.
This document will provide insight about your responsibilities under the National
Occupational Health and Safety Act, it also provides instructions about making the workplace
safety (ILO, 2020).

The requirement of Law

Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) and Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and
Social Affairs (MADLSA) and the of Qatar have both endorsed the OSH. Owners,
employers, employees, suppliers, the self-employed, and contractors are all obliged by
legislation to develop and maintain safe and healthy working conditions (the State of Qatar,

Employer Duties
It is your employer's responsibility provide the surety about the safe and healthy work
environment. The responsibilities of the employer include the provision of the safety from the
act of violence, harassment, and discrimination. It is your duty to make safe and healthy
workplace by cooperating with your employer (Nabeela, 2021).

Your Responsibilities
You have the following responsibilities (Pro Safety, 2020):

 Protect your, co-workers, and guests’ health and safety.

 Do not involve in harassing the coworkers or gust.
 Be supportive and cooperative with your superiors and others in your duties.

Your Rights:
You have the following rights (Ben, 2020):

 Right to know the work hazards and their remedies.

 Right of participation in Occupational Health and Safety.
 Right of refusal about the dangerous work.

You may not face consequences for exercising these rights. Employers may be forced to
explain any actions made against a worker engaged in health and safety activities.

Your Right to Know

According to the Act, it is obligation of your employer to make sure provision of all details to
you which is needed to manage the hazards you encounter at the workplace. You have the
right to look through this list. Your company is responsible for providing you with the
necessary training to properly handle hazardous situations. If you have no expertise, you must
be provided with the orientation which includes the following how to handle emergencies,
prohibited areas, first aid facilities, workplace hazards, and other relevant important
information (Hukoomi, 2021).
Right to Participate
It is your right to have involvement in Occupational Health and Safety and work with
employers for the maintenance of a healthy and safe workplace. Employers and workers must
set up a representative occupational health committee (Ben, 2020).

Duty of Committee
The committee has the following duties (Consunji et al., 2020):

 Regular workplace inspection

 Investigate the accidents
 Deal with the health and safety concerns.
 Investigating the reasons for employees’ refusal from working.
 Have regular meetings about consulting the act and report the meetings

Refusal Right
It is your right that you can refuse to do work that you consider unusually dangerous to you
or someone else. The unusual dangerous means a danger that is not normal for your job, a
danger in which it is impossible to carry your job, or a situation for which you have no
experience or training (IndustriALL, 2020).

In this case, you should report this to your supervisor. You must make sure that your
supervisor got understands that the reason for refusal is due to health and safety reasons. You
must work with the supervisor about resolving the problem. The supervisor can assign you to
any other duty until the problem got resolved. You must not leave the site without the
permission of your employer (IndustriALL, 2020).

If your supervisor did not provide the required satisfaction, then you should contact the local
representative of the occupational health committee of W Hotel, or your supervisor can call
the co-chairperson about the investigation. If you did not get enough satisfaction through
their problem resolution, then they will go toward calling the emergency meeting of
committee. The investigation about the matter will be conducted by the committee investigate
a detailed report is prepared on refusal (IndustriALL, 2020).

It is your right to still refuse to do work until you got satisfied with the measures taken or the
committee gave decision against your refusal. If the decision is against you, then you have a
right of appealing against it to the occupational health officer. The situation will be
investigated by the officer and officer make a report on your refusal, but if you are not
satisfied with the decision of this officer then you can appeal to the director of the Division
(IndustriALL, 2020).

The employer has no right to assign the disputed job to other workers unless the replacement
worker has written advice of reasons of refusal, and the reason of employer believes about the
replacement can do the job safely. The writing must also include the right of refusal to
replacement workers and what steps should replacement worker followed to exercise the right
of refusal (IndustriALL, 2020).

All level of the company employees is responsible for the safety program of W Hotel. The
staff has a chain of responsibilities that must be fulfilled. And each employee to be
responsible for the safety of guests and must be aware of the health and safety procedure of
the company (Career Trend, 2018).

Front Office
It is the duty of front office staff that they must make sure that all aspects of health and safety
are followed. The front office employees need to make sure that every and safety measure is
taken care of. The staff must not take any action that will jeopardize the health and safety of
employees and guests.

Sales Department
The head of the department is responsible for providing the leadership skills and managing
that health and safety provisions are in place. It is the responsibility of the sales staff to
follow the proper health and safety measures in their department.

It is the responsibility of housekeeping that they must follow the health and safety
instructions and did not do anything that can jeopardize the safety of the staff or guests.

Hotel Kitchen
The kitchen and food service staff have to keep health and safety measures intact while doing
their jobs. They must use hygienic things in the kitchen and did not use anything improperly
that can harm them or any guests.
Event Planning
The staff must take due consideration the safety of guests and staff during and before the
event and the staff must be properly trained and have proper equipment during preparation.

The maintenance staff must be responsible for the proper health and safety performance in
the hotel and are responsible for doing any kind of maintenance in the hotel.

