Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Enhancing Interventions For Adolescents and Young Adults 13-24 Years of Age - A Review of The Evidence Base

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Antiretroviral Therapy Adherence Enhancing Interventions

for Adolescents and Young Adults 13–24 Years of Age:
A Review of the Evidence Base
Sarah Shaw, MA and K. Rivet Amico, PhD

Key Words: ART adherence, interventions, review, HIV, youth,

Introduction: Youth living with HIV are highly under-represented adolescent
in the evidence base for adherence interventions, despite their
diverse and unique needs and barriers. (J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2016;72:387–399)

Objective: This systematic review aimed to identify antiretroviral

therapy (ART) adherence interventions specifically targeting ado- INTRODUCTION
lescents and young adults (defined as ages 13–24) with the goal of Adherence to antiretroviral medication is a critical
characterizing the evidence base. component of HIV treatment and management. The probability
Methods: Articles were identified using the PubMed database and of the progression to AIDS and death decreases with consistent
cover work published through September 14, 2015. Inclusion and proper adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART), and poor
criteria: (1) average age 13 to 24, (2) HIV positive, (3) on or adherence can result in negative health outcomes and
beginning ART, (4) intervention targeted ART adherence in full or treatment-resistant strains of the virus.1–3 Among adolescents
in part, (5) reported adherence, viral load, and/or CD4 count and young adults living with HIV, rates of suboptimal
outcomes. Strength of evidence was defined as level 1 [randomized adherence produce poorer outcomes than their adult counter-
controlled trial (RCT) with significance testing on outcomes], 2 parts.4 In the US and globally, adolescents living with HIV face
(within group studies with statistical testing on outcomes), 3 (RCTs unique barriers to maintaining high adherence levels because
with descriptive results), or 4 (within group studies with they progress through major milestones in cognitive and social
descriptive results). development and transition to adult HIV care.5 Compared with
adults, adolescents and young adults in the United States have
Results: Of 151 articles, 10 met inclusion criteria. Published poorer retention in care, a larger delay in the initiation of ART,
between 2003 and 2014, these studies evaluated diverse intervention and lower rates of virological suppression.6,7
approaches. Most were conducted in the US and were small pilots Of the 33.4 million people living with HIV, 4.9 million
that have yet to be replicated despite promising results. Only 3 are youth.8 Youth in the US generally have noteworthy
studies met criteria for highest level strength of evidence; 2 challenges in sexual health and self-care9 and poverty,
supported a phone-based counseling approach with adherence discrimination, homophobia, and discrimination are well-
monitors and 1 for weekly individual and family counseling. recognized factors influencing both risk for HIV infection
and utilization of HIV care. Despite the high prevalence and
Conclusions: Despite nearly 20 years passing since the wide-scale
incidence of HIV in adolescent and young adult populations
availability of ART, and clear recognition that adolescents and youth
across the globe, this population is highly under-represented in
adults fair worse on the cascade of HIV care, the evidence base
evidence bases of effective intervention approaches to promote
remains sparse and underdeveloped. Promising approaches need
rapid and durable viral suppression. Adherence interventions,
replication and more rigorous studies are desperately needed.
specifically, target viral suppression and have a long history
and robust presence in the literature, with multiple meta-
analyses and synthesis10–12 published to date and resources
Received for publication November 1, 2015; accepted February 15, 2016.
From the Department of Health Behavior and Health Education, School of available to implement demonstrated interventions.13 In con-
Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. trast, youth-focused interventions, particularly within key
K.R.A. is the recipient of a Gilead Sciences educational grant through the populations,5 have not been as comprehensively represented
University of Michigan and has served on expert advisory panels for Pre- in the evidence base. A recent systematic review characterized
Exposure Prophylaxis with Gilead Sciences. The other author has no service delivery interventions among individuals 10–19 years
funding or conflicts of interest to disclose.
Correspondence to: K. Rivet Amico, PhD, School of Public Health, of age, finding 11 studies published through 2014 that
University of Michigan, 1415 Washington Heights, Ann Arbor, MI suggested some promising approaches but ultimately provided
48109-2029 (e-mail: limited evidence for effective linkage, retention, and adherence
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. This is an strategies specific to adolescent and young adult populations.14
open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License 4.0 (CC BY-NC-ND), Adolescents and young adults living with HIV, through
which permits downloading and sharing the work provided it is properly behavioral or perinatal routes of infection, require specific
cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially. focused attention. Youth have diverse needs that are unique

J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 72, Number 4, August 1, 2016 | 387
Shaw and Amico J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 72, Number 4, August 1, 2016

