A Mechanical Aspect of Borides Formed On The AISI 440C Stainless Steel

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Vacuum 73 (2004) 643–648

A mechanical aspect of borides formed on the

AISI 440C stainless-steel
Ibrahim Ozbeka, Saduman Sena, Mediha Ipeka, Cuma Bindala,
Sakin Zeytina, A. Hikmet Ucisikb,*
Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Engineering Faculty, Sakarya University,
54187 Esentepe Campus, Sakarya, Turkey
Bogazici University, Department of Prostheses, Materials and Artificial Organs, Institute of Biomedical Engineering,
Bebek-Istanbul 80815, Turkey


In the present study, some properties of borides formed on AISI 440C stainless-steel have been investigated.
Boronizing was carried out in a solid medium consisting of EKabors powder at a temperature of 950 C for 2–8 h. The
presence of borides e.g. FeB, Fe2B, CrB, Cr2B, Mn2B and MnB were revealed by means of X-ray diffractometry,
scanning electron microscopy, and optical microscopy. The hardness of borides which was over 1500 VHN and boride
layer thickness were measured and it was observed that, the thicknesses of the boride layers were strongly dependent on
the process time, and chemical composition of the substrate materials. It was also found that the longer boronizing time
results in an increase in thickness layer; the thickness of boride layers ranged from 10 to 50 mm. Optical microscopy
examinations of the borides formed on the surface of AISI 440C stainless-steel substrate revealed a smooth and
compact morphology. To determine distribution of alloying elements from surface to the interior energy dispersive X-
ray spectroscopy was used.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Boronizing; Stainless-steel; Microstructure of borided zone; Indentation

1. Introduction choice for a wide range of tribological applications

where the control of friction and wear is of
Boronizing is a thermochemical diffusion sur- primary concern [5]. Boronizing can be applied
face treatment in which boron atoms are diffused to a wide range of steel alloys including carbon-
into the surface of work piece to form hard borides steel, low alloy-steel, tool-steel and stainless-steel.
with the base material [1–4] and it is a prominent In addition, materials such as nickel based alloys,
cobalt based alloys, molybdenum and titanium
can be boronized to obtain very high hardness and
*Corresponding author. Bogazici University, Department of wear resistant on their surfaces [6–11]. In parti-
Prostheses, Materials and Artificial Organs, Institute of
Biomedical Engineering, Bebek-Istanbul 80815, Turkey. Fax:
cular, boronizing can increase the resistance of
+90-212-227-79-34. low alloy steel to acids such as sulfuric, phosphoric
E-mail address: hucisik@hotmail.com (A. Hikmet Ucisik). and hydrochloric acids. In addition, boronized

0042-207X/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

644 I. Ozbek et al. / Vacuum 73 (2004) 643–648

austenitic stainless-steel has excellent resistance to predetermined amount of time (about 2–8 h). This
hydrochloric acid [2,12–14]. In this study, we is followed by quenching in air.
investigated some properties of borides formed
on AISI 440C stainless-steel which is extensively 2.3. Film characterization
used for ball-bearings and races, seats, pump
parts, surgical tools, implant material and cutlery. The structure and type of borides formed on
AISI 440C stainless-steels has also high carbon AISI 440C stainless-steel is closely related to the
and chromium content and therefore, it may be chemical composition of AISI 440C stainless-steel
hardened and tempered to increase wear resis- substrate used in this study. The presence of
tance. borides formed in coating layer was confirmed by
At present study, we attempt to elucidate some means of X-ray diffractometry (XRD), and optical
properties of boronized AISI 440C stainless-steel, microscopy. A Phillips high resolution diffract-
e.g. distribution of alloying elements, microstruc- ometer was employed for XRD analysis of the
ture of borided zone etc. Specifically, we used a borides formed on AISI 440C stainless-steel
Vickers indenter and an optical microscope to surfaces. A CoKa radiation with a wavelength of
determine hardness and microstructures of bor- 1.790 A( was used over a 2y range of 20 –90 .
onized AISI 440C stainless-steel. To determine Olympus BHM-313 optical microscope was also
distribution of alloying elements from the surface utilized for examining microstructures. The dis-
to the interior energy dispersive X-ray spectro- tribution of alloying elements was confirmed via
scopy (EDS) was used. EDS from surface to interior.

