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Ee eens Se ease renpeseg gh: ——_Paer OF SPEECH Nouns It l rt tz 4 ry Ste Neth tncampait tof the nel of langage Person : Name. i Ue 1 Place: Name of | Place _e- Pak?stan . aoe 229 chaty _ ete. Yoper oun: —slogle_petson , place ay thing i sA proper noon a. naire“ that identi ffes a pasifeulas —Petson . place or_thing . ei WAU y: Pakistan, fatday ete. Notes Adfectives thal_we make from Proper _novn also Usually start With a capital letter kag Sheikh spezian say Pakistan? . Common Nouns It tc name fe snenethtog which 1 common fe many things ! persone nx places. ft common novo 4s a_npvn that rveart_ 10 eople ov things in geresal “4 amines doys happiness etc jaan tem i __ ee Example + county (it vefer fo any countey » nothing ra) particular ) a“ ity ( Tt refer to any city) nothing in particu av) : $0, Common, novn is a word that Indicates passer Place ov ahing fn genozal - @eq He' plays exviaked with intensity « He _talkecl about movies and celebrities He #s _ @. acrnan of Oxcarm A | — Abstract Nouns fe word! for something that Gaapk “he de, hai ieee Jk figs pe: (exk&tence. Grenevally fd. refer to ideas 5 lit fee Sorid:. Example truth » Lies 5 happiness 3 Svtsow 5 time» frtendsbip bumpy s_ Patefotiinn ete. Conevele Nouns ts the exact opposie tp the ' x. Ihe thi : oan Aas 4 tence , apie_Nevns Bre Novn that can ue gouriobie ‘ Hy iD. a Je & gente ¢ eines TS —_—_——SSSS Uncountable Nouns Coltective. Nouns isa word or animal whip y oe a iz - ; ~ Collective noun _can_be slogusert_ox. Bruval. However _ American eo Ip usé _éollective nono as shutar Bul both of use -ave ‘correct’ -fA other Paris of wwridd. A coiSoctive noun denotes a group 6 ae + P “f Compound Noun? Sometimes two or three noun app eoy together “or even swith other: pait of speech and creat idiomatié | \ compovrd © noon! + 191% Idiomatic. nneans that, Novn — behave asa ynit a x ys ¥ 1 vee: t. to move than. .gune “dhety _ pats iy £4__ black baad 3 son-in-law » Syeoy old » _v\ noun i¢ made with two ov more - words. Moat + compound nouns. ave (now aenn yor (adj\.z aovn), gach vidi + navn clas. Ingulax: unit. and ¢an| be reodlified’ by Sedh and emote nant. fos aoe oo an ee ee Oe 1) Open ov spaced eg Bus stop - 2) injprenated 22g Sonia la: sh Closed oy sp rd % oe 9 footbaw Oz “inde yt ov peda 1_—tiving — dank’ sod Ee pies man ae Novnt Pusat fox af a. singulay. noun are pderal noun. hee | nova oformine ee than one, eloment o, Tt. ts -oppostle Bf ular Noon - S ag eaice> Requilay Noun: do. net thange> ins pelling when change fin v_to pol Only “tne J : yphen-s ov es | ae aah om Drregutay Nouns de a have’ lal eoeprnes added tv. :them oy . thetr plvval and they change in eg man — mén_» “Mouse'+ ice ete. Or have something in __poccession » these | noon? ——Bsually_ end] with” an apdstyophy | before one of that Obfoct.(.s that follows . % for eam ‘This__fg nay a Verbal “News (verb + act_as the: oun | Subject. of “the “ — Note. _that__all_ nouns are more than one types. For ample, commen noone can be Corerete _novn or abstract nove, The _emmen noun “danger? §s. cabstvact too andthe Same noun “con change a 4 accor uaa materPal: DS bncountable noon by ae . Geternine a ai b Novn can alto show pect possessions . it pany Bing gaat wo Roses: ‘ave the - i love’. Direct objs 1 foally pought_lq. new tar. ' Indivect _obf Jhoed an anther chodolate. : AG qave fous thon =» Roses ‘axe the fiovoers of love - 5 f hy Poxesston.s The '{Yon's cages dangerous. FRONOUNEA —proneun fs ed as a word! o» —phiaie' that is _used as! osuhsittion: fev a Noun OY Noun phrase. i ig Knowng ' as Pcnaunldatecedent ~ Banain —ae_short weil fi 1) nova ave of “the bufdtng blocks ofa a YOOo uns are duit’ uc this, them , thal.