from adults and to date the appropriateness of adapting adult a wide range of resources, including databases for peer-reviewed
interventions to youth remains suspect because of the dramatic publications and conference presentations, cross-referencing, and
differences between adults and youth in executive functioning, efforts to contact authors when data are insufficiently detailed in
emotional development, and self-regulation.15 Adherence may a given publication that allow for characterization of the full
also be challenging during adolescence because of reactivity to research database in a given area. Our work focuses on what
feeling different from peers.16 Intertwined in these processes are faces an individual, organization, or group searching a common
different levels of identification, including ethnic/racial, gender, access database (“front facing”) for interventions that were
sexuality, moral and religious identities17,18 that shape engage- effective for potential adoption, thus representing the operations
ment in care and adherence. Strategies and messages to support and dissemination intersection of consumer (service provider)
adherence and well-being should arguably reflect shifts from and evidence (peer-reviewed publications cataloged in PubMed)
concrete to abstract thinking and from an invulnerable to self- rather than a full capture of emerging research available through
preserving mindset. It is important to note that the definition of more databases or conference and meeting venues. Also, distinct
adolescence can vary by culture, yet these developmental from work already available,14 our efforts focused on interven-
themes are persistent throughout and have implications for tions evaluated within populations ranging from 13 to 24 years of
adherence. Given the ongoing disproportionate burden of HIV age, the range that the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention
in youth worldwide, taking stock of the available evidence on (CDC) identifies as accounting for an estimated 26% of all new
efforts to fully engage adolescents and young adults in adhering HIV infections in the US.9 Additionally, this population faces
to their medication regimens can identify areas of promise and unique barriers to adequate adherence as they transition from
areas that should be addressed in research agendas. pediatric to adult care settings20
To identify the “front facing” evidence base specific to
ART adherence interventions for adolescents and young adults, METHODS
and gaps in evidence, we selected the most frequently used
research database linking to peer reviewed publications among Search
medical care providers,19 PubMed. This differs substantially from Adolescent and young adult-focused intervention ar-
meta-analytic or research syntheses approaches that cull across ticles were identified using the PubMed database covering

FIGURE 1. Flowchart for reviewed and included articles under searched term [(((((((structural) or ((behavioral) or behavioural)))
and intervention)) and ((((((ART) or HIV medication) or HAART)) and ((adherence) or persistence)) and HIV))) and (((young adult)
or adolescent) or adolescence)]. HAART, highly active antiretroviral therapy.

388 | Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 72, Number 4, August 1, 2016 Adherence Interventions for Youth Living With HIV

work published through September 14, 2015. Search terms average evaluated sample size was about 23, ranging from 4 to
evaluated for inclusion and resulting data are presented in 91. Most studies presented findings from small pilot inter-
Figure 1. Inclusion was based on the following criteria: (1) ventions (only 2 studies had over 60 participants,21,24 1 of
focus of intervention was on adolescents to young adults which included over 100 participants21). Only 2 studies were
(average age range 13–24), (2) participants were HIV conducted outside the US: 1 at the Thai Red Cross AIDS
positive, (3) participants were on or beginning ART, (4) Research Centre clinics in Bangkok, Thailand21 and the other
evaluated an intervention targeting ART adherence in full or in the United Kingdom.27 Samples were largely drawn from
in part, and (5) reported adherence, viral load (VL), and/or pediatric clinics and 2 studies recruited participants from sites
CD4 count outcomes. in the Adolescent Trials Network for HIV/AIDS.22,24 The study
populations in all 8 of the US interventions consisted of
primarily African American and Hispanic/Latino/a youth. Only
Selection of Articles for Review 1 study included or reported transgender identity23 and sexual
As presented in Figure 1, 151 articles were identified by identity was reported by only 2 studies.21,24 Mode of HIV
the applied search terms. Title and abstract review excluded infection was commonly reported, with the evidence better
87 articles; complete text review eliminated another 54. In representative of cohorts with mixed routes of infection (3 of
full, only 10 articles met all criteria and were used in the the 9 studies reporting infection route represented almost
current research synthesis. The main reason for elimination exclusively perinatally infected youth25–27). The average age
was not having evaluated an adherence intervention followed of intervention participants ranged from 15 to 23 years of age.
by exclusion due to average age being outside the range of A total of 8 out the 10 articles reported an average or median
13–24 years. age greater than 18 years of age, whereas only 225,26 looked at
an average below 18 years of age (15 and 15.5 years).
Data Extraction
Each article that met selection criteria was reviewed for Project Design/Study Type
characteristics of the cohort or population included in the Most of the interventions (60%) conducted repeated
research (eg, sample size, sex distribution, race, and ethnicity), measures of within-group comparisons, generally including 6
design features (eg, randomization, study arms/conditions, to 9 assessments of outcomes over 24–96 weeks (average 37
and sampling strategy), intervention characteristics/adherence weeks). All but 228,29 of the studies evaluated outcomes
strategies in treatment condition (eg, duration, dosage, and postcompletion of the intervention. Experimental and quasi-
targets), adherence support offered or available to control or experimental designs were used in 4 studies21,22,24,25 which
comparison group if applicable, outcomes measured, method- implemented diverse strategies for allocation and comparison
ology for and frequency of measurement, overall outcome of condition. Use of attention control or active intervention
evaluation as reported in article. For articles providing such comparison arms was common in trials which adopted
information, the details were extracted and recorded in an excel randomized controlled trial (RCT) designs (3 of the 4 studies
worksheet database. All content was extracted by (S.S.) with using random assignment).21,24,25
discussion of all authors to adjudicate or clarify any content
that could not be clearly interpreted.
Data Synthesis The most frequently evaluated intervention strategy was
individual sessions (90%)21,22,24–30 followed using technology
Meta-analytic procedures synthesizing effect sizes across
in some capacity (80%).22,23–26,28–30 Cell phones were evalu-
the evidence base were not used because of the small set of
ated in 3 studies,22,28,30 pagers in 2,23,29 and Skype,25 tele-
studies included and diversity in their research, evaluation and
phones,26 computers,24 and wrist-watches23 were included in
inferential statistics strategies, and reporting. Rather, we
interventions in single studies. Of the included articles, 40%
conducted an iterative review of the 10 included studies to
incorporated reminder strategies,22,28–30 30% included parents
identify commonalities in main results and conclusions,
sessions,23,25,26 30% employed motivational interview-
intervention approaches, and outcomes that characterize the
ing,21,24,27 20% involved families or family members other
current “state of the science” for ART adherence support
than parents,23,25 and 10% used group sessions.23 Length of
interventions for adolescent and young adult populations. Data
intervention varied from brief (2 sessions a month apart)24 to
extracted from each article were summarized and iteratively
a 12-month intervention that consisted of 2 motivational
reviewed by both authors to identify common themes and
interviewing sessions and financial incentives based on
limitations in the current evidence base.
scheduled VL assessments.27 Most of the interventions were
12 or 24 weeks in length (70%).21–23,25,28–30
Populations Intervention Modality
In full, 10 articles met inclusion (Table 1) and repre- The articles included in the review applied varying
sented a total of 346 youth. The average enrolled sample size modalities to conduct the interventions. Three interventions21,23,27
was about 35 participants per study, ranging from 4 to 108. The were delivered in-person whether at health clinics or a children’s

