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Chemical Engineering Laboratory 1B (CEL1B)

Practical Report: Heat Exchanger

NAME: Mbonambi N.B (21905169)

Lecturer: Mr R T Christy
Date of Practical: 27 December 2020

The heat exchanger is an equipment in which heat exchange takes place between two fluids that
enter and exits at different temperatures, generation of steam in the boilers and changing the
phase of a process steam. The main function of the heat exchanger is to either add heat to a
cold fluid or remove heat from a hot fluid. Heat transfer is one of the most important industrial
processes. Between fluids there is a transfer of thermal energy which is one of the most
important and frequently used process in engineering. The most design of heat exchanger has
one fluid flowing through metal tubes and the other fluids around the tubes. Convection heat
transfer occurs on the side of tube while through the wall heat is transferred by conduction.
Three heat exchangers are compared: Shell and Tube heat exchanger, Plate and Frame heat
exchanger and Double pipe heat exchanger. The reasons of comparing the three-heat
exchangers is to determine which heat exchanger is most effective. Cooling water is used to
cool the hot water which is at a temperature of 90℃and a flow rate of 200L/Hr. The shell and
tube heat exchanger and the plate and frame heat exchanger are available for this duty. The
cooling water available is 150 L/h to 1000 L/h to cool the hot water to its lowest temperature.
The objective of the heat exchanger practical is to determine the effect of the cold-fluid flow
rate on the overall heat transfer coefficient for the shell and tube heat exchanger, double pipe
heat exchanger and the plate and frame heat exchanger. It is required to do error bars
(hysteresis). The trend of all the heats exchangers was found to be increasing with an
increasing cold-water flowrate. The most effective heat exchanger was found to be double pipe
heat exchanger, and this was determined by comparing the surface areas, as surface area plays a
major role on the effectiveness of a heat exchanger.

Table of content

Page no.
Introduction 3
Theory 4
Experimental method 6
Results and Discussion 7-12
Table 1 7
Graph1 8
Table 2 9
Graph 2 10
Table 3 11
Graph 3 12
Conclusion 13
Nomenclature 14
Reference 15
Appendices 16-18

A heat exchanger is an equipment in which heat exchange takes place
between 2 f l u i d s t h a t e n t e r a n d e x i t a t d i f f e r e n t t e m p e r a t u r e .
T h e m a i n f u n c t i o n o f h e a t exchanger is to either remove heat from a hot
fluid or to add heat to the cold fluid. The direction of fluid motion inside the
heat exchanger can normally categorised as p a r a l l e l f l o w , c o u n t e r f l o w a n d
c r o s s f l o w . For parallel flow, also known as co-current flow, both the hot and cold
fluids flow in the same direction. Both the fluids enter and exit the heat exchanger
on the same ends. For counter flow, both the hot and cold fluids flowing the opposite
direction. Both the fluids enter and exit the heat exchanger on the opposite ends.
The overall heat transfer coefficient accounts for the total resistance to heat flow. Small U for
a heat exchanger means that the heat exchanger has limited capacity for heat exchange. U can
be improved by manipulating operating conditions such as fluid velocity. If U is large, the
heat exchange is well designed and is operating under conditions which enhance heat

I n t h i s e x p e r i m e n t w e determine the effect of the cold-fluid flow rate on the overall

heat transfer coefficient, Uo, for the shell-and-tube heat exchanger, double pipe heat
exchanger and the plate-and-frame heat exchanger and required to do Error bars (hysteresis)

Figure 1

The main function of heat exchanger is to either remove heat from a hot fluid or to add heat
to the cold fluid. The direction of fluid motion inside the heat exchanger can normally
categorised as parallel flow, counter flow and cross flow. Heat exchangers with only one
phase (liquid or gas) on each side can be called one phase or single-phase heat exchangers.
Two-phase heat exchangers can be used to heat a liquid to boil it into a gas (vapor),
sometimes called boilers, or cool a vapor to condense it into a liquid (called condensers), with
the phase change usually occurring on the shell side. One of the most common, conductive-
convective, heat exchanger types is the concentric tube heat exchanger. These exchangers are
built of coaxial tubes placed the ones inside the others. When both the fluids enter from the
same side and flow through the same direction, we have the parallel flow (concurrent flow),
otherwise, if the fluids enter from opposite sides and flow through the contrary direction we
have the counter-current flow. Usually the counter-current flow is more efficient from the
heat transfer point of view. This type of heat exchangers can also be built with the internal
tube made with longitudinal fins which could be placed either in its internal surface or in its
external one or both. This configuration is useful mainly if one of the fluids is a gas or a
liquid with a very high viscosity and it's very difficult to have a good thermal convection
coefficient. The heats are transfer between the two fluids by convection mode which is from
the hot fluid to the wall and also by conduction which is occur within the wall itself and back
to the convection which is from the wall to the cold fluid. This concentric tube heat
exchanger is the simplest one of heat exchanger between the other types of heat exchanger.
This type mainly used for small flow rates of fluid.
The heat transferred from the hot fluid to the cold fluid in a heat exchanger is given by

