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Area: Foreign Language Subject: English
Teachers: Ana Isabel Sinchiguano
Grade / course 2nd Education EGB 2
Weekly course load No. of working Learning evaluation and unexpected issues Weekly course load No. of working hours
7 40 4 7hours 7 hours
Objectives of the Area Objectives of the level/course
OG.EFL 1 Encounter socio-cultural aspects of their own and other O.EFL 2.2 Assess and appreciate English as an international language, as well as
countries in a thoughtful and inquisitive manner, maturely, and openly the five aspects of English that contribute to communicative competence.
experiencing other cultures and languages from the secure standpoint
of their own national and cultural identity. O.EFL 2.3 Independently read level-appropriate texts in English for pure
OG.EFL 2 Draw on this established propensity for curiosity and enjoyment/entertainment and to access information.
tolerance towards different cultures to comprehend the role of diversity
in building an intercultural and multinational society. O. EFL 2.5 Use in-class library resources and explore the use of ICT to enrich
OG.EFL 3 Access greater flexibility of mind, creativity, enhanced competencies in the four skills.
linguistic intelligence, and critical thinking skills through an appreciation
of linguistic differences. Enjoy an enriched perspective of their own L1 O. EFL 2.7 Appreciate the use of English language through spoken and written
and of language use for communication and learning. literary texts such as poems, rhymes, chants, riddles and songs, in order to foster
OG.EFL 4 Deploy a range of learning strategies, thereby increasing imagination, curiosity and memory, while developing a taste for literature.
disposition and ability to independently access further (language)
learning and practice opportunities. Respect themselves and others

within the communication process, cultivating habits of honesty and O. EFL 2.9 Be able to interact in English in a simple way using basic expressions
integrity into responsible academic behavior. and short phrases in familiar contexts to satisfy needs of a concrete type, provided
OG.EFL 5 Directly access the main points and important details of others talk slowly and clearly and are prepared to help.
up-todate English language texts, such as those published on the web,
for professional or general investigation, through the efficient use of ICT
and reference tools where required.
OG.EFL 6 Through selected media, participate in reasonably extended
spoken or written dialogue with peers from different L1 backgrounds on
work, study, or general topics of common interest, expressing ideas and
opinions effectively and appropriately.
OG.EFL 7 Interact quite clearly, confidently, and appropriately in a
range of formal and informal social situations with a limited but effective
command of the spoken language (CEFR B1 level).


● Environmental education (natural resources, biodiversity).

● Education for health (nutrition, hygiene).
● Educational values.


N. Name of the Specific objectives Skills and Performance Criteria Methodology orientation Evaluation Time in
º Unit of the Planning weeks
1. First Day - Talking about EFL.2.1.10. Recognize when to 1. Develop Kolb’s cycle of CE.EFL.2.5. Model 6 weeks
school supplies. speak and when to listen while experiencial learning: turn-taking and ways to
- Talking about working in pairs or small groups - Concrete Experience express to others when
school supplies. in class by following classroom - Reflexive bservation. something is not understood

Vocabulary - Buildling reading instructions and simple - Abstract to improve comprehension

School Supplies and listening skills commands. conceptualization. and/or intelligibility in
and Shapes - Asking and - Active conversations.
Grammar It’s a answering about experimentation. I.EFL.2.5.1. Learners can
(pen). What is shapes. apply turn-taking and ways to
it? It isn’t a 2. The Direct method. express to others when
(notebook). Is it 3. Input before output something is not understood
a (circle)? Yes, 4. Total physical response. in short conversations. (J.3,
it is. No, it isn’t. EFL.2.2.1. Understand meanings 5. Suggestopedia, S.1, S.4)
expressed in short dialogues on 6. Comunicative Language
familiar topics, as well as basic Teaching. CE.EFL.2.6. Listening for
spoken instructions and simple Meaning: Understand the
questions about self, people, main ideas in short simple
animals, or things, especially spoken texts that include
when spoken slowly and clearly. familiar vocabulary and are
(Example: greetings, short set in everyday contexts.
phrases, basic range of I.EFL.2.6.1. Learners can
classroom instructions, common understand the main ideas in
personal information questions: short simple spoken texts
What’s your name? etc.) and infer who is speaking
what the situation is, without
EFL2.2.3. Recognize familiar decoding every word. (I.3)
names, words, and short phrases
about simple everyday topics CE.EFL.2.7. Listening for
whether heard in Information: Follow short and
isolation or within short, simple simple spoken texts that
spoken texts describing people include familiar vocabulary

