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Report on the programme evaluation

Name of head of school Sarah Gallagher

Marymount International
Name of school IB school code 000128
Date 9-11-2016 IB programmes MYP/DP

MYP years offered at the school

Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5

Dear Ms Gallagher,

Thank you for completing the self-study process for programme evaluation. The IB recognizes that this process requires considerable time and effort from
the entire school community. We appreciate the effort that you have made and hope that the insights gained along the way will be valuable in further
developing your programme.

The aim of this evaluation is for the IB to ensure that the standards and practices of the programme are being maintained. The IB is aware that for each
school the implementation of an IB programme is a journey, and that the school will meet these standards and practices to varying degrees along the way.

The present report is based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire and supporting documents, together with the findings of the school visit.

The report is structured according to the document titled Programme standards and practices.

The report includes the following:

 feedback on the self-study process

 commendations for school practices that address the Programme standards and practices in ways that solve challenges faced by the school and/or
outstanding implementation
 recommendations for the school on further developing the programme
 matters to be addressed (MTBAs) that identify areas within a school's practice which, if not addressed immediately, will jeopardize the integrity of
the programme and thus the school's entitlement to be considered an IB World School
 findings that describe the practices at the school that led to the commendations, recommendations or MTBAs
 indication of the evidence to be provided by the school in case of MTBAs
 a conclusion for each standard.

Outcome of the evaluation process of your school

Based on the findings included in the report, the IB has not identified any matters to be addressed. The recommendations provided here should be
incorporated into your action plan. At your next programme evaluation in the IB will expect the school to provide evidence that these have been

We trust the information found in this report will support the school in its continued implementation and enhancement of the IB programme.

We wish you continued success with the implementation of the IB Programme. We hope the self-study process has been beneficial and will lead to an even
stronger programme implementation. We appreciate the contribution your school makes to the IB community and look forward even greater engagement
in the coming years.

Yours sincerely,

Adrian Kearney

Director, Europe, Middle East and Africa

Process of the school's self-study

Visiting Team
Timeline: The self-study took place over at least 12 months. 11 months
Stakeholders involved: Those involved in the organization and
implementation of the programme contributed to this process: members
of the governing body, administrators, teaching and non-teaching staff,
students and parents.
Gathering evidence: The self-study is evidence based, drawing on
existing school documentation and reflecting actual practice in the Yes
school during the period under review.
Reflection in teams: Meetings were organized, allowing time for
reflection, discussion and collation of evidence, if applicable.
The levels of implementation of practices: The school has provided
descriptors for assessing the practices.
Section A: Philosophy
Standard A
The school’s educational beliefs and values reflect IB philosophy.

Practice 1 The school’s published statements of mission and philosophy align with those of the IB.

Findings of the Conversations with the school community confirmed that the school has recently reviewed its mission statement.
The Marymount group of schools has an educational philosophy that closely aligns with the IB mission and philosophy.

The school displays the mission statement in various locations around the school campus, on the school website and in school
Commendations The school for recently reviewing and revising the mission statement to ensure that it is more closely aligned with the mission
statement of the IB.
Support in IB The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice
Documentation MYP: From principles into practice, p.7, 11

Practice 3 The school community demonstrates an understanding of, and commitment to, the programme(s).

Findings of the Conversations with all stakeholders and classroom visits confirm that the school community demonstrates a strong commitment to
team the programmes.
Commendations The school community for demonstrating a strong commitment to the programmes.
Support in IB The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice
Documentation MYP: From principles into practice
IB videos available at or
Practice 5 The school promotes responsible action within and beyond the school community.

Findings of the Conversations with the CAS and the service as action coordinators, teachers, students and parents reveal that the school promotes
team action by students within and beyond the grounds of the school.
Commendations The school for its ethos of service learning and promoting responsible action within and beyond the school community.
Support in IB “Breadth and balance” and “A holistic educational experience” in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice
Documentation Creativity, activity, service guide
Learning stories–A global learning story about responsible action
MYP: From principles into practice

Practice 6 The school promotes open communication based on understanding and respect.

