Inteligent Business 5 7 Final TEST A

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Final Exam

Business English
Intelligent Business
Units (5-7)
Test A
Part 1: Reading

Ambushed by the advertisers

It is almost 30 degrees and people are packed into London Underground carriages like sardines--the
hot and sticky conditions are ideal for a deodorant company using the Tube to promote its product.
One train has been transformed into a moving advertisement, with the hanging straps you hold onto
replaced by mock deodorant aerosol cans. The agency responsible for the campaign explains that they
are hitting consumers in exactly the right environment and at exactly the time when they might be
thinking about wanting or needing a certain product.
Grabbing the attention of consumers who no longer take notice of traditional advertising is the whole
point of this kind of advertising, known as 'ambient' advertising. Examples include bus stops which
squirts perfume at passers-by, advertisements on supermarket floors, shopping trolleys, petrol pump
handles, and even on cows in fields near motorways. And it works too. In one petrol station, which
used advertisements on the floor to advertise Sunkist soft drink, sales of the product jumped by 74%.
Some people object to the way that advertising invades every available space but advertisers say they
have to do this for ambient advertising to work. People have to be surprised and intrigued by the
campaigns. However, the key to success, it seems, is making sure the environment is appropriate to
the product.
Being clever is also important. For example, Ford filled one of its cars with tropical fish and placed it
in a very fashionable London restaurant. Campaigns like this attract publicity -- people write about
them and take photographs. This means advertisers get the most for their client's money.

Ambush - a sudden and surprising attack on a person or a group of people by one or more people
who have been hiding and waiting for them
Ambient - relating to or denoting advertising that makes use of sites or objects other than the
established media ( placing slogans on the back of bus tickets).
Task 1. Look at these multiple-choice questions and choose a, b, or c. (each question is given 2

1. The train..............

a. is hot and crowded.

b. smells of fish.

c. carries a special perfume.

2. The straps you hold onto when standing on the train ..........

a. are for sale.

b. are real cans of deodorant.

c. look like real cans of deodorant.

3. Ambient advertising targets people who..........

a. like clever advertisements.

b. enjoy being entertained and amused.

c. ignore ordinary advertising.

4. What example of ambient advertising doesn't the article mention?...........

a. sports facilities

b. live animals

c. transport facilities.

5. The adverts work when..........

a. they annoy people in some environments.

b. they stimulate the interest of consumers in the right kind of environment.

c. the product is a success.

6. Clever ' ambient' advertising campaigns aim to.........

a. get as many people as possible to take notice of the product.

b. get someone to take a photo of the product.

c. improve the environment.

Task 2. Find words and expressions in the text which mean the following: (each question is
given 2 points)

7.a kind of perfume used to keep us smelling and feeling fresh..............................

8. something that looks real, but isn’t real..........................

9. Taking something quickly/violently......................

10. Interested in something because it is unusual or mysterious.......................

Part 2. Vocabulary
Task 1. Match the words in box with their definitions below:
Plaintiff campaign glossy settlement coverage
relentlessly jury start-up defendant lawsuit agreement to resolve a dispute before it is taken to court ________________.

12.shiny and expensive looking_________________.

13.a charge, claim or complaint against a person or an organization that is made in a court of law by
a private person or company___________________.

14.a series of intended to achieve a particular result___________________.

15.a person who litigates__________________. area where mobile technology can operate____________________.

17.a group of people who evaluate evidence presented in court______________________.

18.a person seeking to prove his/her innocence in court. _____________________.

19.continuously, without stopping__________________., recently formed company__________________.

Task 2. Fill in the gaps with the words and expressions above:
compromising advertising
nanotechnology subscribers lawyers/attorneys
information campaigns
law firm leaked damages verdict legal
21. Investors claim that the CEO of the company did not disclose ...........................................about
the company's results. a new growth market, which promises to bring smaller, lighter, more
portable technological devices.

23. Businesses generally use the services of advertising agencies to create....................... ............

24. Both sides in a lawsuit are represented by their.......................... ...............

25. This, they hope, will increase the number of the almost saturated mobile
phone market.

26. Companies and individuals use the services of a ................................or of a corporate legal
department to take legal action....

27.Everyone was very surprised by the guilty .......................

28.The plaintiff was awarded $300000 in ............................

29.If the situation doesn't change, we will need to think about taking ........................action.

30.Do you know who .................. ...the confidential documents to the press last week?

Part 3. Grammar
Task 1. Complete each sentence using WHO, WHOM, WHOSE, WHERE.

31.What is the name of the you borrowed?

32.A pacifist is a person...............believes that all wars are wrong.

33.The place ..................we spent our holidays was really beautiful.

34.I don' t know the name of the woman to ...................... I spoke on the phone.

35.This school is only for children ...............first language is not English.

36. A cemetery is a place ............people are buried

37.The man............... invented nanotechnology is called Eric Drexler.

38.It was the famous twentieth century physicist was first suggested that
miniaturization might go all the way down to the molecular level.

39.The researcher ...................went to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , turned these ideas
into a PHD thesis.
40.Other electronic components have already been studied by researchers .................. are trying to
work out how to fit them together.

Task 2. Complete the sentences using the correct form (gerund or infinitive) of the in brackets.

41.(Achieve)....................results is all my boss cares about.

42.It's important (present)......................a professional image of the company and its brands.

43.My agent made me (publicize)..........................the new HollyBank soap range, although I can't
stand it.

44.I look forward to (work)....................with you on the new campaign.

45.I've persuaded two local celebrities (attend).....................the launch.

46.Can you ask Sam about(set).........................up the stand?

47. I'm slowly realizing that (target)____________________ the right people is not going to be

48. You will need (liaise)______________with the manager over the in-store displays.

49. Big agencies are now willing (provide)_______________most of them.

50. It will be a highly cost-effective way of (reach)________________certain groups of consumers.

Task 3. Rewrite the sentences in the passive:

51.TV and the media have covered the case in detail.

The case...............................

52.Attorneys are using the company for negligence.

The company.........................

53.The jury is to announce the verdict later today.

The verdict .............................

54.The company would pay compensation to all victims.

Compensation .......................

55.The judge is going to postpone the trial.

The trial..................................

56.They delivered the goods yesterday.

The goods..............................

57.The firm had never produced asbestos-related products.

Asbestos-related products...................................

58.The manufacturer of Bubble-Wrap should have protected itself from a financial collision.

The manufacturer of Bubble Wrap .........................................................from a financial collision.

59.The CEO did not disclose compromising information about the company's result.

Compromising information about the company' s result ...............................................

60.Adidas is designing a new shoe with a battery-powered microprocessor.

A new shoe with a battery-powered microprocessor..........................................

Part 4. Writing

Write a memo (on the answer sheet) to your staff based on these notes:

You want to send a memo about security. Three members of staff have had money stolen from their
offices. Tell staff that they should keep their valuables with them or in a locked drawer, or cupboard,
at all times. Inform staff that if they see anything suspicious, they should phone security immediately.

Write your answers on the Answer Sheet.

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