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3.1. Research Design
A research design is simply the frame work of the study thus, from different types of research
designs descriptive research design was used to the realization of intended objectives.
Descriptive research design was used to describe the existing situation under study. According to
Abate (2017) Descriptive research is primarily concerned with explaining the nature or
conditions or the degree of intensity of a factor under investigation.

3.2. Sources of Data

The researcher was used both primary and secondary source of data for the purpose of getting
adequate information under the study. There is a test which was adapted to measure the social
media usage by students and its effect on their academic performance. Using these instruments
the data were collected and analyzed. A formal questionnaire and observations was used to
gather data.

3.3 population

The population of this study was under graduate extension students of Harambee University
2012 entry business administration department students. There are 120 students under extension
program third year business administration.

3.4 Sample and sampling techniques

In this study the researcher used non probability sampling namely purposive sampling that are
from the three section business administration students the researcher select section B and from
this class only 15 students was selected by the researcher to conduct this study.

3.4 Data collection method

For the purpose of this study the researcher was used formal questionnaire and observation as a
main data collection instrument. The first one was used to collect demographic information of
the respondents and their perception in using social media in relation with their academic
performance. The second one was used to collect information about the respondents before and
after intervention of the study.
3.5 Data analysis method

After collecting the data from respondents it was analyzed by using frequency and percentage.
Finally, the results were summarized into simple tabulations, graphs and figures with meaningful
interpretation of results that leads to draw out its implication and conclusion.

3.6 Ethical Consideration

In this study, before the researcher was start collecting the data, the researcher apply for
Harambee University Faculty of Business & Economics to get permission to conduct the study.
Then after, the researcher was inform the students the purpose of the study and the process
including the general consent. And therefore, they were informed not to write their name in the
questionnaire to keep the confidentiality of the participants

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