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Memory Verse Fun!

Psalm 150:2

Memory Verse: Psalm 150:2 Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Psalm 150:2 Question: Say, "Has anyone ever done something for you that just about took your breath away? Maybe a real surprise or maybe they said the nicest thing to you that made you feel wonderful inside? Select two kids share something. Say, we are going to read something wonderful and mighty about God. Show a Bible. Say, This is Gods Word. We are going to read our memory verse from Gods Word. Read to the children from the bible the verse for today. Show them the verse written on the dry erase board in large font. Turn it around so that they cannot see it in advance before you show it. Point out the reference (Psalm 150:2) and tell them that Psalm is in the middle of the Bible. Then say 150 is the chapter or Psalm and 2 is the verse. Have them read the verse together with you one time. Say look at the word mighty. This means great and powerful. Jesus is so strong and powerful that he answers our prayers and protects us. He controls the whole world and all of us.

Kidz Ministry Jeanne McIntosh 2007. All rights reserved.

Say, Look at the word acts. It means to do something. God created the universe, came to earth as a baby, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again from the grave in three days. If you do not know Jesus who lives in heaven you can know Him today. If you do know Jesus, you can praise Him as we sing our songs this morning. Have the kids say the verse using this game. Ask a child to select a letter from one of the words of the verse. They must select the first letter of the word. Say the verse together and when they come to all the words that begin with that letter they are to clap once for each word that begins with the letter that was selected. Continue until (6) six letters have been selected choosing a different child each time to select a letter. They can pat their head, rub their stomach, stomp their foot, or raise their hand when a word that begins with that letter is said. Choose only one thing at a time to do. Sing the Doxology one time.

Kidz Ministry Jeanne McIntosh 2007. All rights reserved.

Praise Him for His mighty acts; Praise Him according to His excellent greatness! Psalm 150:2
Color using markers or colored pencils Kidz Ministry Jeanne McIntosh 2007. All rights reserved.

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