Chemistry PYQs

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Set — II] Roll Number SAHODAYA PREBOARD EXAMINATION, 2019-20 ~ Please Check that this question paper contains 8 printed pages. «Please Check that this question paper contains 37 questions, n before attempting it. «Please write down the Serial Number of the ques © 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The students will read the during this time and will not write any answer on the answer-book CLASS - XII a 3) Ya Ay CHEMISTRY } TY question paper only during this period. Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 70 General Instructions: 2) All questions are compulsory. b) Section A: 1 to 20 are very short-answer questions (Objective type) and carry 1 mark each. ©) Section B: 21 to 27 are short-answer questions and carry 2 marks each. 4) Section C: 28 to 34 are Jong-answer questions and carry 3 marks each. ©) Section D: Q. No. 35 to 37 are also long- questions and carry'S marks each. 1) There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in two questions of one mark, two questions of two marks, four questions of three marks and all the three questions of five marks weightage. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions. 2) Use log tables if necessary, use of calculators is not allowed. SECTION Read the given passage and answer the questions 1 to 5 that follows: Molar conductivity of an electrolyte is the conductance of all the ions produced by one gram mole of the electrolyte in solution and is denoted as Ay. Am = 2 ‘Subject Code 0431/Set- Il Here k is the specific conductance while c is the molar concentration of the electrolyte. The molar conductance of the strong electrolytes at infinite dilution (A3,) can be obtained graphically by extrapolation while the same for weak electrolytes cannot be obtained ‘graphi Hy. It can be calculated theoretically with help of Kohlrausch’s, Law. It can be mathematically represented as, Amcaxoy) = An (arty + YA ary 1 Write the relationship between molar conductivity of the electrolyte to the degree of dissociation. 2, Which out of 0.1MHCI and 0.1M NaCl has greater A, 2 3. How much Faradays of electricity is Tequired for the electrolysis of 1 mole of MnOz to Mn2+ 9 4 AgNOs(aq) was added to an aqueous KCI solution gradually and the conductance of the solution was measured. Plot the graph between conductance of solution Vs. vol of AgNO; assuming ionic conductances of NO; and Clare equal, 5. Caleulate the limiting molar conductivity of CaSOy given that limiting molar conductivity of Ca* and $037 ions are 119 and 160 S em? mol" respectively. 6. Which method used for the refining of Tin? OR Write the chemical equation for leaching of gold ore using NaCN. i Why do noble gases have comparatively large atomic size ? 8. Write the compound formed , when CuSO, solution is mixed with aqueous ammonia in 1:4 molar ratio and does not give the test of Cu** ion? 9. Write the hybridisation and magnetic property of [CoF,]*" ion. 10. — Write the JUPAC name of the ionisation isomer of (Co(NH,),CISO,. 11. Compounds A and B are optical isomers, But B is not the mirror image of A. So A and B are known as a) — Racemie Mixture ») enantiomers c) diastereo isomers d) All of these Subject Code 043/Set- Ill 12. iB 14. 15. Which of the following compounds will undergo SN! faster 2 aN eZ o | o DY @ AN I Br Phenol can be distinguished from anisole by which of the following reagents: a) HI b) Br) water c) NaOH/I, d) NaHSO; Which of the following compounds can reduce Tollen’s reagent ? a) CsHsCOCH; b) — CHsCOCH; c) HCOOH 4) CH;COOH Which of the following heterocyclic nitrogenous bases is not found in RNA ? (@)Adenine (6) Guanine (©) Cytosine ~—@)—Thymine OR In fibrous proteins, polypeptide chains are held together by : a) —_vander waals forces b) disulphide linkage ©) electrostatic force of attraction d)_—_London force Questions 16 to 20 : @) (b) © @ 16. 17. 18. 