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ng Science QuarterlyBunkers / Theoretical Concerns


Theoretical Concerns
Nursing Science Quarterly
26(2) 111­–115

Living Quality:  A Humanbecoming © The Author(s) 2013

Reprints and permission:
Phenomenon DOI: 10.1177/0894318413477145

Rosemarie Rizzo Parse, RN; PhD; FAAN1

The purpose of this article is to set forth the humanbecoming paradigm and the phenomenon living quality, which better
expresses the notion of quality of life from this paradigmatic perspective. The three inherent core knowings of living quality
are described and explained in light of the community change concepts. Living quality with sciencing and living the art of
humanbecoming are also discussed.

community change concepts, humanbecoming, humanbecoming paradigm, living quality, Parse, quality of life, sciencing, silence,
wisdom, witness

The term quality of life is ubiquitous; many scholars from vari- qual means whatness or core, who could better describe the
ous disciplines write about the importance of it. The literature whatness of a life but the individual? Parse (1994b) said,
is rife with information that focuses on attributes, variables, “Quality of life as the incarnation of lived experiences is the
and categories, and ways to measure and enhance physical, indivisible human’s view on living moment to moment as
psychological, social, and spiritual well-being. The ontology the changing health patterns of shifting perspectives weave
guiding this notion of quality of life posits the human as a bio- the fabric of life through the human-universe connected-
psychosocialspiritual being, and the research studies are gener- ness” (p. 17). The purpose of this article is to posit a recon-
ally quantitative and related to functional status, satisfaction, ceptualization of quality of life as living quality.
and role performance in persons with various disease condi- The change to living quality better expresses the notion that
tions (Bowling & Gabriel, 2007; Chopra & Kamal, 2012; quality or whatness is everchanging and cannot be measured
Dimsdale & Baum, 1995; Dorfman, 1995; Franzen-Dahlin & by labels that reflect only a moment in time. Furthermore, this
Laska, 2012; Hu, Summers, Turnbull, & Zuna, 2011; Lin, Yen, change is logical in light of the evolution of humanbecoming
& Fetzer, 2008; Malott & McAiney, 1995; Pan & Tsai, 2012; as a unique paradigm (Figure 1). A paradigm shift adds a
Samuel, Rillotta, & Brown, 2012; Shin & Shin, 2012; Turner, totally new view to a discipline; it does not just reflect a change
1993). Only some qualitative nursing research studies and con- within the traditional system but, rather, is a transformation of
ceptualizations related to the importance of quality of life focus all significant concepts (like quality of life) that changes the
on direct information in the language of the individual (for structure of the whole. The humanbecoming paradigm is just
example, Davis & Cannava, 1995; Fisher & Mitchell, 1998; such a transformation; it deviates significantly from the total-
Mitchell & Jonas-Simpson, 1995; Parse, 1981, 1990, 1994a, ity and simultaneity paradigms (Parse, 1987, 1998). It arose
1994b, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2001, 2007a, 2007b; Pilkington & with the introduction of the meaning of humanbecoming as
Mitchell, 2004; Robinson, 1990; Smith, 1990; and others). one word and humanuniverse as one word; with the specifica-
The construct quality of life is linguistically static; it refers tion of the foregrounding postulates (illimitability, paradox,
to a once-and-for-all designation arrived at through the use freedom, and mystery); with the new conceptualization,
of digital instruments designed to ascertain an individual’s becoming visible-invisible becoming of the emerging now; and
overall health status. The instruments do not discover a per- with the epistemological change to universal living experi-
sonal description of quality of life in the individual’s own ences (Parse, 2007b, 2010, 2012).
words. The instruments yield a snapshot of a moment that
does not reflect the human as a whole-in-motion. The whole-
in-motion refers to the everchanging moments that arise with Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Loyola University Chicago
the living experiences of being human.
Contributing Editor:
In 1994 Parse wrote that from a humanbecoming per- Sandra Schmidt Bunkers, RN, PhD, FAAN, Professor of Nursing, South
spective only the individual living the life can personally Dakota State University, 1119 Plum Creek Road, Sioux Falls, SD 57105
describe quality of life (Parse, 1990, 1994a, 1994b). Since Email:
112 Nursing Science Quarterly 26(2)

Totality Paradigm Simultaneity Paradigm Humanbecoming Paradigm

Ontology Ontology Ontology

Human—Biopsychosocialspiritual Human—Unitary pattern Humanuniverse—Indivisible, unpredictable,
being everchanging cocreation
Universe—Internal and external Universe—Unitary pattern in  
environment mutual process with the human
Health—A state and process of well- Health—A value; a process Living quality—Becoming visible-invisible becoming
being of the emerging now

Epistemology Epistemology Epistemology

Human attributes Human patterns Universal human living experiences

Methodologies (Research and Methodologies (Research and Methodologies (Sciencing and living the art)
practice) practice)
Quantitative, qualitative, mixed Quantitative, qualitative, praxis Qualitative
Steps of the nursing process Pattern recognition True presence
  Illuminating meaning, synchronizing rhythms,
mobilizing transcendence

Figure 1. Paradigms of the discipline of nursing.