2.4. Hardness and thickness of coating layer

2. Experimental details
The microhardness of borides was measured by
using a Vickers microhardness tester and a load of
2.1. Substrate materials
0.5 N. At least five indentations were made on each
coating film under each experimental condition to
The substrate material used in this study was
check reproducibility of the hardness data. The
AISI 440C stainless-steel with chemical composi-
thicknesses of the coating layer were measured by
tion given in Table 1. The test pieces of AISI 440C
means of a digital thickness measuring instrument
stainless-steel had a dimension of 15 mm 
attached to optical microscope.
15 mm  3 mm.

2.2. Boronizing 3. Results

Boronizing was carried out in a solid medium 3.1. Microstructure

consisting of EKabor 2s powders (BorTec
GmbH). Test samples to be boronized were placed Optical cross-sectional examinations of the
in contact with EKabor 2s powders and then borided AISI 440C stainless-steel revealed a
placed in electrical resistance furnace. The test compact and smooth morphology to a depth of
samples were heated to a temperature of 950 C about 50 mm. At higher magnifications, three
under atmospheric pressure and hold for a distinct regions were identified: (i) layer including
like Fe2B, FeB, CrB, MnB, Cr2B borides, (ii) the
Table 1 region below boride layers, where boron makes
The chemical composition of test material (wt.%) solid solution, which has hardness less than that of
C Si Mn P S Cr Mo borides and higher than that of original alloy, (iii)
steel matrix, which is not affected by boron. Fig. 1
0.95–1.0 1.0 1.0 o0:04 o0:04 16–18 0.75max
shows an optical cross-sectional view of borided

I. Ozbek et al. / Vacuum 73 (2004) 643–648 645

Fig. 1. The optical cross-sectional of borided AISI 440C stainless-steel for (a) 4 h, (b) 8 h.

AISI 440C stainless-steel. As shown in Fig. 1,

borides formed on the steel substrates had a
compact and smooth morphology. The higher
the alloying elements, the smoother the coating
layer. In coating layer, the FeB borides were
located near the surface and were about 10 mm
thick. The second phase, Fe2B, has a thickness of
50 mm. A boron diffusion zone was present
beneath the Fe2B phase (Fig. 1(b)). The distribu-
tion of alloying elements was confirmed via EDS
spectrum from the surface (Fig. 2) and line-scan
analysis from surface to interior (Fig. 3). As it can
be seen in Fig. 3 silicon concentarates at interface
due to insoluble in iron borides, chromium and Fig. 2. EDS spectrum of AISI 440C stainless-steel borided at
950 C for 4 h.
mangenese concentrate in coating layer by sub-
stituting for iron in the Fe2B and FeB, while no
remarkable change in molybdenum.

3.2. Hardness and boride layer

The hardness of borides formed on the surface

of borided AISI 440C stainless-steel is much
higher than that of substrate. It is possible to
claim that these are a consequence of presence of
FeB, Fe2B, CrB, Cr2B, MnB, and Mn2B which
verified by means of XRD (Fig. 4).
Vickers hardness values of boride layer and
matrix were up to 2500 and 600 HVN respectively.
The thickness of the coating layer was measured
by means of a digital thickness measuring instru-
ment attached to optical microscope in a range of Fig. 3. The distribution of alloying elements confirmed by EDS
10–50 mm. The variation of hardness of borided from surface to interior.
AISI 440C stainless-steel from surface into matrix
was shown in Fig. 5. As it will be seen in Fig. 5, the has three regions, which are (i) surface consisting
hardness of borides is considerably higher than of borides, (ii) transition region being rich with
that of steel matrix. Hardness distribution diagram boron, (iii) matrix.

646 I. Ozbek et al. / Vacuum 73 (2004) 643–648

100 1
2 2-Fe 2 B
80 3-CrB
4-Cr 2 B
5-M nB
Intensity 2 6-Fe 3 C
60 1 1
7-M nB 2

3 6
3 5
4 1 43 4 4
20 42 5 3 5 7
6 35 3 2 1
7 4 51

30 40 50 60 70 80 90
(a) 2θ,degree

100 1
2-Fe 2 B
80 3-CrB
6-Fe 3 C

60 1 1

40 2

1 3 6 3
3 1 1
20 36 5
5 3 5 33 5 3 1

30 40 50 60 70 80 90
(b) 2θ,degree
Fig. 4. X-ray diffraction patterns of boronized samples for different times at 950 C for (a) 4 h and (b) 8 h.

