Digital Marketing - Project U-DeSIGN

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Digital Marketing (MRKT 730)



Submitted By:

Nerdine Nasser

Amr Magdeldin

Basma Zakaria

Supervised By:

Dr. Tamer Awad

July, 2021
Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary ................................................................................................................ 3
2. Vission .................................................................................................................................... 3
3. Mission ................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Target Market & Segmentation .............................................................................................. 4
5. SWOT Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 5
6. Current Marketing Mix 4Ps ................................................................................................... 6
7. Advertising Strategy ............................................................................................................... 7
8. Social Media Strategy ............................................................................................................. 9
9. CRM ....................................................................................................................................... 9
10. Measurement & Monitoring Activities ................................................................................. 10
11. Recommendations for Improvements ................................................................................... 11
12. Website ................................................................................................................................. 11

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Website Blueprints …………………………………………………………………......8
Figure 2: Google analytics ……….……………………………………………………………….8
Figure 3: Google Sheets ……………………………………………….………………………….9
Figure 4: Home Page …….…………………………………………….………………………...12
Figure 5: Services ...…...……………………………………………….………………………...12
Figure 6: Ask A Question ……………………………………………….……………………….13
Figure 7: See Our Work ……………………………………………….…………………………13
Figure 8: Contact Us ….……………………………………………….…………………………14
Figure 9: Catalog ……………………………………………….………………………………..14
Figure 10: Blueprints ………………………………………….…………………………………15
Figure 11: Google Sheets Linked to the Website ……………….……….………………………….15
Figure 12: Form Sheet Linked to the Website …………………………….………………………15
Figure 13: Google Analytics Linked to the Website …………………………….…………………16
Figure 12: Cookies Banner ………………...…………………………….………………………17

1. Executive Summary

U-Design is a one stop shop for all your interior designer needs, our proprietary design platform
is created to aid in maximizing the return on your budget, with our team of 3 designers which are
considered the crème de la crème of the best design schools in the region, with an additional

high-end designer which are available at an added agreed upon fee.

The value provided by U-design is unmatched in the whole interior design market, the basis of

U-design is that it’s a 100% online design studio, however if required we can provide physical
visit by our team of experienced designers.

Technically U-Design Is an online interior designer for all your renovation and decorating needs,
were we use 3D technology in applying your wildest dreams and greatest aspiration for your home,
we are specialized in creating a bespoke one-of-a-kind design that fits your budget at a competitive
below market price.

At U-design we offer different types of render when it comes to 3D, each type suits specific needs
and costs different, in addition it is customizable based on our clients’ preferences and taste. In
addition to having the ability to design in interactive mode, where you are submerged into your
design to feel the changes as they are made in real time.

2. Vision

Our vision aims to shape spaces with timeless designs and want to be a globally
recognized professional interior design company, providing solutions in the field of high-end
corporate, commercial & residential interiors.

3. Mission

Our mission is to positively influence the lives of all customers with whom we have the pleasure
of working and leave a lasting impression on their minds and imagination. Our designs must
inspire and elevate the hearts and minds of all those who lay eyes on it. Our long-term goals are
always in line with our core values. Our mission is to always go one step further – to offer
an exclusive customer service to our clients.

4. Target Market & Segmentation

The profile of the U-design clientele consists of the following geographic, demographic,
psychographic, and behavior factors:


• The geographic market is the affluent sector within Greater Cairo & Giza areas with a
population of 66 Million (According to national population agency).
• A 4500 Km2 geographic area is in need of the products and services offered and do not
intend to pursue the Nile Delta and Alexandria market at this time.

• Males & Female interested in getting married.

• A combined household annual income greater than 350,000 EGP.
• Age range of 24 to 35 years, with a median age of 27.
• Owns their home, townhouse and/or condominium valued at over 1,800,000 EGP.
• They and/or their spouse work in a professional setting and may have interior design
requirements for their office space as well as their homes.
• Belong to one or more business, service, and/or athletic organization including:
o Heliopolis, Gezira, Shooting Sporting Clubs.
o AUC & GUC graduates.
o Multinational company employers.