19. Both assertion and reason are correct statements, and reason is the correct explanation of the assertion. Both assertion and reason are correct statements, but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion. Assertion is correct, but reason is wrong statement. Assertion is wrong, but reason is correct statement. Assertion : Sucrose is a non reducing sugar . Reason: _Ithas glycosidic linkage . Assertion : Glucose reacts with acetic anhydride to give glucose penta acetate. Reason Pyranose structure of glucose contains five ring C-atoms. Assertion : The chemical name of vitamin-C is ascorbic acid. Deficiency of vitamin-C causes night blindness. Reason Assertion: Polyamides are best used as fibres because of high tensile strength. Reason Strong intermolecular forces (like hydrogen bonding within polyamides) lead to close packing of chains and increase the crystalline character, hence, provide high tensile strength to polymers. Paage:2/8 ‘Subject Code 043/Set- Ill 20. 21. ‘Assertion : Nylon 6,6 1s formed by addition polymerisation . Reason: The monomers of nylon 6,6 are hexamethylene diamine and adipic acid. SECTI Two liquids A and B form non ideal solution which shows a minimum boiling point @ —_Canthe two liquids be completely separated by fractional distillation ? Gi) What will be the change in temperature on mixing A and B? OR The vapour pressure — temperature graph of thrce different solutions A, B and C of same solute in same solvent are shown below. © Atomosphericpressure i) Which solution has lowest concentration ? ii) Which solution has maximum boiling point ? 22. — Show that for a first order reaction the time required for 99% completion of a reaction is twice the time required to complete 90 % of reaction. 23. (i) Write the chemical composition of calamine . (i) Why is copper matte put in silica line converter ? 24. — Complete the following reactions : (i) PbS+0;> i) Cl, +Ca(OH), > 25. i) A metal complex having the molecular formula Cr(NHs)sChBr has been isolated in the two forms (A) & (B) . A+ AgNO; —White ppt soluble in dilute NH,OH . B+ AgNO; — Pale yellow ppt soluble in concentrated NH,OH . Write the formula of the complexes A & B . Subject Code 043/Set- III Paage:4/8 ii) Onthe basis of crystal field theory, write the electronic configuration for d° ion if Ao> P. 26. Convert. () Ethanol to, But-1-yne, (i) Propene to. I-nitro propane. OR Convert. () Benzene to biphenyl. (i) 1-Bromopropane to 2-Bromo propane. 27. Complete the following reactions. i) CgHCOCI+H, 288215 Sin iene ii) Give a chemical test to distinguish between pentan-2-one and pentan-3- one. SECTION -C 28. The vapour pressure of pure liquids A and B are 450 mm and 700 mm of Hg respectively at 350 K . Calculate the composition of the liquid mixture if total vapour pressure is 600 mm of Hg . Also find the composition in the vapour phase - 29. The rate of the reaction becomes four times when the temperature changes from 293K to 313K . Calculate the energy of activation of the reaction.(log 40.602, R=8.314 JK" mol") OR For the reaction A + B — products, the following initial rates were obtained at various given initial concentrations S.No. [A] mol/L [B] mol/L Tnitial rate M/s T Or 01 0.05 z 02 Or 0.10 3 Ol 02 0.05 Determine the half life period. 30. Explain : what is observed when: (i) __ a beam of light is passed through a colloidal solution. (i) anelectrolyte is added to hydrated ferric oxide sol, (iii) electric current is passed through colloidal solution. ‘Subject Code 043/Set- Il OR | (Write the limitations of Freundlich adsorption isotherm ? i) What happens when Fe(OH); sol is shaken with As:S) sol? | What is shape selective catalyst? Give an example ? | 31.1) Complete the following reactions: XeF, + H,0 (excess) -» ii) How can you prepare Cl, from HCL and HCL from Cl, ? Write equations involved. OR i) Complete the reaction : scl, +6Na0H (hot.cone) — ii) At what temperature both Rhombic and monoclinic sulpher co-exist? iii) SO) can not bleach dry flower. Why ? 