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. | 389

Shaw and Amico

TABLE 1. Ten Adherence Intervention Studies Included in Review of Adherence Interventions for Youth Living With HIV Ages 13–24
Intervention Control Outcomes

Study Title Sample Design Description Description Measured Outcomes

Level 1: RCT
studies with
testing on
Letourneau MST for poorly adherent N(bl and f) = 34 RCT pilot—30 randomized N(bl and f) = 20 N(bl and f) = 14 Self-reported Between groups
et al25 youth with HIV: 65% female, 35% male into MST and MI groups MST Single session MI adherence (1 mo NS difference between
results from a pilot Distributions of sexual and first 4 participants On average, 6 mo long Individual and family recall items: % MST and MI groups
RCT identities not reported placed in MST group individual and family- level control days any Significant difference in
Mean age = 15 Between group comparison level intervention condition medication taken, changes in VL with MST
97.1% infected MST intervention group conducted at home, conducted in clinic all doses taken, group continuing to Y
perinatally and single MI session over the internet (eg, and at home if medication taken over time and MI group
Ethnicity: 91% African control group Skype for youth in rural needed according to increasing
American Analyses performed using locations), at schools, instructions) as NS differences for CD4
Inclusion criteria: 9–17 HLM software and medical clinics a dichotomous Within groups
yrs of age, receiving Collected data before Families seen for a mean variable ,90% Intervention arm: [
HIV management, baseline; then 4 of 2.2 visits per week VL medication adherence
residing in stable assessments (bl, 3, 6, 9 mo) Strategies included CD4 count (significant), [ CD4
placement and within Final assessment: 9 mo from cognitive-behavioral Satisfaction with count (significant), Y VL
a 2-h drive from either baseline therapy, parent training, treatment (significant monthly rate
clinic and met Standard of care (all groups): BFST, and of change)
adherence-related adherence monitoring, communication skills Control arm: NS change in

J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 72, Number 4, August 1, 2016

eligibility criteria discussion with providers at training medication adherence,
Participants recruited from each clinical care visit, rate of change in CD4
pediatric clinic home visits when needed, count, change (slope) for
hospitalization as needed, VL
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

quarterly clinic visits

Rongkavilit Motivational interviewing N(bl) = 108; RCT pilot N(bl) = 55 N(f) = 49 N(bl) = 53 Self-reported Between and within groups
et al21 targeting risk N(f) = 91 Between- and within-group Healthy choices N(f) = 42 adherence (VAS; NS within or between groups
behaviors for youth 81.5% male comparisons MI-based intervention Time-matched health global adherence change on adherence for
living with HIV in Sexual identities: 29.6% VL and adherence measured informed by the education control score averaged those on ART (n = 21
Thailand heterosexual, 20.4% 4 and 9 mo after baseline Information Motivation- group % of ART intervention arm with 84%
bisexual, 50% (1 and 6 mo after final Behavior Skills model 4 individualized medications being adherence at baseline and
homosexual; 70% session) targeting risk reduction sessions of general taken, % of the 89% at 6 mo; n = 18
MSM Final assessment: 9 mo from 12 wks with 4 individuals health education time every dose for control condition with 92%
Mean age = 21.7 baseline level sessions (60 min (healthy diet, the day was taken, adherence at baseline and
Ethnicity: Thai youth each) exercise, smoking % of the 88% at 6 mo)
16.7% infected Counseling sessions and health sleep medications being NS within or between groups
perinatally targeted 2 of 3 risk habits, overall taken as directed in on change in VL (log VL
Inclusion criteria: HIV behaviors, including review). The content past 30 d) change at 6 mo from
positive, age 16–25, sexual risks, alcohol was from the health VL baseline was 20.14 for
ability to understand use, and antiretroviral education materials Other: substance use, intervention and 21.06 for
Thai adherence (selected published by the sexual risk control conditions)
Youth living with HIV based on severity of the Thai Ministry of behaviors,
attending the Thai Red risk identified at Public Health mental health,
Cross AIDS Research baseline assessment) Interventionist was motivational
Centre clinics in instructed to avoid readiness, self-
Bangkok who were discussing HIV- efficacy, condom
interested in related topics use
participating were
referred by their
physicians to the study
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 72, Number 4, August 1, 2016