Findings of the Conversations with all stakeholders, visits to classrooms, and observations during the school tour reveal that there is a community
team atmosphere in the school. This sense of community extends across the school among all grade levels and departments.
Commendations The school for its community atmosphere where open communication is valued, practised and is based upon mutual understanding
and respect.
Conclusion of the IB

Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit:

Standard A
The school’s educational beliefs and values reflect IB philosophy.
School’s conclusion IB conclusion
School’s progress with regard to IB The school has taken
recommendations for this standard from the into consideration
previous evaluation process or from the IB
authorization. recommendations
from the previous
evaluation process or
from authorization.
Conclusion Shows satisfactory Shows satisfactory
development development

Section B: Organization
Standard B1: Leadership and structure
The school’s leadership and administrative structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme(s).
Practice 2 The school has developed a governance and leadership structure that supports the implementation of the programme(s).

Findings of the Conversations with the SLT and SMT confirmed that a leadership structure is in place that supports the implementation and
team development of the programmes.
Conversations with the department chairs and information within the self-study reveal a focus on developing the role of the
department chair to enhance teaching and learning.
Commendations The school for its multi-tiered leadership structure that supports the development of the programmes
Support in IB “What can schools do to support and develop the IB learner profile?” in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice
Documentation MYP: From principles into practice, pp. 65, 81

Practice 3 The head of school/school principal and programme coordinator demonstrate pedagogical leadership aligned with the philosophy of
the programme(s).

Findings of the Conversations with the Headmistress and deputy head (academic)/ programmes coordinator reveal a closely aligned and trusted
team relationship; this results in a strong vision and sense of purpose for the future development of the programmes
Commendations The Headmistress and deputy head (academic)/ programmes coordinator for providing strong pedagogical leadership aligned with
the philosophy of the programmes
Support in IB “The role of the Diploma Programme coordinator” in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice
Documentation MYP: From principles into practice

Practice 5a – MYP The school develops and implements a language policy that is consistent with IB expectations.

Practice 5b - DP
Findings of the The school has a language policy. The current language policy does not yet include
 the school’s language profile
 links to the admissions and the special educational needs policies
 the languages offered and at what levels.

Recommendations The school reviews and revises the language policy to meet the minimum requirements.
repeated from No
previous report
School included
appropriate action No
in Action Plan
Support in IB “Language options and language support” in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice
Guidelines for developing a school language policy

Learning in a language other than mother tongue in IB programmes

Guidance for the support of mother tongue in the Diploma Programme.

Learning stories–A learning story about how a school’s language policy supports multilingualism in a culturally diverse community

Practice 5b – MYP The school develops and implements an inclusion/special educational needs policy that is consistent with IB expectations and with
the school’s admissions policy.
Practice 5c - DP
Findings of the The school has a SENDA policy. It does not yet include
 reference to the IB programmes or documentation
 reference to special access arrangements available for DP examinations.

Recommendations The school reviews and revises the SENDA policy to meet the minimum requirements.
repeated from No
previous report
School included
appropriate action Yes
in Action Plan
Support in IB Special educational needs within the International Baccalaureate programmes
Candidates with special assessment needs

Teaching students with particular special educational and learning needs—a resource for schools

Current Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme

Support areas in the OCC

Practice 5c – MYP The school has developed and implements an assessment policy that is consistent with IB expectations.

Practice 5d - DP
Findings of the The school has an assessment policy. It does not yet include
 how the policy is communicated
 a clear assessment philosophy
 student involvement in self-assessment
 common practices in using the MYP assessment criteria and determining achievement levels
 common practices in recording and reporting student achievement process in the MYP
 the process for reviewing the policy

Recommendations The school reviews and revises the assessment policy to meet the minimum requirements.
repeated from Yes
previous report
School included
appropriate action No
in Action Plan
Support in IB “Assessment policy” in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice
Documentation Diploma Programme assessment: Principles and practice
Guidelines for developing a school assessment policy in the Diploma Programme

MYP: From principles into practice

Practice 5d – MYP The school has developed and implements an academic honesty policy that is consistent with IB expectations.

