Wenz Low 2021

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VDIXXX10.1177/10406387211021865Autolysis and the postmortem interval in horsesWenzlow et al.

Full Scientific Report

Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation

Feasibility of using tissue autolysis to estimate 1­–9

© 2021 The Author(s)
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the postmortem interval in horses sagepub.com/journals-permissions
DOI: 10.1177/10406387211021865

Nanny Wenzlow,1 Dan Neal, Adam W. Stern, Dhani Prakoso, Junjie J. Liu,
Gretchen H. Delcambre, Sally Beachboard, Maureen T. Long

Abstract. Estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI) is a poorly studied field in veterinary pathology. The development
of field-applicable methods is needed given that animal cruelty investigations are increasing continually. We evaluated
various histologic criteria in equine brain, liver, and muscle tissue to aid the estimation of PMI in horses, which is central
to forensic investigations of suspicious death. After death, autolysis proceeds predictably, depending on environmental
conditions. Currently, no field-applied methods exist that accurately estimate the PMI using histology in animals or humans
through quantification of autolysis. Brain, liver, and skeletal muscle from 12 freshly euthanized horses were held at 22°C
and 8°C for 72 h. Tissues were sampled at T0h, T1h, T2h, T4h, T6h, T12h, T24h, T36h, T48h, T60h, and T72h. For each
tissue, we quantified 5 to 7 criteria associated with autolysis, based on the percentage of microscopic field involved. Each
criterion was modeled, with temperature and time as independent variables. Changes were most predictable in liver and
muscle over the first 72 h postmortem. The criteria for autolysis that were present most extensively at both temperatures
were hepatocyte individualization and the separation of bile duct epithelium from the basement membrane. The changes
that were present next most extensively were disruption of myofiber continuity, hypereosinophilia, and loss of striation.
Brain changes were highly variable. The high statistical correlation between the parameter “autolysis” and the variables
“time/temperature”, indicates that autolysis is progressive and predictable. Further investigation of these criteria is needed
to establish histologic algorithms for PMI.

Keywords: autolysis; horses; postmortem interval; veterinary forensic pathology.

After death, the blood supply to tissue compartments is proteins is caused mostly by lysosomal enzymes released from
compromised, causing acute hypoxic cell injuries that immigrant leukocytes, which are major actors in any inflam-
manifest as acute cellular swelling, hydropic and vacuo- matory process.8 Necrosis can be initiated by a lack of blood
lar degeneration, reduction in adenosine triphosphate supply as described above, as well as by infectious agents
(ATP), membrane damage, increased intracytoplasmic (bacteria, viruses, parasites, and protozoans) or toxins, which
calcium, and formation of reactive oxygen species, all all, more often than not, cause inflammation.6,8,9,13,19,20
leading to cell death and initiation of autolysis (self- A third type of cell death is apoptosis, a programmed pro-
digestion).8,9 After death, this process of cell death is cess that occurs most often in healthy tissues and is consid-
postmortem autolysis, the earliest step of decomposition, ered a physiologic event in which unwanted cells are
which is a process of denaturation of intracellular pro- eliminated but can occasionally be pathologic after some
teins and nucleic acid, protein coagulation, and enzy- forms of cell injury (Table 1).8 Detailed descriptions of autol-
matic digestion of nuclei and cytoplasm (Table 1). ysis and necrosis are available in the literature.8,10
Enzymes are released postmortem from the swollen lyso- Using light microscopy, necrosis and autolysis have simi-
somes of dying cells by diffusion through the lysosomal lar morphologic changes, except that autolysis occurs without
membrane.9,11 More specifically, the enzymes driving
autolysis are mostly phosphorus-rich enzymes including
alkaline and acid phosphatases, ATP, 5′-nucleotidases, Department of Pathology and Microbiology, University of Montreal,
and glucose-6-phosphatase.11,18 Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Wenzlow); Departments of Surgery (Neal)
and Comparative, Diagnostic, and Population Medicine (Stern, Prakoso,
Histologically, the morphologic changes of cell autolysis Liu, Beachboard, Long), University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA;
are similar, if not identical, to those of cells undergoing necro- Department of Biomedical Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort
sis, which is focal-to-extensive, non-programmed cell death Collins, CO, USA (Delcambre).
that occurs after irreversible exogenous injury to a cell (Table 1
Corresponding author: Nanny Wenzlow, Department of Pathology
1). Necrosis is also a process of progressive enzymatic cell and Microbiology, University of Montreal, 3200 rue Sicotte, St
death, but within living tissue, and denaturation of intracellular Hyacinthe, Canada QC J2S 2M2. wenzlown@gmail.com
2 Wenzlow et al.