32. Write the major product of the following reaction and suggest the mechanism. (CH,),C-O-~C,H, +I 33. An organic compound A reacts with CrO3Cl2 in CS, followed by acidification gives B. B on heating with conc. NaOH gives C and an alcohol with molecular formula CrHs0. B on heating with NH:-NH> and KOH in ethylene glycol reforms A. Identify A,B, C and write the name of the reactions involved (A — B, B + C,B — A). 34. i) Aspirin is used to prevent heart attack. Why ? ii) Mention one important use of sucralose. iii) Define cationic detergents with an example, OR }) How does the branching of hydrocarbon chain of synthetic detergents affect their biodegradability? ji) Define non-narcotic analgesics with an example. iii) Which artificial sweetening ayent is limited to cold food, soft drinks and why? 35. (i) What happens when aniline reacts with the following reagents (a) cone. HpSOx at 453 K (b) — CH,COCI (©) Br(aq) Sublect Code 043/Set- 11 ee 36. di) a) d) a) b) Arrange the followings in increasing order of boiling point CaHsNH2, C:HsOH , CHsCOOH How will you distinguish between CHsNH> and (CHs),NH by a suitable chemical test? OR Convert ethanoic acid to methanamine. Which of the two is more basic: C6HsNH2 or CsHsCH2NH2? Identify A and B LiAIH, (2) CsHsBr—KCN_, 4 “4 4p (OUR Coon aN AT ea ROUT Sn-HCl ees Zinc rod is dipped in 0.1M solution of ZnSOs. The salt is 95% dissociated at © © CgH.NO, this dilution at 298 K . Calculate the electrode potential 76 V, log 10.526 = 1.022) 0 a (Fenseyen = Two electrolytic cells containing silver nitrate solution and dilute sulphuric acid solution were connected in series. A steady current of 2.5A was passed through them till 1.078g of silver was deposited. [Ag=107.8g mol] i) Howmuch electricity was consumed? ii) What was the weight of oxygen gas liberated? OR Zinc/silver oxide cell is used in hearing aids and electric watches. The following reactions occur: Zn Zne* +20 ES a+ /2n = -0.76V Agz0 +H,0 +2e > 2Ag+ 20H. — Efgt_g = 0.344V i) Calculate the E21. ii) Calculate the standard Gibbs free energy. A voltaic cell is set up at 25°C with the half cells, Al/Al3+(0,001M) and vi/Ni2 (0.50M). Write the equation for the reaction that occurs when the cell generates an electric current and determine the cell potential. 1,66 V , log5 = 0.6989. Oe E eujqy = ~O-25V Bayan = Paage:718 Subject Code 043/Set- Il 37. @ ii) i i; metal 'A blackish brown coloured solid (A) when fused with alkali ™ hydroxides in presence of air, produces a dark green coloured compoun ®) dation in alkaline medium gives a dark- purple , which on electrolytic o: : with chemical coloured compound (C) - Identify compounds ‘A’ to ‘C’ ‘equations. Give reasons for the following : (a) Transition metals and many of their compounds act as good catalyst . (6) Actinoid contraction is greater than lanthanoid contraction . OR Complete the following reactions : @ MnO; +H*+C,0,> > () Cr, +20H > ©) MnO; + [7 —Sebatalne notin Give reasons for the following : @ __Ag-atom has completely filled d-orbitals (4d'°) in its ground state. Yet it is a transition element . (©) Of the d* species , Cr** is strongly reducing while Mn’* is strongly oxidizing in nature. Date: 10.02.2021 Roll Number Set —II SAHODAYA PREBOARD EXAMINATION, 2020-21 * Please Check that this question paper contains 10 printed pages. ‘* Please Check that this question paper contains 33 questions. ‘Please write down the Serial Number of the question before attempting it. ‘© 15 minutes time has been allotted to read this question paper. The students will read the question paper only during this time and will not write any answer on the answer-bo during this period, CLASS - XII SUBJECT-CHEMISTRY (043) Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks:70 General Instructions: Read the following instructions careful (a) There are 33 questions in this question paper. All questions are compulsory. (b) Section A : Q. No. 1 to 16 are objective type questions. Q. No. 1 and 2 are passage based questions carrying 4 marks each while Q. no. 3 to 16 carry 