Practice 5e - DP
Findings of the The school has an academic honesty policy. It does not yet include
 appropriate reference to the IB learner profile, particularly to striving to be principled
 the IB definitions of academic misconduct and its different categories
 advice on and/or examples of what constitutes academic misconduct, intellectual property and authentic authorship
 examples of conventions for citing and acknowledging original authorship using the style identified by the school
 guidance on the distinction between legitimate collaboration and unacceptable collusion
 appropriate referencing for the material sourced within the document
 the responsibilities of the students, teachers, school and parents
 the measures taken to support the development of academic honesty
 the procedures for the monitoring, reporting and recording of breaches of academic honesty
 the rights of the students who are suspected of academic misconduct
 clear procedures for both internal and external assessments
 IB sanctions and consequences,
 the process for the review of the policy.

Recommendations The school reviews and revises the academic honesty policy to meet the minimum requirements.

repeated from No
previous report
School included
appropriate action No
in Action Plan
Support in IB “Academic honesty” in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice
MYP: From principles into practice

Practice 6 The school has systems in place for the continuity and ongoing development of the programme(s).

Findings of the The school has developed action plans for both programmes that align with the school strategic plan. However the DP action plan is
team not written to reflect the specific practices of the programme and in some cases the objectives are not aligned with the appropriate
Recommendations The school revises the DP action plan to reflect the requirements of the programme.

repeated from No
previous report
School included
appropriate action No
in Action Plan
Support in IB “Consolidation phase” and “Continuous improvement” in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice
Conclusion of the IB

Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit:

Standard B1
The school’s leadership and administrative structures ensure the implementation of the
IB programme(s).
School’s conclusion IB conclusion
School’s progress with regard to IB The school has not
recommendations for this standard from the taken into
previous evaluation process or from consideration or not
authorization. provided information
on some IB
from the previous
evaluation process or
from authorization.
Conclusion Shows satisfactory Shows satisfactory
development development
Section B: Organization
Standard B2: Resources and support
The school’s resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the IB programme(s).

Practice 3+3a The school ensures that teachers and administrators receive IB-recognized professional development.

DP only a. The school complies with the IB professional development requirement for the Diploma Years Programme at authorization and at

Findings of the In the Diploma Programme several teachers were trained recently, since the submission of the self-study. Several DP teachers have
team yet to attend or be registered for IB-recognized professional development including French A: literature, German A: literature,
Spanish B, French B, French ab initio and the CAS coordinator (for the new CAS subject guide).
Recommendations The school develops a professional learning plan based on guidance that the IB will provide in 2017. This plan will ensure that the
school meets the requirements as per the revised PD requirements in place from 2017.
repeated from No
previous report
School included
appropriate action Yes
in Action Plan
Support in IB IB professional development calendar at
Practice 4 The school provides dedicated time for teachers’ collaborative planning and reflection.

DP only
Findings of the There is an ethos of informal collaboration amongst the teachers.
team Conversations with teachers confirmed that in the MYP there are department meetings scheduled in the school day, whereas in the
DP, conversations with teachers and evidence in the self-study indicated that there is limited formal and systematic collaborative
planning time scheduled for all DP teachers to plan as a programme team.
Recommendations The school schedules regular and formal collaborative planning time for DP teachers to plan as a programme team.

repeated from Yes
previous report
School included
appropriate action Yes
in Action Plan

Practice 8 The school provides support for its students with learning and/or special educational needs and support for their teachers.

Findings of the Conversations with students, teachers and parents indicated that there is a systematic approach for identifying and supporting
team students with identified learning needs and also for students who would benefit from enrichment. The system is coordinated by the
director of specialist learning programmes who is fully conversant with IB requirements.
Commendations The school for its well-defined and implemented system for supporting students and teachers.

