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Emotions can play an important role in our
thinking and actions. The emotions we feel
everyday can cause us to act and influence the
decisions we make about our life, big and
small. But why exactly do we feel? What role do
they play? To truly understand emotions, we
first need to understand why you feel these
things and how they help you respond to certain
Why is emotion
considered to play
an essential role in
any human activity?
What do you feel right now when you start reading this?

Do you care? Do you want to learn about yourself?

Bored because you have to do this for school and you

Lesson 1. Intensity don’t really care— is it happy to be part of the class you
and Differentiation enjoy? Perhaps you're excited about your weekend
of Emotions
plans or sad because you’ve broken up and probably

distracted by other things. (TeensHealth,2012)

• As specified by TeensHealth
(2012), Emotions like these are a
part of human nature. They tell us
what we are going through and
help us know how to react.
• It also added that emotions come
Lesson 1. Intensity and go. Most of us experience
and Differentiation many different emotions
throughout the day. Some last only
of Emotions a few seconds. Others may feel
• Emotions can be mild, intense, or
moderate. Emotional strength
varies from situation to situation
and from person to person.
• There are no good or bad feelings,
but there are good and bad ways of
expressing (or acting) emotions.
Learning how to express emotions
in acceptable ways is another skill
— emotional management — based
Lesson 1. Intensity on understanding emotions.
and Differentiation • We have experienced emotions
since we were children. Babies
of Emotions react to emotions through facial
expressions like laughing,
squeaking, or crying. They feel and
show emotions, but they cannot
name emotions or explain why they
are experiencing them.
• As we age, we become more adept
at understanding emotions. Instead
of reacting like young children, we
can recognize our feelings and
express them in words. With time
and practice, we know what we are
Lesson 1. Intensity experiencing and why. This skill is
called emotional awareness.
and Differentiation • Emotional awareness helps us know
of Emotions what we need and want (or don't
want!). It helps us build better
relationships. This is to help you
better understand emotions, speak
more clearly about emotions, better
avoid or resolve conflicts, easily
overcome difficult emotions.
• Some people are naturally more connected
to their feelings than others. The good
news is that everyone can be more aware
of their feelings. It takes practice. But it's
worth it:
Emotional awareness is the first step toward
in developing emotional intelligence, a skill
Lesson 1. Intensity that helps people thrive in life.
and Differentiation • As explained by Kendra (2013), however,
we must understand the three critical
of Emotions components of an emotion. There are three
parts to an emotion:
1. A subjective component (experience the
2. A physiological component (bodies react to
the emotion)
3. An expressive component (behave in
response to the emotion).
In the opinion of Kids Health Behavioral Experts (2012), we may have heard
people say that "IQ" is about intelligence and how smart someone is. IQ stands

for "intellectual quotient." It will help you predict how well you will be successful
in your studies. But IQ is only one measure of our abilities. Align with this, there

are many types of intelligence besides intelligence. This spatial intelligence is

the ability to think in 3D. Musical intelligence is the ability to recognize rhythm,
cadence, and tone. Motor, artistic, and mechanical skills are other types of

intelligence. As mentioned by Singh (2016), the psychologists Salovey and Mayer

originally coined the term ‘Emotional Intelligence’ in 1990. Emotional Intelligence

can be abbreviated to (EI).Daniel Goleman popularized it in 1995 in the title of his

book, Emotional Intelligence: Why it can Matter More than IQ?

What is Emotional Intelligence (EI)?

We define EI as the ability to:

1. Recognize, understand and manage
our own emotions
2. Recognize, understand and influence
the emotions of others
In relation to what Singh (2016) said, there are two Types
of Emotional Intelligence:
1. Intelligence Quotient (IQ)-is a total score derived from
several standardized tests designed to assess human
2. Spiritual Intelligence (SI)- is a term used by some
philosophers, psychologists, and developmental theorists
to indicate spiritual parallels with IQ (Intelligence Quotient)
and EQ (Emotional Quotient)
IQ (Singh,2016):
1. EQ - how well you can manage
your emotions
2. SQ - to ask fundamental and basic
questions and seek answers
3. IQ - level of intelligence
Do you have to label
your emotions?
Why? Why not?
Lesson 2.
Positive and
Take a moment for a deeper breath,
to feel an ache, to cry out loud,
Every time take time, especially
Lesson 3. Ways to Manage
Various Emotions
In published by Mental Health America
(2019), all emotions tell us something about
ourselves and our situation. But sometimes
it can be hard to accept what we are
feeling. We can judge ourselves for certain
feeling, such as jealousy. But instead of
thinking we shouldn't feel that way, it's
better to focus on how we really feel.
Lesson 3. Ways to Manage
Various Emotions
Avoiding negative emotions or pretending we
don't feel can be repulsed. Hard feelings are
hard to overcome and if we don’t face them and
try to understand why we feel this way they will
disappear. You don't need to dwell on your
feelings or constantly talk about how you feel.
Emotional awareness simply means recognizing,
respecting, and accepting your feelings as they
arise (Mental Health America, 2019).
1. Get in the habit of becoming
aware of how you feel in different
situations throughout the day. You
can get excited after planning to go
somewhere with a friend. Or you
BUILDING get nervous before the test. You
can relax while listening to music,
EMOTIONAL be inspired by artistic
performances, or rejoice when a
AWARENESS friend greets you. Take note of your
feelings and name it in your mind. It
only takes a second, but it's good
practice. Keep in mind that every
mind passes through and leads to
the next experience.
2. Please rate your
spiritual strength. Write
BUILDING down your feelings,
name them, take it one
EMOTIONAL step further: How well
do you feel your
AWARENESS emotions on a scale of
1 to 10?
3. Share your feelings with
your loved ones. It is a great
way to express emotions in
BUILDING words and it’s a skill that
everyone is familiar with
including friends, boyfriends or
EMOTIONAL girlfriends, parents, coaches —
anyone. Make it a daily habit to
AWARENESS share your feelings with friends
and family. You can share a
very personal or everyday
According to Calhoun and
Finlinson (2011), part of
BE THE BOSS growing up is learning to
“master your emotions". It is
OF YOUR common to experience many
emotions and you can
develop tools to help you
FEELINGS express and your difficult
feelings and manage them.
Here are some challenges:
When you feel sad or
The Smile angry, smile at
someone or try to
make someone laugh.
Challenge: It will ease you
Who controls your
breathing? That’s what you
do! You have a challenge
here. The next time you feel
The upset, nervous, or unable to
sleep, take your hand and
place it on your heart or
Breathing stomach. You may want to
close your eyes when we
count five breaths. With
Challenge: each full breath, breathe in
and exhale, press one finger,
and then the next against
your stomach. Let's do this
five times with long, slow,
light breaths.
If you are angry or upset, then sit
quietly with your hands on your lap.
Close your eyes and look angry.
Then take a deep breath and as you
breathe out, the angry bee will
The come out as soon as you release
your breath. Keep buzzing using all
“Bee Breath”: your breath. Now make a happy
face, breathe again, and as you
breathe, make a happy humming or
buzzing sound as you breathe out.
Keep buzzing until you feel that the
angry bee is gone.
There are so many ways to
manage your emotions,
depending on whether the
person is experiencing pain,
The sadness or any other
emotion that they feel these
“Bee Breath”: sudden feelings. But if you
are still feeling sad, anxious,
or terrified after trying to
help yourself, you may have
early warning signs of
anxiety or depression.
You do not need to feel
lonely; you have your
The family and friends to love
you unconditionally and
“Bee Breath”: will understand you no
matter what. Trust me.
Just give all your worries
to Him. Pray and have
Thank You
F or Listening!
Do you find it easy to explain
your feelings to another person?
If not, why is it difficult?
Is there a limit to how often we
can feel good? In other words, if
you feel good now, does that
mean you will feel bad at some
time later?
Is sadness a bad feeling? Are
there good types of sadness and
bad types of sadness? Give an
example if you can.
Have you been in love? What is
it like to be in love?
Which is more powerful between
feelings of love and feelings of

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