TABLE 1. (Continued ) Ten Adherence Intervention Studies Included in Review of Adherence Interventions for Youth Living With HIV Ages 13–24
Intervention Control Outcomes
Study Title Sample Design Description Description Measured Outcomes
Belzer et al 22
The use of cell phone N(bl) = 37; RCT N(bl) = 19; N(f) = 12 N(bl) = 18; Self-reported Between groups [ mean %
support for nonadherent N(f) = 31 Between-group comparison Cell phone support N(f) = 17 adherence (VAS adherence rates
HIV-infected youth and 62.16% male Intervention guided by through problem Standard of care last month and last (improvements
young adults: an initial Distributions of sexual theories of social support solving Youth were 3 mo; dichotomous significantly higher in
randomized and identities not reported Adherence and VL measured 24-wk individual/ randomized within variable at ,90% intervention vs. control;
controlled intervention Mean age = 20.43 at bl, 24 wks, and 48 wks interpersonal cell phone sites and those in or $90% improvements seen at 24
trial Ethnicity: 70.27% African Final assessment: 48 wks support intervention; the control group adherence) wks sustained through
American, 10.81% from baseline frequency of calls received individual VL week 48)
White, 18.92% Hispanic depended on medication ATN sites’ usual Higher proportion of youth
or Latino/a dosage; calls scheduled care for the 24-wk in intervention reported
45.95% infected perinatally at a time after youth period being adherent
Inclusion criteria: HIV- scheduled to take their (dichotomous outcome)
positive youth between ART at all 4 assessments
15 and 24 yrs old with “Adherence facilitators” compared with control
a defined history of placed calls and served group
nonadherence to one or as medication monitor Y mean VL intervention
more components of using problem solving group saw greater
ART; excluded if there during the call decreases in VL at 24 and
was evidence of Facilitators were not 48 wks compared with
a cognitive impairment permitted to be licensed control; differences were
or other mental/ clinicians or master’s significant
substance abuse level social workers Virologic suppression below
condition that limited the level of detection
ability to complete significantly higher in
intervention or intervention group over
assessments; youth were study
also not allowed to be
participating in another
behavioral intervention
trial at same time
Participants recruited
from 5 ATN sites

Adherence Interventions for Youth Living With HIV

(continued on next page) |

Shaw and Amico

TABLE 1. (Continued ) Ten Adherence Intervention Studies Included in Review of Adherence Interventions for Youth Living With HIV Ages 13–24
Intervention Control Outcomes

Study Title Sample Design Description Description Measured Outcomes

Level 2: within-
group studies
with significance
testing on
Dowshen et al28 Improving adherence to N(bl) = 25; Within-group comparison— Daily text messages No control group Self-reported Within groups
ART for youth living N(f) = 21 no control group pilot Individual level, 24-wk adherence [ self-reported adherence
with HIV/AIDS: 92% male Convenience sample intervention that measured by VAS (significant)
a pilot study using Distributions of sexual 5 total assessments of consisted of daily text and AIDS Clinical NS improvements in CD4
personalized, identities not reported adherence (bl, 6 wks, 12 reminders Trials Group and decreased VL
interactive, daily text Mean age = 23 wks, 18 wks, and 24 wks); Frequency and time of adherence
message reminders Ethnicity: 60% African 3 assessments of VL and daily reminders and questionnaire and
American, 8% White, CD4 (bl, 12 wks, 24 wks) actual personalized satisfaction
24% Hispanic or Final assessment: 24 wks reminder message were surveys
Latino/a, 8% from baseline chosen by the CD4 count
multiracial participant with the help VL
12% infected perinatally of the research assistant
Inclusion criteria: HIV
positive, age 14–29,
use a personal cell
phone, English
speaking, on ART with

J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 72, Number 4, August 1, 2016

adherence problems
Sample drawn from
a program that
provides medical care
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

and other services to

YLHV at an LGBT-
focused center that
services mainly young
men who have sex
with men of color
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 72, Number 4, August 1, 2016

TABLE 1. (Continued ) Ten Adherence Intervention Studies Included in Review of Adherence Interventions for Youth Living With HIV Ages 13–24
Intervention Control Outcomes
Study Title Sample Design Description Description Measured Outcomes
Level 3: RCT
studies with
Naar-King et al24 MESA: pilot randomized N(bl) = 76; RCT with blinding of staff to N(bl) = 36; N(f) = 33 N(bl) = 40; Self-reported Findings are effect size
trial of a brief N(f) = 70 treatment condition MESA N(f) = 37 adherence (ACASI estimates (no tests on
computer-delivered 80.26% male Between- and within-group Computer-based brief Nutrition and VAS; number of group differences on
prevention intervention Sexual identities: 22.36% comparison individual-level physical activity doses of HIV measures; differences are
for youth initiating straight/heterosexual, Further follow-up organized intervention that control group medication missed effect size differences)
antiretroviral treatment 19.74% bisexual, in alignment with clinic incorporated MI and is (MESH) in the last 7 d and Between groups
57.89% gay/lesbian visits to 6 mo after study specifically tailored to Two-session last weekend) [ adherence (6-mo VAS; %
Mean age = 20.32 entry adolescents living with attention-control VL past week; % past
Ethnicity: 71.05% 3 assessments: bl, 3 mo, 6 mo HIV in the US intervention that weekend) seem larger for
African American, Final assessment: 6 mo from Two 30-min sessions held also used the CIAS MESA condition
2.63% White, 22.37% baseline in clinic setting software with an Comparison of effect sizes
Hispanic or Latino/a, Two-dimensional MI-consistent significantly different in
3.95% multiracial animated character avatar favor of MESA condition
No data route on (avatar) delivers Software followed for % adherence past
infection personalized health same format as week and past weekend
Inclusion criteria: HIV+, feedback, information intervention [ viral suppression by
ages 16–24 yrs 11 mo, related to ART and can component month 6 (52% for MESA
newly recommended to deliver MI strategies— arm and 38% suppressed
begin ART designed to mimic the in MESH condition)
Excluded if pregnant, conversational nature of Y log 10 transformed VL
unable to understand person-delivered brief from study entry to 6 mo
written and spoken interventions (1.84 drop in MESA and
English, active 1.60 for MESH condition
psychiatric disorder that at month 6)
interfered with study
participation, or
participation in any
concurrent adherence
intervention trial

