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Computer Networksand ISDN Systems23 (1991) 155-1~O 185


Protocol interworking techniques

Integrated routing for multi-protocol

TCP/IP-OSI environments
Ross W. Callon
Digital EquJpment CorlJoration, 550 King Street, LKGI-2/AI9 Linleton. MA 01460-1289, USA

Callon, R.W., Integrated routing for muhl-protocol TCP/IP-O$I environments~Computer Ner~'orks and ISDN Systt:ms23
(199t) 185-190.
This paper describes an Integrated Routing Protocol, based on the OSI IS-IS protocol, which may he used as an Interior
Gateway Protocol (IGP) to support TCP/IP and well as OSI CLNP. This allows a single routing protocol to he used in pure
IP environments, pure OSI CLNP environments, as well as multi-protocol environments.

Kffa'ords: integrated routing, IS-IS, TCP/IP, OSI coexistence.

I, Introduction Use of O S ! I S - I S for Routing in T C P / I P and

Dual Eovironments [5].
The OSI routing framework [2] partitions an Routing between routing domains is also im-
internet into routing domains. For example, a rout- portant, but is outside of the scope of this paper.
ing domain may consist of a corporate network, a Routing between domains deals with a variety of
university campus, a government agency network, policy and administrative issues which are differ-
or a public backbone network. The use of routing ent from the issues involved in routing within a
domains provides administrative independence, routing domain.
and allows different routing domains to use differ- Throughout this paper we will refer to In-
ent internal routing protocols. tegrated IS-IS as adding T C P / I P support to the
The IS-IS routing protocol [3] provides routing OSI IS-IS routing protocol. We will tend to ignore
for OS! C L N P [1] within a routing domain. IS-IS DECnet Phase 4 support. Howc';er, the manner in
has been designed for robust operation, simplicity which we have added T C P / I P support to IS-IS is
of configuration and management, and efficient compatible with the way that DECnet Phase 4
operation over a wide range of network size. The support has been added. Also, DECnet Phase 5
IS-IS routing protocol also provides a great deal makes use of C L N P as its network layer protocol.
of flexibility. For example, IS-IS has been ex- Thus the Integrated IS-IS allows one routing pro-
tended for use in routing T C P / I P and DECnet t tocol to support all of " I C P / I E CLNP, DECnet
Phase 4. This allows the use of a single integrated Phase 4, and DECnet Phase 5. in principle, it
routing protocol for routing of multiple protocol would also be possible to add support for other
suites. protocol suites to IS-IS.
This paper describes the manner in which the
OSI IS-IS protocol has been augmented to sup-
port the T C P / I P protocol suite, as specified in z DECr,ct is a trademark of Digital Equipment Corporation.

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V,

186 R. W. Callon / Integrated routing

2. Terminology

Area In IS-IS, a network is divided hierarchi-

cally into areas. Routing within an area
is separated from routing between areas.
ARP Address Resolution Protocol.
AS Autonomous System. The T C P / I P term
for a routing domain.
CLNP ConnectionLess Network Layer Protocol
(ISO 8473). Tile OSI equivalent to lP.
• S.~l 2 fouler
ES End System. The OSI term for a host. o laVel I rmJler
ES-IS End System to Intermediate System X IP host
E "axtecnel" IP router
Routing Exchange Protocol. The proto-
col used between routers and end sys- Fig. l.
tems (OS19542).
Host T C P / I P term for an end system.
IAB lnternet Activities Board. The parent route packets Within an area. Level 2
body for the IETF. reuters are used to route packets be-
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol. tween areas. A single router may operate
IETF lnternet Engineering Task Force. A as a level 1 and level 2 router at the same
group working on the T C P / I P protocol time.
suite. TOS Type of Service. A specific handling re-
IP lnternet Protocol. quest applied to IP packets.
IS Intermediate System. The OS1 term for a QOS Quality of Service. The OSI term for
router. TOS.
IS-IS Intermediate System to Intermediate
System Routing Exchange Protocol. The
OSI routing protocol for use within a 3. Integrated IS-IS
routing domain.
ISO International Organization for Stan- 3.1. Overview
dardization. An international body
authorized to write standards of many Figure 1 shows a simple routing domain which
kinds. is using IS-IS. Illustrated are two areas (the two
OSI Open Systems Interconnection. An inter- large ovals), four level 2 reuters, and a variety of
national standard architecture for com- level 1 reuters and T C P / I P hosts. OSI end sys-
puter communicat!or~s. tems are not illustrated. Two external reuters
Router A device used to route packets (same as (marked E) provide connectivity to other routing
IS). In IS-IS, level 1 reuters are used to domains.