T2 − T1
Where: TLM =
 T 
ln 2 
 T1 
T1, T2 is the difference in temperature between the hot and the cold fluid (the temperature
driving force) at each end of the heat exchanger.
TLM is the log mean temperature driving force.
U is the overall heat transfer coefficient.
A is the total surface area through which the heat is transferred

The following two energy balance equations also apply:

Q = mcc pc (Tco − Tci ) = mhc ph (Thi − Tho )

mc and mh are the mass flow rates of the cold and hot streams respectively
Cpc and Cph are the specific heat capacities of the cold and hot streams respectively

Tci and Tco are the inlet and outlet temperatures of the cold stream respectively
Thi and Tho are the inlet and outlet temperatures of the hot stream respectively.
In calculating the total surface area, use the following formulas:
Shell-and-tube exchanger
A =  Do L N
Where Do = tube outer diameter
L = tube length
N = number of tubes

Plate-and-frame exchanger
There are two end plates in the plate pack. These plates are not heat transfer surfaces.
Effective no. of plates = total no. of plates - 2

Atotal = Aplate x eff. no. of plates

Atotal is the total heat transfer area of the plate-and-frame exchanger
Aplate is the surface area of each plate (one side)

Experimental method
• Connect the flexible hoses to the heat exchanger selected for experimentation. The exchangers
must be connected in counter-current configuration.
• Switch on the “POWER” switch to supply power to the temperature indicators and the solenoid valve
controlling steam flow to the brazed-plate exchanger.
• Open the steam isolation valve to the heat exchanger unit, situated near the hydrolysis reactor.
• Open the water isolation valve and the needle valves on the rotameters.
• Switch the “STEAM” switch on the control panel to the “ON” position.

As a safety precaution to prevent boiling inside the brazed plate exchanger, a temperature switch will
close the steam valve when water temperature at the exit of the exchanger exceeds 90 oC. This
should be kept in mind if the solenoid valve appears to be switching rapidly.

Result and Discussion
The below table represent the recordings and the calculated values for the shell and tube heat

Table 1
The following graph shows the relationship between cold water flowrates and heat transfer
coefficient for shell and tube heat exchanger.

Graph 1

The graph shows the trend between cold flowrates and overall heat transfer coefficient. For this
type of heat exchanger calculations were done and it showed that when the cold mass flow rates
were increased, for both hot and cold fluids, the rate of heat transfer, Q, also increases. The rate of
heat transfer is dependent on the mass flow rate the relationship can be described as directly
proportional. The calculation for shell and tube heat exchanger were done and showed that at some
points the overall heat transfer coefficient is increasing as the cold-water flowrates is increasing. The
graph is increasing from 377,1069 KW/m2K to 1006,584 KW/m2 K then decreases to 493,335 Kw/m2
K, while the cold flowrate is increasing.

The below table represent the recordings and the calculated values for the plate and frame
heat exchanger.

Table 2

The following graph shows the relationship between cold water flowrates and heat transfer
coefficient for plate and frame heat exchanger.

Cold flowrate vs heat tranfer cofficient

heat transfer cofficient (KW/m2K)








0 0,00002 0,00004 0,00006 0,00008 0,0001 0,00012 0,00014 0,00016 0,00018
Cold flowrates (m3/s)

Graph 2

The graph shows the calculated overall heat transfer coefficient versus cold flowrates. For plate and
frame heat exchanger calculations were done and it showed that when the cold mass flow rates were
increased, the average rate of heat transfer, Q, also increases. The rate of heat transfer is dependent on
the mass flow rate the relationship can be described as directly proportional. The graph for plate and
frame heat exchanger shows that the heat transfer coefficient is decreasing from 1589,552 KW/m2 K
to 1506,966 KW/m2 K as the cold-water flowrates is increasing. The graph is increasing from
750,4615 KW/m2K to 1589,552 KW/m2 K then decreases to 1506,966 Kw/m2 K , while the cold
flowrate is increasing.

The below table represent the recordings and the calculated values for the plate and frame
heat exchanger.