and objects. (Example: and are set in everyday

vocabulary about self, family, contexts. Identify key items
friends and immediate of information within the text,
surroundings at school and and record or act upon them.
home, adjectives for color and I.EFL.2.7.1. Learners can
size, etc.) understand short and simple
spoken texts well enough to
be able to pick out key items
of information and record
them in writing or drawings,
EFL.2.3.1. Demonstrate basic or physically act upon them.
reading comprehension skills by (I.3)
identifying the meaning of
individual words, phrases, and CE.EFL.2.11. Identify and
sentences, including simple understand individual
written instructions. every-day words, phrases,
and sentences, including
I.EFL.2.11.1. Learners can
understand familiar words,
EFL.2.5.1. Identify key phrases, and short simple
information such as events, sentences and can
characters, and objects in stories successfully complete the
and other age-appropriate literary simple accompanying task.
texts if there is visual support. (I.4)

CE.EFL.2.21. Distinguish key

information in stories and

other age-appropriate literary

texts, both oral and written.
I.EFL.2.21.1. Learners can
recognize, through pictures
or other media such as ICT,
key aspects of a story or
literary text (both oral and
written). (J.1, I.2
2. Art Class - Talking about art EFL.2.1.6. Understand and use 1. Develop Kolb’s cycle of CE.EFL.2.3. Make use of 6 weeks
supplies. common expressions of experiencial learning: basic personal information
Vocabulary Art - Asking and politeness in class while working - Concrete Experience and expressions of
Supplies and answering about in pairs or groups on projects. - Reflexive bservation. politeness in order to
Colors colors. (Example: Please, sorry, thank - Abstract introduce oneself and
Grammar This - Building reading you, etc.) conceptualization. participate in a short
is (paint). and listening skills. - Active conversation.
What’s this? - Talking about experimentation. I.EFL.2.3.1. Learners can
What color is it? secondary colors. use basic personal
It’s (red). Blue 2. The Direct method. information and expressions
and yellow 3. Input before output of politeness in short
make green. 4. Total physical response. dialogues or conversations.
Phonics: /b/, EFL2.2.3. Recognize familiar 5. Suggestopedia, (J.2, J.3)
/p/, /t/, /d/, /m/ names, words, and short phrases 6. Comunicative Language
and /n/ about simple everyday topics Teaching. CE.EFL.2.7. Listening for
whether heard in Information: Follow short and
isolation or within short, simple simple spoken texts that
spoken texts describing people include familiar vocabulary
and objects. (Example: and are set in everyday
vocabulary about self, family, contexts. Identify key items

friends and immediate of information within the text,

surroundings at school and and record or act upon them.
home, adjectives for color and I.EFL.2.7.1. Learners can
size, etc.) understand short and simple
spoken texts well enough to
EFL 2.2.5 be able to pick out key items
Record key items of specific of information and record
information from a heard them in writing or drawings,
message or description, either in or physically act upon them.
written form or by drawing (I.3)
(Example: letters of the alphabet, CE.EFL.2.8. Production -
numbers, quantities, prices Pronunciation: Produce
and times, days, dates and individual words and short
months, etc.) phrases clearly enough that
other people can usually
understand them easily.
I.EFL.2.8.1. Learners can
pronounce most familiar
EFL.2.2.8. Imitate individual vocabulary items accurately,
English language sounds, and can therefore usually be
especially those phonemes which easily understood. They can
do not exist in the student’s own also produce some phrases
L1, both in isolation and within and short sentences clearly,
key vocabulary items. and may approximate
EFL.2.2.10. Clap, move, chant, English rhythm and
or sing along with short authentic intonation in longer
English language rhymes or utterances. (I.3)

songs, approximating English

rhythm and intonation once CE.EFL.2.10. Interaction –
familiar with the text. (Example: Interpersonal: Participate
jump or clap in time to jump-rope effectively in basic
rhymes, do the actions to action interpersonal interactions in
songs or short rhythmic poems, everyday contexts, provided
enunciating some of words in the interlocutor speaks slowly
time with the rhythm, etc.) and clearly. (Example:
requesting, introducing,
responding, etc.)
EFL.2.2.13. Understand and use I.EFL.2.10.1. Learners can
basic greetings, leave-taking interact effectively using a
expressions, and other simple range of basic functional
everyday phrases to facilitate exponents for interpersonal
interpersonal interaction, to conversations in everyday
introduce others, and to name contexts, providing speech is
things. (Example: Thank-you, slow and clear. Learners can
Can I help you? This is [name], request repetition or
etc.) clarification, and can react
EFL.2.2.14. Ask and answer appropriately to responses
basic personal information received. (I.3)
questions, as well as simple
questions about other people, CE.EFL.2.11. Identify and
animals, and possessions, understand individual
provided the interaction is slow every-day words, phrases,
and clear. (Example: Where do and sentences, including
you live? Do you have a bicycle?, instructions.