1 mark each. MCQs or Assertion Reason Type based on given passage each carrying 1 mark. (©) Section B : Q. No. 17 to 25 are Short Answer Questions and carry 2 marks each. @ nC :Q. No, 26 to 30 are Short Answer Questions and carry 3 marks each. (©) Section D :Q. No. 31 to 33 are Long Answer Questions and carry 5 marks each. (0 There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided. (g) Use of calculators and log tables is not permitted. SECTION A (OBJECTIVE TYPE) 1, Read the passage given below and answer the following questions. (1x4=4) Preparation of alcohols and their derivatives by the reduction of carbonyl functional groups are of great importance in organic chemistry and there’ are numerous applications in the chemical industry and in the laboratory. A large number of methods including catalytic reduction, hydride homogeneous catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis systems and transfer reagents have been reported to be effective towards carbonyl compounds reduction. In general, most synthetic chemists employ one of two reagents for this transformation, lithium aluminium hydride (LiAIHs) or sodium borohydride (NaBH.). Lithium aluminium hydride is a powerful reducing agent which frequently displays poor selectivity for the reduction of multifunctional molecules, while sodium borohydride is a mild reducing agent. It has been used for the reduction of a number of organic functional groups and the rates of reductions are Page: 1/10 @ Gi) (iii) (iv) sometimes quite slow. A convenient method for reduction of aldehydes, ketones, a- diketones and a, B-unsaturated carbonyl compounds to their corresponding alcohols with NaBH4/(NH.)2C20s as new reducing system in CHsCN. The following questions are multiple choice questions. Choose the most appropriate answer. (CH,),CH — CHO + CHy MgBr 5 42% The TUPAC name of *B’ is a) 3-Methylbutan-2-0l _b) 2-Methylbutan-3-ol c) 2-Methylbutan-2-ol _d) Pentan-2-ol The final product formed when propene treated with BzHs in presence of H2O>. a) Butanal b) Butan-1-ol ©) Propan-1-ol 4) Propan-2-ol Identify the correct product. ° CH;COOCH, N NaBH, OH cH,coocn, a) OH CHZCHO, b) A 2 (Ole 5 eenion d) Among the alkenes which one produces tertiary butyl alcohol on acid hydration a) 2-methyl propene b) But-2-ene c) But-I-ene. d) Prop-I-ene OR In the following sequence of reactions PCls AlCKOH | (i)HH2S04 ittz0 boll 3 x— y¥ sz Zis a) CH3CH2CH20H b) CH3-CH(OH)-CH3 ©) CH3CH2CH2CH20H. d) (CH3)sCCH20H Page: 2/10 2, Read the passage given below and answer the following questions: (1x4=4) Adsorption is a process which involves the accumulation of a substance in molecular species in higher concentration on the surface. The adsorption on the solid surface is that the molecules or atoms on the solid surface have residual surface energy due to unbalanced forces. When some substances collide with the solid surface, they are attracted by these unbalanced forces and stay on the solid surface. According to the different adsorption forces, the adsorption process can be divided into two categories: Physical adsorption and chemical adsorption. Physical adsorption is produced by the interaction of intermolecular forces (i.e., van der Waals forces), for example, the adsorption of activated carbon for gas, Physical adsorption is generally carried out at a low temperature, with fast adsorption rate, low adsorption heat, and non-selective. The adsorption due to the formation of chemical bonds between adsorbate & adsorbent is called chemical adsorption, The heat of adsorption is high and the activation energy required is also higher. Physical adsorption and chemical adsorption are not isolated and often occur together. In wastewater treatment technology, most of the adsorption is the result of several kinds of adsorption processes. Adsorption is usually described by isotherms. Moreover, there are several isotherm models that are used to describe the adsorption technique. Freundlich Theory X represents the amount of