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Name: John Mark Vincent D.

Yambot Section: IT101P

Reflection Paper

As I listen to videos about the warning of using drugs, I know that drugs are bad
but only the illegal ones and not the prescribe by the doctors. I will not or never
be try to use the drugs that are illegal even with curiosity, I will never use it. Some
people succumb to temptation easily. Undoubtedly, many of us will agree that
temptations are difficult to withstand. Curiosity can sometimes lead us to this
circumstance. But come on people, we should be aware of the advantages and
disadvantages of making this choice. We can use it when utilizing drugs. Some
people use it because they are influenced by others, some believe it will make
them look cool, even though it doesn't, and some use it when they are depressed
and want to forget things. I'll be honest with you: this won't solve your problems.
It might provide you with immediate assistance, but all it will do is add to your
burden. Drug abusers are more likely to develop an addiction without realizing it.
And it will get worse if it is used continuously. Drugs are bad unless it is a
medicine and use with proper prescription. If I were to take illegal drugs, I'll most
likely not to control myself and may do what I don’t actually do. Overall, drug
education or awareness is truly important Without this, people who are weak in
mind will continue to be influence by their curiosity to drugs or by other people.
They will use drugs with just knowing the fleeting effects it can give it to them but
without knowing the long lasting harm it may bring. Of course this will just not
hurt myself but also my parents and love ones will be saddened if I take this kind
of drugs. So in order to overcome this, I must not be succumb to my curiosity of
taking this drugs and always think about my future and goals.

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