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Chart 5

Identi cation: VT APM

Type of a/c: dornier Flight rules: Z Type of ight: N. FL110. Time: 0130

Dep ad: VAAU. Dest ad: VOMM. Route: G450 TAMID W20 BUSBO IFR FL270.

Other info: chartered ight

1(a) Time is 0100. One VT UIO calls you. Tx time in a way other than 0100

(b) On approaching rwy you get cleared for departure. As you start rolling out for t/o, rwy
incursion takes place by a ground vehicle . Express consequence and take action.

2. ATD 0135. You reach DUBOX and monitor bad Wx ahead. You decide to reroute to direct
BUSBO and VANP atc has no objection. Cntc next appropriate atc.

3. You reach BUSBO. Take necessary action.

4. You are 70 DME to MMV. You are passing FL250 for FL90 that RCF takes place.

5. Transmit the following sentences containing abbreviations in full form.

i) WxR is showing CB

ii) A/c to GA due GLD on nal

iii) LS Appch AD from NNE

iv)Mnt tfe for safety

v) L/W should not be more than PCN


CAR sections, AIP, NOTAM, Docs- what is Doc 9432 about, Annex 10 and its volumes

Di erence between rwy and twy markings


Principle and frequency of VOR,ADF,ILS,DME,AWR,Radio altimeter

Cone of confusion, ILS components and their location, sound that indicates you’ve crossed OM

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