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Department of Education
Dipolog City Schools Division



Summative Test

TEST I. Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The classic Indian legend poem the Six Blind and the elephant is written by.
A. John Godfrey B. Plato C. Socrates D. Locke
2. Refers to someone who asks a lot of questions, many of which are judged as nonsense or out-of-this world.
A. Philos B. Pilosopo C. Philien D. Philosophy
3. A Greek Philosopher who claims that everything we experience is water- which we call “reality.”
A. Thales B. Socrates C. Plato D. Freud
4. It is generally a study of the nature of moral judgements.
A. Logic B. Epistemology C. Ethics D. Metaphysics
5. He was the first philosopher to devise a logical method.
A. Socrates B. Aristotle C. Plato D. Weber
6. When humanity has learned to make something that is useful to them, they begin to plan and dream how to
make it beautiful.
A. Aesthetics B. Metaphysics C. Epistemology D. Logic
7. To know what is real is under which branch of philosophy?
A. Ethics B. Logic C. Metaphysics D. Epistemology
8. Which branch of philosophy deals with nature, sources, limitations, and validity of knowledge.
A. Epistemology B. Metaphysics C. Aesthetics D. Logic
9. The scientific study of the essential structures of consciousness.
A. Existentialism B. Phenomenology C. Postmodernism D. Ethics
10. This branch of philosophy is centered in the analysis and construction of arguments.
A. Logic B. Ethics C. Epistemology D. Aesthetics
TEST II. TRUE or FALSE. Write T if it is correct and F it is false.
____ 1. Edmund Husserl founded phenomenology.
____ 2. As the first existentialist, Kierkegaard insisted that the authentic self was the personally chosen self, as
opposed to public or “herd” identity.
____ 3. “Existentialism” has come into vogue as the name for a rather diffuse family of ideas and trends that in
significant respect rejects, challenges, or aims to supersede “modernity”.
____ 4. For Ludwig Wittgenstien, an analytic philosopher, language is socially conditioned.
____ 5. Appeal to pity whatever has not been proven false must be true and vice versa.
____ 6. A fallacy is a defect in an argument other than its having false premises.
____ 7. As the world becomes smaller, it is important to develop understanding of culture.
____ 8. If logic is no longer able to solve a life problem, Asian resorts to intuition.
____ 9. Philosophy comes from two Greek word Philo meaning “to love” and Sophia meaning “wisdom”.
____ 10. Postmodernism is one’s search for truth might be based on one’s attitude.

TEST III. Identify what branch of philosophy is being described by each statement.
_______ 1. We cannot observe or experience the mind itself that is having these thoughts, ideas and desire.
_______ 2. How we can find out what we wish to know.
_______ 3. Explores the nature of moral virtue and evaluates human actions.
_______ 4. We use it when we make decisions or when we try to influence the decisions of others.
_______ 5. Whatever experience has relevance to art, whether the experience be that of the creative artist.
_______ 6. How we can differentiate truth from falsehood.
_______ 7. Its concern, rather, is the truth or the validity of our arguments regarding such objects.
_______ 8. How do we tell good from evil or right from wrong?
_______ 9. When water evaporates, it becomes a cloud, and when water freezes, it becomes ice.
_______ 10. The study of beautiful.


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