Ross W. Callon is with the Distributed Systems At'chitecture group at Digital Equipment Corporation in
Linlcton, Massachusetts. He is working on OSI-TCP/IP Interoperability issues, and is the architect for the
Integrated IS-IS protocol. Mr. Callon is also the co-area director of the OSI Integration area of the IETF,
and is the chair of the 1ETF IS-IS working group,
Mr. Callon received his B.Se. in Mathematics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and his
M,Sc in Operations Research from Stanford University.
R. ~E Ca#on / Integratedrouting 187

The external routers may offer external routes information added to the IS-IS packets. This ad-
for TCP/IP only, for OSI only, or for both proto- ditional information is added in a manner which
col suites. The external routes are expected to allows pure-OS! ronters (touters which conform
differ between protocol suites, and so it is im- only to the OSI IS-IS protocol, specified in OSI
portant to handle such external routes indepen- DIS 10589) to safely ignore the TCP/IP-speeific
dently. information.
Consider what the base (OSI) IS-IS protocol For both TCP/1P and OSI, IS-IS provides effi-
provides: For example, consider a level 1 router cient hierarchical dynamic routing (for example,
within an area. The OSI IS-IS routing protocol this automatically responds to network problems
allows that router to know the identity and such as failed links or ronters). This is based on a
up/down status of the other touters in its area, common area hierarchy, including a common level
the identity and status of the links in the area, and 2 backbone. However, addressing and external
which touters are level 2. IS-IS also allows for a routing are independent.
number of important "background" routing fea- IP and OSI packets are routed "as is" over the
tures, such as "allowing information to be reliably data link service, without t.he need for encapsula-
broadcast between routers within an area, allow- tion or header translation. There are optional fea-
ing the up/down status of each link to he periodi- totes for Quality of Service/Type of Service rout-
cally checked, etc. In addition, IS-IS allows each ing. Also, there are optional provisions for authen-
router to know which OSI addresses arc reachable tication,
via each other router in the area. For IP, Integrated IS-IS also provides support
In order to add IP support to the routers, th~re for 1P suhnetting, with variable subnet masks.
are two additional things needed: (i) each of Ihe This is important to allow flexible use of the
routers needs to know how to forward IP pack¢ts limited IP address space.
(including how to parse IP packet headers, oper- Integrated routing allows IP addresses to be
ation of ARP, ICMP, ate). This is necessary lot IP assigned completely independently from the OSI
operation, but is independent of the routing proto- addresses. Rontars which use Integrated IS-IS treat
col; (ii) each of the touters needs to know which IP addresses and OSI addresses as different things.
IP addresses are reachable at each of the other There is no need to map between IP addresses and
routers (at level 1: addresses reachable via each OSI addresses. The independence of IP addressing
other router in the area; at level 2: addresses is necessary for two re~asons: (1) due to existing
reachable via each level 2 router in the routing environments which already have separate and
domain), Thus addition of IP support to IS-IS is it,dependent OSI and IP addresses assigned; (2)
very simple: The basic idea is that you add an due to obscure technical issues relating to IP sub-
optional field to the appropriate IS-IS packets netting (specifically related to variable subnet
which allows each router to tell the other routers masks).
what IP addresses it can reach. There is also an optional provision for encapsu-
This IP reachability information specifies a set lation. If implemented, this would for example
of one or more {IP address, subnet mask} pairs, allow IP packets to be encapsulated inside OSI
which together specify which IP addresses are packets for transmission via OSl-only routers. If
reachable via each router. This IP reachabifity this feature is used, packets are encapsulated only
information is treated independently from OSI when necessary, and the Integrated IS-IS protocol
information. Thus the overhead of the operation will automatically determine where packets need
of the routing protocol can be shared between to be encapsulated and decapsulated.
protocol suites, without constraining the address Integrated Routing allows for IP-only routers,
assignment and while allowing IP packets to be OSI-only routers, and multi-protocol routers.
forwarded independently from OS! packets. OSI-only routers comply with OSI DIS 10589.
IP-only and multi-protocol ronters need to comply
3.2. What integrated IS-IS provides with both OSI DIS 10589 and RFC 1195. Routers
may be mixed on a per area basis. That is, each
Integrated IS-IS provides a single routing pro- area may be OSI-only (contain a mix of OSI-only
tocol, based on the OSI IS-IS, with additional IP and multiprotocol touters, but forward only OSI
188 R.W. Cation / Integrated routing