Hot Water Double pipe

Flow [l/hr] area ΔT1 ΔT2 ΔTLM Qhot Qcold Qm U
Water 150
Flow [l/hr]
T1 [oC] 108,6 0,187364586 23 65,8 40,71825 13774,77 3614,621 8694,694 1139,666
T2 [ C] 21,4 0,187364586
T3 [ C] 21,8 0,187364586
T4 [ C] 44,8 0,187364586
T5 [ C] 42,8 0,187364586
T6 [ C] 61,8 0,187364586
Water 250
Flow [l/hr]
T1 [oC] 109,2 0,187364586 35,2 63,7 48,04949 11270,26 6798,93 8579,027 952,9317
T2 [ C] 21,5 0,187364586
T3 [oC] 21,8 0,187364586
T4 [ C] 57 0,187364586
T5 [oC] 45,5 0,187364586
T6 [oC] 77,4 0,187364586
Water 350
Flow [l/hr]
T1 [oC] 108,2 0,187364586 32,9 66,2 47,62533 11529,35 8072,653 9801,002 1098,361
T2 [ C] 31,6 0,187364586
T3 [ C] 21,9 0,187364586
T4 [oC] 54,8 0,187364586
T5 [ C] 42 0,187364586
T6 [ C] 82,2 0,187364586
Water 450
Flow [l/hr]
T1 [ C] 109,1 0,187364586 32,3 68,8 48,27171 14854,29 9501,289 12177,79 1346,444
T2 [ C] 21,6 0,187364586
T3 [ C] 21,9 0,187364586
T4 [ C] 54,2 0,187364586
T5 [ C] 40,3 0,187364586
T6 [ C] 86,1 0,187364586
Water 550
Flow [l/hr]
T1 [oC] 109,4 0,187364586 30,9 71,4 48,3558 12177,07 10034,88 11105,97 1225,802
T2 [ C] 21,6 0,187364586
T3 [ C] 22,1 0,187364586
T4 [ C] 53 0,187364586
T5 [ C] 38 0,187364586
T6 [ C] 88,4 0,187364586

Table 3
The below graph is for cold water flowrate versus heat transfer coefficient.

Cold flowrates vs heat transfer cofficient


Heat transfer cofficient (KW/m2 K)







0 0,00002 0,00004 0,00006 0,00008 0,0001 0,00012 0,00014 0,00016 0,00018
Cold flowrates (m2/s)

Graph 3

The graph looks like a sine graph. Double pipe heat exchanger has the highest overall heat transfer
coefficient which make it the more effective heat exchanger. For Double pipe heat exchanger
calculations were done and it showed that when the cold mass flow rates were increased, for both hot
and cold fluids, the rate of heat transfer, Q, also increases. The rate of heat transfer is dependent on
the mass flow rate the relationship can be described as directly proportional. The graph shows that at
some points the heat transfer coefficient decreases while the cold-water flowrates is increasing. The
graph decreases from 1139,666- 952,9317 KW/m2 K and increases from 952,931KW/m2K to
1346,444 KW/m2 K then decreases to 1225,802 Kw/m2 K and the cold-water flowrates is increasing.

According to the data plotted the most effective heat exchanger was the Double pipe exchanger
followed by the plate and frame heat exchanger, with the shell-and-tube heat exchanger being the
least effective. The calculations were done All in all the overall heat transfer coefficient are calculated
and the graphs are plotted.

Symbol Mathematical Variable Units
𝑄 Rate of heat transfer kW/s
𝑄ℎ𝑜𝑡 Rate of heat transfer of a hot fluid kW/s
𝑄𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑 Rate of heat transfer of a cold fluid kW/s
𝑄𝑚 Mean rate of heat transfer kW/s
𝑈 Overall heat transfer kW/m2K
𝐴𝑠 Available surface area m2
∆𝑇 Temperature difference K
∆𝑇𝑙𝑚 Logarithmic mean temperature difference K
𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑡 𝑖𝑛 Temperature of the hot fluid inlet K
𝑇𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑖𝑛 Temperature of the cold fluid inlet K
𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑢𝑡 Temperature of the hot fluid outlet K
𝑇𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑜𝑢𝑡 Temperature of the cold fluid outlet K
𝑚̇ Mass flow rate Kg/s
𝑚̇ℎ𝑜𝑡 Hot mass flow rate Kg/s
𝑚̇𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑 Cold mass flow rate Kg/s
𝐶𝑝 Specific heat capacity kJ/(kg.K)
𝐶𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑡 Specific heat capacity of hot kJ/(kg.K)
𝐶𝑝𝑐𝑜𝑙𝑑 Specific heat capacity of cold fluid kJ/(kg.K)

Anon., n.d. Shah, R. and Sekuliâc, D. (2012). Fundamentals of heat exchanger design. Hoboken, NJ:
John Wiley & Sons, pp.13-22.
Anon., n.d. Kuppan, T. (2000). Heat exchanger design handbook. New York: Taylor & Francis, pp.4-
Anon., n.d. Trdine, J. (2017). Heat Exchangers - Design, Experiment and Simulation. Croatia: InTech,
Anon., n.d. Klaus, S. (2011). Experiment Instructions WL110-SERIES Heat Exchanger with Service
Unit. [ebook]
Anon., n.d. Germany: G.U.N.T. Gerätebau, Barsbüttel, pp.47-63. Available at: [Accessed 27 Oct. 2019].

Raw date and calculation


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