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Student A You stopped eating meat because you read that meat production is very
unecological and requires a lot of water and resources. If everyone
stopped eating meat or at least cut down on their meat consumption, it
would make a big difference. Livestock is also responsible for a big amount
of greenhouse emissions. Try to persuade your friend to stop eating meat
and to save our planet.
Student B You love meat. What is better than a nice, juicy steak? Many people claim
that eating meat is unecological, but growing soybeans for their tofu is just
as unecological. There has to be another way to save the planet, right?

Student A You stopped eating meat because you read that meat production is very
unecological and requires a lot of water and resources. If everyone
stopped eating meat or at least cut down on their meat consumption, it
would make a big difference. Livestock is also responsible for a big amount
of greenhouse emissions. Try to persuade your friend to stop eating meat
and to save our planet.
Student B You love meat. What is better than a nice, juicy steak? Many people claim
that eating meat is unecological, but growing soybeans for their tofu is just
as unecological. There has to be another way to save the planet, right?

Student A You stopped eating meat because you read that meat production is very
unecological and requires a lot of water and resources. If everyone
stopped eating meat or at least cut down on their meat consumption, it
would make a big difference. Livestock is also responsible for a big amount
of greenhouse emissions. Try to persuade your friend to stop eating meat
and to save our planet.
Student B You love meat. What is better than a nice, juicy steak? Many people claim
that eating meat is unecological, but growing soybeans for their tofu is just
as unecological. There has to be another way to save the planet, right?

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