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2, FEBRUARY 2019 8400808

Numerical and Experimental Determination of Local Building

Factors of a Three-Phase Transformer Core Package
Yusuke Kanto 1, Georgi Shilyashki 2, Helmut Pfützner 2, and Ivo Matkovic2
1 Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, Tokyo 100-8071, Japan
2 Institute of Electrodynamics, Microwave and Circuit Engineering, TU-Wien, A-1040 Vienna, Austria

The analyses of flux distributions and losses in transformer cores need highest expenditure if performed in experimental ways.
This paper presents a novel combined methodology for the evaluation of local and global loss building factors BF. As a first step,
the local patterns of the dynamic induction vector B(t) were calculated, by means of a novel numerical “magnetic anisotropic circuit
calculation (MACC) methodology. The latter considers the core materials non-linear permeability functions in rolling direction and
transverse direction, as well as non-linear effects of overlaps in corners and T-joints. In a second step, the calculated induction
patterns were exactly simulated on the hexagonal Vienna rotational single sheet tester and the corresponding local losses p were
measured electrodynamically. Finally, the values p were allocated to the corresponding core positions, taking into account the entire
core geometry. BF of the core was estimated from the total of loss values weighted to the corresponding volume portions. The
method was applied for a three-phase core of highly grain-oriented material, magnetized with BNOM = 1.7 T. The procedure shows
the local distributions of losses, yielding also information on those of eddy currents and rotational magnetization (RM). As an
example, the T-joint, as the area of highest RM, yields a local loss increase of about 50%. Apart from RM, the local induction
variations—including waveform distortions, caused mainly by circulating magnetization—prove to have a high impact on losses,
locally yielding 50% as well. These highly convincing results indicate that the complicated sensor studies of cores can partly be
replaced by: 1) numerical modeling of induction distributions and 2) subsequent allocations of loss values as detected by RSST
Index Terms— Building factors, losses, numerical modelling, rotational magnetization, transformer cores.

I. I NTRODUCTION package that can be treated as a 2-D problem—well aware that

a full-size core represents a complex 3-D system.
M AGNETIC energy losses of transformers arise in con-
tinuous ways. Thus the efficiency of cores has high
industrial, economic, and ecological relevance. Estimations II. M ETHODOLOGY
of efficiency are based on the cores building factor. It is The effectiveness and accuracy of determined local
defined as BF = P/PNOM [1], [2], with P the total core BF-values depends strongly on the methodology that is applied
losses and PNOM the nominal losses, as determined by single for their estimation. According to Table I, the following
sheet tester or Epstein tester. Unfortunately, the two testers summarizes two traditional procedures, as well as the already
yield different results [3]. On the other hand, P can easily mentioned novel one.
be measured in watt-metric ways. For a three-phase core,
the order of BF tends to be close to 1.2, with even higher A. Numerical Methodology
values for very small cores.
The most simple way to determine local BF-values is to
For the optimization of machines, it is of high interest
model the given core in numerical ways. The most com-
to clarify those physical mechanisms that contribute to an
individually measured value BF. An effective tool is given by mon procedure is to apply the finite-element method (FEM)
for an estimation of local distributions of the induction
so-called local building factors BFi = pi /PNOM [4] that are
vector B, as a first step. Advanced FEM programs allow
determined at selected core regions, like corners or T-joints.
effective calculations of flux distributions. However, long
Considering the volume portions of the individual regions,
procedure times may result if the non-linearity of mater-
the local BF-values should yield the total factor BF, as a
ial performance as well as the high anisotropy of modern
highly grain-oriented (HGO) SiFe should be considered. Even
In practice, the effective determination of local BF-values
longer ones arise if the modeling should be performed as
proves to be a complicated task. It is highly error-prone —
depending on the applied methodology. The aim of this paper a function of time, as being essential for the estimation of
local loss value portions. The experience revealed that much
was to establish a novel methodology that yields accurate
faster processing is offered by the novel method of so-called
results with acceptable expenditure of work. The following
magnetic anisotropic circuit calculation (MACC) [5]. As a
describes the developed procedure for the case of a single core
specific advantage, it offers rapid possibilities to perform
Manuscript received July 5, 2018; revised October 5, 2018; accepted flexible modifications of the geometry of the considered
November 8, 2018. Date of publication December 17, 2018; date of cur- core.
rent version January 18, 2019. Corresponding author: Y. Kanto (e-mail: The crucial problem of pure numerical modeling is to
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMAG.2018.2882765 determine n local loss values pi from the n local induction
0018-9464 © 2018 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka-UTEM. Downloaded on September 09,2021 at 16:49:01 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