I.EFL.2.11.1. Learners can

understand familiar words,
phrases, and short simple
sentences and can
EFL.2.3.1. Demonstrate basic successfully complete the
reading comprehension skills by simple accompanying task.
identifying the meaning of (I.4)
individual words, phrases, and
sentences, including simple CE.EFL.2.17. Write simple
written instructions. words, phrases, and
sentences to demonstrate
knowledge of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization
and handwriting / typography,
EFL.2.4.1 Know how to spell and identify their meanings.
simple English words correctly, I.EFL.2.17.1. Learners can
demonstrating awareness of write words, phrases, and
sound-letter relationships. short simple sentences using
(Example: sea, mean, bee, etc.) the correct conventions
punctuation, capitalization,
and handwriting or
typography, etc.), for making
simple learning resources.

CE.EFL.2.21. Distinguish key

information in stories and

EFL.2.5.1. Identify key other age-appropriate literary

information such as events, texts, both oral and written.
characters, and objects in stories I.EFL.2.21.1. Learners can
and other age-appropriate literary recognize, through pictures
texts if there is visual support. or other media such as ICT,
key aspects of a story or
literary text (both oral and
written). (J.1, I.2)

3. Birthday Party - Talking about EFL.2.1.1. Exchange basic 1. Develop Kolb’s cycle of CE.EFL.2.3. Make use of 6 weeks
numbers and age. introductions and limited personal experiencial learning: basic personal information
Vocabulary - Asking and information in class using simple - Concrete Experience and expressions of
Numbers and answering about present tense in order to get to - Reflexive bservation. politeness in order to
Toys toys. know their peers. (Example: - Abstract introduce oneself and
Grammar How - Building reading where one lives or conceptualization. participate in a short
old are you? I’m and listening skills. goes to school, etc.) - Active conversation.
(seven). How -Talking about EFL.2.1.6. Understand and use experimentation. I.EFL.2.3.1. Learners can
many dolls? toys. common expressions of use basic personal
(One) (doll). politeness in class while working 2. The Direct method. information and expressions
(Two) (dolls). I in pairs or groups on projects. 3. Input before output of politeness in short
have (one) (Example: Please, sorry, thank 4. Total physical response. dialogues or conversations.
(game). I have you, etc.) 5. Suggestopedia, (J.2, J.3)
(two) (games). 6. Comunicative Language
EFL.2.1.7. Collaborate in a Teaching.
friendly manner by sharing CE.EFL.2.4. Develop skills of
classroom materials and personal collaboration by working
objects while participating in together on projects and
sharing materials while

games and activities in class and expressing personal

on the playground. preferences with peers.
I.EFL.2.4.1. Learners can
select pictures and/or short
phrases that relate to
collaborating and sharing
and express
personal preferences. (J.2,
EFL.2.2.1. Understand meanings J.3, S.4)
expressed in short dialogues on
familiar topics, as well as basic CE.EFL.2.6. Listening for
spoken instructions and simple Meaning: Understand the
questions about self, people, main ideas in short simple
animals, or things, especially spoken texts that include
when spoken slowly and clearly. familiar vocabulary and are
(Example: greetings, short set in everyday contexts.
phrases, basic range of I.EFL.2.6.1. Learners can
classroom instructions, common understand the main ideas in
personal information questions: short simple spoken texts
What’s your name? etc.) and infer who is speaking
what the situation is, without
decoding every word. (I.3)
EFL.2.2.13. Understand and use
basic greetings, leave-taking CE.EFL.2.10. Interaction –
expressions, and other simple Interpersonal: Participate
everyday phrases to facilitate effectively in basic
interpersonal interaction, to interpersonal interactions in

introduce others, and to name everyday contexts, provided

things. (Example: Thank-you, the interlocutor speaks slowly
Can I help you? This is [name], and clearly. (Example:
etc.) requesting, introducing,
EFL.2.2.14. Ask and answer responding, etc.)
basic personal information I.EFL.2.10.1. Learners can
questions, as well as simple interact effectively using a
questions about other people, range of basic functional
animals, and possessions, exponents for interpersonal
provided the interaction is slow conversations in everyday
and clear. (Example: Where do contexts, providing speech is
you live? Do you have a bicycle?, slow and clear. Learners can
etc.) request repetition or
clarification, and can react
appropriately to responses
received. (I.3)

