012 Parvez Rahman

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Political System of China

The Chinese political system is authoritarian. There are no freely elected national leaders, political
opposition is suppressed, all religious activity is controlled by the CCP, dissent is not permitted
and civil rights are curtailed. Elections in China occur under a single-party authoritarian political
Legal System of China
China's legal system is largely a socialist system of law based primarily on the Civil Law model,
although found its root in Great Qing Code and various historical system, largely reflecting the
influence of Continental European legal systems, especially the German civil law system in the
19th and early 20th centuries.
Economical System of China
Some economic experts claim that China's economy represents state capitalism rather than a
socialist market economy. This claim emerged in the 1980s and the 1990s after the country
experienced various industrial and economic reforms. Additionally, the argument for state
capitalism is linked to the way in which the country runs the enterprises that it owns. The Chinese
government operates these enterprises the same way that privately owned firms operate, meaning
that the government keeps all profits. However, researchers argued that China has the mixed
socialist market economic system.

Political System of USA
The United States is a federal constitutional republic, in which the President of the United States,
Congress, and judiciary share powers reserved to the national government, and the federal
government shares sovereignty with the state governments. The Constitution of the United States
provides for a separation of powers among three branches. The executive branch is mostly about
the President and is independent of the legislature. Legislative power is in the two chambers of
Congress, the Senate and the House of Representatives.
Legal System of USA
The legal system in the United States is a common law system. This system is based on the idea
that judges should make decisions based on precedent, or past decisions made by other judges.
This system is also based on the idea of the rule of law, which means that the government should
obey the law and that people should be treated equally under the law.
Economical System of USA
The Economic System in the United States is known as a mixed economy. This system combines
elements of free market capitalism with government intervention. Some economists describe this
system as a blend of capitalism and socialism.

Political System of Russia
The politics of Russia take place in the framework of the federal semi-presidential republic of
Russia. According to the Constitution of Russia, the President of Russia is head of state, and of a
multi-party system with executive power exercised by the government, headed by the Prime
Minister, who is appointed by the President with the parliament's approval. Legislative power is
vested in the two houses of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, while the President
and the government issue numerous legally binding by-laws.
Legal System of Russia
The Russian legal system is generally classified as a civil law system. It is a code-based legal
system and the organization of judicial review closely mirrors that of Western European civil law
Economical System of Russia
Russia has a market-based economy with a high level of state involvement, and many government
officials are quite wealthy.

Political system of Japan
The political system of Japan is a constitutional monarchy, with a parliamentary system of
government based on the separation of powers. The emperor is the symbol of the state and does
not hold political functions, only performing ceremonial duties. Nevertheless, he can play a
relevant diplomatic role.
Legal System of Japan
The Japanese legal system is based on the civil law system, following the model of 19th Century
European legal systems, especially the legal codes of Germany and France. Japan established its
legal system when imperial rule to Japan was restored in 1868 as part of the Meiji Restoration.
Economical System of Japan
The economy of Japan is a highly developed social market economy, often referred to as an East
Asian model. It is the third-largest in the world by nominal GDP and the fourth-largest by
purchasing power parity (PPP). It is the world's second-largest developed economy.
Comparison of political, legal and economic system among China, USA, Russia and Japan

Systems China USA Russia Japan

Federal Federal semi-
Political System Authoritarian constitutional presidential
republic monarchy
Socialist system Common law
Legal System Civil law system Civil law system
of law system
Economic Mixed socialist Market-based social market
Mixed economy
System market economy economy

Introduction to the United States Legal System (no date) UpCounsel. Available at: https://www.upcounsel.com/lectl-
s%20decisions%20%28precedents%29%20to%20present%20cases. (Accessed: January 4, 2023).

Logue, A. (no date) Russian economy overview, The Balance. Available at:
https://www.thebalancemoney.com/russian-economy-3306352 (Accessed: January 4, 2023).

Research guides: People's republic of china legal research: Introduction to China's legal system (no date)
Introduction to China's Legal System - People's Republic of China Legal Research - Research Guides at Harvard
Library. Available at:
(Accessed: January 4, 2023).

Wallace, D. (2022) United States Legal System history, isalegal. Available at: https://isalegal.info/united-states-
%20decisions%20made%20by%20other%20judges. (Accessed: January 4, 2023).

Japan's Parliament and other political institutions: Think tank: European parliament (no date) Think Tank |
European Parliament. Available at:
https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document/EPRS_BRI(2020)651951 (Accessed: January 4, 2023).

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