10 Tips in Taking The Let Exam

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You know yourself better than anyone else so I’m sure it won’t be hard for you to do. First, take a
look at your Transcript of Records (TOR) or you can just assess yourself to realize what subjects you
find yourself having trouble. For example, some of the Filipinos, including yours truly are not good
in Math, what’s in for you? Take note also of your strong points. List down all of these subjects and
proceed to tip number 2.
After listing all your strengths and weaknesses, you can now assign a working schedule for each of
them. Make it one at a time. I repeat “ONE AT A TIME”. I said that because having a cluttered
schedule or “To do” list will result into information overload which, I tell you, is not good.

So for example, if you’re not good in Math and Science, you may schedule a time for each of them.
Let’s say you’ll have Math for the morning and Science in the afternoon or you may review Math on
M-W-F and Science on T-Th. But of course devote also some of your time to review other subjects;
you can do it for two weeks or a month and then move on with other ones. And for the subjects
where you are good at, you may also set a schedule for them to further enhance the retention of
For General Education, review the basic and general concepts of each subject. Remember that you
have taken most of these concepts back in elementary and high school so there’s a great possibility
that you have forgotten them already.
 For Math: Fractions, Volumes, Percentage, Areas, and Elementary Algebra
 For English: Figures of speech and the Subject and Verb Agreement.
 For Filipino: Tayutay, Retorika, Pagbasa at Pagsulat
 For Science: Biology, Physical Science and Earth Science.

That’s quite many to accomplish so again review each subject “ONE AT A TIME”

Meanwhile, for Professional Education, I advise you to focus on the major philosophies of education.
There are few subjects which are frequently present on the actual examination, these are:
 Educational Philisophies – The famous “isms” (Realism, Idealism, Pragmatism, and many more.)
 Principles of Teaching
 Facilitating and Learning
 For Childhood Development, remember Freud (Psychosexual), Erikson (Psychosocial) and Gardner
(Multiple Intelligence)
LET is all about common sense and analytical skills. Most of the questions are situational ones and
will surely squeeze your brain out. To lessen the difficulty, the best technique you can use is the
elimination method or just what I said, your common sense. I’ll discuss this further on the 10  Tips in
taking the LET Exam Part II: On Examination Day – The BIG Day.
Tip: There are some observations which states that LET examinations nowadays contain a lot
of SATA (Select All That Apply) questions. What you can do is to try to answer a handful of these
questions to develop your analytical thinking skills.
Mañana habit somehow became an attachment to Filipino culture. So I’m not asking you to kick it
off your lifestyle, instead I’m appealing to you that even for a month or two, try to avoid it.  SELF-
DISCIPLINE and FOCUS on your goal will be a defining factor for your success so learn how to
control yourself to fight distractions while having your review.

Tip: When reviewing, avoid places where there are beds or a couch, the tendency is that you will
have a hard time controlling your sleepy head especially when you know there’s a comfortable bed
just a few steps from you. And one more thing, STAY AWAY FROM FACEBOOK!
There’s no greater feeling than enjoying what you are doing and if you do, chances are you will be
able to remember and understand all the things you put in your mind.
You are not a robot and you are not Superman. If you’re the type of person who takes review
religiously, then take some time to rest. At the end, you will realize that you should be physically
healthy especially on examination day. You don’t want to take the exam feeling sluggish.
Being physically fit before and during the examination day is not enough; you also need to feed your
soul. You will feel good about yourself when you know that you have God on your back when you
take the LET. Pray and thank God every time possible, He will not let you down.
Keep calm and relax.  A day or night before the big day, watch a movie, or have a healthy dinner
with your friends, this will keep you out of the stresses you had in your review.
Here’s an optional tip. You may follow this one or not. Before the exam, do not try to bring any
review material. But why? Here’s the thing, when you take your materials with you on or before the
examination, there’s a possibility for you to get stressed. How? Okay let’s say you’re the “subusub sa
pag-aaral” or the “last minute” type of person and you attempted to look at any of your reviewers
hours before the exam and found terms or concepts which you didn’t know of, then it might bother
you and cause you headache. Again, that would bring you no good. But as I said, this is optional and
you may follow your own preferences.
Lastly, when you are already physically, spiritually, and mentally ready for the exam, which I
mentioned on tips 7, 8, and 9 respectively, then it’s time that you DO IT. I mean pack all the things
you need to bring for the exam and prepare yourself for the big day. Leave your gadgets including
your cell phone as this is not allowed inside the examination room. Make sure you have checked
your room assignment. Set your mind towards your goal – to pass the LET. Lastly, sleep early the
night before the exam and as you wake up in the morning, thank and ask the Lord for His guidance.
Oh and I almost forgot, don’t forget to bring your Notice of Admission (NOA).