Table 1.  Comparison of the features of autolysis, necrosis, and apoptosis.

Autolysis Necrosis Apoptosis

Occurs in living tissue No Yes Yes
Occurs only postmortem Yes No No
Programmed cell death No No Yes
Occurs in healthy tissue Yes No Yes
Physiologic process NA No Yes
Lethal injury necessary No Yes No
Accompanied by inflammatory reaction No Yes No
Enzymatic digestion Yes: enzymes released from Yes: enzymes released by No
the dying cell itself surrounding leukocytes
Harmful effects on surrounding tissue Yes Yes No
Caused by infectious or toxic agents No Yes Yes
NA = not applicable.

inflammatory cell infiltrates. Autolysis is also seen in the not currently used by medical examiners to declare time
entire organ or body, occurring usually at the same rate, and since death in humans (personal communications). Impor-
occurs in tissues that have not been fixed immediately after tantly, to our knowledge, very limited work describes quan-
the patient’s death. Cells or tissues placed immediately in titatively the progression of the intensity and distribution of
fixative are dead but not necrotic, if fixation is prompt and autolytic changes in any species.
adequate.8,9 Focal cell death observed adjacent to normal- Historically, autolysis has been associated with time since
appearing tissue in the same section suggests that this cell death,8 given that it progresses continuously over time; how-
death is necrosis and not postmortem autolysis.9 Unfortu- ever, histologic evaluation has not been used to systemati-
nately, autolysis can be present in an irregular and patchy dis- cally quantify histologic changes over exact time intervals,
tribution. Furthermore, red blood cells often appear hemolyzed especially in species that are common subjects of forensic
in autolyzed tissues, suggesting a postmortem event.8,9 investigations. One such species commonly investigated is
Necrotic tissue present in tissue that has not been fixed rap- the horse because of the value placed on sport, performance,
idly after death will also undergo postmortem autolysis.9 Dif- and breeding. Although forensic analysis of suspicious
ferent cell types undergo postmortem autolysis at different equine deaths is a common event as a result of insurance
rates because certain cells are more resistant to hypoxia than claims, malicious treatment, theft, and overall value of these
others.1–3,5,8 The intestinal mucosa, gall bladder, pancreatic animals, horses are rarely the subject of forensic research.
parenchyma, and adrenal medulla autolyze first, then neurons However, time of death, an essential component of each
are the next most susceptible, with connective tissue the slow- investigation, remains a challenge to estimate if the death
est to undergo degradation.1–3,5,8,10 Given that much of this was not witnessed (e.g., euthanasia).
activity is enzymatically driven, the rate of autolysis as well We investigated the hypothesis that specific histopatho-
as its evolution to bacterial putrefaction, is slowed by refrig- logic changes associated with autolysis would occur in a
eration. time- and temperature-dependent manner in equine tis-
Histologic changes of autolysis during the early postmor- sues. Our major aim was to perform a systematic analysis
tem interval (PMI) result from alteration of cell membrane of changes associated with autolysis of equine tissues. Tis-
permeability brought about by ischemia and cessation of sues from 12 horses were utilized to achieve a power of
metabolic activity.8,9 Autolysis can resemble necrosis. Necro- ≥0.80, and liver and muscle were chosen based on publica-
sis is commonly accompanied by other pathologic changes, tions demonstrating that liver was least stable whereas
including a visible inflammatory reaction and/or formation muscle was most stable over time.8 Brain was included
of coagulative material, liquefaction, mummification, case- because there was little information regarding degradation
ous debris, mineral deposits, and fibrin.6,8,13,19,20 Inflamma- of brain during PMI and, given the large size of the horse
tion does not occur in autolysis. Autolytic changes are very brain, we wondered if autolysis could be more predictable
familiar to histopathologists, and these changes can interfere in this species.
with accurate histologic evaluation. Criteria are limited for More often than not, the literature describes the use of a
quantifying autolysis and hence to estimate the time of limited number of or only one animal, limited sample times
death.7,11,12,15–17 Postmortem changes in the liver have been used for analysis, and variable length of analysis as a result
described in guinea pigs.16 Neuronal changes in humans are of insufficient tissues being available.14,17 We designed our
described in a handful of studies.11,12,15 Autolytic postmortem study to provide a more comprehensive analysis of autolysis
changes have been described in postmortem traumatized in equine tissues. We quantified histomorphologic criteria of
skeletal muscle in dogs17 and humans.7 Autolytic changes are autolysis in the equine brain, liver, and skeletal muscle during
Autolysis and the postmortem interval in horses 3