EFL.2.3.1. Demonstrate basic CE.EFL.2.11. Identify and

reading comprehension skills by understand individual
identifying the meaning of every-day words, phrases,
individual words, phrases, and and sentences, including
sentences, including simple instructions.
written instructions. I.EFL.2.11.1. Learners can
understand familiar words,
phrases, and short simple
sentences and can
successfully complete the

EFL.2.5.1. Identify key simple accompanying task.

information such as events, (I.4)
characters, and objects in stories
and other age-appropriate literary CE.EFL.2.21. Distinguish key
texts if there is visual support. information in stories and
other age-appropriate literary
texts, both oral and written.
I.EFL.2.21.1. Learners can
recognize, through pictures
or other
media such as ICT, key
aspects of a story or literary
text (both
oral and written). (J.1, I.2)

4. Home - Talking about EFL.2.1.6. Understand and use 11. Develop Kolb’s cycle of CE.EFL.2.3. Make use of 6 weeks
family members. common expressions of experiencial learning: basic personal information
Vocabulary - Talking about politeness in class while working - Concrete Experience and expressions of
Family and likes and dislikes in pairs or groups on projects. - Reflexive bservation. politeness in order to
Food with food. (Example: Please, sorry, thank - Abstract introduce oneself and
Grammar - Building reading you, etc.) conceptualization. participate in a short
Who’s this? and listening skills. - Active conversation.
This is my - Asking and experimentation. I.EFL.2.3.1. Learners can
(mother). I like answering about use basic personal
(juice). I don’t food. 2. The Direct method. information and expressions
like (juice). 3. Input before output of politeness in short
What’s this? EFL.2.1.8. Exchange basic 4. Total physical response. dialogues or conversations.
This is (pizza). personal preferences with peers 5. Suggestopedia, (J.2, J.3)

Phonics short in order to express likes and 6. Comunicative Language

/a/, short /e/, dislikes. Teaching. CE.EFL.2.4. Develop skills of
short /i/, short/o/ collaboration by working
and short /u/ together on projects and
sharing materials while
expressing personal
preferences with peers.
I.EFL.2.4.1. Learners can
select pictures and/or short
EFL.2.2.1. Understand meanings phrases that relate to
expressed in short dialogues on collaborating and sharing
familiar topics, as well as basic and express
spoken instructions and simple personal preferences. (J.2,
questions about self, people, J.3, S.4)
animals, or things, especially
when spoken slowly and clearly. CE.EFL.2.6. Listening for
(Example: greetings, short Meaning: Understand the
phrases, basic range of main ideas in short simple
classroom instructions, common spoken texts that include
personal information questions: familiar vocabulary and are
What’s your name? etc.) set in everyday contexts.
I.EFL.2.6.1. Learners can
understand the main ideas in
EFL2.2.3. Recognize familiar short simple spoken texts
names, words, and short phrases and infer who is speaking
about simple everyday topics and
whether heard in what the situation is, without
decoding every word. (I.3)

isolation or within short, simple

spoken texts describing people CE.EFL.2.7. Listening for
and objects. (Example: Information: Follow short and
vocabulary about self, family, simple spoken texts that
friends and immediate include familiar vocabulary
surroundings at school and and are set in everyday
home, adjectives for color and contexts. Identify key items
size, etc.) of information within the text,
and record or act upon them.
I.EFL.2.7.1. Learners can
understand short and simple
spoken texts well enough to
EFL.2.2.8. Imitate individual be able to pick out key items
English language sounds, of information and record
especially those phonemes which them in writing or drawings,
do not exist in the student’s own or
L1, both in isolation and within physically act upon them.
key vocabulary items. (I.3)
EFL.2.2.10. Clap, move, chant,
or sing along with short authentic CE.EFL.2.8. Production -
English language rhymes or Pronunciation: Produce
songs, approximating English individual words and short
rhythm and intonation once phrases clearly enough that
familiar with the text. (Example: other people can usually
jump or clap in time to jump-rope understand them easily.
rhymes, do the actions to action I.EFL.2.8.1. Learners can
songs or short rhythmic poems, pronounce most familiar

enunciating some of words in vocabulary items accurately,

time with the rhythm, etc.) and can therefore usually be
easily understood. They can
EFL.2.3.1. Demonstrate basic also produce some phrases
reading comprehension skills by and short sentences clearly,
identifying the meaning of and may approximate
individual words, phrases, and English rhythm and
sentences, including simple intonation in longer
written instructions. utterances. (I.3)

CE.EFL.2.11. Identify and

understand individual
every-day words, phrases,
EFL.2.3.5. Show the ability to use and sentences, including
a simple learning resource. instructions.
(Example: a small set of I.EFL.2.11.1. Learners can
flashcards, a picture-based understand familiar words,
dictionary (online or print), or a phrases, and short simple
simple word list). sentences and can
successfully complete the
simple accompanying task.

