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1 a or) Write the title of Rabindranath Tagore's play

"The Post Office. [রবী নাথ ঠাকু েরর লখা নাটক "The Post
Office" এর িশেরানাম লেখা।]

Ans. The title of Rabindranath Tagore's play "The Post

Office" is highly significant thematically, as well as,
symbolically. It provides an emotional centre around
which the main action of the play emerges. The
symbolic significance of the post office is very much
complex, and works on several levels in different
parts of the play. S.K Desai has rightly observed that
the post office might be the whole world; the king
might be God sending messages of eternity to
everyone, according to their capacity for reception,
through the visible.

Amal's obsession with the Post Office is the result of a

concrete situation. The Post Office is just there outside
his window and he is inquisitive. Amal inquires about
the post office to the watchman. It is the king's the
watchman replies, and on further inquiry tells Amal
that one fine day there may be a letter from the king. 
But the post office is not just an ordinary one nor is its
post master an ordinary one. The post master is
nobody else but God sending divine messages which
are delivered through this Post Office. The man who
plays a part in this work hopes to make his life
meaningful. Perhaps that is why Amal says he will
ask the king; "Make me your postman that I may go
about, lantern in hand, delivering your letters from
door to door" and I shall ask him to make me one of
his postmen that I may wander far and wide
delivering his message door to door.

On the whole we understand that the king stands for

God and the Post Office might be the whole universe,
and nature, with her seasons. The letter is the
message of eternity, the message calling us to reach
God. The blank slip of paper symbolizes the message
of God. The Post Office is place where messages are
received and delivered. As if the main character
Amal, he is able to see the Maharaja's post office out
the window, he longs to receive a letter from the Raja
which will eventually happen in a surreal
denouement as the child dies.    

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