Table 2.  Signalment of horses used in our study of autolysis. Histopathology and tissue criteria
Horse Sex Age (y) Weight (kg) The slides of each tissue held at each temperature were
blinded and read twice on a light microscope (DMLS Dual
1 M 21 U
2 F 12 U
VI; Leica) by one of the authors (N. Wenzlow), a trained
3 M U 496 veterinary pathologist. All slides from fresh tissues at T0h
4 M U 473 were evaluated for the absence of antemortem tissue necro-
5 M 19 570 sis or other lesions that might interfere with the interpreta-
6 F 15 510 tion of autolysis in tissue samples from later times (Suppl.
7 M 22 485 Fig. 1).
8 U U 464 Criteria of autolysis (Suppl. Table 1) were selected based on
9 U 15 510 literature review.7,11,12,14–18 Five representative fields per slide
10 M 4 340 were evaluated at 200× magnification for each criterion of
11 M 4 470 autolysis. In each field, the presence or absence of each crite-
12 F 11 590 rion was recorded and graded in the following 6 categories:
grade 0 if a criterion was absent, grade 1 if a criterion was pres-
F = female; M = male; U = unknown.
ent in <20% of the field, grade 2 if a criterion was present in
21–40% of the field, grade 3 if a criterion was present in 41–60%
the first 72 h (3 d) of the PMI. Criteria were based on changes of the field, grade 4 if a criterion was present in 61–80% of the
described previously.8,11,18 field, and grade 5 if a criterion was present in 81–100% of the
Materials and methods
Statistical analysis
Study design
The grading of all 5 fields was averaged for each slide. Then,
Twelve healthy horses (Table 2) without clinical signs, in
the grades from all horses were averaged for each criterion for
adequate body condition (adequate subcutaneous and
each time. Data were grouped by tissue and temperature and
intra-abdominal adipose tissue), surrendered by owners
treated as non-repeated measurements. For all analyses of the
because of loss of use, were euthanized using sedation
histologic criteria, the data were graphed to examine trends
with a combination of acepromazine HCl (2–4 mg/45 kg)
over time for each criterion. If a pattern was not discerned,
and xylazine (0.5 mL/45 kg) intravenously, followed by an
correlation between time and outcome was determined using
overdose of pentobarbital and phenytoin (10 mL/45 kg,
the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. When a pattern
Beuthanasia-D; Merck Animal Health). Each animal was
was apparent, linear, parabolic, square root, or exponential
declared dead once ocular and palpebral reflexes ceased.
equations were derived depending on the shape of the graph.
All animal work was performed with approval of the Uni-
The best-fitting line was modeled, and a p-value calculated
versity of Florida Institutional Animal Care and Use Com-
using R v.3.2.4 (https://www.r-project.org/).
mittee (201004309).
After exsanguination, a large sample (10 × 20 × 20 cm) of
semitendinosus muscle, another large sample (20 × 20 × 5 cm) Results
of liver, and the entire brain were removed from each car-
cass. Each tissue was bisected, and one-half was maintained
at ~22°C, the measured room temperature of the autopsy In samples held at 22°C, we noted linear increases in hepatic
facility; the other half was maintained at 8°C, the measured plates separating from one another, leaving clear spaces
temperature of the autopsy walk-in cooler. The organs were between the rows of hepatocytes (hepatocyte individualiza-
kept in large, sterilized containers and covered with alumi- tion, p ≤ 0.0001; Fig. 1), bile duct epithelial cell separation
num foil. Tissues were sampled for histopathology at “time from the basement membrane (p = 0.0001; Fig. 2), and bile
0 hour” (T0h), T1h, T2h, T4h, T6h, T12h, T24h, T36h, duct epithelial pyknosis (p = 0.030; Fig. 3).
T48h, T60h, and T72h. The time between death and T0h In samples held at 8°C, we noted increases over time in
was 40 min for all horses. Brain samples were taken only variably sized, irregular empty vacuoles in hepatocellular
from the cerebrum, starting at the rostral lobe, throughout cytoplasm (hepatocyte vacuolation, p = 0.02; Suppl. Fig. 2)
the entire cerebrum to the caudal lobe, which provided the and bile duct epithelium separation from its basement mem-
T72h samples. A 0.5-cm slice of each tissue was placed in a brane (p = 0.0003; Suppl. Fig. 3). The correlation for hepato-
tissue cassette and fixed for 24 h in 10% neutral-buffered cyte vacuolation was best fit as the square root over time; the
formalin, followed by immersion in 75% ethanol. Formalin- bile duct epithelium separation from its basement membrane
fixed tissues were processed routinely, and 4-µm sections increased linearly over time. For all remaining criteria, there
stained with hematoxylin and eosin. was no significant trend over time.
4 Wenzlow et al.