packets), may be IP-only, or may be multi-proto- arate topologies for each protocol suite. This ex-
col. In practice,, due to the great commercial im- pense includes additional personnel expense for
portance of both OSI and TCP/IP. we expect managing each protocol suite, poor performance
most IS-IS-based router products to he multi-pro- caused when the topology associated with one
tocol. suite breaks due to link failures (the result of link
Multi-protocol reuters must comply with nor- failures will be different for each of the multiple
mal IP and OSI requirements. Thus, for example, protocol suites supported), and additional cost
OSI packets are forwarded using normal OSI pro- due to inefficient utilization of the link hand-
cedures, and OSI-capable reuters must implement width. Similarly, use of different topologies for
the ES-IS protocol (ISO 9542) and understand each protocol suite greatly complicates the task of
data packets in the normal OSI CLNP format. capacity planning. With separate overlapping
Similarly. lP-capable reuters must comply with topologies, network capacity planning must he
the requirements for Internet gateways, and must done separately for each protocol suite, although
implement ARP. ICMP, etc. the interactions between the different protocols on
Link level demultiplexing is necessary in order shared lines must be considered (creating a com-
to allow OSI and IP packets to share each relevant plex multicommodity flow problem). In contrast,
type of link. This includes link types such as the use of a single common topology for all proto-
Ethernet, 802 networks, X.25 links, and point to col suites allows capability planning to be based
point links using HDLC or PPP. Standards are on the total overall required capacity.
already in place for most of these, although some A close analogy can be made between running
work is needed to obtain a standard for demulti- separate topologies for each protocol suite, versus
plexing over a single X.25 virtual circuit, or over running separate topologies for different admin-
an HDLC link. istrative groups within a single company, or run-
Standard Management Information Bases are ning separate topologies for different applications.
being worked on for management of the In- The principle of packet switching is based on
tegrated IS-IS. The MIB for OSI support is speci- statistical sharing of resources between multiple
fied in OSI DIS 10589. Additional MIB variables users. By using common links for multiple appli-
for support of the IP features of IS-IS will be cations, and for users from different administra-
developed in the IETF. tive subgroups within a single larger organization,
great cost savings can be realized without reducing
3.3. Topological considerations the performance as perceived by the end user. The
advantages of cost sharing and ubiquitous com-
The use of one integrated routing protocol, for munication within an organization have tended to
routing of packets from multiple protocol suites. drive organizations to combine scattered depart-
requires that a single network topology be used. mental networks into a single packet switching
This includes use of a single common area struc- network for the overall organization. Similar ad-
ture and a single backbone. vantages will drive the use of a common network
An alternative approach is to use a separate topology for support of multiple protocol suites.
topology for each supported protocol suite. For We may consider the requirements on a net-
example, in an extreme case one may place sep- work from the perspective of the user. A user
arate independent restrictions on each link regard- sitting at a terminal or workstation wishes to
ing which protocols are ran on that link. This communicate using a distributed application, The
implies a different partially-overlapping topology user wants the network to successfully deliver the
for each protocol suite. This set of complex par- network traffic to the desired destination(s) in a
tially overlapped topologies would require that a timely and reliable manner. Whether the packet
separate routing protocol he run for each protocol happens to be formatted in an OSI CLNP header.
suite, and would therefore preclude use of in- or an IP header, is of relatively minor importance
tegrated routing. to the user.
However, this complex structure is not an effi- Packet switching allows statistical sharing of
cient model for commercial communications. The network resources between multiple users, thereby
largest problem is the expense of maintaining sep- providing a cost effective data communications
R. W, Callon / Integrated rou¢ing 189

