European Toolkit For Schools - Ferramenta Autoavaliação

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European Toolkit for Schools

accrues new tools

Image: Odua Images /

The European Toolkit for Schools has helped schools to improve attendance,
reduce dropout and promote inclusion for five years now. Just this month, it
expanded its offering with a new self-assessment tool and video section!
The new self-assessment tool on inclusion in and around schools helps users to reflect on
their school’s policies and practices and discover ways to improve them. The self-
assessment consists of questions based on the NESET analytical report Structural indicators
for inclusive systems in and around schools. These are grouped into seven areas:
1. Promoting system integration of policy and practice for inclusive systems in and around
2. Macrostructure issues for inclusive systems in and around schools
3. Whole-school approach to inclusive systems
4. Teacher and school leadership quality for inclusive systems in and around schools
5. A multidisciplinary focus on health and welfare issues in education
6. Vulnerable individuals and groups
7. Parental involvement and family support
After answering the questions, users receive a personalised report, which shows their
score for each of the areas, indicating where their school is doing well and where there is
room for improvement. Where relevant, they will also get suggested resources from the
European Toolkit for Schools to further develop their system and pedagogies.

In addition, a new video section now includes reports of good practices in the field of

inclusive education and tackling early school leaving. See, for example, the Joaquim Ruyra
Elementary School in a disadvantaged suburban district of Barcelona, which was dubbed
the “miracle school” for its great academic outcomes:
Both new and returning users interested in inclusion are sure to benefit from these new

European Toolkit for

SchoolsPromoting inclusive
education and tackling early
school leaving
 Are you interested in finding more effective ways to support your pupils?
 Do you want to improve attendance or reduce drop-out?
 Are you looking for ways to improve the involvement of parents in your school?
 Do you have a large number of pupils whose mother tongue is not your language of teaching?
 Are you considering introducing more collaborative approaches to teaching and learning?
Then read on! This online resource provides you with a range of materials designed to help
you! Read more
BROWSE LATEST RESOURCESDiscover a growing collection of good practices and
inspiring examples
ASSESS YOUR SCHOOLGet a personalised report on your school's inclusion policies
and practices
INDICATE YOUR INTERESTSRetrieve documents and case studies that match your
SUGGEST A RESOURCEShare a project or a whole-school 

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