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-The research looked at the history and goals of the Kariton Klasrum
program, its topics, the types of volunteers and students it attracts,
what makes it successful and what problems it encounters, as well as
the lessons it has taught as it has been put into practice. The research
also examined the program's effects on volunteers and students as
well as its potential for replication in the context of the Philippines'
overall EFA situation, local EFA initiatives, and connections between
the Kariton Klasrum program and other EFA-related initiatives. The
Dynamic Teen Company (DTC), a non-governmental organization
located in Cavite City, devised and carried out the program. The DTC
brings a mobile school to street children as part of this project by
using the kariton, a pushcart that is primarily utilized by the
underprivileged in metropolitan areas to gather waste and old
bottles. The Kariton Klasrum initiative offers impoverished children
alternative instruction, healthcare, and food in an effort to motivate
them to attend or return to school. The K4 Project, which stands for
Kariton Klasrum, Klinik and Kantin (Pushcart Classroom, Clinic, and
Canteen), is centered around the Kariton Klasrum.

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