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Slip vectors and stretching of the Sumatran fore arc

Robert McCaffrey
Department of Geology, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York 12180

ABSTRACT Sunda Strait. In this paper I use the observed

Slip vectors from thrust earthquakes at the Java Trench southwest of Sumatra demon- variation in the slip vectors to test whether the
strate that the Sumatran fore arc is not a single rigid plate that is translated to the northwest by Sumatran fore arc behaves as a rigid block. If
oblique plate convergence. Instead they indicate arc-parallel stretching of the fore arc at a rigid behavior is indicated, there are two long-
uniform strain rate of 3 - 4 x 10~ 8 /yr. The northwestward motion of the fore arc relative to the term implications: average slip on the Sumatran
upper plate (Southeast Asia) increases from near zero at the Sunda Strait to 45-60 mm/yr in fault will be constant along its length and, of
northwest Sumatra and should result in variable slip rates on the Sumatran fault. relevance to the Cenozoic evolution of western
North America, the translation of the fore-arc
INTRODUCTION Evidence for decoupling in Sumatra is the sliver will occur as a single large block, so that
Fitch (1972) proposed that oblique plate presence of both the Sumatran fault and subduc- internal permanent rotations, of the type observ-
convergence decouples into a component of tion earthquakes that show thrusting nearly per- able with paleomagnetism, will be small.
convergence normal to the plate boundary and a pendicular to the arc even though plate conver-
shear component taken up by strike-slip faulting gence becomes quite oblique to it (Fig. 1). If the SLIP VECTORS AT THE
on a transcurrent fault in the interior of the over- fore-arc sliver, bounded on the west by the JAVA TRENCH
riding plate. He presented a clear example from trench, below by the subducting plate, and on Slip vectors for thrust earthquakes at the Java
Sumatra. Subsequently, Sumatra has been cited the east by the Sumatran fault, behaves as a rigid Trench are based on P-wave first motions (Kap-
as a modern analogue for Mesozoic western plate, slip vectors at the Java Trench southwest pel, 1980; Fitch, 1972), body waveforms
North America to explain the rotations and of Sumatra should be deflected clockwise rela- (McCaffrey, 1988), and centroid-moment tensor
translations of accreted elements there (e.g., tive to those south of Java but then should show solutions (e.g., Dziewonski et al., 1981). The
Beck, 1986). little variation along the trench northwest of the fault planes are assumed to be the arcward-


Figure 1. Map of Sunda arc showing tectonic features, slip vectors, and plate-motion vectors. Vectors in Indian Ocean labeled AUS-EUR
are from Australia-Eurasia pole of rotation (DeMets et al., 1990) (rate scale in lower left corner), and those labeled AUS-SEA are inferred
from slip vectors at Java Trench south of Java. Length of slip vector is scaled to logarithm of seismic moment (Mo) of earthquake (scale at
lower left). Heavy line through Sumatra shows trace of right-lateral Sumatran fault. Asterisks indicate positions of volcanoes. Arrows in
fore arc show inferred motion relative to Southeast Asia. Inset shows variation in slip-vector azimuths (circles) with longitude along arc.
Dashed lines show convergence directions between Australia-Indian Ocean plate and Eurasia predicted by DeMets et al. (1990) pole
(labeled NUVEL-1) and Minster and Jordan (1978) pole (labeled RM2). Shaded bar shows convergence direction (N3°E ±9°) inferred
from slip vectors east of central Java.