Support in IB MYP: From principles into practice

Practice 11 The school utilizes the resources and expertise of the community to enhance learning within the programme(s).

Findings of the Conversations with teachers and students show that there are many opportunities for students to engage with local, national and
team global expertise and to visit locations that will enrich the programmes. Teachers also provided many examples of where individuals
or organizations have been invited into the school to support the education of the students.
Commendations The school for promoting and supporting the enhancement of the programmes through the use of the resources and expertise of the
local and wider community.

Conclusion of the IB

Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit:

Standard B2
The school’s resources and support structures ensure the implementation of the IB
School’s conclusion IB conclusion
School’s progress with regard to IB The school has not
recommendations for this standard from the taken into
previous evaluation process or from consideration or not
authorization. provided information
on some IB
from the previous
evaluation process or
from authorization.
Conclusion Shows satisfactory Shows satisfactory
development development

Section C: Curriculum
Standard C1: Collaborative planning
Collaborative planning and reflection supports the implementation of the IB programme(s).
Practice 1+1a+1b Collaborative planning and reflection addresses the requirements of the programme(s).

a. Collaborative planning and reflection includes the integration of theory of knowledge in each subject.

b. Collaborative planning and reflection explores connections and relations between subjects and reinforces knowledge,
understanding and skills shared by the different disciplines.

Findings of the Conversations with teachers and the Diploma Programme coordinator indicate that collaborative planning is done formally in
team departments and done informally between DP teachers.
DP teachers only meet as a complete DP team to plan and reflect on CPD days in the year.
The TOK department indicate that external speakers are brought in to discuss themes with teachers, students and parents that are
related to TOK.
Conversations with DP teachers and the TOK department indicate that although they do integrate TOK in their classes regularly but
this integration is through informal collaboration.
Recommendations The school ensures that formal collaborative planning time be allocated for the TOK teachers to lead planning and reflection on TOK
integration in all DP subjects.
repeated from Yes
previous report
School included
appropriate action Yes
in Action Plan
Support in IB “Planning a Diploma Programme course” in The Diploma Programme: From principles into practice
Practice 2 Collaborative planning and reflection takes place regularly and systematically.

Findings of the Conversations with teachers indicate that they frequently collaborate informally.
team Details in the self-study indicate that currently collaborative planning time for DP staff is done on CPD days and in department
Conversations with teachers indicate that collaborative planning and reflection is yet to happen formally between DP subjects and
between DP subjects and the core.
Recommendations The school for ensuring that collaborative planning time is established so as to allow all DP teachers to collaborate formally.

repeated from No
previous report
School included
appropriate action Yes
in Action Plan

Practice 4 Collaborative planning and reflection ensures that all teachers have an overview of students’ learning experiences.

Question B2.3

Findings of the Conversations with teachers indicate that there is extensive communication among teachers resulting in a comprehensive
team understanding of the students' learning.
Teachers in the school teach across both MYP and DP and therefore know the strengths and areas of improvement for each student.
Commendations Teachers for informally collaborating so as to share knowledge and experience of a students' learning journey.
Conclusion of the IB

Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit:

Standard C1
Collaborative planning and reflection supports the implementation of the IB
School’s conclusion IB conclusion
School’s progress with regard to IB The school has not
recommendations for this standard from the taken into
previous evaluation process or from consideration or not
authorization. provided information
on some IB
from the previous
evaluation process or
from authorization.
Conclusion Shows satisfactory Shows satisfactory
development development
Section C: Curriculum
Standard C2: Written curriculum
The school’s written curriculum reflects IB philosophy.
Practice 6 The written curriculum incorporates relevant experiences for students.