Figure 1.  Hepatocyte individualization in the livers of 12 horses held at 22°C over 72 h postmortem. A. Each point is the average field
involvement of the criterion in 5 fields at 200× magnification at each time (0 = absent, 1 = 1–20%, 2 = 21–40%, 3 = 41–60%, 4 = 61–80%),
p < 0.0001. B. Hepatocyte individualization (arrows) in a horse liver at 60 h. H&E. 200×. Inset: hepatic plates separated from each other. 400×.

Figure 2.  Bile duct epithelium separation from its basement membrane in the livers of 12 horses held at 22°C over 72 h postmortem.
A. Each point is the average field involvement of the criterion in 5 fields at 200× magnification at each time (0 = absent, 1 = 1–20%, 2 =
21–40%), p = 0.0001. B. Bile duct epithelium separation from its basement membrane (arrows) in a horse liver at 60 h. H&E. 400×.

In the liver of 4 horses (22, 21, 19, and 15 y old), there was mixed-cell inflammatory infiltrates (Suppl. Fig. 4). This was
mild inflammation independent of autolysis and consisting considered an incidental, age-related finding, and did not
of minimal-to-mild, mostly portal, and occasionally random, interfere with our evaluation of autolysis.
Autolysis and the postmortem interval in horses 5

Figure 3.  Bile duct epithelium pyknosis in the livers of 12 horses held at 22°C over 72 h postmortem. A. Each point is the average field
involvement of the criterion in 5 fields at 200× magnification at each time (0 = absent, 1 = 1–20%), p = 0.0001. B. Bile duct epithelium
pyknosis (arrow) in a horse liver at 72 h. H&E. 200×.

