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1. Why do people become an entrepreneur?

 People become an entrepreneur because they want to have more control
of their time and they want to invest in something that may become long
term, and something that has a potential for growth and expansion which
can be capitalized on for profit.
2. What is the importance of entrepreneurship and its relevance to nursing?
 Entrepreneurship is important as it allows for individuals to be able to
sustain themselves when their profession does not go as planned, it also
allows a person to pursue their passion whether in the healthcare field or
not. It is relevant to nursing because for optimal health care delivery there
should be support or revenue for the healthcare personnel so they can
also fulfill their needs and wants.
3. Name qualities of an entrepreneur
 Someone who is Determined, Confident, Open-minded, Risk-taker,
Flexible, Persistent, Adaptable, Opportunistic.
1. Differentiate stock market exchange from personal savings/account in relation to
 The stock market exchange is where shares of public companies are
either bought or sold, it helps companies raise their capital to expand the
 Personal savings are money that are kept for future use, in relation to the
economy, the more people save the more money banks can lend to
companies, investors etc. to gain capital so that they can contribute to the
growth of the economy, the lent money is paid by interest.
2. Define target market analysis pertaining to business start up
 The target market is the profile of customers to whom a company wants to
sell its product or services.
 It is of importance to business start ups to find out who it its they are going
to sell to, it finds out who the potential customers are, what their needs
and/or wants are, and how entrepreneurs or businesses can meet the
needs and/or wants of the customer
1. Definition of Micro and Macro business
 Microbusinesses operates on a very small scale, there are many definitions on
what microbusinesses are, some definitions state that these are business that
have 1-9 employees or fewer than 5 employees or sole proprietorship with no
 Macrobusinesses are companies that operate on a large scale and employs a lot
of people
2. Difference of Micro and Macro business
 Micro businesses focus on the customers and gives importance to their wants
and needs and markets products specifically
 Macro businesses focuses on trends that are happening on a much larger scale
and marketing of products depends on said trends
 Micro businesses are also dependent on other local suppliers of raw materials
 Macro business are dependent on the global supply chain of raw materials
 A micro business’ goals may be dependent on what is currently happening in
their locale
 A macro business’ goals are dependent on the information regarding the

Eggstacy will supply farm fresh eggs to micro and small retail markets. The market for
eggs is very large, but there are many small retailers who can't afford the high prices of
large processors. These smaller stores sell eggs in their stores to be used by customers
at home or for use in cooking. The cost of selling these eggs can be very high as they
are not able to buy them from a local processor in bulk like larger retailers can. This is
where the egg distributor business opportunity comes into play.

The egg distributor supplies these small stores with fresh farm raised eggs at a much
lower cost than any other business would be able to offer. The distributors job is simply
to find out where these small shop owners have difficulty getting their hands on their
favorite store-bought brand of eggs and supplying them with fresh farm raised ones at a
reasonable price than what they would pay at larger retailers or processors.
Buying eggs from us is the best option in terms of cost and quality. We sell a wide
variety of fresh, organic and local eggs from our farm-direct operation. We are proud to
offer you the freshest, most nutritious eggs available at low prices.

We believe that a healthy diet is the foundation for good health. Our farm-direct
operation produces eggs that contain no antibiotics, hormones or artificial growth-
promoting ingredients. Our chickens are fed organic feed and have access to fresh air
and sunshine 365 days per year. Because the hens are allowed to roam around our
farm in order to exercise their wings, they produce eggs with more omega 3s than any
other type of chicken on Earth!

Each batch of eggs goes through a quality control process that ensures that only high-
quality eggs make it into our inventory. This testing ensures that you can rest assured
knowing that your family is eating food that are free from harmful pesticides and animal
byproducts such as feathers or manure.

For the pricing options, this business offers a variety of choices:

(12 trays of eggs)
● Small: ₱2150
● Medium: ₱2300
● Large: ₱2450
● Extra Large: ₱2550
● Jumbo: ₱2650


2022 2023

SALES 8,712,000.00 17,424,000.00

COST OF GOODS SOLD 7,632,000.00 15,264,000.00

OPERATING INCOME 1,080.000 2,160,000.00


PAYROLL 716,352.00 716,352.00

STORAGE/LOGISTICS 70,000.00 90,000.00

OTHER EXPENSES 50,000.00 70,000.00

TOTAL OPERATING 836,352.00 876,352.00


NET INCOME 243,648.00 1,283,648

1. Rules in the workplace
a. Removal of company property from premises without authorization is
b. Alcohol and smoking inside the premises are strictly prohibited
c. Visitors should have proper passes and authorization
d. Gambling inside the premises strictly prohibited
e. Do not leave valuables unattended, management is not responsible for
any loss
f. Use of smartphones is allowed as long as it does not disrupt work/tasks

2. Operating Policies
a. Employees are expected to be on time, there is a 10-minute grace period
after the shift starts, tardiness will have appropriate disciplinary action
b. Complaints/Grievances can be made anonymously through Temporary
c. Absences without proper notice will have appropriate disciplinary action
d. Absences for 2 days or more requires medical certification or other
medical proof
e. Inform management of vacation leave/s 2 days prior said date
f. Wear prescribed uniform inside premises
g. Harassment of any form is not tolerated, report immediately to
management if any occurs

3. Safety Policies
a. Maintain cleanliness at all times
b. Observe proper wearing of facemask
c. Observe proper cough/sneeze etiquette
d. Make use of alcohol dispensers to maintain hygiene
e. Do not endanger self/co-workers
f. Maintain safety, handle equipment properly

 The logo is meant to symbolize the farmhouse where hens would lay their eggs,
the sun shining from behind is also in line with chickens crowing during the
sunrise, but also symbolizes that a new day is about to begin and fresh eggs will
be laid.

 Eggstacy envisions to be one of the leading farm fresh eggs distributor and be
able to deliver quality products on a larger scale in the next 10 years
 Our mission is to provide quality, affordable, healthy and fresh eggs to our
customers and their families
Goal of Business
 To increase sales
 Build brand recognition
 Open new locations for expansion
 Maintain a profitable operation

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