Findings of the The school uses an online curriculum design tool as their depository of written curriculum; this written curriculum contains a list of
team skills and assessments that are used to provide relevant experiences for students.
Commendations The teachers for including a comprehensive range of experiences both through instruction and assessment, bringing the curriculum
alive for the students.
Support in IB DP subject guides
Creativity, activity, service guide

Theory of knowledge guide

Extended essay guide

Conclusion of the IB

Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit:

Standard C2
The school’s written curriculum reflects IB philosophy.
School’s conclusion IB conclusion
School’s progress with regard to IB The school has taken
recommendations for this standard from the into consideration
previous evaluation process or from the IB
authorization. recommendations
from the previous
evaluation process or
from authorization.
Conclusion Shows satisfactory Shows satisfactory
development development
Section C: Curriculum
Standard C3: Teaching and learning
Teaching and learning reflects IB philosophy.

Practice 2 Teaching and learning engages students as inquirers and thinkers.

Findings of the Conversations with students and teachers and classroom observations confirm the information in the self-study that students are
team challenged to ask in-depth questions and seek deeper level knowledge and understanding.

The enrichment programme provides opportunities for students to extend their learning experiences.
Commendations The school for its ethos of engaging students to develop higher order thinking skills and apply them to their studies.

Practice 4 Teaching and learning promotes the understanding and practice of academic honesty.

Findings of the Conversations with students, parents, the director of research and teachers indicate that the practice of academic honesty and the
team ideals of academic integrity are consistent with the mission of the school.

Students are able to voice their understanding of the importance of academic honesty.
Commendations The school for creating an atmosphere that values the practice of academic integrity and honesty.

Practice 5 Teaching and learning supports students to become actively responsible for their own learning.

Findings of the Conversations with students and classroom observations indicate that students take a lead role in determining the outcome of their
team learning.

The documentation provided onsite reveals that there has been a significant focus, with both teachers and students, on developing
and embedding approaches to learning skills across both programmes.
Commendations The school for developing an atmosphere that promotes and supports independent responsibility amongst students for their own

Practice 12 Teaching and learning develops student attitudes and skills that allow for meaningful student action in response to students' own
needs and the needs of others.

Findings of the Observations of and conversations with students in and out of class reveal they have developed a set of collegial skills that
team demonstrate an understanding of their own and other's needs.

Students report that they initiate clubs and activities based on interests and needs.

Students are able to discuss how they develop their CAS programmes based on both their interests and how they can positively
affect others within the school community and beyond.

The students' attitudes result in a caring and supportive school atmosphere.

Commendations The school for creating an encouraging atmosphere in which the students have meaningful interactions that meet their needs and
those of others.

Practice 14 Teaching and learning fosters a stimulating learning environment based on understanding and respect.

Findings of the Classroom observations, school community interaction throughout campus and conversations with students, parents and teachers
team demonstrate that a learning environment is established that is based on mutual understanding and respect.
Commendations The school for fostering a strong sense of community and an open and respectful learning environment.
Conclusion of the IB

Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit:

Standard C3
Teaching and learning reflects IB philosophy.
School’s conclusion IB conclusion
School’s progress with regard to IB The school has taken
recommendations for this standard from the into consideration
previous evaluation process or from the IB
authorization. recommendations
from the previous
evaluation process or
from authorization.
Conclusion Shows satisfactory Shows satisfactory
development development
Section C: Curriculum
Standard C4: Assessment
Assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy.

Practice 6 The school has systems for reporting student progress aligned with the assessment philosophy of the programme(s).

Findings of the Conversations with parents, students and teachers indicate that the school has a strong and transparent system of reporting
team both student achievement and effort. This system includes bi-termly reports that comment on student effort and extensive termly
advisor reports that comment on both student effort and achievement. Parents and students are appreciative of the detail and
individual knowledge that these advisor reports contained.

Conversations with the teachers indicate that they frequently communicate about individual student progress and needs.
Commendations The school for developing reporting systems that inform the school community about student progress.

Practice 7 The school analyses assessment data to inform teaching and learning.

Findings of the Conversations with teachers indicate that they routinely analyse DP examination results and school assessment data to to inform
team and improve teaching and learning.
Commendations The school has systems in place to effectively use assessment data.