“ Uptopinoun cao "act as al a i move. and’ takes =e te wal ening aff ea She, Ai“ becomes “He, The team becomes aso Pronoun Qxe___ small words that take the plop anon « Pronduns ove _uiorde (tke hb 2s YO, OVE s ~ thomselves , same ,eachothet and so on, We can wae onovn _fostead of - a nam We eps — Spe whole Lot it _can_ also add “Fe 2 adverbs! wads —ancl other pen Alinost any time, place cx. thing +—you cao huts pun —In_adle 2 cians eager sana jw bell er. a cased so _Propaun must w y fy_a Paxanau “is adealy ; means that ro nav ? ond ely and _undorstondl ie is oT pricy ae Sibald. oxtAaou triopmietoae etarnple, TE. wo Cuge’ o_prepnay ee a) ce jue wil only pie mf i £ Yerrernher the. x D. @ me, hin heme 2, Possessive pyoaaun s 4 teprosorls a_9oun, aod also tells _vs who owns st. They _x ; _ Independent Pacestive._pronavas mine.» yout .opishersaXh ftsg thefrs - Pocessive. Personal Pronouns shou —posesten- 2 They oe his its 5 thers i th the Iv erminers al ae i that__ re the tame fn Pe both cares 70 and “ts” apostrophe In_its) ese, those 3 It fe and at fy a. noun and. proneno ite ond. ‘these? 8 tals thot are! ¥ fo_sface. or Hone, vishile. “that? and tha: “! y__[o. things. that ave ty fo aod. vither ays in_time sepresents 4 Pence fe" a “peu that = tells vs weather it % sfog ulay L er wheather it fs near oy to _tf ) fl less ; ‘ i ot is the One J love fn. the. Car [Here the speaker cond. ke hatding. a | phone St tc Stogulay and near. [p. the —Speaker) 2» Shall 4 take those 9 question ere he tht Soong! latest They ave cpl rd. far _from Speaker’ ee = Stoguiax demonstrative Pxeneun* This, IhAty sveby Nones Netthers > Plorat demonstrative Pronounst These > those _ Ht De ptextio Prono 2acesun Heaaxatas it_& fective tis pr ———Prenovn 20 Novn_. tO which they 1e fer andl nq to y ~s0) Tt fe vsell to i back to _th 5 or clause a! sentence. 7 ust si opt Pronauins Sncludes mysel yourself bi ahi ifs heaself 5 Thself— oubselves 4 lvos therhselves = Sin Waals ee ple le en harself, selfs thernselfes rau! = Pluro elehenss ~ Pronoun: “Yourselves Ovwselves a themselves - 6 Retotive Pronouns ee are used tv tink one phrase or clauce fo Qnother phrase or clause. Ine relative i ver ___ whomeusy , whichover a: Putative Pronoun Yefer. 40 nov mentioned __ Previously acifog {yp _‘otyoduee an phfeet SE _tachather. Recfpyocal Pronouns oxe_nsecl for actors : h 7 il r ur Lo ty that. two or chore Novne are an ° js mo ict ox voldéfonship arch as one another. There ave ° 2, : iL v - Ne — h. 4 iy Te Teapot. Bao a _ quedtens bh as i, who » whom » ere étc Sa ee op neal ion age fnate. — Pranaten: We vse them when . an oby ‘doosnot ceed fp tae ape cttt tdentt fred Tis ssthe Laxqest. gros of groan. - 4t goohide F t ev, spec ine pexson or _thfing-a Iedefnate Ptonoun conveys the << s any Apne ome tf you axe soyora) and some“ ott - ~PRonoon Roves: se \ - : 4) Gutfect _pinnono_may be. usedl_[v begin sentence the Subject i Jt was she who olecicled we houlal, —Je [oY Dua + cA 3) ein te prenavos donot. Aave. any antececlal— Thy! pable ting on. —thels oun arn Eee remeerer rer 7, ele el ——d__not__needapostvephe. > Note ¢° fo avoid repetition > Jom _matotain sentence Strvetvre ( reason) what Kind", haw “many s which one» Haw much, Adjecttve enrich your Lexitings by adding —_ Lt The > tr Ks 9 love that_yed 2s: —s which one A, 4 baxn om than. he doet 3 How much 4. — —Howsever es are._also ee fectfves t : 50 fve a ot Asteless noun. When cia oou0. Sain’ neck at! dene Tipe fit afi x © Dott A_pioper adfective allows vs fo “summarize a ee Ked in chinese! sectepé Saying, Oo naked 0 2 * fo Ke FC, 3. Descriptive Adjectives: ledge Aie cattchly iris, seuthesti belong ia ihi's PYooawns. Most — ‘ o oie 3 for type These aie yes ko Yep ave ree SP cad quate ae Se Pavtictples_ ave in = f 9 have a Be The _hungvy ‘cats are _Ctying.. 