Free Consent

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ConseNT Dened ec3 3 the Conkact A

defines the tesn onuent

thatT MeLe beABOnL a e aid o Comient
when the aee upon the ame, thing n
ame eMie
&LeComuen Sec 14 a uc
ne utecd b
Concto n CSeclion 15) An aeement uu
Odue inAuente ( Sectien 16) Yoidable
muisAphaegentation (Section18)
Aaual Setin 17)
Am agement uyoid
'stake CSectibn 19)-> 0 Yoialable
CoERCloN (Sestom 5)
a Deon ti entes
Coeaionmeans Combellfng othasal,Conkact
PnCo Comtact ugdes brenu Coescion when it
daia t be tauital by
btalned b
(a) Co m mittng tha eateming to lommit any
Qct PoLblden by ndian amel Code
)Unlwfl delainín9 Qmy obeuly
( Thueaton' na to detain eny bobeaty buobert
9 X, thetatens st00
ton and (on/el t him
hfs Cas. fo,RR60c0. lese, i e t
brcaue his
el by Ceescfon

atuu CoesCien
hete mut he ths eat
tet be.
mut bE aun act asbiiden by lau
The Chective Cofeice. Gthes esty

Ente into ont act

(rscicn ma
ch cecien
When omient u chtaied
Vcidable ombact the a2etmene
by Coercuom
tieicta.ble at the Option
auty (a ckhd
S h e ag1sievest
he omtiacl-.

Aey RehLt bcen

eScteLveLdnythinj hay

The t s n duseut
i Lued fn
DURES Poduse the ud
Logu's h Jaud.
Ehea menhe
nlsg nemh
dihatyy elhe baty t difu
muly. hstat t deuthey
s t t dutt
dlutis. ,Sel
net tmet
t y will
t (oECion


Lcalect t taid be nduted hy nd

twhetc the lations bel the
uch tha ene itfe 1
atet. aLe

dtrmt h.
e.c() A Abetscn he (
uitio te defrol
clEel hharLnt
4 eche he holdi
( the cth
tulhoaity. creL e lalicon
fnflutiuky ekela
tehert they CDtamol
t tuch othe ih
he majaex
tuhese abiühy i i
tuhase ment
beLO n
beymanently j|e¢ttd
dhun Ome
dmi nant baiben
OueL h6 coi othe.

authey Menal ahit
h i c ht hrtt lhti they
atant in ituiasy
Covtatt tith
CAuT& cue he elatio n t each

Maite 6
Gadian tad
i t Sclid
fecto fatiunt
d bhuaial
ocfssion. 1.
The. tpetnt
eeta> ()Voidale. ntaet
c a
(cntact at the
ycilale, H
cnitnt 3
xuty uhait.
niue dtuend
madtg uy (enuidttation
ntgtality butey tiet
Tducraky e.atienihil
cRdamahin u0.L
Uenciea ble bryein

ecodi m to ec17 aud 9utanA ite.
thteientabon af act ade ilfully tet
vfeLw to deceive Ch oh e it
t 9gutems
aiphEomise. macle theut any nhnt
tt betoming t
my ad Onísifcn Lhich eiu setalt
decle . beadilent.
The Qctre Comcealment a hcl by out.

haufng aMouledpt belie ac

517 elleueinge
Maafn a
IAlhen asty la neu Thal
l2 slalse
lfthou belie! i i t tT h
Malaes to cthe. tt tit Called aud
hcli'rt onealment
a betuOn hicle deme ect hich mte

, hete
that 7 ha a achct

heeyhch t Ple ub in uuch Ly

no n n disCore
L's mad itheu ny iznbon t
uwhile ntuing

A mde enjgement ith B but

G is not c t
that h
he aneuis
255 h

Hny ctihe. ace tted To deceive


ht ny Uck itted eceir

(allec Caud
falte. stetement Chctun7

in d e s L atkect
tpe ctu

m He mf sio n thich a diclanN

4 haadulint n TRMfL j
chey Hct, the. elle a I mevahle
btemd te isclase alt.matetjal deetn
2cesty. Am miscicn to aiat, ituch diclatut
anioteni aud