CE.EFL.2.14. Demonstrate
familiarity with study
EFL.2.4.3. Write simple words, resources (both print and
phrases and sentences with digital). (Example: a picture
dictionary, some flashcards

correct use of standard writing of known words, or a word

mechanics. (Example: spelling, list.)
punctuation, capitalization, and I.EFL.2.14.1. Learners can
writing by hand and/or on the successfully use simple
computer. online and print learning
resources. (Example:
flashcards, picture
dictionaries, word lists, etc.)

CE.EFL.2.17. Write simple

words, phrases, and
sentences to demonstrate
knowledge of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization
EFL.2.5.7. Create picture books and handwriting / typography,
and/or other graphic expressions and identify their meanings.
in pairs in class by varying I.EFL.2.17.1. Learners can
scenes, characters, or other write words, phrases, and
elements of literary texts. short simple sentences using
the correct conventions
punctuation, capitalization,
and handwriting or
typography, etc.), for making
simple learning resources.

CE.EFL.2.23. Display an
affinity for a variety of literary
texts by responding within a
range of physical, cognitive,
and attitudinal manners, and
vary elements of a literary
text to create a new text.
I.EFL.2.23.1. Learners can
demonstrate an affinity for a
variety of literary texts by
responding within a range of
physical, cognitive, and
attitudinal manners and
adapt elementsof a literary
text to create a new text. (I.1,

The Park - Talking about EFL.2.1.5. Recognize ways to 1. Develop Kolb’s cycle of CE.EFL.2.2. Catalog
nature. relate responsibly to one’s experiencial learning: everyday objects and places
Vocabulary - Talking about surroundings at home and at - Concrete Experience in different cultures and
Nature, abilities and school by exhibiting responsible - Reflexive bservation. recognize ways to act
Playtime and playtime. behaviors towards the - Abstract responsibly towards one’s
Animals - To build reading environment. (Example: chores at conceptualization. environment and
Grammar What and listening skills. home, recycling, etc.) - Active surroundings.
can you see? I - Asking and experimentation. I.EFL.2.2.1. Learners can
can see a answering about classify everyday objects and
(flower). I can animals. 2. The Direct method. familiar places. Learners can
see (flowers). I 3. Input before output compare objects from

can play 4. Total physical response. different cultural contexts.

(soccer). I can’t 5. Suggestopedia, Learners can say and
play (soccer). 6. Comunicative Language recognize ways to take care
Can you see a Teaching. of the environment and one’s
turtle? Yes, I EFL.2.2.13. Understand and use surroundings. (J.3, S.1)
can. No, I can’t. basic greetings, leave-taking
expressions, and other simple CE.EFL.2.10. Interaction –
everyday phrases to facilitate Interpersonal: Participate
interpersonal interaction, to effectively in basic
introduce others, and to name interpersonal interactions in
things. (Example: Thank-you, everyday contexts, provided
Can I help you? This is [name], the interlocutor speaks slowly
etc.) and clearly. (Example:
EFL.2.2.14. Ask and answer requesting, introducing,
basic personal information responding, etc.)
questions, as well as simple I.EFL.2.10.1. Learners can
questions about other people, interact effectively using a
animals, and possessions, range of basic functional
provided the interaction is slow exponents for interpersonal
and clear. (Example: Where do conversations in everyday
you live? Do you have a bicycle?, contexts, providing speech is
etc.) slow and clear. Learners can
request repetition or
clarification, and can react
appropriately to responses
received. (I.3)

EFL.2.3.1. Demonstrate basic CE.EFL.2.11. Identify and

reading comprehension skills by understand individual
identifying the meaning of every-day words, phrases,
individual words, phrases, and and sentences, including
sentences, including simple instructions.
written instructions. I.EFL.2.11.1. Learners can
understand familiar words,
phrases, and short simple
sentences and can
successfully complete the
EFL.2.3.5. Show the ability to use simple accompanying task.
a simple learning resource. (I.4)
(Example: a small set of
flashcards, a picture-based CE.EFL.2.14. Demonstrate
dictionary (online or print), or a familiarity with study
simple word list). resources (both print and
digital). (Example: a picture
dictionary, some flashcards
of known words, or a word
I.EFL.2.14.1. Learners can
successfully use simple
EFL.2.5.1. Identify key online and print learning
information such as events, resources. (Example:
characters, and objects in stories flashcards, picture
and other age-appropriate literary dictionaries, word lists, etc.)
texts if there is visual support. (I.2)

