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for RMS (Recruitment

Management System)

Prepared by
 Uzbah Naseem(2021F-BSE-292)
 Hamna Khalid(2021F-BSE-293)
 Hamnah Asif(2021F-BSE-116)

Date: Dec 27, 2022

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Business Requirements
1.2.Business Opportunity
1.3.Business Objectives
1.4.Success Metrics
1.5.Vision Statement
1.6.Business Risks
1.4.Business Assumptions and Dependencies

2. Scope and Limitations

2.1.Major features
2.2.Scope of initial Releases
2.3.Scope of subsequent releases
2.4.Limitations and Exclusions

3. Business Context
3.1.Stakeholder Profiles
3.2.Project Priorities
3.3.Deployment Considerations

1. Business Requirements
Companies now need software that handles the tasks involved in hiring top talent if they
want to improve management and have better control over the recruitment process. It can
be used by employers at any stage of the hiring procedure. The fundamental criteria for
recruitment include posting jobs, setting up interviews, evaluating candidates, and
onboarding. So, this company employs a system that can fulfill the aforementioned
demand in a single program.

1.1 Background
Hiring has always been an odd process; companies are constantly seeking top
talent and candidates are constantly looking for the ideal opening to seize. Hiring
the best individuals has gotten harder recently with unemployment rates at an all-
time high. Every job position receives hundreds of applications, making it nearly
hard for employers to objectively and adequately examine each one. Businesses
can streamline their hiring process with the help of RMS. RMS is designed to
help businesses increase their control over the hiring process.

1.2 Business opportunity

The recruitment management system is unquestionably helpful for businesses to
satisfy their employment needs and makes it easier to handle applications from
diverse sources quickly, objectively, accurately, and reliably. reduces the time and
expense associated with hiring. For instance, the RMS would automatically screen
applications for "digital marketing experience" before adding them to the pool of
potential candidates for the job vacancy if a job requirement calls for it. This
ensures that only the most qualified individuals can advance to the following
phases of recruiting and reduces clutter for you during the latter stages of hiring.

1.3 Business objectives

 The primary objective is to digitally alter the HR process
of hiring employees in the company.  screening applications, in-person
interviews, reference, and background checks, generating offer letters,
completing legal paperwork, and onboarding new employees. Through a
single RMS platform with a unified and interactive interface, all of this
action can be carried out.
 The RMS attracts more applicants, streamlines the hiring process, and
lowers hiring costs, while also speeding up the selection of the best
candidates for open positions.

1.4 Success metrics
 The first software on the market that can handle every step of the
recruitment process is a single software.
 After the final release, the organization is able to identify the ideal
employee more quickly due to the recruitment process efficiency.

1.5 Vision statement

For recruiters who need to streamline their hiring process, the Recruitment
Management System enables employers to track every stage of the recruitment
process — from initial posting through employee onboarding. By organizing all
applicants for jobs on a platform, you will be able to track and sort each applicant
more easily. In addition to facilitating faster, more unbiased, accurate, and reliable
processing of applications, the system maintains an automated database of
applicants. Unlike to a manual hiring process, our product helps to reduce the
time-to-hire and cost-to-hire by automatically weeding out applications that do
not meet the specific job requirements set up in the system.

1.6 Business Risks

As there are many solutions of hiring process in the market place. After two years
of launching the product/website in market we get an idea that how much the
product is successful, and how much demand of this website in the market and
what changes would be taken to make this website better.

1.7 Business Assumptions and Dependencies

 First assumption is that by using this software, top talented candidates
would be selected.
 Less time would be consumed by using this software(website).
 Another assumption is that our website would be used by many people at
the same time without hanging it.
 All the data of candidates would be remain safe for long time period.
 Hiring process would be easy.