gas adsorbed on the m gram of adsorbent, k and n are adsorption constants, ‘p’ is pressure, n always greater than one. A major drawback of Freundlich adsorption isotherm is that it fails at high pressure. In these questions, a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is given, Choose the correct answer out of the following choices. a) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct explanation for assertion. b) Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not. correct explanation for assertion. c) Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement. d) Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement. (i) Assertion: Physical adsorption of molecules on surface requires activation energy. Reason: Physisorption does not involve the formation of chemical bonds between adsorbate & adsorbent (ii) Assertion : According to Freundlich: ~ = kp'* Reason: The isotherm shows variation of the amount of gas adsorbed by the adsorbent with temperature. (iii) Assertion : Physisorption is reversible. Reason: Chemisorption is also reversible. Page: 3/10 y) Assertion: When a finely divided active carbon or clay is stirred into a “ dilute solution of a dye, the intensity of colour in the solution is decreased. Reason _: The dye is adsorbed on the solid surface OR Assertion : A gas with higher critical temperature is adsorbed more than a gas with lower critical temperature on the same adsorbent. Reason: Higher critical temperature implies that the gas is more easily liquefiable, Following questions (No.3 - 11) are multiple choice questions carrying 1 mark each. The conductivity of 0.01M KCI solution is 1.41x10°Scm'', What is the molar conductivity of the solution(Sem’mol")? a) 14.1 b)l4l ¢) 1410 4) 141 a-D (+)-glucose & B -D- glucose are a) Tautomers _b) Conformers ©) Metamers 4) Anomers OR Which is the simplest amino acid ? a) Alanine) Tyrosine c) Asparagine d) Glycine Two solution have different osomotic pressure. The solution of lower osomotic pressure is called : a) isotonic b) hypertonic ©) hypotonic 4d) none of these Which of the following factor may be regarded as the main cause of lanthanide contraction? a) poor shielding of one of the 4f electrons by another in the subshell, b) effective shielding of one of the 4f electrons by another in the subshell. ©) poorer shielding of Sd electrons by 4f electrons. d) greater shielding of Sd electrons by 4f electrons. OR Which of the following element does not show variable oxidation state? a) Se bv ©) Fe d)Hg Considering the basic strength of amines in aqueous solution, which one has the smallest pKevalue? a) CsHsNH2 b) (CHs)2NH2 c)CHsNH2 — d) (CHs)3N OR In the given set of reactions: 2-bromopropane US AECN x Lal y The IUPAC name of the product Y is a) N-isopropylmethanamine b) N-methylpropan-2-amine c) N-methylpropanamine 4) Butan-2-amine Page: 4/10 10. Which among the following will be named as dibromidobis(ethane-1,2-diammine) chromium (Ill) bromide? a) [Cr(en)s]Brs b) [Cr(en):Br]Br c) [Cr(en)Bre] 4) [Cr(en)Br]Br OR ‘A magnetic moment of 1.73 BM will be shown by one among the following. a) [Cu(NH3)3]* 'b) [Ni(CN)a}* ©) TiCly, 4d) [CoChe]* Which set of ions exhibit specific colours? (Atomic number of Sc = 21, Ti Mn = 25, Fe = 26, Ni = 28 Cu = 29 and Zn =30) a) Sc**, Ti*, Mn?* b) Sc?*, Zn?*, Ni2* c) V84, V2", Fe? d) TH, Ti’, NPT @ (Major) [emer cl ® ‘Conc. H2.SOy ee (Major) (Major) . [anes Anhya. AICI © (Major) Products A, B, C and D respectively are a) 1,4-Dichloro benzene, 1-Chloro-4-methyl benzene, acetophenone, 4-Chloro benzene sulphonic acid b) 1,3-Dichloro benzene, 2-Chlorobenzene sulphonic acid, 1-Chloro-2-methy! benzene, 4-Chloro acetphenone ©) 1, 4-Dichloro-benzene, 1-Chloro-4-methyl benzene,4-Chloro acetophenone, 4-Chlorobenzene sulphonic acid, 4) 1,2-Dichloro benzene, 4-Chloroben: benzene The cross aldol product formed when propanal acts as the electrophile and butanal as nucleophile is e, 2-Chloroacetophenone, 1-Chloro-2-methyt methylhexanal hyl-3-hydroxypentanal yI-3-hydroxyhexanal Page: 5/10 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18, In the following questions (Q.No.12- 16) a statement of assertion followed by a statement of reason is given, Choose the correct answer out of the following choices. a) Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is the correct explanation for assertion, b) Assertion and reason are correct but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion, ¢) Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement. 