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Hialeah High School

Leadership Skills Development

2022 – 2023 Student Contract

Name _________________________ ID ___________________ Period _______

Welcome to the Student Leadership Class with Mr. Graff for the 2022-2023 school year. Being in Leadership
at Hialeah High is an honor and a privilege. Students will obtain leadership skills in this class and gain other
important experiences related to being a good citizen and community leader.

Student Aide Minimum requirements:

1. Minimum 3.3 unweighted academic grade point average.

2. Minimum 3.5 conduct grade point average.
3. No more than 1 unexcused absence every nine weeks or 8 total absences (4 days excused or
unexcused) per nine weeks (unless illness with a doctor’s note.)
4. Maximum 2 tardies per nine weeks.

Student Aides are required to:

1. Must attend ALL class sessions whether virtual or in person as appropriate.

2. Must have full name (as shown in MDCPS gradebook) displayed and camera turned on while in virtual
class setting.
3. Will not be admitted to the virtual class without the full name (as shown in MDCPS gradebook)
4. Will be removed from the virtual class if the display of full name (as shown in MDCPS gradebook) is
changed or deleted during the class and will be marked absent from the class for that day.
5. Complete all assignments as posted in Microsoft Teams or Schoology.
6. Wear their Leadership ID badge at all times during their student aide period (ID’s cost $1.00) when on
campus as determined by school administration.
7. Must adhere to the school dress code/uniform policy at all times.
8. Complete ALL tasks assigned by directing staff member (if assigned).
9. Display a positive attitude and act professionally at all times.
10. Participate in all workshops and training activities as designated by Mr. Graff.
11. Complete all tasks with speed and accuracy as per directions.
12. Respect the privacy of others during parent/teacher/student conferences (if assigned).
13. Follow ALL directions provided by the directing staff member (if assigned).
14. Be where you are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing.

Failure to comply with the above requirements will result in disciplinary action and probation and could lead to
removal from the class.

Students must also adhere to the following requirements:

1. Sign in daily with Mr. Graff in the Activities Office prior to reporting to assigned destination (if assigned).
2. Sign in with the directing staff member (if assigned).

The check-in with Mr. Graff is absolutely essential to your class grade and your continuance in Leadership.

We are anticipating a most productive and exciting school year. Please have your parent sign this contract as
well as yourself so that we have your agreement and signature on file. Thank you.

Student’s Signature _____________________________________________________

Parent’s Signature ______________________________________________________

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