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The Global UGRAD Program is for young leaders committed to serving their home
communities. Why would you be a great participant in the Global UGRAD Program?

I heard about this program three years ago, and now I want to be part of this community.
The core values and commitment of this program are very sophisticated and specific. There are
three main reasons why I want to apply for this program, which I will explore in the following

         First, my village is situated on the edge of Bago Roma, and we are a minority ethnic
group. Less than one handful of people is educated and live with the standard of living-
compared to our country's average. Moreover, the children in my community are likely to lose
their vision and goals. I was the first one who passed the matriculation exam with distinctions.
There I noticed that some children inspired me as the whole village honored me with a feast.
Some people think that education is not more important than a livelihood. Some children could
not even finish their high school education. That is why I want to become an inspiration for them
to dream more.

         The second reason is that I want to educate and share my knowledge with my
community as much as possible. During these decades, climate change is becoming terrible
day by day. Due to deforestation, lack of awareness, and the scarcity of underground water,
their livelihoods are awful daily. Since my community is more dependent on natural resources
such as wood, cattle, and so on, there is no electricity or modern farming equipment.
Furthermore, the people in my community have farming and stockbreeding. The grains they sow
have to sell at lower prices, and by the time the rainy season comes, they will buy at higher
prices than they sold before. That is how the world works for them, but I want to show them the
other side of the world and how they were mistreated. There are a lot of issues going on in my
community and problems that need to be solved.

         The last reason is that I believe today's issues and crises can be solved by educating
younger generations and raising awareness among adults. That is why I want to acquire the
knowledge and skills to become more educated. I want to see the world wider and see it from
different points of view. Furthermore, I want to challenge myself, which I have never done
before, and see what rewards would have beyond my abilities. I always wanted to be on my
own; I always worried about everything I had not tried yet. And I want to see myself beyond my
limitations. Those self-limitations and self-doubts are my biggest barriers, and I want to
overcome them.

         In conclusion, I hope to have many opportunities and benefits from this program.
Furthermore, to be part of this program membership, I assure you that the knowledge and
experiences I got from this program could be applied not only to myself but also to my
community and society.

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