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1/9/23, 2:05 PM Career Readiness Assignment #1- Profession Interview

Career Readiness Assignment #1-

Profession Interview
Please ask someone that you know who has a career that you may have at least some
interest in, if they would be willing to do a brief interview related to the job/career that they
currently hold.  You will conduct the interview verbally and use this form to record the
answers that they provide to each question.  You will submit this form to me and we will
then create a pdf version that will be uploaded to Naviance. Switch account

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Ethan Priore

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1/9/23, 2:05 PM Career Readiness Assignment #1- Profession Interview

Who did you interview and what is their current profession?

My Aunt: Industrial Engineer

Category #1- General Questions About the Profession

What is your chosen profession and what are the primary functions and 2 points
responsibilities of your job?

I was an industrial engineer in the automotive industry and oversaw the ignition-harness
department. I ensured production was on schedule and raw materials were brought in as

What is a typical day like in your profession?  What kinds of decisions do you 2 points

need to make?  Is there much flexibility in the time you spend on the
different functions of your job?

There's a lot of process management and insuring that manufacturing lines are set up in the
best way possible. Keeping track of raw materials coming in and the output quality requires
attention, and there were lots of personal constraints like keeping people happy and
interchanging workers when task demands needed to be met. Often I would look around the
factory and find people who were needed on a task at the time and keep work flowing in the
right direction. Tasks didn't have much flexability, and processes always had to be done in a
certain way so optimization was important. We frequently followed "tact time".

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1/9/23, 2:05 PM Career Readiness Assignment #1- Profession Interview

What do you think is the most important qualification for success in your 2 points
profession?  How might the profession have changed in your time working in
the field?

Most important would be the ability to work with people and machinery, because despite the
design and planning aspect, there's lots of human interaction. Over time, technology has
amplified the necessity of both due to the rise in machine manufacturing techniques and the
layout element.

Category #2- Skills

What particular skills or talents are most essential to be effective in your 2 points
job?  How were you able to learn these skills?

Mathematics, physics, and a basic education in manufacturing are all necessary. To get a
job in engineering you need a college degree, but you really need hands on experience. I got
mine in coorperational manufacturing in which I learned about the processes at college and
then got to apply it in a neighboring factory.

Category #3- Salary and Benefits

What is a typical entry-level salary in your field and what benefits are 2 points
included?  What opportunities for increasing one's salary might exist in your

Entry level is about $80,000 a year, with standard benefits such as paid vacation, health
insurance, quarterly or yearly bonuses, and a 401k investment account. Doing well in your
company typically leads to moving upwards in the department, and this can be done through
company education (learning from an employee) or universities.

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Category #4- Work-Life Balance… 3/7
1/9/23, 2:05 PM Career Readiness Assignment #1- Profession Interview

What demands does your career place upon your time away from your job? 2 points
 Do you believe that it is difficult to successfully balance your professional
life and your personal life?

It's not a very difficult job to keep up with outside of business hours unless there was an
emergency. If a machine broke down or an accident occured I was called on the job, but
otherwise there weren't many requirements outside of the work zone. It was also easy to
find time outside of work hours for balancing life activities with a work union to back me.

Category #5- Personal Opinions

What would you say is your overall level of satisfaction with your job?  What 2 points
is most rewarding about it?  What is most challenging?

Overall satisfaction was about 50%. I was satisfied with working with good people in a
manufacturing environement, but the most challenging was working with the union because
they had a few rules that limited my creativity and choices in the interaction environment.

Category #6- Educational Requirements

What educational requirements are expected within your field?  How 2 points
important do you feel that your high school and post-secondary resume has
been to your career?

You absolutley need a bachler's degree in engineering, and as you move up you may need a
master's degree. Some even required a PhD in the higher levels. All the preparation I
needed stemmed from the coorperation program and the hands on experience I got in my
late high school to college years.

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1/9/23, 2:05 PM Career Readiness Assignment #1- Profession Interview

How well do you believe your educational background prepared you for 2 points
success in your chosen career?  Is there anything that you might have done
differently to help prepare yourself?

I thought getting an engineering degree was a good idea and I'm glad I did it because it
applies to so many industries, and even if you're out of the job it can apply you to almost any
other branch of engineering. I don't think I would have done much if anything differently, and
I was very much satisfied with my preparation.

Category #8- General Advice

What basic advice would you give to anyone interested in pursuing a career 2 points
in your current field and what might be the most important experience that
you believe a student should have to help prepare themselves for their

100% do a coorperation program or work-school program. Hands on experience is very

important during the education for two reasons. One: it gives you practical experience in
addition to the theory. Two: the company will typically offer you a job right out of school, or
even hire you on the spot. If you want a good paying job, you're already invested in the job
industry. I had 5 companies present me with job opportunities the moment I graduated.


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