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Moreover, we are going to discuss the causes and effects for animal cruelty to happen.

Basically, the
main reason for animal cruelty to happen is because of entertainment. In certain production of film,
the animal actors were treated badly. For example, in the movie filming of The Hobbit: An
Unexpected Journey, 27 animals had died due to dehydration in the unmonitored New Zealand farm.
In addition, animal cruelty also happens in circus. The examples are like bullfighting and the
performance of trick. For example, an elephant named Molly was forced to perform tricks and carry
tourists around for ride. Molly was forced to separate from its mother on two years old and ended up
being kept in chain. This situation make Molly seriously suffer in mental and physical.

Besides that, the causes of animal cruelty also include poaching. Poaching refers to the unlawful
killing and trafficking of wildlife. Animal and plant parts are offered for sale as trophies, "folk
medicines," or pets. Although poaching is illegal, there were still people conducting this activity as
it’s highly paid. Wildlife and animal parts worth between US $4-20 billion trade internationally
every year. The examples are like poaching of elephants for ivory and sharks for their dorsal fins.

The picture shown is Khim which is a Thailand musical instrument made from ivory of elephants.

Every year, there were approximately 100 million sharks killed. During the process of shark finning,
people usually slice off the shark’s fin and throw the rest of the body back into the ocean alive as the
fin is more valuable for medical benefit. This action is very cruel as a shark without fin could not
swim properly and would die of blood loss.

The last reason for animal cruelty to happen is because of psychological reason. People with
psychopathic personality disorder have a tendency to torture pets and other small animals as
individual who fail to manage their emotions release their anger toward animals. There were also
people known as cat haters who have prejudicial behavior toward cats.

1983 study note- animal abuse was found in 88% of homes in which physical child abuse was being
investigate. If a child is cruel to animals, it may be a sign that serious abuse has been experienced by
the child which cause personality disorder in them.
Animal cruelty also bring few effects. The first effect is it leads to extinction. In poaching, such as
shark finning, endangered species such as scallop hammerhead were killed. Therefore, the number
of species fell sharply and affect the marine ecosystem. Furthermore, the action of neglecting
domestic pets breed more feral cats and dogs.

Based on National Geographic News- more than 70 million feral cats kill hundreds of millions of
birds and over a billion of small animals every year in the United States including endangered
species- Piping Plover.

The second effect is it increase violence and crime. Animal abuse has a strong connection to
domestic violence. This is because children who witnessed animal cruelty are three times more
likely to abuse animals later in life which causes a chain reaction in our society. Based on the
Northeastern University study, 70% of people who abuse animals would have four times
probability to commit crime. Therefore, this prove that animal abuse not only affect animals, it
also increase the probability for violence and crime to happen which is extremely dangerous to us.

Lastly, animal cruelty also causes emotional suffering for an animal. Every year, 10 million
animals die from abuse and more than 110 million animals were used for lab experiments. Wild
animals are kept in small cages which cause great emotional damage to them. Some of the animals
even harm themselves due to frustration. For example, in the breeding of animals such as in puppy
mill, as many dogs as possible are bred and often kept in poor conditions to maximize profits which
cause them to suffer.

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