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by Adam Skimins 23rd March 2022


Phrasal Verbs Exercises (No.1) | C1 Advanced

Level: C1 Exam: C1 Advanced Practice Vocabulary

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1. Phrasal Verbs: Exercises 1-3

2. Phrasal Verbs: Exercises 4-6


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Phrasal Verbs: Exercises 1-3

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct particles.

1. Maya picked the bags Up on/in/up and left the restaurant.

2. He took the suitcases Back down/back/into upstairs.

3. I took my cup of co!ee Over into into/over/under the living room.

4. The children threw snowballs At on/in/at each other.

5. He turned On on/in/away the shower.

6. Tommy helped me put my new desk Together on/out/together.

7. Jennifer put her glass Down with/away/down on the table.

8. Put your hand Up up/over/with if you know the answer.

Check answers

Decide if the following sentences are true or false.

1. If you let someone in, you allow them to leave a place. True False

2. If you light something up, you shine light on or in it. True

3. If you put something back, you move it to a new place. False

4. If you throw something in, you drop it into something. True

5. If you turn something o!, you make it start working. False

6. If you take something away, you take it to the place where it was before. False

7. If you put something down, you put it on the floor or on a table etc. True

8. If you put something up, you move it to a lower position. False

Check answers

Make these sentences less formal. Replace the underlined verbs with the phrasal verbs

1 The management will only let in admit people who have tickets.

2 She put back replaced the phone.

3 The sun lit up illuminated the sky.

4 It takes eight hours to put together assemble each device.

5 She decided to throw away discard her old shoes.

6 We are looking for seeking a new car.

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Phrasal Verbs: Exercises 4-6

Complete the sentences. Choose the correct particles.

1. Would you mind holding On out/on/back while I call Mr Smith?

2. He’s not here at the moment. Can I ask him to call you Back up/back/out

3. I’ll get Out back back/out/on to you soon with my decision.

4. The photo is very unclear – I can’t make it Up out out/up/over very well.

5. He asked her to go to the cinema with him but she turned him Down out/back/down.

6. I’ve got a proposal I’d like to put With to through/to/with you.

Check answers

Make these sentences less formal. Replace the underlined verbs with the phrasal verbs

1. Can we go back to the point you raised earlier? get back to

2. I can’t work out why he did it. make out

3. I rang Stefan back the following day. called back

4. Can you hold on for a minute or two? hang on

5. Can I talk with you about this? talk to

6. You can phone up and speak to an adviser at any time. call up

Check answers

Match sentence halves to make complete sentences.

1. I called her up last night … to ask how she was

2. We haven’t heard … from him in a long time

3. I really need to talk to … you about something

4. It was dark and it was hard to make out … what the sign said

5. I put it to him that he might make … money from the scheme

6. In the end he decided to … turn down the o!er

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