The change to one word for humanbecoming and huma- 2007b). This means that humans are the cocreated histories
nuniverse makes explicit the idea of indivisibility. The fore- of who they are becoming at the moment (Parse, 2003). The
grounding postulates permeate all of the principles (Figure 2), histories are all of the humanuniverse experiences that indi-
specifying the inherent unbounded knowings, contextually viduals are living as community. Individuals are continually
construed liberation, pattern preferences, and the unexplain- writing their personal biographies for which nothing is fore-
able of humanbecoming (Parse, 2007b, 2010, 2012). The closed, when considering the humanbecoming postulates:
new conceptualization, becoming visible-invisible becom- illimitability, paradox, freedom, and mystery (Parse, 2007b).
ing of the emerging now (Parse, 2012), clarifies the idea of There is only the indivisible, unpredictable, everchanging
all-at-onceness, which is the whatness that humans are liv- moment-to-moment moving-initiating, anchoring-shifting,
ing. “Becoming visible-invisible becoming is the living and pondering-shaping, cocreating living quality as the core
moment that brings to the fore the idea that meaning changes whatness in the emerging now of everyday situations.
with each unfolding living experience incarnating remem- Moving-initiating, anchoring-shifting, and pondering-shap-
bering-prospecting all-at-once” (Parse, 2012, p. 44).The ing are ways of living quality (Parse, 1999, 2003).
epistemological change from universal lived to universal liv-
ing experience clarifies that the personal description of an
experience encompasses all-at-once remembering-prospect- Core Knowings of Living Quality
ing as it is appearing in the now moment. This change distin- Living quality has three inherent core knowings, fortifying
guishes the humanbecoming methods from all other wisdom, discerning witness, and penetrating silence. The
qualitative methods of inquiry (Figure 1, Figure 2). These construct living quality with its three inherent core knowings
aforementioned changes forecast a new paradigm, since the (fortifying wisdom, discerning witness, and penetrating
ideas remove humanbecoming from the confines of the silence), then, is the ongoing incarnating of moment-to-
metaparadigm and other paradigms in nursing. It is a natural moment indivisible, unpredictable, everchanging meaning
consequence of paradigm evolution, then, to conceptualize arising with the becoming visible-invisible becoming of the
anew key constructs, like quality of life. emerging now. The core knowings are lived with moving-
initiating, anchoring-shifting, and pondering-shaping.
Inherent core knowings comprise the whatness of the human
Living Quality breathing forth the uniqueness of living quality.
Living quality refers to the individual’s core whatness, the stuff
of a life. What is the whatness? It is the living community that
each individual august presence is—the humanuniverse Fortifying Wisdom
cocreation with predecessors, contemporaries, and succes- Fortifying wisdom is invigorating sagacity shown with the
sors (Parse, 1992, 1994b, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2003, 2007a, individual as community cocreating what is important in
Assumptions Synthesized Assumptions Postulates Principles Concepts and Paradoxes

The human with universe is coexisting while Humanbecoming is Illimitability is the indivisible Structuring meaning is the Imaging: explicit-tacit;
coconstituting rhythmical patterns. structuring meaning, freely unbounded knowing imaging and valuing of reflective-prereflective
The human is open, freely choosing meaning choosing with situation. extended to infinity, the languaging. Valuing:
with situation, bearing responsibility for Humanbecoming is all-at-once remembering- Configuring rhythmical patterns confirming–not confirming
decisions. configuring rhythmical prospecting with the is the revealing-concealing and Languaging:
The human is continuously coconstituting humanuniverse emerging now. enabling-limiting of connecting- speaking–being silent;
patterns of relating. patterns. Paradox is an intricate separating. moving–being still
The human is transcending illimitably with Humanbecoming is rhythm expressed as a Cotranscending with possibles is Revealing-concealing: disclosing–not
possibles. cotranscending illimitably pattern preference. the powering and originating of disclosing
Becoming is human-living-health. with emerging possibles. Freedom is contextually transforming. Enabling-limiting:
Becoming is rhythmically coconstituting Humanbecoming is construed liberation. potentiating-restricting
humanuniverse. humanuniverse cocreating Mystery is the Connecting-separating: attending-
Becoming is the human’s patterns of relating a seamless symphony. unexplainable, that which distancing
value priorities. cannot be completely Powering: pushing-resisting;
Becoming is transcending with possibles. known unequivocally. affirming–not affirming;
Becoming is the human’s emerging. being-nonbeing
conforming–not conforming

Figure 2. Humanbecoming assumptions, postulates, principles, concepts, and paradoxes.