CE.EFL.2.21. Distinguish key

information in stories and
other age-appropriate literary
texts, both oral and written.
I.EFL.2.21.1. Learners can
recognize, through pictures
or other media such as ICT,
key aspects of a story or
literary text (both oral and
written). (J.1, I.2
5. The Zoo - . EFL.2.1.6. Understand and use 1. Develop Kolb’s cycle of CE.EFL.2.3. Make use of 6 weeks
common expressions of experiencial learning: basic personal information
Vocabulary politeness in class while working - Concrete Experience and expressions of
Animals and in pairs or groups on projects. - Reflexive bservation. politeness in order to
Abilities (Example: Please, sorry, thank - Abstract introduce oneself and
Grammar you, etc.) conceptualization. participate in a short
Where is the - Active conversation.
(monkey)? The experimentation. I.EFL.2.3.1. Learners can
(monkey) is (in use basic personal
the tree). It’s 2. The Direct method. information and expressions
(one the rock). 3. Input before output of politeness in short
Where are the EFL.2.2.8. Imitate individual 4. Total physical response. dialogues or conversations.
(snakes)? English language sounds, 5. Suggestopedia, (J.2, J.3)
They’re (on the especially those phonemes which 6. Comunicative Language
rock). Can do not exist in the student’s own Teaching. CE.EFL.2.8. Production -
(zebras) (run)? L1, both in isolation and within Pronunciation: Produce
Yes, they can. key vocabulary items. individual words and short
No, they can’t. phrases clearly enough that

Phonics: /f/, /v/, EFL.2.2.10. Clap, move, chant, other people can usually
/s/, /z/, /r/ and /l/ or sing along with short authentic understand them easily.
English language rhymes or I.EFL.2.8.1. Learners can
songs, approximating English pronounce most familiar
rhythm and intonation once vocabulary items accurately,
familiar with the text. (Example: and can therefore usually be
jump or clap in time to jump-rope easily understood. They can
rhymes, do the actions to action also produce some phrases
songs or short rhythmic poems, and short sentences clearly,
enunciating some of words in and may approximate
time with the rhythm, etc.) English rhythm and
intonation in longer
utterances. (I.3)
EFL.2.3.1. Demonstrate basic
reading comprehension skills by CE.EFL.2.11. Identify and
identifying the meaning of understand individual
individual words, phrases, and every-day words, phrases,
sentences, including simple and sentences, including
written instructions. instructions.
I.EFL.2.11.1. Learners can
understand familiar words,
phrases, and short simple
sentences and can
EFL.2.4.3. Write simple words, successfully complete the
phrases and sentences with simple accompanying task.
correct use of standard writing (I.4)
mechanics. (Example: spelling,

punctuation, capitalization, and CE.EFL.2.17. Write simple

writing by hand and/ or on the words, phrases, and
computer. sentences to demonstrate
knowledge of spelling,
punctuation, capitalization
and handwriting / typography,
and identify their meanings.
I.EFL.2.17.1. Learners can
write words, phrases, and
short simple sentences using
the correct conventions
punctuation, capitalization,
EFL.2.5.1. Identify key and handwriting or
information such as events, typography, etc.), for making
characters, and objects in stories simple learning resources.
and other age-appropriate literary (I.3)
texts if there is visual support.

CE.EFL.2.21. Distinguish key

information in stories and
other age-appropriate literary
texts, both oral and written.
I.EFL.2.21.1. Learners can
recognize, through pictures
or other media such as ICT,
key aspects of a story or

literary text (both oral and

written). (J.1, I.2)

