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Reginald Pole) and died at Rome on the 1st of February 1542.

for negligence on the high seas, causing death of a human

(1888; 2nd ed., 1904), of the Poems (1897) of Thomas Hood,

usual. In 1863 Alma-Tadema married a French lady, and lived

subjecting them to ail the vicissitudes of the Climate.

the head in an iron mould, the hot metal was suddenly

to the Radcliffe infirmary. Seven years later he became

follow. With regard to the former the method of investigation

Park (11 acres), called after Sir D. Stewart, lord provost in

these Iliuliuk (also called Unalaska), the oldest, settled in

and in the 13th century came under the dominion of the Abd-el-

5648 (3142 negroes); (1910) 11,213. The city is served

competence. Matters of greater importance, as the levy of an

themselves, had diffused through all ranks such a measure of

proprietor of Ainsworth's Magazine. In 1853 it ceased to

unabated zeal. Thus arose a struggle between the youthful,

descended fifteen hours afterwards near Christiania, having

himself negus negusti under the name of Johannes or John,

to join the Nar. Their chief centre is said to have been

about matters of taste disagree to so large an extent

years were passed in Calabria and at Rome, where he finally

on a darker ground. On the other hand, those substances

practised. Dawson of Frogden in Roxburghshire is believed to

1770). He showed that this river flowed into the lake, and

lotteries. It would be impossible to give in detail the

the Greek islands, Greeks founded the city of Cyrene (c. 631

the assent of the federal council (Bundesrat) and, in a few

the crystalline masses of Bohemia, the Black Forest and the

that he had visited it. This, however, remains at best a

they started the Charlinch Free Church, which had a very brief

The name Aethicus is also attached to another geographical

policy, but in 338 surrendered to Philip II. of Macedon. After

same kind Ambrose was again employed; and although he was

Ginger . . . . 704 .. ..

Acetamide, CH3.CONH2, is a white deliquescent crystalline

Cairo, Florence, London, Paris and Bologna several Egyptian

of it. Qualified acceptance may be a promise to pay on a

blank,'' but with a direction requiring delivery to be made

manufacture in the shape of brimstone or pyrites, was wasted

the whole is rocked towards the other side, and the process

of rheumatism and skin diseases. By reason of its dry and

all early works are out of date. The best general accounts,

Journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa, ed. H.

1898 552,023,428 117,255,046

agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture, Experiment

Kwara, but in consequence of the arrest of his brother Bilawa

pleuro-pneumonia under the Diseases of Animals Act of that

once. The metre fell into disuse until the reign of Francis

in which portions of two buildings have been used. Of that of

however, it was exercised in some instances as long as the

become personally known to the leaders through various

topic. The product, however, is now an indistinguishable mass,

were forgotten.'' About A.D. 1000, a Jewish princess,

authority. There were many suitors for Lobengula's favours;

at the same place, the Minaeans having had a trading station

preserved towards Bulgaria an attitude skilfully calculated

of the continent, the most notable being--the occupation of

they had guaranteed his territory's integrity, to vindicate

says, ``My words do not proclaim the truth, like a Pythian

entered the diplomatic service, being employed at various

leaving the Stevenson Road on the British side of the boundary.

peer for Scotland, and took his seat as a Tory in the House of

Egyptians and saves the suppliants. Danaus urges them to

reduced in turn by successive detachments sent to aid Rosecrans

and its large industrial population is occupied in the mines

moral sense which apprehends the good as well. This perception

discordances as to whether the stars possessed appreciable

England and south Russia. The country is also covered

The Heroult cell consists of a square iron or steel box

upon ice, the monomethyl ether of alizarin is precipitated.

journal Liberty was started in 1881 and whose conceptions

never been completed. Philip V. (1700-1746) Italianised the

year between 1803 and 1811, in some years upwards of 2000.

first made acetylene in 1836 from a compound produced during

had been to some extent relaxed, and the primitive simplicity

et Sanguinis Domini; a treatise, in three books, against

influence of the monsoons. Cold north-west winds prevail from

``eleemosynary,'' that which is given in the way of alms,

that which he had from the bishop.'' He was presented to the

charterer as damages if a full and complete cargo is not

Henry's sister Joanna in 1221. The next year was marked by

Electrical Instruments,'' by A. W. Meikle, read before

rule. This people had dwelt in the Aegean from the Stone

(1894). Mommsen's Die unteritalischen Dialekte (1850) is

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