GEOLOGY, v. 19, p. 881-884, September 1991 881

dipping planes, and the slip vector (the pole of analysis is presented in a polar coordinate sys- equal to 0 - 90°, as shown in Figure 2A, and
the auxiliary plane) shows the direction of mo- tem in which both the Java Trench and the implies that the fore arc moves relative to South-
tion of the subducting plate relative to the fore Sumatran fault roughly form small circles east Asia by strike slip only. /? may be varied in
arc. The slip-vector azimuth is found by rotating around the origin (at lat 16°N, long 119°E). In other ways; for example, it may be set so that the
the slip vector into the horizontal plane. Because this coordinate system, 0 is parallel to the arc motion of the fore arc relative to Southeast Asia
the auxiliary planes are very steep for these and A is perpendicular to it (Fig. 2A). is locally parallel to the Sumatran fault and can
earthquakes (the average dip is 12°), the slip To relate the variation in slip-vector azimuths also include across-strike deformation of the fore
vectors are constrained well. I estimate uncer- a to deformation of the fore arc, I impose vector arc. In the calculations that follow, vectors from
tainties of 15° in azimuth and 5° in plunge for an closure on the Australia, Southeast Asia or Eur- the DeMets et al. (1990) Australia-Eurasia
individual slip vector and expect that the effect asia, and fore-arc plates (Fig. 2B). Given Vp, Euler pole (labeled NUVEL-1, Fig. 2C) are con-
of slab structure is included in this amount (e.g., the rate of motion of Southeast Asia relative to sidered, because this and the Minster and Jordan
Ekstrom and Engdahl, 1989; McCaffrey, 1988). Australia, the angle /3' that S E A V A U S makes (1978) Indian Ocean-Eurasia pole give vectors
Slip-vector azimuths along the Java Trench with the vector of motion of the fore arc relative (labeled RM2, Fig. 2C) that are within 1 mm/yr
are not matched by the motion of Australia rela- to Southeast Asia (faVsea)> a n d the angle a ' of each other in rate and only a few degrees
tive to Eurasia (Fig. 1). This misfit is due in part that the slip vector makes relative to sea^aus- different in azimuth.
to the motion of Southeast Asia relative to Eura- the velocity triangle can be solved at any point The slip-vector azimuths that I consider are
sia, which is highly uncertain and so cannot be for Vp, the rate of motion of that point within those in the range 0° < 0 ^ 55° (long
used to predict the motion of Southeast Asia the fore arc relative to Southeast Asia: 119°-96°E). At 0 > 55° (west of long 96°E),
relative to Australia from vector closure. Large- the trench bends to the west and is near both the
scale deformation within the Southeast Asian VF = VP sin <*'/sin(a' + 0'). (1) Ninetyeast Ridge and the diffuse plate boundary
plate along much of its border with Australia between the Indian and Australian plates
renders the slip vectors unreliable indicators of Using $ as the azimuth of Australia's motion (DeMets et al., 1990). Because the motion of the
Australia-Southeast Asia motion except east of relative to Southeast Asia and converting angles Indian Ocean floor relative to Southeast Asia is
Sumatra and west of the Banda arc, where little a ' and /?' to geographic azimuths a and fi (Fig. unconstrained in this region, we can learn little