patterns Bi (t), where n is the number of investigated elements.

Mathematical expressions as reported in the literature tend
to be focused on the estimation of classical eddy current
losses [6]. However, their contribution to total losses is
restricted to about one third, and very limited mathematical
tools exist for the estimation of hysteresis losses [7] and
anomalous eddy current losses [8], [9], the latter being based
on theory for non-oriented materials [10]. This means that
purely numerical procedures are characterized by low degrees
of accuracy.

B. Experimental Methodology
The “classical” method for the determination of local
BF-values is to establish a model core from the given type
of SiFe and to measure local loss values pi in direct ways. Fig. 1. Part of the magnetic equivalent circuit, used for the calculation
Such tests were performed by thermal sensors like thermo of local induction values, after [16]. Compared to the circuit in [16], some
improvements of the circuit in the corners and T-joint were performed. Taking
couples [11] or thermistors [12] that are arranged between advantage of symmetry, only a half of the core is modeled.
selected core layers. This method promises the results of
quite high accuracy; however, in connection with very high
experimental expenditure for both the manufacturing of core
and the attachment of interior sensors. For more simple
measurement of pi , sensors were also arranged at the core
surface [13]. As an attractive option, the latter was scanned
by a thermistor sensor in fully automatic ways [14]. However,
as stated in [14], the surface may be representative for the core
interior in restricted ways only.
The above experimental methods promise best results for
local BF-values. On the other hand, the expenditure is very
high. Further, the methodology lacks flexibility—for example,
a further core has to be manufactured, if possible improve- Fig. 2. Used data for the MACC modeling. (a) Non-linear permeability func-
ments should be checked that are expected from an increased tions in RD μRD (BRD ) and in TD μTD (BTD ), respectively (data from [18],
as it was also used for the modeling in [5]). Notice: the scale for μTD, on the
length of limbs or yokes, respectively. right side is an order of magnitude smaller than the scale for μRD , on the left
As a further problem of experimental modeling, it is dif- side. (b) Overlap reluctances as a function of BDD . Data from [19], as also
ficult to determine those local induction patterns Bi (t) that in [5], [16], and [17].
are responsible for a corresponding BF-value, for a physical
interpretation of result. The usual procedure is to arrange experimentally manufactured model core by numerical MACC
small search coils through holes that are drilled in selected that is characterized by flexibility and low processing time
laminations [15]. This causes artifacts through inter-laminar for the determination of induction patterns. In a second step,
air gaps, apart from very high expenditure of experimental the n resulting patterns Bi (t) are simulated in exact ways for
work. the magnetization of a sample of rotational single sheet tester
(RSST), manufactured from the given type of core material.
C. Numerical and Experimental Methodology Finally, the n corresponding loss values pi are determined by
This paper describe a novel concept that avoids the main means of the rapid electrodynamic method, for the calculation
disadvantages of the two above procedures. It replaces the of the n values BF i of local building factor.

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Fig. 3. MACC-calculated magnetization patterns for BNOM = 1.7 T, the corresponding peak inductions BRD in RDs, the axis ratios a, defined as a = BRD /BTD
(with BTD the peak induction in TD), as well as the RSST-measured local loss values.