Adherence Interventions for Youth Living With HIV

Recruited from 8 sites in
the NIH Adolescent
Trials Network for HIV/

(continued on next page) |

Shaw and Amico

TABLE 1. (Continued ) Ten Adherence Intervention Studies Included in Review of Adherence Interventions for Youth Living With HIV Ages 13–24
Intervention Control Outcomes

Study Title Sample Design Description Description Measured Outcomes

Level 4: within-
group studies
with descriptive
Lyon et al23 A family group approach N(bl) = 23; N(f) = 21 Within-group comparison— Individual and family level No control group Self-reported Within group
to increasing however, only 18 no control group pilot 12-wk intervention adherence (NIH Y nonadherence from bl to
adherence to therapy in completed the groups 3 assessments: start of group, 6 biweekly family and youth Adherence to 3 mo postintervention:
HIV-infected youths: 60.9% female, 34.8% end of group and follow-up education sessions and 6 Medication report of skipped dose in
results of a pilot male, 4.3% 3 mo after group ended biweekly youth-only Questionnaire and past 2 wks went from
project transgender (n = 1) Final assessment: 6 mo from education sessions CAPS interview of 78% to 36%; report of
Distributions of sexual baseline Curriculum covered reasons given for skipped at least 1 dose
identities not reported dynamics of HIV, purpose missing doses) and yesterday went from 50%
Mean age = 19.3 of ART, medication skipped a dose in to 12%; report of skipped
Ethnicity: 100% African choices/managing side past 2 wks, past 2 at least 1 dose in past 2
American effects, nutrition/exercise/ d, and yesterday; d went from 43% to 18%
9% infected perinatally alternative treatments, adherence Y VL to undetectable levels
Inclusion criteria: patients communication with measured as in 4 participants at
who reported difficulty doctors/health care dichotomous follow-up
adhering to providers, the media. variable: skipped [ CD4 count to .500 in 4
antiretroviral Youth-only sessions were dose/did not skip participants at follow-up
medication (youths in a group psychotherapy dose
with lowest CD4 count format during which CD4 count

J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 72, Number 4, August 1, 2016

or highest VL recruited a new device was VL
first) introduced to help
Participants recruited from patients’ adherence to
specialty clinic at an medication doses
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

urban children’s hospital Group size ranged from

16-20 depending on
Puccio et al30 The use of cell phone N(bl) = 8; N(f) = 5 Within-group comparison— Cell phone reminders No control group Adherence (missed Within group
reminder calls for 87.5% male no control group pilot 12-wk individual level medication past 4- Number of missed doses at
assisting HIV-infected Distributions of sexual Adherence measured after 4 intervention wk recall) the end of the
adolescents and young identities not reported wks, after 8 wks, and after Study participants received VL intervention (12 wks)
adults to adhere to Mean age = 20.6 12 wks; VL measured at phone calls for each remained unchanged or
highly active ART: Ethnicity: 25% African baseline, after 4 wks, after medication dose (once or increased across all
a pilot study American, 12.5% White, 8 wks, after 12 wks, and at twice a day) from participants
50% Hispanic or Latino/ 24 wks research team member; Descriptive findings (no
a, 12.5% multiracial Final assessment: 24 wks cell phone was provided statistical tests) Y VL
25% infected perinatally; from baseline Tapered schedule—during overall in 6/8 participants
37.5% MSM the first 4 wks, calls from baseline to 24 wks
Inclusion criteria: HIV- occurred on a daily (but [ VL in 4/8 from 12
positive youth, either basis, for weeks 5–8, to 24 wks)
going to begin HAART calls were only made Y VL associated with
for the first time or were Monday–Friday and adherence to call reminders
going to start a new then weeks 9–12 calls 4/8 with undetectable VL
HAART regiment for occurred on Sunday, (,50) at 12 wks, only 2/4
HIV treatment Tuesday, and Thursday remained undetectable at
Sample drawn from the Participants chose their call 24 wks
Division of Adolescent times 3 subjects unable to complete
Medicine at Children’s Participants were study and were dropped
Hospital Los Angeles terminated from the cell b/c of missed calls
phone reminder and
4-wk surveys if they
missed 3 calls
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 72, Number 4, August 1, 2016