Are you ready to take the Licensure Exam for Professional Teachers (LEPT)? Do
you want to know which topics to study in preparation for the upcoming LET board

If you answered YES to the questions above, make sure you check the official exam
scope and coverage below so that you’ll be 100% ready to take the professional
teachers licensure exam.

For the upcoming March 2019 LET (Licensure Exam for Teachers), the exam
schedule is as follows. Don’t forget the date, time, and schedule when each exam topic
will be administered. Good luck to all future LPT (Licensed Professional Teachers)!

LET Board Exam Coverage

The scope and exam topic weights are slightly different for those taking the Elementary
Level and Secondary Level LET exam. See them below.
For Elementary Level examinees: Topics and Weights
LET Elementary Exam Topic Weight

I. General Education 40%

II. Professional Education 60%

Total 100%

For Secondary Level examinees: Topics and Weights

LET Secondary Exam Topic Weight

I. General Education 20%

II. Professional Education 40%

III. Specialization 40%

Total 100%

Please note that according to the PRC and the Board for Professional Teachers,
separate test booklets shall be used for the “General Education” and “Professional
Education” subjects in the elementary and secondary level exam.

So you might be wondering: what should you study for the General

Education and Professional Education parts of the LET? The official exam topics can
be found below.
IMPORTANT! In order to pass the LET, the examinee must (1) obtain an average score
of 75% or higher; and (2) have no rating lower than 50% in any of the subjects taken.

LET Exam Topics: General Education

General Education Topics

1. English Study and Thinking Skills; 

Writing in the Discipline; 
Speech and Oral Communication; 
Philippine Literature; 
Master Works of the World

2. Filipino Komunikasyon sa Akademikong Pilipino;

Pagbasa at Pagsulat sa Panananaliksik;
Masining na Pagpapahayag

3. Mathematics Fundamentals of Math;

Plane Geometry;
Elementary Algebra;
Statistics and Probability

4. Science Biological Science - General Biology; 

Physical Science with Earth Science

5. Social Sciences Philippine Government New Constitution with Human Rights;

Philippine History;
Basic Economics, Taxation, Agrarian Reform;
Society, Culture with Family Planning;
Rizal and other Heroes;
Philosophy of Man; 
General Psychology;
General Education Topics

Information and Communication Technology

LET Exam Topics: Professional Education

Professional Education Topics

1. Teaching Profession; Social Dimensions of Education

2. Principles of Teaching; Educational Technology; Curriculum Development

3. Facilitating Learning; Child and Adolescent Development

4. Assessment of Student Learning; Developmental Reading

5. Field Study; Practice Teaching

LET Exam Topics by Specialization
1. LET Exam Secondary Level: ENGLISH Major
 Remedial instruction in English
 English for Specific Purposes
 Theoretical Foundations of Language and Literature:
o Introduction to Linguistics

o Structure of English

o Introduction to Stylistics

o Literary Criticism

 Literature:
o Mythology and Folklore

o Afro-Asian Literature

o English and American Literature

 Methodology:
o The Teaching of Speaking

o Listening and Reading

o Teaching of Literature

o Preparation and Evaluation of Instructional Materials

o Language and Literature Assessment

o Language Research

o Campus Journalism

o Translation and Editing of Text

o Speech and Stage Arts

o Creative Writing

2. LET Exam Secondary Level: FILIPINO Major

 Mga Batayang Teoretikal:
o Introduksiyon sa Pag-aaral ng Wika

o Panimulang Linggwistika

 Nilalaman:
o Wika

o Panitikan

o Metodolohiya, Pagtataya at Ebalwasyon, at Kagamitang Pangturo

3-A. LET Exam Secondary Level: BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES

 Biological Science I
 Biological Science II
 Inorganic Chemistry
 Cell Biology
 Ecology
 Organic Chemistry
 Microbiology
 Genetic and Evolution
 Biochemistry and Anatomy and Physiology