• The appearance of their home is a priority.

• Entertaining and showing their home is important.
• they perceive themselves as creative, tasteful and able, but seeks validation and support
regarding her decorating ideas and choices.


• they take pride in having an active role in decorating their home.

• their home is a form of communicating “who they are” to others.

• Comparison positioning and stature within social groups are made on an ongoing basis, but
rarely discussed.

U-design is providing its clients the opportunity to create a home environment to express who they
are. They seek design assistance and have the resources to accomplish their goals. They desire
their home to be personal, unique, and tasteful as it communicates a message about what is
important to them. U-Design will seek to fulfill the following benefits that are important to our

5. SWOT Analysis

The following SWOT analysis captures the key strengths and weaknesses relating to the market
analysis summary and describes the opportunities and threats facing Barton Interiors.


• The proven ability to establish excellent personalized client service.

• Strong relationships with suppliers that offer flexibility and respond to special product

• Good referral relationships with architects, complementary vendors, and local realtors.

• Client loyalty developed through a solid reputation among repeat, high-dollar purchase


• High customer acquisition cost.

• Not established in a market where a variety of interior design options exist.

• Challenges of the seasonality of the business.


• A significant portion of our target market is desperately looking for the services U-design
Interiors will offer.

• Strategic alliances offering sources for referrals and joint marketing activities to extend our
reach through affiliated programs.

• Promising activity from new home construction activity.

• Changes in design trends can initiate home updating and, therefore, generate sales.


• Continued price pressure due to competition or the weakening market reducing

contribution margins.

• Dramatic changes in design, including fabric colors and styles can present challenges to
keep paced with what is desired by what is expected to be a leading-edge client base.

• Expansion of products and services offered by other sources including national discount
stores into the local market.

This analysis indicates solid potential success, but the weaknesses and threats must be recognized
throughout the life of the venture.

6. Current Marketing Mix 4P’s

The following marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that the company uses to
promote its brand and service in the market.


U-Design has two types of Interior design services: Interior design consulting and Online 3D


Pricing for U-design service varies depending on the materials and category of the services,
however it is considered highly affordable & flexible pricing in comparison to the market.


U-design is 100 % online. However physical visits are available upon request.

Promotion - Marketing Communication

Promotion means activities undertake by the company to introduce and offer their services and
communicate to attract and persuade target customers to use their services. The current promotion
activities that conducted by U-Design are through networking.

U-design capitalizes on their online presence with maximizing the use of social media outlets,
specifically you tube ads when targeting desktop users and using TikTok, Instagram and
Facebook targeting mobile users, in addition to utilizing affiliate marketing and using the power
of social media influencers.

On the offline promotions front, targeting real estate launches and art galleries in addition Cairo
design awards.

7. Advertising Strategy

The main problem we solve for our above mentioned target-market is the ability to envision an
interior design concept in a timely and flexible manner. This will be done mainly through our
company’s website which has a friendly user experience and design that is optimized for
computers, mobiles and tablets. It also includes our portfolio and a contact us section (see figure
3) The website gathers information about the users through the use of cookies to be used for
enhancing our UX thus customer satisfaction. Information like user’s Email, to be used for Email
marketing, user’s interaction with the website navigation (available by the use of google

Moreover, and regarding online traffic building we aim to use some tactics that will help get the
job done. First is partnering with other websites that is complementary to our service provided;
partners like furniture selling websites, lighting design websites, property selling websites etc…
Second is using promotion or giveaways to attract potential customers and keep our target market
to keep coming back. Third Paid ads which will be done through Google Ads, a pay-per-click
advertising platform, to promote the website on the Google’s search engine results page. Finally,
and most importantly Search Engine Optimization or SEO it also affects the search engine’s
results page but instead of paying it is done through optimizing some keywords that make the
search engine understands what our website is about. SEO is very important because the first result
that appear in an organic search engine results page gets almost 40% of the total traffic among all

of the other relevant websites.

