News Ways of Working

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News Ways of Working

We are at a surprising intersection between the Industrial Age working practices that
have been in existence from more than 2 centuries and the new Information Age
work patterns. In the evolution of work, work moved slowly from fields to factories
and from factories to digital screens. The dissimilarity is that the on-going evolution
enabled by technology is bringing as much change in a decade as was spread over
a century last time.

We now have millennials joining the workforce who have never imagined a world
without the internet. Societal changes in attitudes to work assembled with the
autonomy that technology brings are confronting traditional management practices.
Managers have a hard time understanding what employees are doing when they are
out of sight and often assume they are not as enthusiastic as those who come to the
office. People who are out of sight can easily get forgotten. This evolution from fixed
working styles to flexible working styles is currently being carried out by many
employers who have a high degree of freedom for their employees. These new ways
of connecting people to work are permeating the conventional jobs market.
Employers no longer need to provide people with jobs, careers and security to do
their jobs. If they need to get something done, they just find someone to do it and
pay them when it's done. They don't have to worry about labour laws and can
outsource the work to anyone on the planet. There are numerous folks that locate
this as a higher manner to earn a residing than be restrained through a hard and fast
dedication to an employer. This new world of work is here already in leading

Once we have cracked the chain between work and a fixed location, an entire variety
of capability places of work emerge. It is convenient for most people to work some of
the time from home. A truly mobile worker can take their workspace anywhere, as
long as they have access to internet. However, most jobs involve contact with other
people. Technology has replaced some of that, but it is still necessary for individuals
to get together and share ideas. This location-independent workability is both a
pleasure and an imprecation for individual employees. You may be in control of
when and where you work, but you may lose control of your own personal life in the
process. All employees may work anytime and anywhere as long as business
demands are fully met.

Introducing new ways to support migration from traditional structures is no small feat.
The ability to use technology to combine work and delight will be a key factor in
shaping people's lives over the next decade. If employers can't keep up with this
trend, they may lose their best employees to more agile organizations or to some
form of self-employment. Remote work is here to stay.

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