III. N UMERICAL M ODELING OF L OCAL in [5], the basic idea of MACC is the harmonization of the
F LUX D ISTRIBUTIONS local induction values with the corresponding local perme-
According to the novel procedure, the local patterns of the ability values, according to the three non-linear permeability
dynamic induction vector B(t) were calculated by means of functions from Fig. 2.
the recently presented numerical MACC methodology [5].
For this paper, we used a 2-D model of a package of a IV. L OCAL D ISTRIBUTION OF MACC-C ALCULATED
three phase, three-limb core stacked from HGO material with M AGNETIZATION PATTERNS
the following dimensions: height 800 mm, width 1000 mm, Fig. 3 shows the distribution of the numerically calculated
lamination width 200 mm, and stacking height 20 mm. local induction patterns B(t). For the inner and the outer path,
Following the MACC procedure, as a first step, for the at the location of most elements in RD, the calculated dynam-
here considered core, a magnetic equivalent circuit was estab- ical induction within a period of magnetization is depicted as
lished, with 35 elements for local paths in rolling direc- a mere alternating magnetization pattern. On the other hand,
tion (RD), 15 elements in transverse direction (TD), and six for the middle path, at the location of each element in TD,
elements in diagonal direction (DD; in overlaps of corners the magnetization patterns B(t) are depicted, determined from
and T-joint). the induction in TD and from the mean value of the four
A circuit with more elements corresponding to higher spatial neighboring inductions in RD.
resolution—as presented in [17]—may be used. As discussed Fig. 3 shows that the peak inductions BRD in the central
in [17], higher resolution mantels global effects but it reveals parts of the limbs along all three paths are similar. However,
better local differences of induction, the latter being important close to the overlap regions of the corner, the values of the
for losses, since they increase in a non-linear way with the inner path (BRD = 1.74 T) tend to be up to 5 % higher than
peak induction. However, for the current pilot study, aimed on those of the outer one, with BRD -values down to 1.66 T. The
presenting the basic concept, a higher resolution would have reason is the relative shorter magnetic path length of the inner
been superfluous, apart from strongly increased expenditure of path. Furthermore, a high maximal value of BRD = 1.74 T
higher numbers of needed RSST tests. resulted for the T-joint region straight below the V-element.
To all elements of the circuit in RD and TD, the cor- The reason is that for two certain time instants, a flux portion
responding non-linear permeability functions μRD (BRD ) and of the inner and middle paths enter the outer path, thus
μTD (BTD ) [Fig. 2(a)], respectively, were allocated, while for avoiding the high reluctance of the overlap.
the elements in DD, the corresponding non-linear overlap Quasi-dynamical simulations for 360 time instants within a
reluctance function from Fig. 2(b) (from [19]) was assigned. period of magnetization allowed for effective calculations of
Using the MACC-software, a dynamic simulation for distortions of waveform, as given for some locations in Fig. 4.
360 instants of time within a magnetization period for BNOM = Fig. 4(a)–(c) shows distortions for the outer, middle, and inner
1.7 T and f = 50 Hz was performed. As described in detail path of the central part of the outer limb. While the middle

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Fig. 4. Local induction waveforms and the corresponding frequency spectra for BNOM = 1.7 T and f = 50 Hz of the following locations (compare Fig. 3).
(a) Inner path of the outer limb, pos. A. (b) Middle path of the outer limb, pos. B. (c) Outer path of the outer limb, pos. C. (d) Below the V-element of the
T-joint region, pos. D.

