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Freshman year no edits

Maci Baron

Instructor Yerkes


05 February 2020

Kennedy Rhetorical Speech Essay

In the speech by John F. Kennedy “We Chose to Go to the Moon” at Rice University,

Texas, 1962 he uses the audiences emotions to persuade them that space exploration is necessary.

He gave credit to everyone else for helping, an emotional outlook of patriotism and curiosity,

and used facts showing how this could help the people.

Throughout the speech he continually kept giving credit to everyone for helping make

America better. One example of this in his speech is when he said, “...this Nation’s own

scientific manpower is doubling every 12 yeas in a rate of growth more than three times that of

our population as a whole,” What he's saying is that we together as a group is helping the future

becoming smarter. Ather time he gave credit to the people was when he said that we are

“founders' ' of the coming of age. He kept doing this throughout the whole speech which really

made the people that were listening feel almost as if it couldn't have been done without them.

Another thing that was displayed in Kennedy's speech was he used an emotional outlook

of the situation. He did this when he gives an adventurous feel to the speech. This could be

emotional because it's like a call of duty. He said, “ There is no strife, no prejudice, no national
conflict in outer space yet,” He said this to give a new beginning for the people. Using emotions

in his speech helped to draw people in.

In his speech he gave them reasons to be on his idea of space exploration. He said that by

doing this that our technologies would grow and that education for students could be improved.

He also said, “...already has created a great number of new companies and tens of thousands of

new jobs…” This was big news for the people back then there weren't a lot of open jobs for

people. He continued to say how this could help for so many different industries.

In conclusion, John F. Kennedy convinced the people to be on his journey of space

exploration. He kept relating to the audience enforcing an very emotional outlook of patriotism

to our nation.

Senior Year with edits

Maci Baron

Instructor Yerkes


05 February, 2020

Kennedy Rhetorical Speech Essay

In the speech by John F. Kennedy “We Chose to Go to the Moon” at Rice University

Texas, that was written in 1962, he uses the audience's emotions to persuade them that space
exploration is necessary. He gave credit to everyone else for helping, an emotional outlook of

patriotism and curiosity, and used facts showing how space exploration could help the Nation.

Throughout the speech he continually kept giving credit to everyone for helping make

America better. One example of this in his speech is when he said, “...this Nation’s own

scientific manpower is doubling every 12 years at a rate of growth more than three times that of

our population as a whole,” What he's saying is that we together as a are preparing for the future

becoming smarter. Another time he gave credit to the people was when he said that we are

“founders' ' of the coming of age. He kept dignifying this throughout the whole speech which had

made the people feel credited for their actions.

Another thing that had been displayed in Kennedy's speech was that he conveyed the

audience strongly with emotions. He did this when he gave an adventurous appeal to the speech.

John F. Kennedy uses a call to action to the people of the United States of America. He said, “

There is no strife, no prejudice, no national conflict in outer space yet,” By him saying this, It

makes the audience feel obligated to take that jump for new beginnings . Using an emotional

appeal in his speech helped to draw people in.

In his speech not only was he making the people feel responsible for the future but he

gave them reasons to be on his idea of space exploration. He said that by doing this that our

technologies would grow and that education for students could be improved. He also said,

“...already has created a great number of new companies and tens of thousands of new jobs…”

This was big news for the people back then since there weren't a lot of job opportunities. He

continued to say how this could help for so many different industries.
In conclusion, John F. Kennedy had convinced the people to be on his journey of space

exploration. He kept relating to the audience, enforcing a very emotional outlook of patriotism

to our nation and had conveyed with factual evidence.

Reflective Narrative
After looking over my past assignments I have found I have grown as a student. I was

able to find flaws easily. I had many spelling errors and had trouble keeping to past or present

tense. Some sentences I was struggling with finding the right words or didn't use intricate enough


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