2. Scope and Limitations
It's possible that an internal HR department lacks the technical expertise to choose
candidates for a certain job position. A recruitment team focuses on hiring people, thus
they are knowledgeable about what to look for in a candidate and are able to assess an
applicant's skills based on their qualifications.
Recruitment teams are knowledgeable about all aspects of the market, including wages,
the skill set required for a position, what a potential employee might expect, and the state
of the market.

2.1 Major Features

o Automated posting of jobs.
o hiring chat bots and round-the-clock virtual assistants.
o Automation and management of the work flow.
o automated outreach to candidates.
o arranging interviews automatically.
o integrated management of talent

2.2 Scope of Initial Release

o Different vacancies would be posted directly by this website. Candidates
can easily submit their data without sign up.s
o These job vacancies can be shared easily on different social networks and
candidates can apply and get benefits easily from these opportunities.

2.3 Scope of Subsequent Release

o By using RMS, the hiring of top talented candidate would be easy.
o Business can streamline their hiring process with the help of RMS.
o our product helps to reduce the time-to-hire and cost-to-hire by
automatically weeding out applications that do not meet the specific job
requirements set up in the system.
o Through a single RMS platform speed up the selection of the best
candidate for open positions.
o After the final release, the organization is able to identify the ideal
employee more quickly due to the recruitment process efficiency.
o By using our product any organization would be progressed rapidly due to
hiring of top talented candidates.

2.4 Limitations and Exclusions
 Finding the right applicants requires time, which the recruitment agency may not
have much of. A recruitment team is ineffective if you need a candidate to fill a vacancy
right away. There are only two ways to get in touch with the recruitment team: through
phone or email. Sometimes the team may not fully get what the organization needs and
select the incorrect candidate.

3. Business Context
This section provides a summary of several business-related concerns surrounding the
project, including major client category profiles, project concept assumptions, and
management priorities for the project.
3.1 Stakeholder Profiles
Anyone who benefits from the system or has an interest in it is considered a stakeholder.
It could have an impact on them directly or indirectly. Following is a list of the
stakeholders who will be involved in this system and a description of their roles:
 Recruitment Unit:
o The recruitment unit's main job is to find highly qualified applicants who will fill
organizational needs while ensuring that everyone has an equal chance. They
draught job descriptions and personnel specifications, advertise job openings,
screen applicants, design and carry out selection procedures, hold interviews, and
provide access to hiring managers.
 Department Heads:
o Determine whether the vacant positions' responsibilities can be handled by the
current regular employees before initiating a temporary employee request by
citing a need, sending it to the hiring manager for approval, and informing the
recruitment unit of the employee's performance before the probationary period
 Managers:
o Managers are high-ranking employees who are in charge of the overall
management of the firm.
 Hiring Managers:
o Employers who are responsible for identifying qualified candidates by
collaborating with the recruitment unit are known as hiring managers.

 Job Applicants:
o Job Seekers People who are applying for a specific open post.

3.2 Project Priorities
Indicate which aspects of the project's needs, timeline, and budget are most
important. The table below may be useful in identifying the parameters
surrounding the project's main drivers (top priority objectives), working
constraints, and dimensions that can be balanced against one another to achieve the
drivers within the working constraints.

Dimen Driver Constraint Degree of

sion (state (state limits) Freedom
objective) (state allowable
Schedule Website will be
release on 1 January
Features This software would 70-80% of high priority
fulfill all hiring features must be included in
problems with just website.
one software.
Quality User acceptance testing must
yield results of 90–95% to be
released this website.
Staff maximum team size is
3 developers + 5
Cost Very low cost as compared to
manual process or other

3.3 Deployment Considerations

Software or application deployment is the process required to make new or updated
software available to its users. Most organizations today automate at least some of the
steps involved in deploying new applications. Our organization is adopting a deployment
model known as continuous delivery, in which software(RMS) releases are constantly in
a deployable state and can be deployed to production fully automatically at the
click of a button.
 Software release is an iterative process of developing an application, while
software deployment is the process of rolling out an application.


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