path shows almost perfect sine waveform, the outer and the
inner paths yield strong distortions, with pronounced third
harmonics (150 Hz) of the Fourier spectrum. As a general
trend, the performed simulations show that all peripheral paths
(not only in the outer limb) exhibit distinct distortions.
The waveform of local induction in the region below the
V-element [Fig. 4(d)] shows a very specific waveform with
two pronounced peaks. The peaks appear for the time instants
of maximal induction in the outer R-limb and outer T-limb,
respectively. According to Fig. 2(b), for high inductions the
overlaps represent a high obstacle for the magnetic flux.
It means that the flux of the highest intensity “coming” from
the limbs tries to avoid the overlaps as much as possible. As a
result, the region below the V-elements is over loaded, as an
explanation for the highest amplitude of the induction for these
two time instants. Furthermore, this region tends to exhibit
high distortions, the third harmonic being up to about 20% of
the fundamental component [compare Fig. 4(d)].
As also indicated by Fig. 3, middle paths exhibit rotational
magnetization (RM). The strength of RM was determined by
the intensity of the axis ratio a, defined as a = BTD /BRD , with
BTD the peak induction in TD and BRD the peak induction
in RD.
According to the numerical calculations, the strongest RM
with a = 0.2 can be found in the T-joint region E at the
Fig. 5. Region of strongest calculated RM (Fig. 3, pos. E). (a) MACC-
limb side close to the V-element. It should be stressed that the calculated magnetization pattern of a rhombic shape. (b) Corresponding
corresponding magnetization patterns of Fig. 3 do not exhibit waveforms of the two ingredients BRD and BTD .
an elliptic shape, but a pronounced rhombic one [compare
Fig. 5(a)]. As investigated in [20], not only the axis ratio but waveform of the induction BTD in TD tends to be strongly
also the shape of magnetization pattern may influence the core distorted, as a possible further source of increased losses.
losses in specific ways. For example, rhombic magnetization The effect of RM in the outer limb tends to be very weak
provides lower losses than the corresponding elliptical one, with an axis ratio a up to 0.02, and can be neglected. Contrary
for the same axis ratio. Furthermore, Fig. 5(b) shows that the to the outer limb, the RM calculated for the middle limb

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and—in particular—yoke is distinctly stronger. As being typ-

ical for HGO materials, the results of the simulation (Fig. 3)
show that RM is not only concentrated into the T-joint, but it
is distributed along the entire yoke, with decreasing strength
toward the corner.


As already stated, an accurate calculation of all three loss-
component tends to be impossible, in particular due to the non-
linear permeability functions, the high distorted waveforms of
the local inductions, as well as due to RM in T-joints and
yokes. According to wide experience, accurate determinations
of losses can only be attained by means of exact simulation
of induction patterns on a rotational single sheet tester.
In this paper, a hexagonal sample of about 160 mm diameter
was cut from the given type of HGO material, and the losses
Fig. 6. VRSST, as used for the measurement of losses pi , for induction
were measured electrodynamically by means of the vienna patterns, as determined by MACC.
RSST (VRSST); Fig. 6 [21], [22]. Due to its specific hexago-
nal design, it enables strong support of the hard direction of the corresponds to 2% increase of the losses. The local peak
material. Due to its specific control algorithm [23], each kind induction values vary up to 5 % from BRD = 1.66 T in the
of distorted alternating magnetization (with high harmonics up outer path of the corner up to 1.74 T for both inner path of the
to 2 kHz) as well as RM patterns of any possible shape can corner as well as for the T-joint region below the V-element.
be simulated. It means that solely due to these variations as calculated
The 360 calculated time instants of the induction pat- in Fig. 4, variations of the local losses and of the local building
tern B(t) of both alternating and rotating magnetization are factors BFi up to 10% are to be expected.
inserted into the VRSST software system. The control algo-
rithm performs a simulation with very high precision, the max- B. Impact of Distortions
imal average deviation from the given pattern being 0.2%. The
corresponding field is measured by means of a 2-D tangential A further impact factor that tends to influence losses is the
field coil, placed below the sample. The corresponding losses distortions of the waveform [25], [26]. They appear due to the
are calculated according to the following formula after [24]: non-linear permeability functions (Fig. 2), different magnetic
 T  path lengths, non-linear overlap reluctances, and also due to
1 d BRD d BTD circulating fluxes.
p= HRD · + HTD · · dt (1)
σT 0 dt dt As shown in Section IV (Fig. 4), the waveform of the
where T is the time period of magnetization and σ is the mass induction along the peripheral paths (window side and outer
density in kg/m3. BRD and BTD are the simulated magnetic paths) is strongly distorted. This results in an increase of
flux densities, averaged over the sample thickness, and HRD the local losses along the peripheries, due to increases of
and HTD the magnetic fields in RD and TD, respectively, the eddy current losses, caused by the components of higher
measured on the sample surface. frequencies. As an example, let us compare the waveform of
the middle path [Fig. 4(b)] with the waveform of the outer path
VI. L OCAL L OSS D ISTRIBUTIONS [Fig. 4(c)]. Even though the peak induction along the outer
path is slightly lower than that of the middle path, the losses
Apart from local MACC-calculated magnetization patterns,
are higher by about 4%, due to the distortions.
Fig. 3 shows also the corresponding results of losses, as deter-
The impact of distortions on the periphery of limbs is
mined by VRSST. According to measurements, three main,
significant. According to the measured loss values as given
well known factors prove to be relevant: 1) the intensity
in Fig. 3, the middle limb tends to exhibit much stronger
of the peak induction; 2) distortions of the waveform of
distortions than the outer one. On the other hand, losses of
BRD and BTD , respectively; and 3) the strength of RM. All
the middle path of the outer limb are significantly lower.
three affect the losses and—as a consequence—the build-
The strongest distortions of waveform were calculated for
ing factor of the investigated transformer core in significant
the region below the V-element [compare Fig. 4(d)] of T-joint.
According to the measurements, the corresponding losses
increase by more than 40%, compared to the non-distorted
A. Impact of the Peak Induction in RD middle part of the outer limb [Fig. 4(b)]. Very roughly,
As it is well known, the peak induction exhibits a strong according to the performed considerations, we can conclude
effect on the losses due to the strongly non-linear depen- that 5% of the loss increase in the considered region are due
dence P(B). Roughly, according to [4], in the magnetization to the peak induction (see Section VI-A), and the remaining
range between 1.6 and 1.8 T, a 1% increase of the induction 35% are due to distortions.