deformation occurs within the island arc or back 2A), both measured clockwise from north, with about the deformation of the fore arc. In the
arc of the Southeast Asian plate. The mean azi- a' = a - $ and /J' = $ - /J, we get calculations, the fore-arc deformation is pre-
muth of 15 slip vectors east of central Java (east sumed to lie west of central Java (& > 20°)
of long 110°E; Fig. 1) is N3°E, sample standard Vp = Vp sin(a - <t>)/ sin(a - ¿3). (2) because the slip-vector azimuths deviate from
deviation 9°, and I take this as the convergence the Australia-Southeast Asia convergence direc-
direction of Australia relative to Southeast Asia Vp, <f>, a, and fi can vary along the margin and tion in that area (Fig. 1).
at the Java Trench. Because the motion of therefore are functions of 0 . If the fore arc is
Southeast Asia relative to Eurasia is slow, the rigid and the center of the coordinate system is RIGID F O R E ARC
Southeast Âsia-Eurasia pole of rotation will be near the pole of rotation of the fore arc relative First, consider a rigid-fore-arc plate in which
close to the Australia-Eurasia pole, which is it- to Southeast Asia, then /J(0) is approximately all of the shear in the upper plate occurs on an
self sufficiently far from Indonesia to give little
variation in the convergence direction along the P
Java Trench (Fig. 1). Hence, the motion of Aus- Figure 2. A: Geometry of
tralia relative to Southeast Asia also varies little oblique convergence. P
along the trench. is center of curvature of
trench and arc. Points
Because of the curvature of the trench, the along fore arc are desig-
obliquity (the angle between the trench normal nated by 0 , azimuth to P,
and A, distance to P.
and the predicted plate-convergence azimuth; $ is azimuth of relative
Fig. 1) changes by as much as 50° from western plate convergence, and
Java to northern Sumatra. The Java Trench a is slip-vector azimuth,
normal appears to form an upper envelope for both relative to north. VP
is rate of convergence
the slip vectors that are systematically deflected
and Vr is rate of motion
toward the plate-convergence direction (N3°E). of fore arc relative to
The tendency for slip-vector azimuths to fall be- upper plate. /3 is direc-
tween the plate-convergence direction and the tion of VF relative to
80 north. B: Relation in ve-
normal to the plate boundary is common
locity space of slip-vec-
(DeMets et al., 1990) and indicates that oblique tor azimuth, Vp and Vf.
convergence is often not completely decoupled. 60 SEA = Southeast Asia;
AUS = Australia; FA =
fore arc. C: Plot of earth-
quake slip-vector azi-
muths vs. position 0
SLIP-VECTOR AZIMUTHS " ^ - - - - Q r . along arc. Vertical bars
The systematic deflection of slip-vector azi- show average and ±1
| 20 j'KuyiiT''
(sample) standard devia-
muths along the Java Trench southwest of Su-
tion for all slip vectors in
matra relative to the plate-convergence direction increments of 0 , 4° wide
can be used to constrain the motion of the fore Y , o, , , c (1° of e ~ 55 km). J.T. =
arc of the upper plate relative to Southeast Asia. o io 20 3o 4Î5 5Î) So- Java Trench. Other items
To examine the variation along the arc, the -20 as in Figure 1.

