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$title[Help command]
$description[Type `/help <command>` to know more about that command]
$addField[Prefix; `/`]
$addField[Basic commands; `help`, `info`, `link`, `privacy`, `afk`]
$addField[Fun commands; `8ball`, `water`, `changemymind`, `emergencymeeting`]
$addField[Utility commands; `roll`, `choose`, `calc`, `si`]
$addField[Moderation commands; `kick`, `ban`, `unban`, `timeout`, `untimeout`,
`purge`, `warn`]
$addField[Other admin commands; `ynpoll`, `announce`, `checkwarns`, `clearwarns`,
`lock`, `unlock`]
$addField[Apply for staff commands; `staff`, `apply`]
$title[Help (`&help`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to obtain a list of all commands or
to know about any specific command.]
$addField[Syntax; `&help <command(optional)>`]
$addField[Type; Basic command]
$title[Info (`&info`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to know more about the bot. Some
info, some facts!]
$addField[Syntax; `&info`]
$addField[Type; Basic command]
$title[8ball (`&8ball`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to ask 8ball any yes/no question
and get a random answer. Not intended for taking important life decisions!]
$addField[Syntax; `&8ball <your question>`]
$addField[Type; Fun command]
$title[Water (`&water`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to make a water meme with custom
text. That's it!]
$addField[Syntax; `&water <memetext>`]
$addField[Type; Fun command]
$title[Change My Mind (`&changemymind`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to make a change my mind meme with
custom text. That's it!]
$addField[Syntax; `&changemymind <memetext>`]
$addField[Type; Fun command]
$title[Emergency Meeting (`&emergencymeeting`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to make an Among Us emergency
meeting meme with custom text. That's it!]
$addField[Syntax; `&emergencymeeting`]
$addField[Type; Fun command]
$title[Roll (`&roll`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to roll any random number between 1
and given number. Default range is 6.]
$addField[Syntax; `&roll <number(optional)>`]
$addField[Type; Utility command]
$title[Choose (`&choose`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to choose an option from given
$addField[Syntax; `&choose <options seperated with spaces>`]
$addField[Type; Utility command]
$title[Calculate (`&calc`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to calculate any mathematical
$addField[Syntax; `&calc <expression>`]
$addField[Type; Utility command]
$title[Serverinfo (`&si`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to know about the server.]
$addField[Syntax; `&si`]
$addField[Type; Utility command]
$title[Kick (`&kick`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to kick any user mentioned or by ID
for given reason.]
$addField[Syntax; `&kick <@user/id> <reason>`]
$addField[Type; Moderation command]
$title[Ban (`&ban`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to ban any mentioned user or by ID
for given reason.]
$addField[Syntax; `&ban <@user/id> <reason>`]
$addField[Type; Moderation command]
$title[Unban (`&unban`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used unban a banned user with ID. We all
make mistakes!]
$addField[Syntax; `&unban <id>`]
$addField[Type; Moderation command]
$title[Timeout (`&timeout`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to timeout an user. Provide time in
minutes only.]
$addField[Syntax; `&timeout <time in minutes> <@user/id>`]
$addField[Type; Moderation command]
$addField[Aliases; `timeout`, `mute`]
$title[Untimeout (`&untimeout`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to untimeout an user. We all make
$addField[Syntax; `&untimeout <@user/id>`]
$addField[Type; Moderation command]
$addField[Aliases; `untimeout`, `unmute`]
$title[Purge (`&purge`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to delete messages. Just add the
number ofessages to delete. Also keep them below 100 to avoid malfunctioning.]
$addField[Syntax; `&purge <number of messages>`]
$addField[Type; Moderation command]
$title[Warn (`&warn`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used warn a user.]
$addField[Syntax; `&warn <@user/id> <reason>`]
$addField[Type; Moderation command]
$title[Yes-No Poll (`&ynpoll`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to run an opinion poll for yes-no
questions only.]
$addField[Syntax; `&ynpoll <question>`]
$addField[Type; Other admin command]
$title[Announce (`&announce`)]
$addField[Description; Used to announce. It literally says 'announce'! What do you
$addField[Syntax; `&announce <announcement>`]
$addField[Type; Other admin command]
$title[Check Warns (`&checkwarns`)]
$addField[Description; Check how many warns a user has.]
$addField[Syntax; `&checkwarns <@user/id>`]
$addField[Type; Other admin command]
$title[Clear Warns (`&clearwarns`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to clear warns off an user. Yep!
Totally gone!]
$addField[Syntax; `&clearwarns <@user/id>`]
$addField[Type; Other admin command]
$title[Lock (`&lock`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to lock a channel.]
$addField[Syntax; `&lock <#channel(optional)>`]
$addField[Type; Other admin command]
$title[Unlock (`&unlock`)]
$addField[Description; This command can be used to unlock a channel.]
$addField[Syntax; `&unlock <#channel(optional)>`]
$addField[Type; Other admin command]

**Username:** $username
**Command:** !help
**ID:** $authorID
**Date:** $date

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