Safety Officer
The safety officer is responsible for the performance of the health and safety in all
departments. They must provide leadership in all forms of health and safety activities by
taking an active role in the Franchise.

Franchise Manager
The health and safety of all employees is the responsibility of the Franchise manager. The
Franchise manager must provide surety that all of the security procedures are being properly

Franchise Manager
The Franchise manager has following duties: Ensuring that for preventing the accidents
required measures are taken. Ensuring the development and maintenance of the procedures
and standards. Being familiar with the act and ensuring the following of any revision.
Ensuring that all employees have instructions about the requirements and procedure of health
and safety regulations. Reviewing the safety audits, accident reports, and other relevant
material regarding health or safety (Career Trend, 2018).

Safety Officer
The safety officer has following duties that includes, Ensuring that for preventing the
accidents required measures are taken. To be familiar with the policy of company, national
occupational health and safety act and other documents related to the health and safety of
workplace. Making sure that all laws and polices are followed by all employees in hotel.
Making sure that regular meeting held, recorded, and got posted according to regulations.
Making sure proper reporting and investigation of accidents. Making sure that hazardous
material list is provided and available for employee’s review. Providing the proper training
about the safe storage, transportation and use of hazardous material. Ensuring that all
employees have instructions about the requirements and procedure of health and safety
regulations. Reviewing the near miss and accidents for finding out the reason of problem and
provide suggestion about implication of remedial measures for prevention of re-occurrence
(Career Trend, 2018).

Other Staff
The other staff has following obligations. Compliance with occupational health and safety,
and company safety policy and procedure. Performing duties in skilled way with a care to
preventing injuries to themselves, guests and other employees Immediate reporting of
potential hazards, near misses and injuries to supervisors. Having knowledge about the
warning devices and fire extinguishers. Ensuring the proper use of safety instruments. Avoid
engaging in tomfoolery or horse play. Maintaining orderly and clean and clear workplace. If
you have a doubt you must ask.

General Safety Rules

Following rules must be followed (UID, 2020):

 You must report about near miss injuries and accidents to safety officer.
 Proper and clean attire must be followed during duty timings.
 Running is permitted in case of extreme emergency.
 Smoking is allowed only in designated areas.
 Staff must escort the visitors and guests in proper way.
 Only licensed person should pick the guests and must fasten seat belt.
 Must follow safety measures while using gas equipment.
 In W Hotel premises fighting is strictly prohibited.
 Stacking an open lift must result in disciplinary action against you.
 All spills must be immediately cleaned and reported.
 Filing cabinet must kept closed when not being used and must be properly anchored.
 Aisles must be clear all time and lifts must be cleaned up.

Safety Tips
Following safety tips must be considered by employees (Adlouni, 2021):

 If you have a doubt you must ask.

 Do not take chances, just follow the instructions.
 Make sure to use your personal safety equipment and never operate untrained.
 Maintain clean workplace.
 Do not lift heavy things alone ask help and lift correctly for preventing injury.
 Ensure safe compellation of your job.
 Ensure safe use of portable ladders.

First Aid
It is duty of an employer to make sure that you must have first aiders in your franchise. These
franchisers must have completed the approved training course of first aid. There must be
proper record of first aiders in workplace. It is necessary that every franchise of hotel must
have first aid kit available. The first aid kit must contain all initial first aid medicines and
equipment (Cygnet, 2020).

Reporting of Accidents and Near Miss

During accident and near miss situations following protocol is to be followed (A, 2021):

 All employees must report about near miss injuries and accidents to their supervisors.
 It is duty of supervisor that after tending the injury report incident to safety officer.
 Incident must be immediately discussed by franchise manager with injured person and
safety officer.

The injury must be recorded and kept for record keeping for a certain period and the reports
of injury must not provided to anyone unless authorized by medical services or permitted by
injured person. The record of injury must include Worker’s name, First aider name and
qualification, Injury description, First aid provided, Date and time of injury and reporting of
injury, Where it happened, and what was the cause of injury?

Protocol of Critical Injury

The critical injury is type of an injury that Makes worker unconscious, Put workers life at
risk, Results substantial blood loss of worker, Bone fracture of arm or leg, Major burns to
worker, Loss of eyesight for worker (McMaster, 2021):.

In the case of critical injury, the injured worker must be provided with required medical
attention. After injured worker is taken care of the incident must be reported to the safety
officer and franchise manager. After this the incident must be properly reported in document

Accident Investigation Policy

There must be through investigation about the accident that resulted in damage to the
property or injury or could cause an injury or property loss. The cause must be highlighted
during this investigation, for the purpose of taking measures for preventing recurrence.

It is responsibility of safety officer to conduct the investigation. It is important that the

investigation report must be completed immediately and to be reported to franchise manager.
It is duty of safety officer and supervisors to determine the required steps for preventing
recurrence. If there is any kind of dispute regarding the investigation, then franchise manager
will be attribute and investigate this matter (McMaster, 2021).

