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Title: Permutation and Combinations

Chapter: Permutation and Combinations

Approximate Time to Complete (to be filled by student): ________________________
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Worksheet Compiled By: Prashant Jain (PJ Sir)

• Attempt the worksheet in one go. See answers in one go at the end.
• All questions carry 4 marks for positive and -1 if you leave and -2 if you attempt
• All proving or show questions (if done correctly) are of 4 marks. There is no negative
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1. Find the number of 4 letter words, with or without meaning, which can be formed out of the
letters of the word ROSE, where the repetition of the letters is not allowed.

2. Given 4 flags of different colours, how many different signals can be generated, if a signal
requires the use of 2 flags one below the other?

3. How many 2 digit even numbers can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 if the digits can be

4. Find the number of different signals that can be generated by arranging at least 2 flags in order
(one below the other) on a vertical staff, if five different flags are available.

5. Evaluate
(i) 5! (ii) 7! (iii) 7! – 5!

6. Compute
7! 12!
(i) (ii) (10!)(2!)

7. Evaluate , when n = 5, r = 2.

1 1 𝑥
8. If + = , find x.
8! 9! 10!

9. How many 3-digit numbers can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 assuming that
(i) repetition of the digits is allowed?
(ii) repetition of the digits is not allowed?

10. How many 3-digit even numbers can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 if the digits can
be repeated?
11. How many 4-letter code can be formed using the first 10 letters of the English alphabet, if no
letter can be repeated?

12. How many 5-digit telephone numbers can be constructed using the digits 0 to 9 if each number
starts with 67 and no digit appears more than once?

13. A coin is tossed 3 times and the outcomes are recorded. How many possible outcomes are there?

14. Given 5 flags of different colours, how many different signals can be generated if each signal
requires the use of 2 flags, one below the other?

15. Evaluate
(i) 8! (ii) 4! – 3!

16. Is 3 ! + 4 ! = 7 ! ?

17. Compute

1 1 𝑥
18. If + = , find x.
6! 7! 8!

19. Evaluate (𝑛−𝑟)!, when
(i) n = 6, r = 2 (ii) n = 9, r = 5.

1. In city no two person have identical set of teeth and there is no person without a tooth. Also no
person has more than 32 teeth. If we disregard the shape and size of tooth and consider only the
positioning of the teeth, the maximum population of the city is
(A) 232 (B) (32)2-1 (C) 232-1 (D) 232-1

2. In a room, there are 12 bulbs of the same wattage, each having a separate switch. The number of
ways to light the room with different amount of illumination is
(A) 122-1 (B) 212 (C) 212-1 (D) 122

3. The number of possible outcomes in a throw of n ordinary dice in which at least one of the dice
shows and odd number is
(A) 6n-1 (B) 3n-1 (C) 6n-3n (D) none of these

4. The number less than 1000 that can be formed using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 when repetition is
not allowed is equal to
(A) 130 (B) 131 (C) 156 (D) 155

5. The total number not more than 20 digits that are formed by using the digits 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 is
(A) 520 (B) 520-1 (C) 520+1 (D) none of these
6. Two teams are to play a series of five matches between them. A match ends in a win, loss, or
draw for a team. A number of people forecast the result of each match and not two people make
the same forecast for the series of matches. The smallest group of people in which one person
forecasts correctly for all the matches will contain n people, where n is
(A) 81 (B) 243 (C) 486 (D) none of these

7. n is selected from the set {1, 2, 3, …, 10} and the number 2n+3n+5n is formed. Total number of
ways of selecting n so that the formed number is divisible by 4 is equal to
(A) 50 (B) 49 (C) 48 (D) none of these

8. The last digit of (1! + 2! + … + 2005!)500 is

(A) 9 (B) 2 (C) 7 (D) 1

9. The number of four-digit numbers that can be made with the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 in which at
least two digits are identical is
(A) 45 - 5! (B) 505 (C) 600 (D) none of these
Answer Key
Exercise – 2
1. (C) 2. (C) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (A) 6. (B) 7. (B)
8. (D) 9. (B)

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