Practice 9 The school has systems in place to ensure that all students can demonstrate consolidation of their learning through the completion
of the Primary Years Programme exhibition, the Middle Years Programme personal project and the Diploma Programme extended
essay, depending on the programme(s) offered.

Findings of the Conversations with the extended essay team confirmed there are systems to guide students through the extended essay process
team and completion.
The extended essay team described the WIP step of the extended essay; after students have been assigned a supervisor and
selected a topic, they present it to a group of teachers and students who ask questions to help the student focus her research topic.
Commendations The school for developing a thorough and supportive extended essay system that includes steps to help the students refine and
develop their extended essay.
Support in IB Extended essay guide
Conclusion of the IB

Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit:

Standard C4
Assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy.
School’s conclusion IB conclusion
School’s progress with regard to IB The school has taken
recommendations for this standard from the into consideration
previous evaluation process or from the IB
authorization. recommendations
from the previous
evaluation process or
from authorization.
Conclusion Shows satisfactory Shows satisfactory
development development

Section C: Curriculum
Standard C1: Collaborative planning
Collaborative planning and reflection supports the implementation of the IB programme(s).
Practice 3 Collaborative planning and reflection addresses vertical and horizontal articulation.

Findings of the Conversation with the subject group confirmed there is collaborative planning scheduled for all teachers by department. This
team facilitates collaborative planning vertically. These discussions with teachers also confirmed, however that a systematic approach to
horizontal planning is not as fully developed.
Recommendations The school develops a systematic approach to horizontal collaborative planning.

repeated from No
previous report
School included No
appropriate action
in Action Plan
Support in IB MYP: From principles into practice
Conclusion of the IB

Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit:

Standard C1
Collaborative planning and reflection supports the implementation of the IB
School’s conclusion IB conclusion
School’s progress with regard to IB • The school has
recommendations for this standard from the taken into
previous evaluation process or from consideration the IB
authorization. recommendations
from the previous
evaluation process or
from authorization.
Conclusion • Shows satisfactory • Shows satisfactory
development development
Section C: Curriculum
Standard C2: Written curriculum
The school’s written curriculum reflects IB philosophy.

Practice 1e The curriculum fosters disciplinary and interdisciplinary understanding.

Findings of the Conversations with the MYP coordinator and teachers demonstrated that unit plans are in place for each of the eight subject groups
team and interdisciplinary learning. From the self-study and from meetings with the school community, the visiting team learnt that a
subject called the Core curriculum has been developed in grades 6 and 7. The Core curriculum is being developed this year for
implementation in grade 8 next year. The school has a multi and interdisciplinary approach to the development and delivery of the
Core curriculum.
Commendations The school for its innovative approach in developing and delivering the Core curriculum.

Practice 5 The written curriculum allows for meaningful student action in response to students’ own needs and the needs of others.

Findings of the Conversations with teachers confirmed that service as action opportunities that are connected to the written curriculum have not
team yet been fully developed or documented.
Recommendations The teachers incorporate meaningful student action in response to students’ own needs and the needs of others into the written
Support in IB MYP: From principles into practice
Conclusion of the IB

Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit:

Standard C2
The school’s written curriculum reflects IB philosophy.
School’s conclusion IB conclusion
School’s progress with regard to IB • No
recommendations for this standard from the recommendations
previous evaluation process or from were made from the
authorization. previous evaluation
process or from
Conclusion • Shows satisfactory • Shows satisfactory
development development
Section C: Curriculum
Standard C3: Teaching and learning
Teaching and learning reflects IB philosophy.

Practice 4 Teaching and learning promotes the understanding and practice of academic honesty.

Findings of the Conversations with teachers showed that while there is strong commitment to teaching and promoting the understanding and
team practices of academic honesty, there is not yet a common agreement about the expectations of students at each grade level.
Recommendations The school develops consistent expectations for academic honesty at each grade level.

repeated from No
previous report
School included Yes
appropriate action
in Action Plan
Support in IB MYP: From principles into practice

Practice 5 Teaching and learning supports students to become actively responsible for their own learning.