4 saw a fying + a Fie treat 6 Co something 0 someone, 4t _ inelodle« the word« —_ tits thats! otk sf heses th te god dles not preceded Q_NOv0. ut comes _the ord tt Exarnple pet 7 i this cay ts mine . These cals ave cute. Those exs are h that fio» ¥ evenly . Poceesstve Pectives I fe e t inclfeates poccescion ov ownership, Tt subject Pet the belongtagness of SBichGiet thing Jo Someone 01 __sorvethfn adjectives axe roy, his, het on there » yous. AuY these adfectives Almays come. before a oo0n._Ualike __paocessfve _p¥pnoun + these! word demand a noun ae them, Fox example, My cay 8s _paxkecl outide Our foe ts__qlmost_donée Your books are. intresting. G want some moments alone Manylsewia sites: wxete ahput the recent ——— Achivitiese eee Ee ete son Ata bt — 4, 4 have twenty supneer fn my wallet. 2. They have three chitalyen . aK Yoo should have comple tec) the whole tasKe— oracle jectivess . me ste thol hand together _(o fodity the’ Same_novd.— ae a Z the __wordl “and” between then 4g tt doesnt make gense that _. means __yov are dealing ith descriptive Poot hi = ordinate adjective. Compound octives 2am: ‘When Compound! _navas _conpbinedl__usordls_ madify other _oouns they became ee more than ane. al inlb a single veScal soperated Z Chftins” yor y log hh. bp For éxample Ltt Seales edie oe a4 Preppy ants Sen ee 2. Conapereat ie — $$ x lative 3- - ne epee applicable ey fe ____compovad adfectives. mia He xis ha ood boy. He 6 betlly than any other boy> He__ts the best _ohtid.. ; ¢ & A verb is. Q word or combination ds of wor thal indicates . action or a | state of being os. conditfon , A_vesb ig__ the sentence that toils. us what! the Subject nite Sentence either “ have a” main — wens ee verh of both, 4n ‘other _— words a ve¥b is _q_ word thai. in foros — an action . an. existance Something 0% occurence. The verb ts” the —_Main___word tp _the sentence _. No__ sentence _can t Sith verb, The wor verb? _dexived from __the latin word “Vvetbum._ Verbs are the! actian dn _a sentence what that desarthe _whal__the _ subject _is ay. Along with noun, verbs ave the _main me the sentence. or phrase, telling a stor i what fs. takfh lace. In Yeact 4, at aE withfur a verb s_full - thaw gis x tr a sentence guch “as: sara waite , have one. Actuals a verb can he a sentence by Tiself, With, the fe tio most Case. yo implied Such as, fog drive Not ai “verbs are easily identifyable_as action: 4 Know your name » Ali thooght about it, we consides several applications « These are non- eftrefent ctfon _vesbs such __Qs_ those that U dlecertbe 2 state being emotton s poccess*o? a ' Ql. Othes _non- action verbs —_— fi v f action » mam oid an Agee, feel 9 AC ’ How to! recognize. a __verbe As: you _ca0 See _from the examples above, one ddeVclue help yoo aeeognise ves © ¢ ym : fon Ihe subject. Al“ pats hfs dianex quick Oy we went Io the __mmaqsket» Yop waite _ neatly. TYPES: ~ Main oma Se ger oa used ae — ya ‘Ger to. shows on a 5 feoQoxlant To _that_ the actin doer nat have lo ese Can lo _phyysfoal_actfon that, ave pesfond with "bade: oy ie hit oY sin menle ft use i and memorteb. Mest verb find Hoo h 6 ton um think» do, 292s stand , wks listen ete: Action verbs ind?cateds — what _the _subfeci of a sentence Perfoms. Action vesbs “can oxs K the _li¢tener neader feels ti scenes T emotions see , seames Mare. xatel fve oy fotra- Sitive T_am _patating the ca. He ts reading the newspaper Notes (sub + intransitive verb) is svfficient to make Q_ Complete sentence _but (sobfect + transtHve vesb) is not Svffrectent’ te make ens hanstiive verb | ‘demand Bdfrect Helping verb _/ Avxttary verbs he y ——___~ They _ave alta _kinawun 04 helping — verbs ag hey wilh the main ‘th vse verb tu show” the vetb’s tense ov le form a quesifon oY negatives Common examples — include __have. a might» will, It gives some —— at lp the eas Ver Ya snlettt the veader__k, eyq__took lace. Hel i verbs _ are or Linking verbs to convey — fon add estonia) siete EA to _» Should’, — j Phy ‘oll 06! oO : van as helping verbs Jo _plbex cases _, they may serves OS Action pr (inking verb ings 2 are, an, have ada , belng »clfdls ic i Saxo in 1G Dew havce. —Aelpn)_ 1 roosing. -° isang) 7 Sava reacly—to- Au ad eat his ¥ ve (Hetping) Au did __hts tak last_ofght | au) Transitive Verb: A_verb that needs an object 4° completé te_caued tvansttve verb. Because ‘it. reer Example She %% writing an essaYo She 15 eat'ng an apple EEE Whey sold the tickets. —Examples _o vex veed with bth _olfrect _ancl_indivect Sc ee Tn + they sell Me the tickets» In this sentence, the Hekets ave the dived object while him & the Sadived objects + Sara_baked her Atnthey SavienKer ee Tn _ thy. vo te the cdeehion™ i, her mother i the todivect object Intraasttive Verbs A_vevh that does’ need any object tts i i Sect. It alone tn rodicate _hecause its ee Complete. LJsvailyy Proposition vsecl afieet ive Verh. ei Layghec! o Ar wh. h ae Verh maybe ae by ast or advesbfal jae 9 a ig 0. ——Eo7o ae,” © ¥ 4 2. 2, fo. . Ar vatses slowly from his seat. ¢ ~The _vorh fg * aise The_phyase ‘slow! » ° > 202, b : otject Vecleuer the J action » s is i V7 rf e a A 7 ° ( x eax 1 typos £ adverbs _shoutd be familiasizede d 4, fAdverb “of Manner Von g. _Adverb of d Manners — answers» howd Tell us how oy _fo what meine, _gomething was carried out. They mostly. madi ftes verbs _and_¢an al he p nd at the end nt the aT This t ny fnatucles * the va Papa “Common _ Adverh— the once that endl 49 Hy? such as _beavtffullys happyilly sas icky ete! 2a dues of Depies Tk toils Fug more about the fotensity of verb in aq sentence. They describe how much oy .te_ what degree something happened. Adverbs £- degree ari pfien " placed ve the “word they T modify « althaugh fol some cases , they follow» {he __usord (such as the adverh “enough” Uauict ° Ye 4. Adverb (0 Yequency: : : Tt ala pos cae how thing ocevrs. These adverbs ae Sl eet signe ope the. mafn verh in dhe sentence or ot the 4 en -clavse.s Again, always, every snare , usally snevets Pormally + De Adverb of times 3 deals ! wil when 4 fc 2 usually see these __Kinal 2 adverbs place at the i or end semen ce. — prepasitfan ! can also indicate — ° a; 7 °. Bomple 5 alveady y fmmediately, Latety slater, pws S000 » tommorow . & Confunetive adverbs connects » phrases Or tholependent clanier, velattonabyp Cont adverhs are. alo called it reel ighte None the less, the match hat pot been cancelled so We aoa =F tho oaplsa eee eng ek cma de} endent__clavse. vf, that » aS» tia as vruch_a& Pifter nous, then ino hi a wey 1 f Kae Those ove’ thes cochactions that __Kave_two. ov ~parls. Each and zat a nS dot have fo be. them, The Ja_the sence thal not Adverts = ee ‘They help lovin 4 en boar comple ls d ike. ome. olher_tonjuctians wwii as shots rm ae vedas ad also called connective adverts. 