Skeletal muscle time, vacuolation of the neuropil occurs and then regresses.
Although these criteria were statistically significant, the per-
For skeletal muscle maintained at 22°C, we noted linear
centage of field involved was 20–40%.
increases over time of shortened myofibers that left empty
At 8°C, neuronal pyknosis (p = 0.039) as well as Nissl
spaces, referred to as interruption of fiber continuity
substance dissolution (p = 0.012) increased significantly as
(p = 0.013; Fig. 4A, 4C), increased myofiber eosinophilia
a linear trend over time (Suppl. Fig. 5C, 5D). Neuronal
(p = 0.003, Fig. 4B, 4C), loss of striation (p = 0.003; Fig.
cytoplasmic swelling (Suppl. Fig. 5E) exhibited a signifi-
5A, 5C), and a floccular and granular aspect of myofibrils
cantly decreasing (p = 0.014) linear relationship with time,
referred to as sarcoplasmic fragmentation (p = 0.046; Fig.
suggesting continuous shrinkage. Vacuolation of neuropil
5B, 5C).
(Suppl. Fig. 5F) exhibited a nonlinear trend, with the best
For skeletal muscle maintained at 8°C, myofiber eosino-
fit line corresponding to a square-root relationship with
philia increased linearly (p ≤ 0.0001) and loss of striation
time (p = 0.012). Although these criteria were statistically
(Suppl. Table 1) initially increased, peaked at T48h, and then
significant, the percentage of field involved was 24–40%.
decreased slowly, consistent with a significant parabolic cor-
Neuronal cytoplasmic vacuolation was absent in all
relation with time (p = 0.010). For all remaining criteria,
examined sections of brain from all horses at all times. We
there was no significant trend over time.
found that sex and age (young vs. adult) were not signifi-
The criterion of segmental hypercontraction of skeletal
cant variables.
muscle fibers or large-diameter dark fibers was absent in all
examined sections of muscle from all horses at all times.
We observed the most consistent and significant changes at
For brain maintained at 22°C, neuronal nuclear swelling 22°C in liver and muscle tissue, with criteria observed in
decreased initially over time, with its lowest point occurring >80% of the fields over time. Brain was the least predict-
at T36h, before increasing (Suppl. Fig. 5A). This was statisti- able at either temperature. Most of the significant criteria
cally significant (p = 0.005), in a decreasing parabolic rela- showed linear correlations with time, whereas others dem-
tionship with time. Vacuolation of the neuropil (Suppl. Fig. onstrated a significant parabolic, square-root, or exponen-
5B) occurred in a significant (p = 0.004) nonlinear trend with tial trend. For most of the nonlinear relationships, limited
time, increasing initially and peaking at T24h, and then field involvement was observed, making these parameters
decreasing, and was best fit as the square root over time. unreliable. Occasionally, outliers were reported at single
Hence, nuclei initially shrink then swell, while at the same times, which were considered incidental and independent
6 Wenzlow et al.

Figure 4.  Interruption of myofiber continuity and myofiber eosinophilia in semitendinosus skeletal muscle of 12 horses held at 22°C
over 72 h postmortem. A. Each point is the average field involvement of the criterion in 5 fields at 200× magnification at each time (0 =
absent, 1 = 1–20%, 2 = 21–40%), p = 0.013. B. Each point is the average field involvement of the criterion in 5 fields at 200× magnification
at each time (0 = absent, 1 = 1–20%), p = 0.013. C. Interruption of myofiber continuity (arrows) and skeletal muscle fiber hypereosinophilia
(*), in horse skeletal muscle at 72 h. H&E. 200×.

of autolysis. We observed that all histologic changes started and observed as early as 1 h after death, and was evolving
early after death and evolved with time; no criteria appeared following a square-root relation with time over 72 h. Nuclear
with delay at a later time. fading and chromatin margination was apparent at 9 h, and
In liver, individualization at 22°C changed the most after 48 h, ~25% of the guinea pig hepatocyte nuclei had
extensively, becoming apparent in ≥80% of the fields lysed. Hepatocyte chromatin margination in horses was not
examined at 72 h. This criterion was followed by bile duct statistically significant at either temperature over 72 h.
epithelium separation from the basement membrane, and Individualization of hepatocytes following dissociation
within bile duct epithelial pyknosis. In skeletal muscle, loss of single or groups of hepatocytes was first noticed at 6 h
of striation at 22°C occurred in up to 60% of the fields and was most extensive at 48 h, when 25% of hepatocytes
examined by 72 h. were affected in guinea pigs. Individualization of equine
In a study16 of the sequence and rate of autolytic changes hepatic plates was observed as early as 1 h after death and
of hepatocytes and bile ducts over 48 h in guinea pig livers was most extensive at 72 h, when up to 80% of hepatocytes
maintained at 22°C, hepatocellular cytoplasmic basophilia were affected. In portal areas, the separation of bile duct epi-
was lost completely by 3 h, with the cytoplasm staining more thelium from the basement membrane was first observed at
eosinophilic. No changes in hepatocyte basophilia were sta- 18 h in guinea pigs and was present in most bile ducts by
tistically significant at either temperature in our examined 24 h. Bile duct epithelium separation from the basement
equine livers. Guinea pig hepatocyte cytoplasmic vacuola- membrane in horses was the only criterion observed with
tion and granularity increased progressively from 9 h through statistical significance at both temperatures, as early as 1 h
36 h, when in horses, vacuolation was only significant at 8°C postmortem and was most significant by 72 h at 22°C,
Autolysis and the postmortem interval in horses 7

