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Gabriel Aillet

7 allée jean baptiste Fourier

For the RH director of CREOS
105 rue de Strassen, Luxembourg

Object : Motivation letter for an informatics development internship

Mrs or Mr

Actually in my second year of engineering school at IMT atlantique, I am currently

majoring in a speciality of informatic and I'm hoping to do an internship in your society.

Your offer has catched my attention due to the different aspects of the internship.
Moreover, the duration of 4 months is what I need for my schooling. Discovering a real
application of working in an informatics company like yours and meeting real life informatics
engineers is what incited me to apply to your application.

Working in the collaborating developing of software speciality at IMT I have skills in

software engineering. Moreover most of our projects consist of working in groups and
therefore a strong axis of my curriculum is team working especially at far distances. Indeed
our school is multi-campus based and we are working with our fellow classmates at 300 km
of distance. We are working in an object based language like Java . This summer I did a
working contract in web development to form myself in the field, with a spice of back end
development with the help of GraphQL. Since then I've developed my own application in
JavaScript React and I've gained an appetite for software engineering.

IMT is the school of durable developpement and aims to form engineers that ask
themself questions about our environment. Your company entered this movement of green
energy that IMT has in his heart and that compels me to apply to your company.

Please accept the assurance of my highest consideration .

Aillet Gabriel

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