Science Day - Asking and EFL.2.1.4. Express curiosity 11. Develop Kolb’s cycle of CE.EFL.2.2. Catalog
answering about about the world and other experiencial learning: everyday objects and places
Vocabulary My body parts. cultures by asking simple WH- - Concrete Experience in different cultures and
Body, My Face - Asking and questions in class after reading - Reflexive bservation. recognize ways to act
and Healthy answering about and/or participating in - Abstract responsibly towards one’s
Habits facial features. presentations or other group conceptualization. environment and
Grammar - To build reading work. - Active surroundings.
What’s this? and listening skills. EFL.2.1.5. Recognize ways to experimentation. I.EFL.2.2.1. Learners can
This is my - Talking about relate responsibly to one’s classify everyday objects and
(arm). What are healthy habits. surroundings at home and at 2. The Direct method. familiar places. Learners can
these ? These school by exhibiting responsible 3. Input before output compare objects from
are my (arms). behaviors towards the 4. Total physical response. different cultural contexts.
Is this my environment. (Example: chores at 5. Suggestopedia, Learners can say and
(eye)? Yes, it is. home, recycling, etc.) 6. Comunicative Language recognize ways to take care
No, it isn’t. Are Teaching. of the environment and one’s
these my surroundings. (J.3, S.1)
(eyes)? Yes,
they are. No,
they aren’t. I EFL.2.1.6. Understand and use CE.EFL.2.3. Make use of
can (wash my common expressions of basic personal information
face). politeness in class while working and expressions of
in pairs or groups on projects. politeness in order to
(Example: Please, sorry, thank introduce oneself and
you, etc.) participate in a short

I.EFL.2.3.1. Learners can

use basic personal
information and expressions
of politeness in short
EFL.2.2.14. Ask and answer dialogues or conversations.
basic personal information (J.2, J.3)
questions, as well as simple
questions about other people, CE.EFL.2.10. Interaction –
animals, and possessions, Interpersonal: Participate
provided the interaction is slow effectively in basic
and clear. (Example: Where do interpersonal interactions in
you live? Do you have a bicycle?, everyday contexts, provided
etc.) the interlocutor speaks slowly
and clearly. (Example:
requesting, introducing,
responding, etc.)
I.EFL.2.10.1. Learners can
interact effectively using a
range of basic functional
exponents for interpersonal
conversations in everyday
contexts, providing speech is
slow and clear. Learners can
request repetition or
EFL.2.3.1. Demonstrate basic clarification, and can react
reading comprehension skills by appropriately to responses
identifying the meaning of received. (I.3)
individual words, phrases, and

sentences, including simple CE.EFL.2.11. Identify and

written instructions. understand individual
every-day words, phrases,
and sentences, including
I.EFL.2.11.1. Learners can
EFL.2.3.6. Understand the understand familiar words,
content of a simple graphic phrases, and short simple
organizer (online or print). sentences and can
(Example, Venn Diagrams, successfully complete the
charts, and labeled diagrams.) simple accompanying task.

CE.EFL.2.15. Learn to read

graphs, diagrams, charts,
and other kinds of graphic
organizer. Demonstrate
understanding of a text
presented in the form of a
graphic organizer (both print
EFL.2.5.1. Identify key and digital).
information such as events, I.EFL.2.15.1. Learners can
characters, and objects in stories use simple graphic
and other age-appropriate literary organizers to show that they
texts if there is visual support. can understand a short
simple text. (Example: maps,
diagrams, bar charts, Venn
diagrams, etc.) (I.4)

CE.EFL.2.21. Distinguish key

information in stories and
other age-appropriate literary
texts, both oral and written.
I.EFL.2.21.1. Learners can
recognize, through pictures
or other media such as ICT,
key aspects of a story or
literary text (both oral and
written). (J.1, I.2)

6. The Toy Store - Talking about EFL.2.1.4. Express curiosity 1. Develop Kolb’s cycle of CE.EFL.2.2. Catalog 6 weeks
toys using about the world and other experiencial learning: everyday objects and places
Vocabulary adjectives cultures by asking simple WH- - Concrete Experience in different cultures and
Adjectives and - Asking and questions in class after reading - Reflexive bservation. recognize ways to act
Transportation answering about and/or participating in - Abstract responsibly towards one’s
Grammar toys using presentations or other group conceptualization. environment and
What’s that? adjectives. work. - Active surroundings.
That’s an (old - To build reading EFL.2.1.5. Recognize ways to experimentation. I.EFL.2.2.1. Learners can
bike). What are and listening skills. relate responsibly to one’s classify everyday objects and
those? Those - Asking and surroundings at home and at 2. The Direct method. familiar places. Learners can
are (new bikes). answering about school by exhibiting responsible 3. Input before output compare objects from
Is that a (fast transportation. behaviors towards the 4. Total physical response. different cultural contexts.
car)? Yes, it is. environment. (Example: chores at 5. Suggestopedia, Learners can say and
No, it isn’t. Are home, recycling, etc.) 6. Comunicative Language recognize ways to take care
those (fast Teaching.

