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Republic of the Philippines


Bangued, Abra
Graduate School

EM 202
Personnel Management in education
First Semester 2022

Name: VALENTINA B. BONAGAN Date: September 4, 2022

CASE # 4
Recruitment of Employees
1. Is recruiting the problem at Macatangay Builders?

Based on the case study, it seems that the primary problem facing Macatangay

Builders is the lack of employee retention coz when we say Employee retention is

defined as an organization's ability to prevent employee turnover, or the number of

people who leave their job in a certain period, either voluntarily or involuntarily.

Increasing employee retention has a direct impact on business performance and


2. If you were the HR consultant, what would you recommend?

If I were the HR consultant, I would recommend a few different things. First, I would

work with the management team to create a clearer and concise path for employee

advancement. Additionally, I would work to create a more competitive salary and

benefits package for employees. Finally, I would focus on increasing communication

and collaboration between management and employees to create a more positive and
productive work environment, and to do so they must display integrity as to build


In order to create a clearer and concise path for employee advancement, I would

recommend that the management team at Macatangay Builders create a define career

path for employees. This would include the outlining the steps employees need to take

in order to be promoted and providing more guidance on what is expected at each

level. Additionally, I would recommend increasing the frequency of performance

reviews and setting clear goals for employees to work towards.

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