Homework #10

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A. Listen and read the first part of the story and answer the questions.

1. What did the detective give Hartley? What did he offer to do?

El detective le dio a Hartley la dirección de Vivienne. He offered to follow


2. What did Hartley do when he got the address?

He left the detective’s office and went to find where Vivienne lived.

3. What did Vivienne look like?

Vivienne appeared to be about 21 years old, with golden red hair and blue

4. Why was Hartley angry with her?

Because she hadn’t answered his letter.

5. Why do you think she didn't answer his letter?

Because he may not have had time to do so or he may have forgotten to

answer the letter.

B. Read ans listen to the second part and answer the questions.

1. Why wasn't Vivienne sure about accepting Hartley's offer?

Because I wasn't sure about living in the suburbs.

2. How did Hartley try to persuade her?
Hartley told her that she could come to the city anytime she wanted to go to

the theater, go shopping and visit friends

3. Where did Hartley and Vivienne first meet?

At a dinner party at the Montgomery home.
4. What did Hartley think was the reason why Vivienne didn't say yes to his


Because she loves someone else.

5. What do you think Hartley wanted Vivienne to do?

He wanted to persuade her to go out with him no matter what.

6. Who do you think Héloise is?

Vivienne's sister

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