cars)? Yes, they of the environment and one’s

are. No, they surroundings. (J.3, S.1)
aren’t. What’s EFL2.2.3. Recognize familiar
this/that? It’s names, words, and short phrases CE.EFL.2.7. Listening for
a(n) (old bus). about simple everyday topics Information: Follow short and
What are whether heard in simple spoken texts that
those/these? isolation or within short, simple include familiar vocabulary
They’re (new spoken texts describing people and are set in everyday
buses). and objects. (Example: contexts. Identify key items
Phonics long vocabulary about self, family, of information within the text,
/a/, long /e/, friends and immediate and record or act upon them.
long /i/, long /o/ surroundings at school and I.EFL.2.7.1. Learners can
and long /u/ home, adjectives for color and understand short and simple
size, etc.) spoken texts well enough to
be able to pick out key items
of information and record
them in writing or drawings,
or physically act upon them.
EFL.2.2.8. Imitate individual (I.3)
English language sounds,
especially those phonemes which CE.EFL.2.8. Production -
do not exist in the student’s own Pronunciation: Produce
L1, both in isolation and within individual words and short
key vocabulary items. phrases clearly enough that
EFL.2.2.10. Clap, move, chant, other people can usually
or sing along with short authentic understand them easily.
English language rhymes or I.EFL.2.8.1. Learners can
songs, approximating English pronounce most familiar

rhythm and intonation once vocabulary items accurately,

familiar with the text. (Example: and can therefore usually be
jump or clap in time to jump-rope easily understood. They can
rhymes, do the actions to action also produce some phrases
songs or short rhythmic poems, and short sentences clearly,
enunciating some of words in and may approximate
time with the rhythm, etc.) English rhythm and
intonation in longer
utterances. (I.3)

EFL.2.3.1. Demonstrate basic CE.EFL.2.11. Identify and

reading comprehension skills by understand individual
identifying the meaning of every-day words, phrases,
individual words, phrases, and and sentences, including
sentences, including simple instructions.
written instructions. I.EFL.2.11.1. Learners can
understand familiar words,
and short simple sentences
and can successfully
EFL.2.3.5. Show the ability to use complete
a simple learning resource. the simple accompanying
(Example: a small set of task. (I.4)
flashcards, a picture-based
dictionary (online or print), or a CE.EFL.2.14. Demonstrate
simple word list). familiarity with study
resources (both print and
digital). (Example: a picture

dictionary, some flashcards

of known words, or a word
I.EFL.2.14.1. Learners can
EFL.2.3.6. Understand the successfully use simple
content of a simple graphic online and print learning
organizer (online or print). resources. (Example:
(Example, Venn Diagrams, flashcards, picture
charts, and labeled diagrams.) dictionaries, word lists, etc.)

CE.EFL.2.15. Learn to read

graphs, diagrams, charts,
and other kinds of graphic
organizer. Demonstrate
understanding of a text
presented in the form of a
EFL.2.4.3. Write simple words, graphic organizer (both print
phrases and sentences with and digital).
correct use of standard writing I.EFL.2.15.1. Learners can
mechanics. (Example: spelling, use simple graphic
punctuation, capitalization, and organizers to show that they
writing by hand and/or on the can understand a short
computer. simple text. (Example:maps,
diagrams, bar charts, Venn
diagrams, etc.) (I.4)

CE.EFL.2.17. Write simple

words, phrases, and
sentences to demonstrate
knowledge of spelling,
EFL.2.5.1. Identify key punctuation, capitalization
information such as events, and handwriting / typography,
characters, and objects in stories and identify their meanings.
and other age-appropriate literary I.EFL.2.17.1. Learners can
texts if there is visual support. write words, phrases, and
short simple sentences using
the correct conventions
punctuation, capitalization,
and handwriting or
typography, etc.), for making
simple learning resources.

CE.EFL.2.21. Distinguish key

information in stories and
other age-appropriate literary
texts, both oral and written.
I.EFL.2.21.1. Learners can
recognize, through pictures
or other media such as ICT,
key aspects of a story or
literary text (both oral and
written). (J.1, I.2)


Jackson, P., & Banman Sileci, S. (2012). Everybody Up Student Book Level 1. Oxford: Oxford University

Jackson, P., & Banman Sileci, S. (2012). Everybody Up Teacher’s Book Level 1. Oxford: Oxford University

Jackson, P., & Banman Sileci, S. (2012). Everybody Up Workbook Level 1. Oxford: Oxford University


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