882 GEOLOGY, September 1991

arc-parallel strike-slip fault. Jarrard (1986) cal- 80
culated a slip rate of 36 ±5 mm/yr for the Sum- NUVEL-1 AUS-EUR
atran fault by using (1) the difference between 60 Uniform Strain Rate
the average of seven slip-vector azimuths at the
Java Trench southwest of Sumatra (26.9° •S40
±6.8°), (2) his estimated convergence direction s
for Australia-Southeast Asia (-1.0° ±6.7° based ^20
on five slip vectors south of Java), and (3) a 0x10-8Wr
convergence rate of 68 mm/yr derived from the
Minster and Jordan (1978) India-Eurasia pole.
His calculation is a simplification of equation 2 -20
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
in which Fp, <3>, a, and )3 are all averaged along ©
the margin, so his result is an average slip rate.
By using /3(0) = 0 - 90° (which implies shear
on a vertical plane parallel to the arc), using
F P (0) and 3>(0) taken from the NUVEL-1
Australia-Eurasia pole of rotation, and setting
the left-hand side of equation 2 to a series of slip
rates (Fp), the along-arc variations in slip-vector
azimuths may be predicted (Fig. 3A). For slip
rates of less than about 30 mm/yr, the slip-
vector azimuths decrease with increasing & (to
the northwest). At a rate of 50 mm/yr, the azi-
muths increase to the northwest but at a much 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
© ©
lower rate than the data indicate.
Because Australia-Eurasia is probably not the AUS-SEA Figure 4. Predicted azimuths of slip vectors for
appropriate plate pair to be using, the presumed cases in which fore arc expands parallel to arc
®> = N12°E
60 at uniform strain rate (otherwise plots are sim-
motion between Australia and Southeast Asia, V p = 5 0 mm/yr
ilar to Fig. 3). Solid curves show predicted slip
subject to the constraints discussed earlier, was Strike slip only
directions for assumed uniform strain rates in
tried. Assuming first that the convergence vector • § 4 0 increments of 10" 8 /yr, starting at 0 (lowest
between Australia and Southeast Asia is con- e curve) and increasing to 6. Plate-convergence
stant along the arc and is described by i> = N3°E <; 20 vectors assumed for A and B are those for Fig-
and F P = 75 mm/yr (roughly the NUVEL-1 ures 3A and 3B. Slip vectors at Java Trench
are matched for strain rate of 3 - 4 x 10~ 8 /yr;
convergence rate of Australia-Eurasia in the di- this corresponds to increase in velocity of fore
rection N3°E), the predicted directions again fail arc relative to Southeast Asia of 45 to 60
to match the data (Fig. 3B). If the Australia- 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
mm/yr over distance of 1500 km from Sunda
Southeast Asia convergence rate Fp is slowed to © Strait to northwest Sumatra.
50 mm/yr (in the case of Southeast Asia moving
northward relative to Eurasia at ~30 mm/yr)
and if $ = N12°E, a much larger deflection of
the slip vector is found for a given value of Fp across the fore arc that is not apparent. Here I
(Fig. 3C), but the variation in azimuth is not present the case of uniform strain rate parallel to
matched. Increasing Fp to 100 mm/yr gives an 0 and the arc.
even poorer match. Motion of the fore arc ra- Figure 4 shows predicted curves for slip-
dially outward from Southeast Asia (i.e., /} = 0 vector azimuths for different arc-parallel, uni-
- 180°), even at the large and implausible rate of form extensional strain rates. Using the
60 mm/yr, is ineffective in deflecting the slip- NUVEL-1 Australia-Eurasia pole for $ and Fp
vector azimuths at 0 > 40° (Fig. 3D). matches the slip directions for 0 > 30° at strain
10 20 30 40 50 60 rates of 2-4 x 1 0 8 / y r (Fig. 4A). The anti-
UNIFORM STRAIN RATE clockwise deflection of the slip vectors at 0 <
Figure 3. Predicted azimuths of slip vectors vs. 30° could be explained by left-lateral strike-slip
Given that rigid plate behavior of the fore arc © for rigid fore arc; different assumed plate-
can be ruled out, suppose the velocity of the fore convergence vectors are used (dashed lines). faulting on Java or rapid shortening of the fore
arc relative to that of Southeast Asia varies lin- Curves are for constant values of slip rate VF of arc south of Java, but these are unlikely. It is
early with position (i.e., a uniform strain rate). fore arc relative to upper plate (Southeast more likely that the NUVEL-1 Australia-
Asia), in mm/yr, starting at 0 for lowest curve Eurasia pole is not appropriate for the Java
Extension of the fore arc perpendicular to the
and increasing in increments of 10 mm/yr as
margin is inefficient in deflecting the subduction Trench. The Minster and Jordan (1978) India-
labeled. Bars characterize mean of observed
slip vectors (Fig. 3D), and compression across slip vectors and their standard deviations. A, Eurasia pole would do worse in fitting slip direc-
the fore arc would rotate them anticlockwise; B, and C assume that slip of fore arc relative to tions but would give similar variations in
therefore, these possibilities are not considered upper plate is parallel to arc (i.e., strike slip); D azimuths as the NUVEL-1 pole. Using the Aus-
uses slip of fore arc away from upper plate. $ tralia-Southeast Asia vector (4> = N3°E, F P =
further. Horizontal shear on vertical planes par- and Vp give plate-convergence vector (Fig.
allel to 0 and the arc is unresolvable because it 2A). These tests demonstrate that fore arc
75 mm/yr) fits the slip vectors out to 0 = 55°
produces a variation in the slip-vector azimuths does not behave as a rigid plate. for strain rates of 3-4 x 10 8 /yr (Fig. 4B).

GEOLOGY, September 1991 883

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884 Printed in U.S.A. GEOLOGY, September 1991

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