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A tricycle, often abbreviated to keke is a human-power (or gravity-powered) three-wheeled
Some tricycles, such as cycle rickshaws (for passenger transport) and freight keke, are used for
commercial purposes, especially in the developing world, particularly Africa and Asia.
In the West, adult-sized tricycles are used primarily for, shopping, and exercise. Tricycles are
favoured by children and senior for their apparent stability versus bicycle; however keke has
poor dynamic lateral stability, and the rider must take care when cornering to avoid tipping the
keke over. Unconventional designs such as recumbent have a lower centre of gravity so require
less care.

1.1 Statement of Problem

i. The system is very time consuming and lazy. This system is more prone to errors and
sometimes the approach to various problems is unstructured.
ii. Inefficient public transport system, Poor institutional framework leading to poor
coordination of campuses.
iii. Insincere attitude of tricycle riders regarding to loading tickets at the park
Slow nature of the manual system
1.2 Objectives of Study
i. This system will register new tricycles and allocate registration number to them; also
create a large database where data can be stored and mined.
ii. To build a system that allocate route.
iii. To discuss some of the problems of the manual system
iv. To build a system that prints and generates one time random tickets.

1.3 Significance of Study

i. This study would spur up a greater desire for an improvement in business strategies and
services rendered in a bid to further enhance the tricycle association managers’ performance.
ii. It is important to tricycle coordinators because they can check availability of the tricycle
tickets, and track their activities.

1.4 Scope and Limitation of Study

i. This research work covers computerized tickets loading system using MOUAU as case
study. It also covers some of the problems limiting the success of tricycle park management
ii. This computer based loading ticket generating system is different from the traditional paper
ticket because the computerized ticket is safer, faster, reliable and maybe easy to manage.

1.5 Background of Study

The safe, efficient transportation of students to and from school is a challenge faced by school
districts across the country. Providers of public and human services transportation also aim to
deliver their services efficiently. While there are a number of ways in which efficiency may be
improved, the implementation and use of technology and coordination among transportation
providers has regularly produced significant, positive results. Most of these efforts have been
located in urban locations, but there have been rural successes as well.
Transportation has to do with the movement of people, goods and services from one place to
another. Transportation Services is the entity responsible for managing campus transit systems,
parking and related transportation programs. People these days tend to fight for convenience in
the course of embarking on a journey. There are no doubts that the implementation of automated
systems for fare collection, loading tickets, or electronic ticketing, is already a reality within the
Nigerian market of public transport. The increasing use of electronic ticketing systems in the
Nigerian market is not only related to the above mentioned phenomena but also, and mainly, to
the advantages that those systems provide to tricycle operators. In some cases, the need of
change was so evident that operators had not waited for a decision or guideline provided by local
authorities and implemented and managed their own systems without any subsidy. This system
controls the whole queuing process following a first come first serve basis thereby reducing
some of the problems associated with the manual system.
Transportation provides the essential marketing utilities of place and time, people depend on
transportation to achieve their goals in life. Nothing moves without transportation.
Transportation as a people oriented function requires a people oriented approach to its
performance. Since Lagos State government intended to achieve one the Millennium
Development Goals, poverty reduction, through a tricycle called KEKE-NAPEP, it becomes very
imperative to engage marketing techniques and skills. Of all managerial and social sciences,
marketing is one of the most people oriented. Marketing is the identification and satisfaction of
people’s needs through the exchange process. A ticket system toll road (also known as closed toll
collection system, as opposed to a flat-rate toll road, is utilized by some state toll road or
highway agencies that allows a motorist to pay a toll rate based on the distance travelled from
their origin to their destination exit.
The correct toll rate per user is easily determined by requiring all tricycle riders to take a ticket
from a machine or from an attendant when entering the system. The ticket prominently displays
the location (or exit number) from which it was dispensed and a precompiled chart of toll rates
with a list of all exits on one axis and various sizes of keke on the other axis. Upon arrival at the
toll booth at the destination exit, the motorist presents the ticket to the toll collector, who
determines the correct toll. If no ticket is presented (i.e. the ticket is lost), generally the highest
possible toll is charged.
Contemporary approach involves using the state-of-the art means of transportation to overcome
those inherent problems of the ancient road transport system. This modern means of
transportation incorporates Internet facilities to provide access to the users at the remote areas.
Transportation could simply be defined as the movement of people and goods from one location
to another. Throughout history, the economic wealth and military power of people or nation have
been closely tied to efficient methods of transportation. Transportation provides access to natural
resources and promotes trade, allowing a nation to accumulate wealth and power. Transportation
system and the routes they use have greatly influenced both how and where people live.
Reliable transportation allows a population to expand throughout a country’s territory and to live
comfortably in remote areas far from factories and farms. Transportation is vital to a nation’s
economy so reducing the cost of transporting natural resources to production sites and moving
finished goods to the market is one of the key factors in economic competition. Transportation is
usually classified by the medium, in which the movement occurs.
Transportation is usually classified by the medium, in which the movement occurs.
i. The profit of any transportation company that uses this system will be increased because the
online system will attract more passengers and no need to hire many staff at the counter to
sell loading tickets because ticket can be gotten and generated online.
ii. It should also assist the branch manager in calculating their daily collections and generating
iii. In the long-term operation, the financial turnout from the sales of tickets is expected to
increase as passengers' satisfaction is almost guaranteed with the availability of accurate
information, shorter queues and better services.