Boride Diffusion 50
The thickness of boride layer, µm

layer Zone
Hardness, HV


1000 20

10 20 30 40 50 60 2 4 6 8
Distance from surface, µm Boronizing time, h

Fig. 5. The hardness variation of borided AISI 440C stainless- Fig. 6. Maxima, minima and average values of boride layer
steel as a function of distance. thickness for different periods of boronizing.

The depth of boride layer depends strongly on

process temperature, chemical composition of boronizing time. As it will be seen in Fig. 6, there is
substrate and boronizing time. The thickness nearly a parabolic relationship between depth of
of layer was plotted in Fig. 6 as a function of layer and diffusion time.

I. Ozbek et al. / Vacuum 73 (2004) 643–648 647

4. Discussion Hardness measurements of borided AISI 440C

stainless-steel substrate were carried out from
Optical microscopy examinations of borides surface to interior. Thus, the hardness of non-
revealed a smooth and compact morphology oxide ceramic borides and base materials were
(Fig. 1) which is closely related to alloying elements compared. It was observed that the hardness of
that base steel has and boronizing time. During borides is much higher than that of base steel. We
boronizing, the alloying elements in the steels believe that this is consequence of the presence of
undergo considerable redistribution due to diffu- hard FeB, Fe2B, CrB, Cr2B, MnB, and Mn2B in
sional phenomenon, the extent of which depends on the coating layer. Vickers hardness values of
the solubility of each element in solid phases, as well borides formed on the surface of AISI 440C
as on the temperature. As a result, the properties of substrate and base steel were 2500 and 600
both the base material and the surface coating VHN, respectively.
are significantly modified. For example, chromium
and manganese preferentially enter the coatings
by substituting for iron in the Fe2B and FeB. 5. Conclusion
As a matter of fact that, alloying elements by
changing the diffusivity of boron atoms modify The following results may be drawn from the
coating-substrate interface. The higher the alloy, present study.
the smoother and the compact coating layer. The
diffusivity of boron at 950 C is 1.82  108cm2 s1 (1) Borides formed on the surface of substrate
for boride layer and 1.53  107cm2 s1 for diffu- materials revealed a smooth and compact
sion zone, respectively. As a corollary, the boron morphology which is closely related to alloy-
containing diffusion zone is extended several fold ing elements that base steel has and boroniz-
the depth of non-oxide ceramic boride layer into the ing time.
steel substrates [1]. Depending on boronizing time (2) Depending on boronizing time and chemical
and chemical compositions of steel substrates, the compositions of steel substrates, the depth of
depth of boride region ranged from 10 to 50 mm. boride region ranged from 10 to 50 mm.
Previous thermochemical boronizing studies by (3) In the present study, the presence of borides
Pelleg [15] and Bindal et al. [13] showed that (FeB, Fe2B, CrB MnB, etc.) was identified via
boronizing of carbon steels usually leads to forma- X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis.
tion of two borides, FeB and Fe2B; FeB near the (4) Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
surface and Fe2B in the vicinity of steel matrix. In revealed that, chromium and manganese pre-
the present study, the presence of borides was ferentially enter the coatings by substituting for
identified via XRD analysis. iron in the Fe2B and FeB. Whereas silicon
EDS revealed that, nickel concentrates in the which is insoluble in iron borides, concentrates
base metal beneath the coating, chromium and strongly at the interface with the coatings.
manganese preferentially enter the coatings by (5) Vickers hardness values of borides formed on
substituting for iron in the Fe2B and FeB. Whereas the surface of AISI 440C substrate was over
silicon which is insoluble in iron borides, concen- 2500 VHN.
trates strongly at the interface with the coatings
(Fig. 3). The boride coatings grown on the ternary
alloys generally constituted by an inner Fe2B Acknowledgements
single-phase and an outer FeB-base polyphase
region containing FeBx ðx > 1Þ and an iron–boron Authors express their grateful thanks to Soner
solid solution. With increasing contents of the Akkurt of Arcelik Company of Turkey for
third alloying element in the alloys, both the depth performing the energy dispersive X-ray spectro-
of FeB-base region and the FeB/FeBx ratio scopy (EDS) analysis. Special appreciations are
increases [16]. extended to Technician Mizrap Canibeyaz of

648 I. Ozbek et al. / Vacuum 73 (2004) 643–648

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