Figure 1 Website’s Blueprint

As mentioned our target market is mainly focused on mid 20s males and females from central
Egypt, mainly Cairo and Giza. while a more demographical targeting would be focusing on three
different aspects. First is the lifestyle of the target-market which should be aimed toward the
interest in getting married or interest in interior design. Second is the location which should be in
the city or in private compounds. Third is the purchasing power which should be starting from
the Upper middle class and the Upper class. The second point is the competitive advantage which
we have in many dimensions over our competitors, first is that our prices are more flexible than
our main competitors, as we offer a variety of output types. Second is our fast and large reach
because we offer an option to make a model and pay online which removes many constrains
regarding far or hard to reach places.

8. Social Media Strategy

Because most of our website visitors are mobile users

(see figure 4) Our marketing strategy will mainly focus
on social media advertisements like Facebook,
Instagram and TikTok through a different combination of
native ads, influencers, and affiliation programs with
real estate developers.

Second on priority is YouTube paid ads, which is

slightly different from the above mediums as it targets
both mobile users and desktop users as well, in which we
will focus on making some very short ads, focus on our
Figure 2 Google Analytics
target market as well as the high-frequency of the ads
being viewed.

Regarding our campaigns, we will focus on being sponsors in many events that garb the attention
of our target market. Events like Cairo design award, new real estate project launch, etc.

9. CRM

In order to manage customer contact

information, purchasing behavior,
and other analytics data related and
because of the lack of daily face-to-
face interactions with customers we
chose to use automated Email
responses (see figure 5) as the main
way to communicate with our
customers and potential customers as
well web
forums using Google
forums and a
data analytics tool like
Google sheets
which is linked to the
Figure 3 Google Sheets

forms and the
emails. This pool of information will
be used regularly as a data mining
pool to
convert all the given data into
usable information to be given to the
operations department to be
able to
maintain a continuous development.

Moreover, we will implement two
things First is loyalty points to
enhance customer loyalty
therefore, customer’s satisfaction.
Second is pricing flexibility to make
sure that the
customer’s perceived
value will boost customer retention and satisfaction.

Finally, one of our main focus regarding CRM if offering a superior customer service that is more
proactive than reactive, includes customer self-service support options, offer a 24/7 phone support
line, ability to submit reviews, recommendations and complains. Them should be to outcomes
from the customer service provided. First is to minimize cost because is costs seven times more to
attract new customers than to retain existing customers. Second is to enhance Word-Of-Mouth
which will naturally attract new customers.

10. Measurement & Monitoring Activities

Measuring the performance of our website can be efficiently and effectively made through the use
of google analytics, which allows tracking website activity of individuals using the site like
acquisition, engagement, monetization and retention as well as gathering information about the
users them self’s like demographics and tech and many more. This data will be used continuously
for search engine optimization and marketing purposes.

Moreover, we will measure the business performance through the google sheets platform which
contains almost all of our orders, locations, prices, order statuses and many more. We can later
export these data and import it into data analytics tools such as “Tableau, RapidMiner, SAP, etc.”
to be able to find actionable commercially relevant information that can be used to enhance our
services and performance.

In addition, we will be using online surveys at the end of every finished design to gather
information from the users about their personal experience and know their recommendations,
opinions, feelings and add these data to the sheets.

11. Recommendations for Improvements

After implementing all of the tactics comes the evaluation process regarding the efficiency and the
effectiveness of the used tools to make the website successful. It is recommended to use two main
KPIs to measure and improve the website’s competency. First is the conversion rate which is for
example the ratio of the number of people viewed our ad to the number of people actually visited
the website, or it could be the ratio of the buyers to the visitors etc… Second is the Cost per
Acquisition or CPA It is an important measurement to our marketing strategy success which is
monitoring how much does it cost to make a single person become a customer. By Using these
two indexes the website should be in a continuous improvement Pace.

12. Website

Figure 4 Home Page

Figure 5 Services


Figure 6 Ask A Question

Figure 7 See Our Work


Figure 8 Contact Us

Figure 9 Catalog


Figure 10 Blueprints

Figure 11 Google Sheets Linked to the Website

Figure 12 Form Linked to the Website


Figure 13 Google Analytics Linked to the Website


Figure 14 Cookies Banner


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