114 Nursing Science Quarterly 26(2)

the moment. The individual as community (Parse, 2003) is individual is always choosing, and even with the ever-present
living a chosen quality while removing barriers and initiat- discerning, the choosings are without explicitly knowing all of
ing anew in the day-to-day. Fortifying wisdom dwells with the consequences. Discerning witness moves individuals at
the individual’s explicit-tacit knowings, as the individual is every unfolding moment in anchoring with persisting amid
moving and at once initiating ways to strengthen personal shifting with diversifying in cautiously attending with the
value priorities. In living the explicit-tacit knowings of the everchanging. With discerning witness the individual as com-
core whatness, meanings change moment to moment and munity is living a chosen quality with what comes up with the
are shown in the individual’s unfolding speech, silence, becoming visible-invisible becoming of the emerging now.
movement, and stillness.
The whatness of the emerging now surfaces as the indi-
vidual with wisdom is earthing and unearthing personal Penetrating Silence
knowings, as living with diverse currents offers opportuni- Penetrating silence is piercing quiet in solemn stillness. It is
ties and at once restrictions for moments of buoyancy in the the perfect intimacy of the unutterable that permeates the
mist of ambiguity. For the individual, living quality is fraught whatness of being. In the depth of being the echoes of still-
with the intensity of calm-turbulent rhythms that invite vigi- ness penetrate the reality of the moment. Penetrating silence
lance as the shifting winds of the unexpected cocreate differ- incarnates the pondering and at once shaping of living qual-
ent familiar-unfamiliar patterns. Individuals with their ity. With pondering-shaping the individual as community is
inherent fortifying wisdom cocreate their quality as they living a chosen quality while contemplating and at once
forge onward with persistently propelling while navigating configuring anew in poised quietude.
the sure-unsure pressures of everydayness. Living quality is Living quality emerges with ruminating with illimitable
shown with and without words revealing and at once con- options as the penetrating silence of explicit-tacit knowings
cealing the meaning of the moment. It is the individual’s wis- arises with the possibles surfacing in the emerging now. It is the
dom that inspires, pushes, and configures patterns that fortify meaning of the moment as the individual composes value pri-
the climbing, immersing, drifting, soaring, and swingshifting orities in dialoguing with and listening to others. The individu-
as ways of moving on with what is the becoming visible- al’s quality is cocreated with others, ideas, objects, and events
invisible becoming of the emerging now. The patterns of for- that enable and limit choices, while revealing and concealing
tifying wisdom resolutely affirm the stuff of living that is the who the individual is becoming. Living quality as described by
individual’s quality at the moment. individuals is their truth for the moment that incarnates all
choosings as shown in their patterns of speech, silence, move-
ment, and stillness. In the depth of penetrating silence is the
Discerning Witness inevitable embracing of the whatness of living. The unutterable
Discerning witness is cautiously attending to and distancing of the illimitable spawns there―with the silence where the
from that which enables and limits opportunities in choosing awesomeness of becoming penetrates living quality.
the whatness of personal living. It is with the anchoring and
at once shifting that the individual as community lives a
chosen quality with persisting-diversifying. Witnessing with Living Quality: Sciencing and Living
others, ideas, objects, and events is a way of incarnating an the Art of Humanbecoming
individual’s valued projects. Engagement with these projects With the perspective of the humanbecoming paradigm the
cocreates living quality at the moment, identifying that conceptualization living quality is set forth here as a guide to
which is irreplaceable about the individual. What is irre- sciencing and living the art of humanbecoming. In sciencing
placeable about an individual is shown in valued projects to discover structures of living quality, the researcher selects
and relationships; it is how the individual is continually phenomena arising from the inherent core knowings (fortify-
coming to be known. Discerning witness is transforming as ing wisdom, discerning witness, and penetrating silence).
the individual’s contextually construed choices cocreate the The phenomena include universal living experiences such as
living of preferred patterns that emerge with unbounded feeling strong, feeling unsure, doing the right thing, choos-
unexplainable knowings. ing to be silent, creating something new, being vigilant,
An individual chooses ways of living that mean quality in being cautious, being surprised, trusting another, sacrificing
delighting in and at once giving up cherished somethings; thus something important, feeling delighted, respecting another,
discerning witness is shown with savoring the treasured and making a critical decision, feeling sad, suffering, feeling
often sacrificing the desired. The way that individuals describe contented, feeling alone, and many others.
living quality with and without words shows a reverence for When living the art of humanbecoming, nurses and other
what is significant and reveals and at once conceals personal health professionals who wish to know about the living quality
value priorities. With the individual’s discerning, what is of a person, the key question is what is important to you now?
highly valued is anchored in tradition with conforming, yet This question honors the august presence of the person and
not-conforming as the certainty-uncertainty of the emerging incarnates the questioner’s own humanbecoming value priori-
now illuminates the familiar-unfamiliar in new light. The ties, which include respecting that the person knows the way
Parse 115

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Parse, R. R. (1998). The human becoming school of thought: A per-
Funding spective for nurses and other health professionals. Thousand
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, Oaks, CA: Sage.
authorship, and/or publication of this article. Parse, R. R. (1999). Community: An alternative view. Nursing Sci-
ence Quarterly, 12, 119-121.
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