4) _ Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement. Assertion: The two strands of DNA are complementary. Reason: Cytosine always pairs with guanine and thymine pairs with adenine. Assertion: The shape of CIF; is T-shaped Reason : Presence of lone pairs on Chlorine distorts the trigonal bipyramidal geometry. Assertion: Aquatic species are more comfortable in cold waters rather than in warm waters. Reason: Different gases have different Ku values at the same temperature OR Assertion: Nitric acid and water form maximum boiling azeotrope. Reason: Azeotropes are binary mixtures having the same composition in liquid and vapour phase. Assertion: Benzaldehyde is less reactive than ethanal towards nucleophilic attack. Reason: All carbon atoms of benzaldehyde are sp? hybridised. Assertion: Phenols give o-and p-nitrophenol on nitration with conc.HNO3 and H2SO mixture Reason : - OH group in phenol is o-, p-directing SECTION B The following questions, Q. No 17 -25 are short answer Type I and carry 2 marks each. How are the following conversions carried out? (i) Benzyl chloride to benzyl alcohol, (ii) Methyl magnesium bromide to 2-methyl- propan-2-ol, oR Give reasons for the following: . i) The dipole moment of chlorobenzene is lower than that of eyelohexyl chloride, (i) Alky! halides though polar are immiscible with water see 100 mg of a protein is dissolved in just enough water to muke 10.0 mL of solution, If this solution has an osmotic pressure of 13.3 mm Hg at 25°C, what is the molar mass of the protein? (R = 0.0821 L atm mol! K*! andl 760 mm Hg = 1 ati.) Page: 6/10 (i Write the IUPAC name of the following complex: [Pt(NHs)sCla] [PtCl4] {ii) On the basis of crystal field theory, write the electronic configuration for dion if Ao> P OR ( A coordination compound CrCls.4H20 precipitates silver chloride when treated with silver nitrate. The molar conductance of its solution corresponds to a total of two ions. Write structural formula of the compound. (ii) A solution of [Ni(H20)s}* is green but a solution of [Ni(CN)s]}*is colourless. Explain 20. For the reaction; 2A +B ——> A.B The rate = k[A] [B}? with k = 2.0 x 10-6 mol? L? s! Calculate the initial rate of reaction when [A] = 0.1 mol L~!, [B] = 0.2 mol L“!, Calculate the rate of reaction after [A] is reduced to 0.06 mol L“!. OR The following data were obtained during the first order thermal decomposition of '$0;Ch: at a constant volume as shown in the following equation. SO2Ck —> SOre + Che Experiment Time (s') Total pressure (atm) 1 0 0.5 2 100 0.6 Calculate the rate of the reaction when the total pressure is 0.65 atm. [log 1.25 = 0.0969] 21. Fora general reaction A-»B, plot of cone. of A vs time is given in the fig. A tal! ph t> ‘Answer the following questions on the basis of the graph: (i) What is the order and unit of rate constant of the reaction? (ii) What is the slope of the graph? 22, Write the mechanism for the following reaction: cH; cH; CHy—C_OCH, + HI—> CH,-C-I_ + CH;OH | | Methyl aleohol CH CH Terv-butyl methyl ether Tertiary butyl iodide 23. Arrange the following in order of property indicated for each set (i) HeS, HoSe, HzTe, H20 (increasing reducing character) (ii) HC103, HC102, HC1Os, HCIO (increasing acidic character) Page: 7/10 24. How the following conversions can be carried out ? (i) But-Lene to n-butyl iodide (ii) Aniline to chlorobenzene 25. ()) Name the type of defect shown by the above crystal AB. (ii) Which type of ionic substances show such defect. SECTION C No 26 -30 are Short Answer Type II and carry 3 marks each, 4 26. Mp./10'K——* Atomic number —— Trends in melting points of transition elements are depicted in the Explain the following observations, (i) Transition metals have high enthalpy of atomisation, (ii) The melting points of most of the transition metals except Zn, Cd, and Hg are above 173K, (iii) Melting point of manganese is abnormally low, OR (i) Predict which of the following will be coloured in aq, solutions? TH, VY, Sc™, Mn?