Figure 5.  Myofiber loss of striation and sarcoplasmic fragmentation in semitendinosus skeletal muscle of 12 horses held at 22°C over
72 h postmortem. A. Each point is the average field involvement of the criterion in 5 fields at 200× magnification at each time (0 = absent, 1 =
1–20%, 2 = 21–40%, 3 = 41–60%), p = 0.003. B. Each point is the average field involvement of the criterion in 5 fields at 200× magnification
at each time (0 = absent, 1 = 1–20%), p = 0.046. C. Loss of striation (*) and sarcoplasmic fragmentation (arrow) in horse skeletal muscle at
72 h. H&E. 200×.

affecting up to 30% of the bile ducts. Chromatin margin- over time. In another study, changes were studied in canine
ation of guinea pig bile duct epithelial nuclei was first seen skeletal muscle traumatized after death followed by exposure
at 6 h, and by 48 h most bile duct epithelial cell nuclei were to sea water during the decomposition process.17 Changes
affected; chromatin margination in bile duct epithelial nuclei consisted of interruption of individual skeletal muscle fiber
was not significant at either temperature in horses. continuity with loss of cross-striation (rupture of vital fibers),
Another study18 described progressive hepatocellular multiple interruptions of fiber continuity with formation of
pyknosis as well as hepatocyte individualization over 6 h of separate groups of sarcoplasm with loss of cross-striation
postmortem autolysis in the rat liver, which is similar to the (segmental disintegration of fibers), and disc-like separation
progressive hepatocyte individualization seen in our study. of sarcoplasm with interruption of fiber continuity (discoid
Significantly contrasting results were seen in dog liver deg- disintegration of fibers). In comparison, we observed the
radation.1 Bile duct epithelium detachment from the base- most significant changes in myofibers in horses at 22°C, and
ment membrane occurred at day 3 in dogs but was detected loss of striation was the only criterion observed significantly
after 1 h in our horses. By day 7, most canine hepatocyte at both temperatures.
nuclei were autolyzed, and the most significant hepatocyte In general, most of the changes that we observed in the
autolysis was observed at 3 wk. Although our study did not cerebrum were subtle and were not present in large per-
extend past 72 h, one could speculate that, by 3 wk, hepato- centages of the fields examined. Brain autolysis in humans
cytes would also show the most significant autolysis. This showed neuronal Nissl substance dissolution, and karyor-
illustrates that liver changes are clearly not comparable rhexis progressively increased from 5 to 22 h postmor-
between species, and criteria should be established on a tem.12,14,15 Nissl substance dissolution in horses was only
species-by-species basis. Those differences may be the significant at 8°C, was seen as early as 1 h, and increased
result of differences in the size of animals, skin thickness, linearly until 72 h. Neuronal cytoplasmic vacuolation,
and hair coat, which affects the body cooling rate. basophilic cytoplasmic staining, and nuclear and cytoplas-
Autolytic changes occurring in skeletal muscle are less mic swelling were also considered to be autolytic changes
well studied. In one of the first studies, human skeletal muscle in humans. In horses, neuronal nuclear swelling was only
tissue was electrically stimulated after death7 to affect changes significant at 22°C; cytoplasmic swelling was only significant
8 Wenzlow et al.

