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Seven men were murdered at the garage at 2122 North Clark Street, in the Lincoln Park

neighborhood of Chicago's North Side, at 10:30 a.m. on Saint Valentine's Day,

Thursday, February 14, 1929. Four individuals shot them, two of whom were armed with

Thompson submachine guns Aka “ Tommy guns” .The other shooters wore suits, ties,

overcoats, and hats, while two of them were dressed in police uniforms. After the

shooting, witnesses witnessed the men in police clothes pulling the other men out of the

garage while holding them at gunpoint. Five members of George “Bugs” Moran's North

Side Gang were among the victims. Albert Weinshank, who oversaw several cleaning

and dyeing operations for Moran, Adam Heyer, the gang's bookkeeper and business

manager, and gang enforcers Frank Gusenberg and Peter Gusenberg were also killed.

Albert Kachellek, Moran's second in command and brother in law also known as James

Clark, was also killed. Reinhardt H. Schwimmer, a former optician who became a

gambler and gang accomplice, and John May, a sporadic mechanic for the Moran gang,

were also shot. Frank Gusenberg was still alive when Chicago police officers arrived at

the site. He was transferred to the hospital, where he was temporarily stabilized by

medical professionals while police attempted to question him. He had 14 bullet wounds;

when the authorities questioned him about who shot him, he responded, "No one shot

me." Three hours later, he expired. Despite being in his Florida mansion at the time, Al

Capone was widely believed to have ordered the massacre.The North Side Gang's

leader, Bugs Moran, was the target of the massacre, which was intended to kill him. The

plan may have been inspired by the theft of some expensive whisky that had been

illegally imported from Canada via the Detroit River and was being delivered to Cook

County, Illinois. Moran was the last surviving member of the North Side shooters, and
he succeeded his similarly violent predecessors Hymie Weiss and Vincent Drucci after

they were killed in the bloodshed that ensued after the murder of the group's first leader,

Dean O'Banion.

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