1.6 Contribution To ICT Body Of Knowledge:

Computer science is the study of theory, experimentation and engineering that forms the basis
for the design and use of computers. The study of computer science involves systematically
studying methodical processes in order to aid the acquisition, representation, processing, storage,
communication of, and access to information. Information technology is the use of computers to
store, retrieved, transmit and manipulate data or information often in the context of a business or
other enterprise. The term information technology and IT are widely used in business and the
field of computing. Over the ensuing decades, many co-operations created IT departments to
manage their computer technologies related to their business. Whatever these departments
worked on became the de factor definition of Information Technology. Today, IT departments
have responsibilities in all areas from computer tech support, medicine, engineering, academics,
businesses, sports, farms mechanization, and churches. (Bradley Mitchell, 2018). The following
are relevance of IT in martial art security system;
1. Help keep record of businesses
2. Help in students grading
3. Keep track of funds being used
4. IT helps in keeping track of registration.
5. Keeps score sheets and fight records.


As indicated by Boote, D and Beile, P (2014), literature review is an overview of insightful articles,
diaries, journals, books and different sources that are relevant to specific chose zone of study, giving a
description, abstract, rundown and basic and in addition top to bottom assessment of each related
work. The reason for the writing audit is to put work in its unique circumstance and to offer an outline of
huge writing distributed on a theme for better comprehension of the point.

El-rabbany, Introduction to GPS: The Global Position System. 2006, GPS is an application that must wait
for requests from users. This application provides positioning accuracy ranging from 100 meters (95% of
the time), up to 5 to 10 meters, also to relative accuracy at the submeter, and even at the subcentimeter
level. In general, the higher accuracy produced will require a more sophisticated infrastructure and of
course related to costs .

S. Surahman and E. B. Setiawan, “Aplikasi Mobile Driver Online Berbasis Android 2017,The research
resource was directly with Mr. Andri Rian Hidayat as Director of the Duta Trans Kuningan. Some facts
are obtained: At present, travel and car rental booking activities at Duta Trans can only be done by
coming directly to the place or via telephone only. This is less efficient, because time and costs will be
wasted if the travel seat reservations are fully loaded and car rental reservations, where the desired car
is already ordered, so that it will cause customers to turn to competitors engaged in the same field.
There are also complaints from travel customers because drivers often speeding while on their way,
making customers uncomfortable on their trips.

1.7.1 Review of Existing System Existing system is totally on book and thus a great amount of manual
work has to be done and the amount of manual work increases exponentially with increase in services
that will require a lot of working staff and extra attention on all the records, says Meeker, M. (2015). In
existing system, there are various problems like keeping records of items, seats available, prices of
per/seat and fixing bill generation on each bill and also finding out details regarding any information is
very difficult, as the user has to go through all the books manually and search for the records by
spending much of time by doing that according to Jakubauskas, G. (2010).
1.8 Definition of Terms
i. Issuing: It means delivery or sharing.
ii. Database: A database is a system intended to organize, store, and retrieve large amounts
of data easily. It consists of an organized collection of data for one or more uses, typically
in digital form.
iii. Report: Reports are often used to display the result of an experiment, investigation, or
iv. Order: Confirmed request by one party to another to buy, sell, deliver, or receive goods
or services under specified terms and conditions.
a) System: whole compounded of several parts or members, system", literary "composition". Is
a set of interacting or interdependent system components forming an integrated whole.
b) Information: is a processed data.
c) Storage: is a device for recording (storing) information (data)
d) Staff: a set of people, such as the employees or volunteers, within an organization
e) Computer: This is an electronic machine that can accept, handle, and manipulate data by
performing arithmetic and logic operation without human intervention usually under the
control of a program.

1.9 User Analysis User analysis on systems consisting of:

Customers: people who will make travel and keke rental reservations, have access rights to make travel
bookings, view travel information, view rental keke listings, make complaints, get notification of
transaction evidence
Admins Describe People on duty and have access rights to confirm the bookings, confirm keke rental
reservations, and view customer complaints.
Drivers People who will send location and speed data, based on the GPS data of his smartphone
Hardware Requirement:
 Processor –Core i3
 Hard Disk – 160 GB
 Memory – 1GB RAM
 Desk top / Laptop system
Software Requirement:
 Windows 7 or higher
 Python
 Django framework
 MySQL database
3.0 Limitation
 Wrong inputs will affect the project outputs.
 Internet Connection is mandatory.
 Can consume time if system crashes down.

3.1 Propose System Flow chat Diagram


A. El-rabbany, Introduction to GPS: The Global Position System. 2006

S. Surahman and E. B. Setiawan, “Aplikasi Mobile Driver Online Berbasis Android 2017,

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