Findings of the The documentation provided on site confirmed that there has been a significant focus, with both teachers and
team students, on developing and embedding approaches to learning skills across both programmes.
Commendations The school for developing an ethos that promotes and supports independent responsibility amongst students for their own learning.
Support in IB MYP: From principles into practice

Practice 7 Teaching and learning addresses the diversity of student language needs, including those for students learning in a language(s) other
than mother tongue.

Findings of the Classroom observations and conversations with students and teachers confirmed that there is a commitment to catering for the
team wide variety of student language needs. Teachers provided examples of how they are able to support students learning in a language
that is not their mother tongue.
Commendations The teachers for purposefully planning and providing support for the diversity of language learners in their classes.

Support in IB MYP: From principles into practice


Practice 10 Teaching and learning differentiates instruction to meet students’ learning needs and styles.

Findings of the The teachers are able to give numerous examples of how they differentiate their instruction to cater for the diversity of student
team needs and learning styles within their classes. Conversations with students and parents confirm that the teachers provide for the
needs of individual students.
Commendations The teachers cater for the diversity of needs and learning styles of students in their classes.

Support in IB MYP: From principles into practice

Practice 14 Teaching and learning fosters a stimulating learning environment based on understanding and respect.

Findings of the Observations during classroom visits and feedback from students and parents confirm that there is a stimulating learning
team environment. During classroom visits it is obvious that there is a mutual respect between members of the classroom community. The
students state in their meeting about the positive working relationships that they have with their teachers.
Commendations The school community shares a stimulating learning environment based on understanding and respect.

Support in IB MYP: From principles into practice


Conclusion of the IB

Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit:

Standard C3
Teaching and learning reflects IB philosophy.
School’s conclusion IB conclusion
School’s progress with regard to IB • No
recommendations for this standard from the recommendations
previous evaluation process or from were made from the
authorization. previous evaluation
process or from
Conclusion • Shows satisfactory • Shows satisfactory
development development
Section C: Curriculum
Standard C4: Assessment
Assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy.

Practice 1 Assessment at the school aligns with the requirements of the programme(s).

Findings of the Evidence gained from the subject vertical planners and from assessed student work reveal that there is not a consistent alignment
team with the requirements for summative assessment within the programme.
Recommendations The school consistently implements the requirements for MYP assessment across the programme.

repeated from No
previous report
School included No
appropriate action
in Action Plan
Support in IB MYP: From principles into practice
Practice 5 The school has systems for recording student progress aligned with the assessment philosophy of the programme(s).

Findings of the Samples of student assessed work and conversations with teachers across subject groups reflected an inconsistent understanding
team and application of the practices of MYP assessment.
Recommendations The MYP coordinator and department chairs ensure that all teachers share a common understanding and application of
the requirements for the assessment and recording of student achievement.
repeated from No
previous report
School included No
appropriate action
in Action Plan
Support in IB MYP: From principles into practice

Practice 7 The school analyses assessment data to inform teaching and learning.

Findings of the Conversations with the teachers showed that while there is a widespread belief that the analysis of assessment data to inform
team teaching and learning is essential, they also confirm that there is not yet a system in place to do this within subject groups.
Recommendations The school develops and implements a system for the analysis of the assessment data to inform teaching and learning.
repeated from No
previous report
School included No
appropriate action
in Action Plan
Support in IB MYP: From principles into practice
Conclusion of the IB

Based on the analysis of the self-study questionnaire, the supporting documents and the findings of the school visit:

Standard C4
Assessment at the school reflects IB assessment philosophy.
School’s conclusion IB conclusion
School’s progress with regard to IB • No
recommendations for this standard from the recommendations
previous evaluation process or from were made from the
authorization. previous evaluation
process or from
Conclusion • Shows satisfactory • Shows satisfactory
development development

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