at 8°C, and neuronal cytoplasmic vacuolation was not sta- The chosen temperatures in our study were 22°C and 8°C,
tistically significant at either temperature. Autolytic which were the autopsy room and walk-in cooler tempera-
changes in the human brain were first discernable as swell- tures.
ing of the neuronal nucleus and cytoplasm with increasing Our equine candidates were selected based on their over-
chromatolysis and liquefaction of the cytoplasm that may all good health, adequacy of nutritional condition, and with a
or may not involve the nucleus.14 These initial changes wide age range. With increasing age, there may be underly-
appeared at different times after death,11 with observations ing conditions that our study did not account for. These may
occurring as early as 30 min or as late at 3 h postmortem. include geriatric (suboptimal vascular circulation) or neo-
Such chronology of events was not observed in equine plastic conditions that alter metabolic rates affecting lyso-
brains; all autolytic changes in the brain were subtle, and somal protein degradation during autolysis. Variation in
no single most significant criterion stood out as a major body temperature could also play a major role in influencing
marker of autolysis. protein or enzyme activity, whereby patients dying with
We observed a striking difference between the intensity fever would see an increased progression of autolysis versus
and distribution of autolysis between the tissues kept at patients dying in hypothermia. These factors may all affect
22°C compared to the ones kept at 8°C (Suppl. Table 1). decomposition rate and, if there is antemortem tissue necro-
This was particularly evident in muscle tissue in which sis, autolysis would be difficult to assess accurately. Gross
most criteria were significant at 22°C and not at 8°C, and postmortem analysis should allow one to discern necrosis
in the case of loss of striation, its highest field representa- from autolysis based on lesion location and distribution.
tion was 60% at 22°C, and was only 10% at 8°C. Similar Autolysis will affect the entire body, and an entire organ
observations were made for the criteria in liver tissue, in more uniformly, which microscopically will be seen in an
which bile duct separation from the basement membrane entire section of tissue.
was seen in 30% of the fields at 22°C, and in only 12% of Given that our data were analyzed as non-repeated mea-
the fields at 8°C. Hence, autolysis was both slowed with surements, only correlation of trends with time could be
cooling and progressed as a different trend over time. In established. This design and analysis lack confidence inter-
the liver, hepatocellular individualization, vacuolation, vals (CIs) for the measures of central tendency and predic-
and bile duct epithelium pyknosis changed the most tive value. Therefore, the results of our study are not ready to
between temperatures and were only significant at 22°C. be used to estimate the postmortem interval in field cases.
In brain and skeletal muscle, pyknosis, Nissl substance There may be a rough indication of PMI based on the extent
dissolution, neuronal nuclear and cytoplasmic swelling, of distribution in observed fields of each criterion. By
interruption of myofiber continuity, and sarcoplasmic frag- increasing the number of subjects with repeated measure-
mentation of skeletal muscle cytoplasm were the most ments of these significant criteria for autolysis, it could be
variable between temperatures. Some changes were not possible to establish regression equations with CIs for the
present at all or only present at 22°C by 72 h after death, mean and possibly predictive values. If this is possible, then
and these included hepatocellular chromatin margination histologic criteria could be used to estimate the PMI as well
and basophilia, and margination of chromatin in bile duct as a 95% CI for the estimate of the time of death.
epithelium nuclei. Taking the results from our study and what is known from
Although the inter-horse variation could have been the literature, it seems that criteria of autolysis should be
reduced by analyzing samples from the same horse for all established separately for each species. Multiple temperature
times, a study involving separate animals was necessary to levels with longer times could provide data that lay the
establish intra-horse variation based on age and sex that groundwork for establishing PMI criteria that are more
could be applied to future statistical models using the criteria objective than current parameters such as body temperature.4
found most reliable in our study. Investigation of additional tissues will provide an extensive
Separation of tissues from each carcass was one limita- and detailed picture of how autolysis affects tissues after
tion of our study; thus, our data do not reflect field condi- death and could possibly be used to estimate the PMI.
tions. Given the size of the horses, storage of 12 carcasses
was not feasible. Most of the criteria that we studied could Acknowledgments
foreseeably be less reliable when analyzed in the context of
We thank Drs. Nancy Denslow, DeEtta Mills, Jason Byrd, Michael
a full carcass for several reasons. For instance, it would be
Warren, and Martha Burt for their assistance with this project.
expected that maintenance of vascular connections between
organs would allow migration of gut microbiota to liver,
which would accelerate putrefaction. Organs within the Declaration of conflicting interests
body would likely maintain higher temperature initially, The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect
allowing longer protein and enzyme activity of any process to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
of degradation and therefore increase the rate of autolysis.
Autolysis and the postmortem interval in horses 9

Funding 7. Henssge C, et al. Light microscopical investigations on struc-

tural changes of skeletal muscle as artifacts after postmortem
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stimulation. Forensic Sci Int 2002;125:163–171.
Equine studies, University of Florida Graduate Fellowship Award,
8. Kumar V, et al. Robbins and Cotran Pathologic Basis of
the Emerging Diseases and Arbovirus Research Laboratory
Disease. 7th ed. Elsevier, 2005:14, 15, 19, 21, 28.
(EDART), College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida,
9. Jones TC, et al. Veterinary Pathology. 6th ed. Lippincott,
and the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Ani-
mals grant 2013-0107.
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