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Translation and Interpreting 1 Worksheet

Andella Halim
Subject: Pink
Verb/Verb Complement: Green
Object/Object Complement: Blue

Speech Analysis and Recognizing and Splitting Ideas – Nov 22, 2021 (WS 9)
A. From the speech exercises you did on the last meeting, choose one English and one Indonesian
speech, recognize and split the ideas as we did during the exercise (SVO grouping).
English: Tweddel, Green, Obhrai
Indonesian: Peresmian Jalan Tol Serang, Penutupan Pekan Paralimpik

Speech by Deepak Obhrai, Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and for International
Human Rights, at a news conference
Good morning/afternoon,

Thank you all for coming. It’s good to be back in Calgary. I am here to speak to you about an exciting
new skills training program in Bangladesh. Bangladesh is one of the world’s most densely populated
countries. With approximately 156 million people (2013) living in a country about twice the size of New
Brunswick, the resulting population pressures are huge. 34 percent of the populace is under the age of 15.

Add to this the vulnerability of Bangladesh to natural disasters, such as cyclones and severe flooding, and
you can begin to understand why building the economy so the low-income population can transition out
of poverty is both crucial and challenging.

Bangladesh was recently confirmed as a country of focus for Canada’s international development efforts.
This country was chosen based on its level of need and its ability to use development assistance wisely,
and on Canada's capacity to make a difference.
Bangladesh has been one of Canada's largest development assistance recipients for the last four decades.
As part of its sustainable economic growth strategy for international development, Canada believes in the
importance of investing in skills training.

Therefore, on behalf of the Minister of International Development and La Francophonie, Christian

Paradis, it is my pleasure today to announce that Canada is contributing $19.8 million over three years to
the Skills Training and Enhancement Project with the World Bank to create a better-trained and qualified
workforce in Bangladesh. This project will provide men, women, and youth in Bangladesh the
opportunity to earn a better living by obtaining essential skills and knowledge from quality, market-
oriented skills training and education programs.

Peresmian Jalan Tol Serang

Translation and Interpreting 1 Worksheet

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Selamat pagi, salam

sejahtera bagi kita semuanya. Yang saya hormati para Menteri Kabinet Indonesia Maju; Yang saya
hormati Ketua Komisi V DPR RI beserta anggota DPR RI yang hadir; Yang saya hormati Gubernur
Provinsi Banten beserta Bupati Lebak dan seluruh Bupati dan Wali Kota yang hadir, seluruh tokoh
masyarakat yang pagi hari ini hadir, Forkopimda; Hadirin dan undangan yang berbahagia. Berkali-kali
saya sampaikan, infrastruktur adalah fondasi bagi negara kita ini untuk bersaing dengan negara-negara
lain, artinya yang kita kejar adalah daya saing kita. Tidak mungkin sebuah negara bisa melampaui negara
lain kalau Index Competitiveness-nya lebih rendah. Karena apapun tanpa infrastruktur, barang-barang
yang ada ini akan menjadi harganya lebih tinggi. Itulah yang kita kejar. Kalau infrastruktur kita siap,
artinya barang-barang kita juga akan menjadi terdistribusi lebih baik dan bisa menjadi lebih murah,
artinya infrastruktur ini akan memperbaiki jaringan logistik. Infrastruktur juga akan menciptakan titik-
titik pertumbuhan ekonomi baru, seperti Pak Gubernur tadi yang sampaikan, mengenai komoditas yang
ada di Banten ini akan lebih mudah terdistribusi. Dan juga memberikan fasilitas pada produksi. Orang
berproduksi, pertanian berproduksi, perkebunan berproduksi, itu ada jalan menuju ke konsumennya
sehingga akan lebih memudahkan. Dan yang paling penting, dengan dibangunnya sebuah jalan di situ
akan muncul yang namanya pembukaan lapangan kerja yang sebanyak-banyaknya. Dan yang terakhir,
akan membangun peradaban kita. Kalau negara lain punya jalan tol, kita punyanya hanya jalan kampung,
artinya peradaban kita tertinggal. Kalau negara lain punya jalan tol, kita punya. Kita punya airport, negara
lain juga punya. Itulah sekali lagi, bahwa infrastruktur akan menjadi fondasi kita untuk bersaing dengan
negara-negara lain. Dan alhamdulillah pada pagi hari ini Jalan Tol Serang-Panimbang Seksi I Ruas
Serang-Rangkasbitung telah selesai dibangun dan siap untuk dioperasikan. Kemudian akan dilanjutkan
nanti dengan Seksi II, yaitu Rangkasbitung-Cileles sepanjang 24 kilometer dan juga Cileles-Panimbang
sepanjang 33 kilometer, yang insyaallah akan dituntaskan di akhir nanti 2023 akan selesai. Ini kemudahan
konektivitas ini merupakan, sekali lagi, faktor penting untuk mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah.
Saya yakin ini akan menjadi pengungkit bagi pertumbuhan ekonomi di Provinsi Banten, khususnya
terutama di sekitar jalan tol ini, yaitu Kabupaten Lebak dan Kabupaten Pandeglang. Saya rasa itu yang
bisa saya sampaikan pada kesempatan yang baik ini. Dan dengan mengucap bismillahirrahmanirrahim,
Tol Serang-Panimbang Seksi I Ruas Serang-Rangkasbitung pagi hari ini saya resmikan. Terima kasih.
Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

B. Choose an Indonesian or English speech transcript of your choice, in which the number of wordsis
between 200 to 250 words. Practice analyzing the speech and recognize and split the ideas (SVO
grouping) as we did during the exercise.
Some recommended channel: (for transcript in English), (for transcript in Indonesian),,

Speech Transcript of your choice link:


President Jokowi: Pandemic Control is Key to Economic Growth in 2022

Translation and Interpreting 1 Worksheet

The key to economic growth in 2022 amidst global uncertainty and complexity lies in the
COVID-19 pandemic controls, President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has said. “The key to the economic
issues in 2022 is on how we control the COVID-19. If we can’t control it, the economy will go down and
fall again,” The President said in his remarks at the 2021 Kompas100 CEO Forum, Thursday (11/18), at
the State Palace, Jakarta. On that occasion, the President reminded all related elements to remain careful
in dealing with the pandemic so that the next wave will not occur in Indonesia, while many countries have
experienced it. The opening of community activities, the President added, must be gradual and in stages
by taking into account the development of the pandemic situation. “I always convey to Ministers, regional
leaders that the opening [community activities] must be in stages. No need to rush to open them all.
Consider the positivity rate, the bed occupancy rate (BOR) in hospitals, recheck testing and tracing
numbers in each area, everything. We have to be careful,” he said. After experiencing the peak of
COVID-19 cases in the middle of this year, the pandemic situation in the country is currently under
control with 300 to 500 cases on a daily basis. The President underscored that the cooperation of all
elements of the nation is the key to the success of pandemic control.

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