2 EXacoploss, ~Stslaly. fected Sfoce's now fod ely »'as hepeve rather, heft fn concluston_ ards 9 fe but tt -_—s roy aun = align : 0 u —— attach nt ae 8a lou ses’ faa gontorve., There ate) dwajs to 4 Clames.¥ The comma —\eeomer Tote gal ete “ the. Sentence: while — {o__use_a_ sernfeolon befere © 3t” and a comma after hat while _» the | 2 complete drbug nt ave Sluated at on either _ide- Inrerjoncron - 4 cntevjunctions are the words _ ot phases d emotions . You sotght +Dse > ah ‘i to “ais setn, tages tt) Tony ey Should: not _use conjone!ons fn wat Png, like. honk _yeparts Sand research You 7 can use @Q_Aovn» A verb .oy an: adverb _as_an oo , } iy Noun as _an. octane — _____ Foolsinness (Your cog fe vat smart Rae my dog), (He deserves: some a ause £01 that ppl mance). Jan inteyjuntions Nope [ You cannotY .a0 into that’ oom = ° oF Pea aa What do taterfoncfons—[e0k | Tie word nto» WOW phrase g | am shocked, fox example : d Tre Cher = a, 22K 2 get alts dhs tnceaetsle.— PR mip 2 wor. ‘Connects _Q-* own py “Pronoun fo verb OX fect? 89 8 Sentence - : he ave __usvall ghovt_. words Land they naxtbaly _ave jon fo of- Downs, pes ia_ a Reens. ; ncl_verbs mH xtte ipl: i PE Pon se fi wndtcatet te the _velat for) _bjw neon Land_.othey t - the __ yest ets ntence lov $5 Poston worl .e yolaty = ee cnet Th vs Qod___tfon aa ae Fonse Examples 3 Tam get Ie Lahore DIRECT AA INI b_INDII SPEECH 2) Tol Wvact speech, i ae j : fov example YOU__Ceve pe teacher | named a0. home, say Ip ALES a ip ae them nome aes, two Ways. diy Direct speech 2: Ar at want meet 1 ; ' Goce rect ee Att Sard: thot. he « sctttual ie meet. eee le ores {named Alt) fo ae af t ovy _bxother in es Direct mae Ar sate I__ have bow a. bee K oy __you" ae ad Speech Alt satd that he hac —— eT ee ee ta) boak — foy__me.—__—— mapas tk In mecct Tapoach 5 the aclucsl wos — i p_ne_change _ave _ Direct as noted eaxliev are the actual words uttered by the_ (with ne change) awe us beds: Thor _ the exact: oral; the “speaker are f } enclosed? t \Cennmad oy —— marks. Jo tho sentences a (Comma, is__ also ada a tha. sora! Se ' rT y he ; ae ee ae Indirect Speech: = ' : 4 ana Indirect s ch Note: : Divect and incliect speeches» axe ‘alsa calledd XN —Convesting divect speech into inclivect'speechs pefore: learning the wules » yoo nual —Sentence , — Reporting Verbs | Toe ee + foverted _Comrrac — te % t called __eperted_speech. For examples ____ ——She says, wien a pve Basic. Rules for fndtvect spoechs P 4 Werels [) the verbs . Of the. speakey . are not enclosed in inverted | commas .. in indirect Speech, there ee oY Convertin direct Speech foto | indilest ae the. foverted . Cammas . are. -Yermoveds Direct. Speech ~ | Ce sides oe rien er oe pated nt — le said that he had won a_ prizes in le, He atl. au vorile__a letter? Divoot \ & = f 3Y Chane fo._tei he. pe tlenges ave pad pea fs so The_ense og — —— d (second i a past of the ane _ aan See a) hb ft. into indirect + Speech? = said, 1 eat an apple \_ He said that he ate an apple ._ She _satd, 1. am seadlng a Poem” i She gatd thal. she mas Yeodtag Poems tle sofd_to mes “T tke your ba | — He said one: that__he hs ri a ‘Change in times if time Hone hy tence, ~| will para fox. deserting tho» time = we ee } . Thex2 z ry, Ges fo cbangng he such as___that- we 6 talon that ay, yesterday ¥ inte Cpe day, tomorrow into next day » now 1) then. Examples _ ” a t ic vw, He card. we wil) Oloee that work tomorrow” He satd that they woulal He. said,“ 1 lost_my wallet yesterday” She said « J_need your favour yight_now” ¢

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