Mese lemce
mct nde
oact i
hastyt th MMut
Cb atic to deffzaey at, h
s "Caveat Enptelele"
H amd 8. being toedese, ertu uen
pnPact A hu ivote. 1n/ratron

itin hi (onC

am6wn in !leein

tu aili
X(a wWhu.t thee ut kity sbeah

fauasy elationekip r
pecAC d c s
duy to ac ( t tin
diselosus. h
ile vce
d t ttall dislauc.
ngaGe ment v y
fuct a lh
t a l ct met b
isclastd by
Datre to Ceka ma
efa ttr
(omect,aenily ettlernent
I A N J t , mLnLi

ily ueitement and

h lletment nacte s 01.
dinsecte Chc

t clnte all fnfot hatiai sefaj nferj,

h) innee. flence t hie tSpcch
relent t
tzdsf eguú

H, A, a buy
ciced. i . askLcl e C

t tpt silee

aK20C eTCEtiCns.Chis eecul

t thec
tiulh.:4eic l uty irund.
He hte. thtede
tfscls&, th
ameunE l t . Li he

h te nce ma
tuulh. t m l thum
beioàisclaes cvly hali
c le me u ao
heny e
to e chan isftem
h Come felie dtuc i l u y a the hets
tuch Cae, it

ús indiuced ti
Rudnd n t a c t by t d ,
ent fmt
necsn th Consec
peRRON i the eti
Restihtion fluttut tne
i7Lhfch he ucould hare bee

ju a damalt he ags tivtd paity

domage. becaue

. MieAehseientautin
eberemtai un mea ale, 2ekg eztml

detye the othe y

afact belerin b
KepLesentalion aaci of (onHoct
Em by asy tehfch Q fal K, yuf
Dry who us irg
Ah oduby kAcach duly tuhich
toilhou uny înent t
adramfag To
m mi n ? hu miseadi na OThes

OA houka be .ieremi alton, ma
mnodemty, with am honeat bea 1G u
he ebeesentoljm musf uelal
ne ief4gsesr.rGon mut have beoe

h LC PILmtion moe itho memg

4decning the. Othes ty
The oth e aAty hane
ELSsie The eued beth uun
The onta

ehutio He y
nist thahe aha
hebut fm e haaiton n tpho
bulo hax bhe.en

MIstabe 19
tale he deinep
hee omcesmi some m dT ,
fruo ndi.

Mstake law.
Mistale dat
Mit, a

Mistahe, ay lau
the oLLn


vjht To the, deitr

a act Hec the.

voia the. nPoct

Mistabe. tact
c noy he a wo
ilaTal Misth Bilatesel
meam 1 the.
Tninds both lfe mgetiYe (ons ¬.
hen both th balje tthe auimtnA

Cnditim mut be. yuliled bele

(cnact ycld
h mut be.
otud be ondes mi sfo tot.
paithe au
a mut be a Jact, net
ading uhsect-matie
follel n ft
Fetoho o to ei3tenee Shjrel

lares Mistake aegasdlimg ukject

a m oaac
mattes ne riS


Mistak a d enG f asAject maar,

a m o and
. H ha
Mista xueiUry eaminte
he aGEEMUNt li mpeaible to peryat
but be fmnuibiGly
eth eVoid
pea, tho Cicemcn

CbUnilkteal mistak
hetG mly
he ou a helontacting pRLlju l
atte a fact. the mistahR
Cuilatekal saRe., It doe net afject
tn Valictity af aAment. lhe 9scCmEMt s
Ctheati se validhe
Vaid, mistako af Cy
uttie Can nct tecb Cno
aiec fte Validiky
Aqioment Veid enly n ollosing le
statae au to
fdenth a besion Contaclr
MUstehe u t natue nd
tLitten docunem, Chasact ee.
Eyiect, a Mistake
Bflated MistaR Uniattiat Míska
Thc 9UMENt ei
ad (an not CrJosted mot ofd CoLnt
(cuch istale,
aty t (LUmUnt
au to liantihy subjrcl -n2alte
bothboth the butiet e wcknj Unde.
'stah a ,tthe quantihy f c fec
ath, the agceemtat Yojd.
aL e9 A asecol to bus 200 Sewi n nachive
f tcsitten
Som B. But by nistup
30, Bcbh
enent, ,ho igus t . ut u
ayebasue by ntaRe efmel it.
Mistelet_a au to quatity a/ susjtdt 2tles
thes ntchal mistabh be Ch
baxtu a To the quelity cguhjecCnabbe
tn ageemOnt Noio
r tj A Cofkact to cRell B eticuda;
hoe, Chjch ei belired by bth beitic:
be a aC hes6. But a y , om it u
-tet to be caat hotse

Mista R qbout the iice af tlu kje ct. nalle

nlhen both ailic A ndes mi'sta bRL, aho
the peit, f the ekbjtct-matbs, the tene
t Voic
, E A aguud to let out his houe w be
90 ntiy iont f. 5 Bu im tuilem
iem , the j u . kemt ua bul a
540 by 9mistake.

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