3-B. LET Exam Secondary Level: PHYSICAL SCIENCES

 Introduction:
o Nature of Science

o Chemistry

o Atomic and Molecular

o Chemical Bonds

o Conservation of Matter and Stoichiciometry

o Gases, Liquids and Solids

o Acids and Bases

o Solutions

o Chemical Thermodynamics

o Chemical Kinetics and Equilibrium

o Organic and Biochemistry

o Nuclear Processes

 Physics:
o Physical Quantities and Vectors

o Mechanics, Electricity, Magnetism and Electronics

o Thermodynamics

o Modern Physics

o Light and Geometric Optics

o Earth and Space

o Astronomy

o Environment

4. LET Exam Secondary Level: MATH Major

 Arithmetic and Number Theory and Business Math
 Basic and Advanced Algebra
 Plane and Solid Geometry
 Trigonometry
 Probability and Statistics
 Analytical Geometry
 Calculus
 Modern Geometry
 Linear and Abstract Algebra
 History of Mathematics
 Problem Solving
 Mathematical Investigation
 Instrumentation and Assessment
5. LET Exam Secondary Level: SOCIAL STUDIES /
 Trends and Issues in Social Studies
 Research
 Geography
 Sociology and Anthropology
 Politics, Governance and Law-Related
 History:
o World History and Civilization I

o World History and Civilization II

o Asian Studies

 Economics:
o Micro and Macro Economics – Planning and Strategies

 Methods:
o Teaching Approaches in Secondary Social Studies

o Productions of Instructional Materials for Social Studies

o Building Bridges Across Social Science Discipline

 Assessment:
o Assessment and Evaluation in the Social Studies or Social Studies

6. LET Exam Secondary Level: VALUES

 Foundation of Values Education (VE):
o Philosophical and Ethical Foundations of VE

o Socio-Cultural, Anthropological & Legal Bases of VE

o Psychological Theories of Values Development

 Personhood Development:
o Personhood Development
o Dynamics of Intra- and Interpersonal Relations

o Psycho-Spiritual Development

o Management of Behavior Problems

 Transformative Education (Source of Values and Factors in Values Education):

o Family Life and Filipino Values System

o Education for Human Rights and Responsible Citizenship

o Foundations of Gender Studies

o Peace and Global Education

o Information Technology and Human Development

o Moral Issues and Concerns in Contemporary Living

 Work Ethics and Community Service: Commitment to Social Responsibility and

o Career Development and Work Values

o Values Education through Community Service

 Approaches and Methodologies:

o Facilitation: Theory and Practice

o Teaching Approaches and Strategies in Transformative Education

o Values Integration in the School Setting

 Research and Evaluation:

o Behavioral Statistics

o Development of VE Instruction Materials and Assessment Tools

o Research in VE

7. LET Exam Secondary Level: MAPEH Major

 Foundations of MAPEH
 Methods and Teaching Strategies of MAPEH
 Coaching and Officiating of Sports Events, Dance Competitions and Music Activities
 Organization and Management, Research and Special Education in MAPEH
 Physical Education:
o Anatomical, Mechanical, and Physiological Bases of Movement

 Gymnastics:
o Philippine Folk Dance

o Team Sports

o Aquatics

o International Folk Dance and Other Dance Forms

o Athletics

o Individual, Dual and Combative Sports

 Health Education:
o Personal, Community and Environment Health

o Safety Education and First Aid

o Health Practicum

 Music:
o Philippine and Asian Music

o Solfeggio and Applied Piano

o Integrated and Music Theory

o Music Literature

o Choral Works and Conducting and Playing Rondalla Instruments

 Art Education

8. LET Exam Secondary Level: AGRICULTURE &

 Functional Application Knowledge
 Breeds of Farm Animals and Fish
 Pests and Disease Affecting Animals and Fish Propagation
 Marketing Strategies in the Industry/Entrepreneurship
 Proper Care and Management of Agricultural and Fishery Products
9. LET Exam Secondary Level: TLE TECHNOLOGY &
 Basic Drafting
 Business Math
 Basic Electricity
 Basic Plumbing
 Cosmetology
 Foods
 Carpentry and Masonry
 Basic Electronics
 Entrepreneurship

Topnotcher Tip No. 1: Do not be afraid

during the actual exam
There will be easy, average, and difficult questions in the LET but you must not be
scared to take them on. You’ve studied well for the LET so trust yourself that you can do

Topnotcher Tip No. 2: Ask for divine help

Should you encounter difficult questions during the exam, just pray and ask for divine
guidance, according to Josephus.

While it is natural that most of the examinees will pray for easy questions only,
Josephus reminds us that the better prayer would be for us to be given strength to
answer the easy, average, and difficult questions of the LET exam.
When in difficulty, you can always bow down and ask for help from the higher being or
say a little prayer that would clear your mind.

Topnotcher Tip No. 3: Just keep going

Either you pass or you top, failure is not an option. This final message is a reminder for
us to keep going, since we’ve already exerted a lot of effort and success is just a few
steps away.

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