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Fig. 7. Distribution of the local building factors in the investigated quarter of the three-phase transformer core package.

C. Impact of the Rotational Magnetization with PNOM as the nominal losses of the assumed material,
As shown in several works [27] and [28], the losses of a with 0.93 W/kg (for BNOM = 1.7 T and f = 50 Hz).
transformer core are very strongly affected by RM. In [4], mea- As indicated also by results of other studies, individual
surements, performed in the interior of a transformer core, locations exhibit very large variations. According to experi-
showed doubled losses in T-joint, compared to outer limb, ence, the lowest value results in the center of outer limb with
mainly due to RM. BFi = 1.03, corresponding to almost sinusoidal induction.
Fig. 3 shows that the strongest RM with axis ratio a = 0.24 As the upper extreme, we find values close to 1.5 in the
can be found in the T-joint region, at the limb side close to T-joint region.
the V-element, corresponding to a very high loss value of For a compact illustration of tendencies, Fig. 8 summarizes
about 1.40 W/kg. As stated in Section IV, the RM is not averaged values for the individual core regions, i.e., limb,
restricted to the T-joint, but is distributed along the middle corner, yoke, and T-joint, respectively. These values were cal-
path of the yoke, as being typical for cores, stacked from HGO culated with consideration of individual mass portions through
steel. As an average, the middle path of the yoke yields the weighting.
highest losses, due to the pronounced RM. Nevertheless, as The outer limb shows the lowest building factors BFi with
already mentioned, the highest losses, with p = 1.41 W/kg— an average value BFOL = 1.07. Compared to that, the middle
measured straight below the V-element of the T-joint region— limb exhibits relative high values (BFML = 1.16), mainly due
are not caused by RM. They are caused by the combination to strong distortions, caused by circulating fluxes, but also
of the highest peak induction (at that position BRD = 1.74 T ), due to RM, as being typical for the middle path of that region
together with the highest distortions [see Fig. 4(d)] (compare Fig. 3).
Summarizing, the here presented method for evaluation The corner shows a relatively low value of about 1.08 in
of local losses tends to be very promising. Previously per- average. However, it should be stressed that only a simple
formed experimental measurements, within a model trans- core package is considered. For multi-package cores, due to
former core (see [4]) show very similar tendencies, however, existing off-plane fluxes [29] in the joint regions, higher values
being extremely laborious. should be expected, considering the impact of off-plane fluxes
on losses [30].
Also the yoke exhibits a relatively high average value
As the main results of the methodology, Fig. 7 shows the
of about 1.16. The reason is the RM, which, as already
distribution of local building factors
mentioned, for HGO is not restricted to the T-joint region,
BFi = ( pi /PNOM ) (2) but it is distributed along the entire yoke.