TABLE 1. (Continued ) Ten Adherence Intervention Studies Included in Review of Adherence Interventions for Youth Living With HIV Ages 13–24
Intervention Control Outcomes
Study Title Sample Design Description Description Measured Outcomes
Gaur et al DOT for nonadherent N(bl) = 20; N(f) = 14 Within-group comparison— DOT No control group Self-reported percent Within group
HIV-infected youth: 65% female no control group pilot 24-wk pilot study that adherence over Descriptive findings
lessons learned, Distributions of sexual 7 assessments at bl, 4 wks, intervened at the past 4 wks; (no statistical tests)
challenges ahead identities not reported 8 wks, 12 wks, 16 wks, 20 individual level and took dichotomize to 71% had .93% adherence
Median age = 21 wks, 24 wks place at a community- .93% in analyses while receiving DOT at
Ethnicity: 75% African Final assessment: 24 wks based location chosen by CD4 count week 12 that dropped to
American, 5% White, from baseline the participant VL 36% at week 24 when
20% Hispanic In community DOT participants were tapering
Infection acquired through enhanced with or off DOT
high-risk behaviors conversations with DOT [ median CD4 count at 12
Inclusion criteria: Aged 16 facilitator guided by and 24 wk
to ,25 yrs with Health Belief Model and VL suppression (1/20
behaviorally infected self-efficacy theory suppressed at BL) [ at
youth continuing, Initial 2-wk period of daily week 12 (9/14); not
reinitiating, or changing DOT which was then sustained at wk 24 (6/14)
HAART with tapered to 5 d a week for
demonstrated 6 wks and subsequently
adherence problem further reduced to self-
Excluded if pregnant, administered therapy
breastfeeding, had dependent on rates of
a comorbidity that adherence to DOT (DOT
required frequent exposure ranged from 12
monitoring and medical to 24 wks)
follow-up or were While on DOT,
receiving HAART that participants were
required more than provided pagers for site
twice daily dosing staff to contact them and
Sample drawn from patients for automated
at community sites in medication reminders
Detroit, Memphis, LA,
and San Diego

Adherence Interventions for Youth Living With HIV

(continued on next page) |

Shaw and Amico

TABLE 1. (Continued ) Ten Adherence Intervention Studies Included in Review of Adherence Interventions for Youth Living With HIV Ages 13–24
Intervention Control Outcomes

Study Title Sample Design Description Description Measured Outcomes

Gray et al Piloting BFST to improve N(bl and f) = 4 Within-group comparison— BFST No control group Adherence measured Within group
adherence among 75% female no control group case BFST was adapted by by MEMS Descriptive findings
adolescents with HIV: Distributions of sexual series pilot including an HIV/ TrackCaps, pill (no statistical tests)
a case series identities not reported 6 study phases which include: HAART education counts, and paper- [ mean adherence
intervention study Mean age = 15.5 (1) initial screening and session and tailoring based monitoring increased for 3/4
Ethnicity: not reported assessment, (2) baseline problem solving and log adolescents from bl to
100% perinatally infected monitoring (3–6 wks), (3) family communication VL posttreatment assessment
Two participants below pretreatment assessment, to address adolescent- and from posttreatment to
poverty line (4) treatment (7 weekly reported barriers follow-up
Inclusion criteria: sessions), (5) posttreatment to adherence Y VL in 2/4 participants
adolescents aware of assessment, (6) follow-up Individual and family level from enrollment to final
their HIV diagnosis, assessment (3 mo after intervention consisting follow-up (one reaching
identified by their treatment) of 7 weekly sessions of clinical significance)
physician as having poor adapted BFST that
adherence to HAART, included HIV education
currently taking and problem-solving
medication in pill form, training
living with parent/legal Delivered in the form of
guardian w/in a 90-min alternating home (40–
driving distance of clinic; 50 min) and telephone
excluded if have major (20–30 min) sessions
psychiatric illness and included joint

J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 72, Number 4, August 1, 2016

Participants identified at sessions conducted with
hospital-based pediatric the adolescent and
infectious disease clinic parent dyad
in Southeast US
“Payment by Results”—
Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Foster et al27 N(bl) = 11; Within-group comparison— Financial incentives and No control group CD4 count Within group
financial incentives N(f) = 10 no control group pilot MI VL Descriptive findings
and motivational 72.7% female 3 major assessments at bl, 12 12-mo individual level Sustained viral (no statistical tests)
interviewing, Distributions of sexual mo, and 24 mo of VL and intervention suppression [ medianCD4 at 12 mo
adherence identities not reported CD4 (smaller more implemented at a young [ median CD4 at 24 mo but
interventions in young Mean age = 19 frequent assessments person’s HIV clinic lower than 12 mo
adults with perinatally Ethnicity: 72.7% African aligned with financial 1 MI session at baseline [ mean CD4 gain from
acquired HIV-1 American, 27.3% White incentives) and after initiation of baseline at 12 and 24 mo
infection: a pilot 100% infected perinatally Final assessment: 24 mo from ART Y median VL at 12 (105 c/
program Inclusion criteria: baseline Structured adherence mL) and 24 mo (,50 c/
perinatally infected, age support termed the mL)
16–25, CD4 count “Incentive Scheme”
#200, off ART despite which combined
multiple attempts but financial incentives with
willing to restart therapy, attendance at
transitioned from motivational
pediatric services to interviewing sessions—
specialist young persons received vouchers for
HIV clinic, willing to specific set decreases in
sign patient agreement VL at certain time
Sample recruited from markers
a specialist young
person HIV clinic in the
United Kingdom

