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Portfolio Assignment 1a: Letter (250 words) – 20% OF ASSESSMENT

You have been asked by your station commander to respond

to a letter of complaint

Draft a letter using formal headings and forms of address

You should include the following points:

1. The fire engine was responding to an emergency

2. Fire engines even when responding to an emergency have to give way
for pedestrians on a PELICAN crossing
3. The driver was interviewed and believed he would have caused
confusion for other road users had he proceeded through the lights
4. Apologise for the concerns caused and offer a follow up meeting at the
local fire station or her home

Igor Kopinski

Hello Michelle, thank you for your letter. We are working continuously on
improving the fire service’s quality of utility and efficiency and appreciate all
The Fire engine in question was responding to an emergency, and did
indeed have blue lights on, which obviously makes it a priority to arrive at
the scene as soon as possible. That being said, as members of the
emergency services, we are required to abide by the law under all
circumstances as we are representatives of the government

Under the highway code regulations, the fire engine MUST give way to
pedestrians on a pelican crossing, after interviewing the driver, he
confirmed that he had abided by this and did not want to cause confusion
to other road users by proceeding through the lights.

On behalf of the fire service, we greatly appreciate your patience and

showing initiative by trying to allow the fire engine to pass, actions such as
this are great and allow the fire service to be more efficient and respond to
incidents faster.

While we appreciate your concern in regards to the fire engine making it to

the emergency, again i must stress the importance of the fire service
upholding the law as pedestrians have priority in these situations.

We would like to apologize for any confusion and invite you for a chat at
your local fire station or your home if that’s something you’re comfortable

Look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards
Igor Kopinski
Wolverhampton Fire station
WV1 123

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