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Furthermore, it should be stressed that the overlaps of the

corners and T-joint affect the local building factors in two
ways. First, as it was considered in this paper, they influence
the flux distribution through the non-linear overlap reluctance
[compare Fig. 2(b)]. However, in a real core that consists
of several packages, overlaps cause additional losses through
three-dimensionally distributed off-plane fluxes that tend to
bridge the overlap region of high magnetic reluctance. In this
2-D study, this mechanism was not considered.
Furthermore, effects caused by bolt holes, short circuit of
laminations, not balanced clamping, and dc bias would have an
impact on local loss distribution as well. We plan to consider
Fig. 8. Regionally averaged BF-values. Notice: the average BF-values BFC
of corners as well as the values BFT of T-joints do not consider the magnetic them in the future works.
losses in the overlap joints. In the recent decades, the losses of electrical steel were
considerably reduced by means of domain refinement as well
As already mentioned, the highest local values resulted as due to reduction of the thickness of steel. The lower
for the T-joint region. The latter yields a mean value of the losses, the higher the importance of the global building
BFTJ = 1.42. Both, positions D and E, respectively, (compare factor BF of the transformer cores. The latter is a measure for
Fig. 3) are mainly responsible for that high value. They yield the quality of the transformer core and might be used for its
not only very high local building factors (>1.5), but also optimization. As well known, BF depends on the used mate-
occupy a relative large volume of about 8% of the entire core rial, core size, and type of transformer core. A core, stacked
package (compare Fig. 7). It should be stressed that the reasons from grain-oriented material exhibits typically a lower BF,
for the increased local building factors in that regions are than a core stacked from modern HGO steel mainly due to
completely different. While the increase at position E is solely the very low nominal losses of HGO. A single-phase core
due to RM (compare Fig. 5), the increased BF at position D exhibits a much lower BF than a three-phase core of the same
is due to strong distortions and high peak induction values weight. The bigger the core, the lower the building factor.
[compare Fig. 4(d)]. As first tests show, the here proposed novel numerical
experimental methodology is very effective. The combination
VIII. E VALUATION OF G LOBAL C ORE B UILDING FACTOR of a very fast numerical MACC-calculation of the individual
Additional to the study of local BF-values, also the resulting magnetization patterns, enabling easy and flexible change
global building factor BF was determined. It was calculated of core geometries and materials, with the precise experi-
as a weighted average over all 24 investigated locations, mental RSST-evaluation of the losses tends to provide very
according to reliable data on local and global BF-values with acceptable

BFi ∗ Vi A further benefit of the here proposed method against
BF = . (3)
V the traditional way of measuring only the building factor
is the evaluation and presentation of local buildings factors.
Here, V is the total volume of the core and Vi are the volume By means of the latter, we can figure out exactly those regions
portions of the individual locations. that contribute more or less to the global BF. The local data
For the here investigated three-phase transformer core, may be used from industry for both, correct choice of electrical
the above procedure yields a global building factor BF = 1.16. steel for a given application, considering price and magnetic
This appears as a rather low value. But it should be stressed properties, as well as for the optimization of core geometry
that it results from modeling that was restricted to a single and design.
core package.
IX. D ISCUSSION AND C ONCLUSION The authors performed this work at the Technical Mag-
Typically, the total building factor BF of a three- netism Lab of Institute of Electrodynamics, Microwave and
phase, three-limb core ranges for small rating cores from Circuit Engineering, TU-Wien. This paper was presented at
1.25 to 1.35 [1]. The here determined value of 1.16 shows WMM.
a quite low corresponding ranking, which, however, can be
attributed to several circumstances. R EFERENCES
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