*, Fe™ and Co?* (ii) The d! configuration is unstable in ions, Why? (ii) Which metal in the first transition sel and why? above figure. ties exhibits +1 oxidation state most frequently Page: 8/10 27. Give the structures of A,B and C in the following reactions: LiAIH, HINO; Cc Q Cie St 4 8 ere NaOW if NH. Br, + KOU CHCh + ale Gi) CH;COOH 4-7 A | —— BO OR (i) What happens when aniline reacts with conc. H2SOs at 453K (ii) Arrange the following in the increasing order of their pK values (CsHsNH2, CoHsNH2, CoHsNHCH3 (ii) Suggest a chemical test to distinguish between aniline and N-methylaniline. 28. An clement erystallises in a fec lattice with cell edge of 400 pm. The density of the clement is 7 g em. How many atoms are present in 280g of the clement? D 29. (i) Write the chemical equation when D-glucose is treated with the following reagents a) HCN b) Br water (ii) Name the type of linkage by which nucleotides are joined together. 30. Explain the following facts giving appropriate reason in each case: (i) Sulphur shows paramagnetic behaviour in vapour state. (ii) NF3 is an exothermic compound whereas NCIs is not. (iii) Noble gases are inert but xenon is known to form chemical compounds. SECTION D Q. No 31 to 33 are long answer type carrying 5 marks each. 31. (i) Draw the molecular structure of the following compounds: [243] a) HCIOs b) XcOFs (ii) Explain the following: a) ICI is more reactive than 12. b) Sulphur has greater tendency for catenation than oxygen. c) Fluorine is a stronger oxidising agent than chlorine. OR (i) Complete the following chemical equations: a) Cu + HNO; (dil) —~> b) XeFs + O2F2 —~ (2+3] i) Explain the following: a) Oxygen is gas but Sulphur is a solid. b) The halogens are coloured why? ) Nitrogen can form NCls but not NCls. Page: 9/10 eee eee eee ee eee eee eee 432. (i) a) Give a chemical test to distinguish between pentan-2-one & pentan-3-one (2+3] b) Explain Wolff-Kishner reduction ‘An organic compound with molecular formula Cotfi0O forms 2,4-DNP derivative, reagent and undergoes Cannizzaro’s reaction. On vigorous (i reduces Tollen’ oxidation it gives 1,2-Benzene dicarboxylic acid. Identify the compound and write the equations involved. OR (i) Arrange the following compounds in the increasing order of neucleophilic addition (+1424) reaction. Acetaldehyde, Acetone, Di-tert-butylketone, tert-butylmethylketone (i) Convert benzoic acid to benzaldehyde (iii) Write the major product for the following reactions ( 2n/Hg a) CH3COCH;— caemmamal Cl ng? b) HC=CH ~~ 2504 (iv) Explain HVZ reaction. 33. Answer the following questions: [14242] (i) State Kohlrausch’s law. (ii) Degree of dissociation of pure water is 1.9 x 10 ” Molar ionic conductance of H’ and OH" ions at infinite dilution are 200 $ cm? mot and 350 S cm* mot! respectively. Calculate Molar conductance of water? (ii) Calculate the potential of the cell Cd /Cd?(0.01M) 1 H"(0.20M) / Pr,H3(0.Satm) (Given E" for Ca?"/Cd = -0.403V, R=8.314JK" mol, F = 96,500C mol"). OR Answer the following questions [iat (3) Define molar conductivity. (ii) Why on dilution Aw of CHyCOOH increases drastically, while that of CHy\COONa eases pradually? Represent the variation of Aw of CHACOOH & CHyCOONa ine graphically. (iii) A hydrogen gas electrode is made by dipping platinum wite in a solution of HCL of 10 and bypassing hydrogen gas around platinum wire at one atm pressure. pH Calculate the potential of the hydrogen electrode. Page: 10/10

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