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Provision of alcohol and drug free work environment is the responsibility of every employee.
In case of any suspicion about any employee, guest, supplier, or visitor under influence of
drug or alcohol then he will be removed from the premises. There is zero tolerance policy
about the drug and alcohol (Drug-Safe Workplaces, 2019).

Disciplinary Action
Health and safety of the workplace can be affected by the irresponsible and carless work
behavior. Even frequent absenteeism can also influence the safety of fellow employees by
placing them under more duties. Following instances can led to written or verbal warning or
possibility of dismissal (Kuligowski, 2021).

 Without cause absenteeism

 Violation of health and safety
 Willful damages to property of company
 Misconduct
 Theft
 Drug or alcohol use
 Sexual harassment
 Discrimination
 Carelessness
The disciplinary action guidelines for offence of safety infractions are as followed:

 Documented verbal warning on first offence.

 Written warning along with one day suspension on second offence.
 Possible suspension or termination on third offence.

Warning Signs
At the place of potential hazard that can cause injury, the warning signs will be displayed.
The warning signs must not be removed until hazards got controlled or removed.

Environmental Policy
W Hotel has commitment toward protecting the environment. It is responsibility of every
employee to fulfill this commitment by incorporating the necessary actions in their work and
plans (in, 2011).

These responsibilities can be met by W Hotel for continuing to:

 Designing the operation to meet environment laws.

 Promoting the safe environmental handling of products and materials.
 Use technology to do efficient environment friendly use of products.
 Formulation and implication of emergency response system of environment.
 Involving employees in programs related to environmental safety.

Action Plan
Re Action Responsible Timeline Details
f Person
1 Up-front Senior November Provide detailed information to
Information management 2021 employees that what company is going
to do and what is its importance and
what impact it will have on them.
2 Feedback Senior November Get employees feedback and suggestion
management 2021 about what should be included in the
3 Introduce Senior January Introduce completed handbook to the
Policy management 2022 employees.
4 Review Staff January Provide employees with the copy of
2022 policy and ask them to review it.
5 Orientation Middle February Provide employees with orientation
management 2022 about the policy or any training if
6 Sign-off Staff February Request employees to sign-off about
2022 reading of the document of policy
(Hesse, 2016)

The policy can be communicated by orientation, policy manuals, health and safety
committees, reminders and notices on noticeboard, websites, and meetings on health and

Challenges and solutions

The first challenge is inadequacy of the skilled person in enforcement of the policy. It is
difficult to retain an experienced and qualified person. This problem can be solved if the
management appoint an experienced and qualified person for implementing the policy
(Boadu et al., 2021).

The next challenge is the funding constraint, as organizations usually do budget cuts in these
departments to increase profit of the firm. It is important that firms must not cut the budget of
this departments and should provide extra funds for making sure that policy is intact (Boadu
et al., 2021).

The last challenge that can be faced in the application of this policy is the unethical practices
done by the inspector of the health and security. In this he willingly ignores any violation of
the health and safety policy. For controlling this factor, it is important that organization
secretly monitors the inspector about its practices and if they found inspector guilty then strict
action must be taken against him (Boadu et al., 2021).
A, A. (2021, April 26). How to Report a Near Miss to Improve Workplace Health & Safety.
Adlouni, D. (2021, June 29). 8 Workplace Safety Tips for Every Employee. ECompliance.
Ben, J. (2020). Young worker rights and responsibilities.
Boadu, E. F., Wang, C. C., & Sunindijo, R. Y. (2021). Challenges for Occupational Health
and Safety Enforcement in the Construction Industry in Ghana. Construction
Economics and Building, 21(1).
Career Trend. (2018). Duties & Responsibilities for Hotel Positions. Career Trend.
Consunji, R. J., Mehmood, A., Hirani, N., El-Menyar, A., Abeid, A., Hyder, A. A., Al-Thani,
H., & Peralta, R. (2020). Occupational Safety and Work-Related Injury Control
Efforts in Qatar: Lessons Learned from a Rapidly Developing Economy.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(18), 6906.
Drug-Safe Workplaces. (2019, August 8). The 6 Essential Elements of a Workplace Drug and
Alcohol Policy. Drug-Safe Workplaces.
Hesse, A. (2016, November 11). How to Communicate Policies and Procedures to Staff.
Clear HR Consulting Inc.
Hukoomi. (2021). Workplace Safety and Disputes. Https://
ILO. (2020). Qatar issues a National Policy on Occupational Safety and Health to promote
the right to safe and healthy workplaces.
in. (2011). Environmental Health and Safety Management System.; National
Academies Press (US).
IndustriALL. (2020, April 8). The right to refuse. IndustriALL. http://www.industriall-
Kuligowski, K. (2021, November 2). Create a Disciplinary Action Policy in the Workplace - Business News Daily.
McMaster. (2021). Investigation Protocol.
Nabeela. (2021, May). Workplace safety and disputes in Qatar: how they are handled and
what to do.
Pro Safety. (2020, February 18). Health and Safety Responsibilities of Employees. Pro Safety
UID. (2020). Basic Safety Rules.

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