ACASI, audio computer assisted self interview; ATN, Adolescent Medicine Trials Network; BFST, behavioral family systems therapy; bl, baseline; CAPS, Center for AIDS Prevention Studies; f, follow-up; HAART, highly
active antiretroviral therapy; HLM, hierarchical linear modeling; LGBT, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender; MESA, motivational enhancement system for adherence; MeSH, Medication Subject Healths; MI, motivational
interviewing; MSM, men who have sex with men; MST, multisystemic therapy; N, sample size; NS, non/not significant at P . 0.05; Significant, P # 0.05; VAS, Visual Analog Scale; YLWH, Youth Living with HIV.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 72, Number 4, August 1, 2016 Adherence Interventions for Youth Living With HIV

hospital with strategies including motivational interviewing and categories: (1) RCT with significance testing on out-
educational sessions. Four of the interventions21,24,28,30 were comes21,22,25; (2) within-group studies with statistical testing
delivered through technology. One article described daily on outcomes28; (3) RCTs with descriptive results24; (4)
personalized text messages,28 whereas another delivered a com- within-group studies with descriptive results.23,26,27,29,30
puter-based brief intervention.24 The other 2 were phone-based
interventions in which daily calls served as medication reminders Evidence Level 1
and monitors.21,30 The remaining 3 interventions were delivered Three studies contributed the strongest evidence through
both in-person and through technology.25,26,29 use of RCT designs and statistical evaluation of outcomes.21,22,25
Delivery of the interventions involved a diverse set of The 2 focused on improving ART adherence demonstrated
professionals with various educational and career back- significant positive outcomes on self-reported medication
grounds: 20% of interventions were delivered by or partially adherence and viral suppression at 622 and 9 months.25 Each
delivered by a case manager,22,23 20% by a research assis- targeted nonadherent youth and used some aspect of problem
tant,21,22 30% by a clinical psychologist, clinical nurse or solving, with Belzer et al22 using cell phone outreach by
physician,21,23,27 and 70% by other professional or academic monitors to work with youth on problem solving around dose
personnel,23–26,28–30 including masters level therapists,25 study times, and Letourneau et al25 using weekly in-person or internet-
coordinators or interventionists hired by the study,28–30 facilitated family and patient counseling to target training and
graduate students,26 and mental health professionals.23 One skills building. Despite relatively small samples, effects were
study used computer software to deliver the intervention.24 significant on adherence and biological outcomes and seemed
Only 1 article stated a focus on using lower-cost staff as the robust over time. Alternatively, the final RCT included in this
facilitators could not be licensed clinicians such as nurses, category21 was focused in part on adherence but predominantly
psychologists, or master’s level social workers.22 on reduction of risk behaviors and did not select participants on
the basis of known history with nonadherence. In this study of
youth in Thailand, the implementation of an evidence-based risk
Type of Adherence-Related Outcome reduction intervention (12-week 4-session Healthy Choices
Reporting on VL or CD4 t-cell counts and/or some intervention), in comparison to a health education comparison
measure of adherence was required for inclusion in the condition, did not impact adherence or VL.
review. Thus, all studies report on one or more of these outcomes.
All 10 articles included VL as an outcome, 5 included CD4 Evidence Level 2
count,23,25,27–29 and 9 included a measure of adherence.21–26,28–30 As depicted in Table 1, only 1 study was ranked at the
Of these 9 studies that included an adherence outcome, most second level of evidence (within groups design using statistical
were derived from self-report,21–25,28,29 1 a combination of directly test of effects). Dowshen et al28 delivered a 24-week interven-
observed therapy (DOT)29 and self-report, and 1 used Medication tion among youth with adherence problems which consisted of
Event Monitoring System (MEMS) data.26 Measurement strate- daily text reminders at dose time, followed by a texted inquiry
gies included: (1) Visual Analog Scale, (2) AIDS Clinical Trials about whether or not the dose was taken an hour later. Self-
Group adherence questionnaire, (3) Medication Event Monitoring reported adherence improved significantly from baseline (75%)
System (MEMS), (4) TrackCaps, (5) pill counts, (6) paper-based to the final assessment at week 24 (93%). Although VL and
monitoring log, (7) NIH Adherence to Medication Questionnaire, CD4 patterned in a promising direction (dropping from a VL of
and (8) Visual Analog Scale through audio computer-assisted over 2700 to 28 from baseline to 24 weeks, and increasing
self-interviewing. The most common operationalizations of self- CD4 counts from 501 at baseline to 545 at 24 weeks),
reported adherence were percent of doses taken over doses significance was not reached. Of note, the text intervention
prescribed and a count of missed doses. Time periods for these seemed to have been implemented throughout the project
measures ranged from the previous day23 to past 3 months.21 A period, thus no assessment after removal of texts was provided.
recall interval of 4 weeks was used by half of the stud-
ies21,22,25,29,30 and 40% of studies dichotomized adherence, 2 with Evidence Level 3
a 90% cutoff,22,25 1 with whether or not any doses were skipped Only 1 study was included in this level.24 Although the
and the final study used .93%.29 One study in this review used trial was a high methodological rigor RCT and did include
a MEMS supplemented by pill counts and self-report when some subanalyses with significance testing, we position it in
MEMS data were missing.26 MEMS was used to monitor weekly level 3 given the overall approach of description of effect
adherence for one of the medications the participations were sizes. This study evaluating a 2-session computer-delivered
taking. In this study, adherence data were gathered from MEMS Motivational Enhancement System for Adherence (MESA)
whenever possible but pill count and self-report were also used to for treatment-naïve youth used an active comparison condi-
measure this variable in 17 incidences (23.8%). tion (a nutritional and physical activity program: Medication
Subject Healths [MeSH]). Evaluation of self-reported adher-
ence at 6 months, proportion of participants suppressed, and
“Graded” Evidence Base change in log VL favored the intervention condition as
All articles were evaluated in the context of their suggested by small to large effect size estimates. Contrasts
potential strength of evidence, prioritizing studies of highest of effect sizes on 2 of the adherence measures were
methodological rigor and confidence in findings. This resulted significant. Given that the intervention and comparison
in the organization of studies (Table 1) into the following condition were typically implemented within the first 3

Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. | 397
Shaw and Amico J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 72, Number 4, August 1, 2016

months of enrollment into the study, the final endpoint did moderate effects and many opted for descriptive exploration
reflect a durability of gains, largely evident by month 3. because of these small-sample limitations. Despite this, our
review did identify a number of strong evidence results,
Evidence Level 4 including strategies leveraged with nonadherent youth that
Most of the intervention studies with youth targeting ART incorporated texted outreach and multisystem therapy, and good
adherence in the literature fall in the lowest level for strength of evidence for interactive text-based outreach around dose times.
evidence where within-group designs are used and outcomes are Moreover, promising potential for positive impact through very
largely descriptive. The 5 studies included in this level23,26,27,29,30 brief computer-delivered in-clinic support may offer viable low
(Table 1) have final observation sample sizes ranging from 4 to implementation cost opportunities to assist youth.
21 and did not include a comparison group. These studies vary Because of the diversity in rigor and overall approach,
in intervention approach, applying strategies including educa- we separated findings relative to strength of evidence, in part to
tional and psychotherapy sessions,23 phone calls aligned with assist in the interpretation of a sometimes mixed profile of
medication dose,30 DOT,29 adapted behavioral family systems evidence. For example, 1 study provided strong evidence in
therapy with an HIV/HAART education session,26 and motiva- support of interactive outreach phone call approach,21 whereas
tional interviewing.27 Two studies intervened at both the a very similar approach evaluated in a very small pilot did not
individual and family group level.23,26 Two studies had notably seem to improve outcomes.30 Results do suggest support for
small samples sizes.26,30 One involved use of cell phone a number of intervention packages, however, as noted within
reminders with a final sample of 5 participants and presented these studies, replication is needed as the evidence base is
mixed- and short-lived improvements.30 The other evaluated lacking in this process. Where results were supportive, the
behavioral family systems therapy with 4 case reports and cohorts tended to include youth already known to have
presented enhanced adherence overall and mixed support for adherence problems, which is consistent with our earlier
decreased VL.26 Foster et al27 implemented a motivational evaluations of the adherence literature with adults.31
interviewing session at initiation of ART, followed by a financial The current state of the evidence for adherence support in
incentive program, with a final sample of 10 participants at youth is limited by a number of shortcomings. These include
24 months. The study reported improved a CD4 count and VL at a paucity of research targeted to specific key populations within
final assessment. The use of DOT within a tapered individual youth (eg, interventions specifically targeting sexual and
approach was evaluated by Gaur et al29 with a final sample of 14 gender minority youth), small sample size and pilots dominat-
youth. Higher self-reported adherence and viral suppression was ing the evidence base, relatedly low power, interventions that
observed around 12 weeks on DOT, however, improvements require interventionists with advanced degrees, most interven-
were diminished at final assessment (week 24) when participants tions conducted in the US, and diversity in follow-up periods.
had stopped or tapered from DOT. Lyon et al23 implemented an Results of this study regarding limitations in methodological
educational curriculum which alternated between family and rigor in the current evidence base and diversity in intervention
youth sessions and youth-only sessions with 21 participants at strategies and results are aligned with the conclusions of
final assessment (month 6). Improvements across self-reported a recently published synthesis of youth focused service delivery
measures of adherence were noted; however, only 20% of the interventions to improve linkage, adherence, and retention in
sample had improvements in VL or CD4 counts. HIV care.14 Our review adds to the characterization of this
evidence base as emerging, at best, with potential promise that
will require considerable attention to move forward. Aggressive
DISCUSSION efforts to engage youth in adherence-related trials are needed,
Our systematic review of ART adherence interventions which depend in part on better strategies to reduce and manage
for youth ages 13–24 identified 10 articles from the current regulatory challenges in research with minors. Innovative
evidence base. Overall, several of the studies reported results strategies to afford youth added privacy, confidentiality and
supportive of improvements in adherence outcomes. However, autonomy in the context of behavioral trials are needed to
the progress in this area of research seems to continue to lag facilitate a robust and representative evidence base.32–34
behind increasingly vast evidence base for adherence support Limitations in the current review include reliance only
in adults, despite previous calls for investigation of interven- on PubMed for identification of the evidence base for
tions specifically tailored to adolescent and young adult adherence interventions targeting youth living with HIV.
populations.14 The studies identified in our review were not Although PubMed catalogs peer reviewed research across
only few, but were heterogeneous in intervention approach, most medical and social journals, we do not characterize all
duration and methodology, creating a scattered picture for what available research. Interventions presented in conference
might work best for promoting ART adherence in youth. venues and scientific journals not indexed in PubMed are
Although slightly over half of the studies reviewed joined not included. We recognize that there are often substantial
the evidence base relatively recently (in or after 2012), there is delays between presentation of effective interventions in
a nascent quality to this area that belies the long-recognized conference venues and peer-reviewed publication; however,
issues with nonadherence encountered by numerous youth the focus on peer-reviewed publications affords access to the
living with HIV. Almost all studies were framed as pilots, used specific data needed for synthesis and offers added confidence
within-group designs, and most positioned outcomes as descrip- in integrity of findings through the peer-review process,
tive explorations. Few evaluated the impact of interventions, which is not available in conference abstracts, presentations,
between or within groups, with sufficient power to detect even or other “grey literature.”

398 | Copyright © 2016 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.
J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr  Volume 72, Number 4, August 1, 2016 Adherence Interventions for Youth Living With HIV

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19. De Leo G, LeRouge C, Ceriani C, et al. Websites most frequently used
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to identify effective interventions are overdue and necessary Behav. 2013;17:2063–2074.
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