service to a large number of users. By sharing the work independently, there will be some degree of
network resources between multiple protocol competition for resources.
suites, while using a siltgle efficient robust dy- Probably the biggest advantage of integrated
namic routing protocol, integrated routing pro- routing is that it requires less network menage-
vides the most cost-effeetive solution to packet ment by the user. With Integrated IS-IS, there is
switching in a multiprotocol environment. Thus only one routing protocol to be configured and
the manner in which integrated routing shares debugged. The interactions between the various
resources between users is directly analogous to protocol suites are explicit and straightforward.
the manner in which integrated routing shares Since the Integrated IS-IS provides a single rout-
resources between multiple protocol suites. ing protocol, within a single coordinated routing
domain using a single backbone, this implies that
3.4. Why integrated routing is based on O S i 10589 there is less information to configure. This com-
bined with a single coordinated MIB simplifies
network management.
T h e r e are several reasons why the integrated
Similarly, with Integrated IS-IS, network prob-
routing approach has been based on the OSI IS-IS
lems such as failed links cause a single coordi-
nated protocol to react in a planned manner. With
One reason is that this allows routing to be
S.I.N, when a link fails, multiple routing proto-
based on an International Standard protocol.
cols react at the same time in an uncoordinated
The OSI IS-IS protocol is a solid well-en-
manner. Similarly, with S.I.N, if one protocol be-
gineered routing protocol. It has been carefully
comes unstable and starts to use excessive re-
designed to provide robust operation and to re-
sources, the other touting protocols are likely to
spond quickly and efficiently to network prob-
suffer. A bug in one protocol could crash the
lems. It has also been carefully designed to scale
to large networks where necessary (or more pre-
Since it requires only one routing protocol,
cisely, to operate efficiently over a very wide range
Integrated IS-IS uses fewer r~onrces. This in*
of network sizes).
eludes less CPU and memory in the touter, as well
A detailed description of the robustness and
as less network bandwidth. Also, Integrated IS-IS
scaling capabilities of IS-IS is beyond the scope of
allows the implementation effort to be con-
this paper. The reader is directed to [4] for a
centrated on a single protocol.
detailed comparison of IS-IS with another weU-
Use of a single routing protocol implies that
known routing protocol.
software maintenance is minimized. Router soft-
IS-IS contains features which make it easy to
ware will need to be upgraded and re-tested
add multl-protocol support. For example, IS-IS is
whenever any of the protocols in the router are
extensible in allowing for non-OSI-standard infor-
upgraded, which will happen less often if there are
mation (such as IP-specific information) in the
fewer protocols.
IS-IS packets. Not only does this make it rela-
Routing protocols are real time systems. For
tively easy to add IP support to IS-IS, it also
example, if a single router behaves too slowly the
allows for increased flexibility to respond to fu-
overall routing protocol operation can be jeopar-
ture protocol changes.
dized. Perhaps the most obvious case of this is
that a router which transmits routing packets too
Slowly may eventually cause its neighboring touters
4. Advantages to decide that it is down, and bring down their
links to this router.
The alternative to Integrated IS-IS is to use a In order to guarantee correct operation of a
separate routing protocol for each protocol suite router during congested operation, it is necessary
that yon need to support. This approach is known to ensure that certain real time constraints are
as ships in the night (S.I.N.), since the multiple met. This is easier to accomplish when only one
different routing protocols are intended to pass integrated routing protocol is used. Use of a single
each other in an independent manner. With S.I.N. routing protocol minimizes the total amount of
although the routing protocols are supposed to time-sensitive high priority resom%'es required.
190 R. W. Cullon / Integratedrouting

Similarly, use of a single routing protocol sim- robust method for routing of multiple protocol
plifies the intellectual effort of determining what suites, using a single routing protocol. This has
the total set of real-time requirements are (and significant advantages when compared to other
similarly simplifies determining the relative prior- approaches, such as use of a separate protocol for
ity between different high-priority tasks). each protocol suite. The use of the Integrated
IS-IS routing protocol will allow networks to de-
ploy reuters from multiple vendors and to build a
5. Summary single, cohesive, dynamic network infrastructure
supporting multiple protocol suites. The use of a
OSI IS-IS is being standardized in OSI. The single routing protocol within this networking in-
ISO/OSI version of IS-IS supports routing for the frastructure provides benefits in network oper-
OSI connectionless network layer protocol. The ations and maintenance; in diagnostics and
specification is stable, and (as of May 1991) is out troubleshooting; and in network res~urce utiliza-
for "Draft International Standard" ballot in ISO. tion.
The features for addition of IP support to IS-IS
are being specified by the IETF and the IAB. The
IETF specification describes the additional fea-
tures that need to be added to the IS-IS protocol
to support IP. This has been released as RFC 1195
(Use of OSI IS-IS for Routing in T C P / 1 P and [1] Protocol for providing the Connectionless-Mode Network
Service,ISO 8473. March 1987.
Dual Environments), and is currently an Internet [2l OSI Rout©ingFramewc~rk.ISO TR 9575. 1989.
"proposed standard". [3] lnterm~liate Systemto IntermediateSystem Intra-Domaiu
The features for support of DECnet Phase 4 Routeing Exchange Protocol for use in Conjunction with
using IS-IS have been specified by Digital the Protocol for Providing the Conncetionless-ModeNet-
Equipment Corporation. As mentioned previ- work Service (ISO 8473), ISO DIS 10589. November 1990.
[4] R, Perlman, A Functional Comparisonof IS-ISand OSPF:
ously, these are compatible with (but independent Two Routing Protocols for IP, to appear.
from) the lP support. [5] R,W. Callon, Use of OSI IS-IS for Routing in TCP/IP and
Integrated IS-IS provides an efficient and Dual Environments,RFCl195, December199.

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