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Currencies of the world= Monedas del mundo

Badyet Is a financial plan to calculate earnings

Budget and expenses-presupuesto
Sticks to Esteks tu Se apega a
Debts depst Deudas
Borrow Barrou Pedir prestado
Lend Lend Prestar
Owe Ouw Deber
I am broke Brouk I don’t have any money
Pay it back Pei it back Devolverlo
Can´t afford to buy a house Qent affor tu No puede permitirse
Short on cash Corto de efectivo -don’t have enough
Short on cash money
Can get by on s/10 0 Puede arreglarselas con s/10
Go into debt/went Se endeuda/se endeudo
Pancho went into debt buying 0 Pancho se endeudo comprando ropa
expensive clothes cara
Expenses Expenses Gastos
apologies Apolo yis Disculpas
Apologies is a plural noun.
Please accept my apologies-Por favor acepta mis disculpas
apologize Apolo yais Pedir disculpa
(Verb) I apologize for making you wait -Me disculpo por hacerte esperar
apology Apolo yi Disculpa

I’m so sorry about damaging(demeying) your

Lo siento mucho por dañar…

I don´t have money to travel I can´t cook He is short Her computer won´t start
I whish I had money to travel I wish I could cook He wishes He were tall She wishes her computer would start
I strike it rich Estruakeit rich Yo me hago rica
I struck it rich Estruaket rich Yo me hice rica
Squandered Escuander Derrochar
I usually set aside some Yo usualmente guardo o
money in my piggy bank Set a said aparto algo de dinero en mi
Earnings errnings Ganancias
Donate Doneit Donar
Invest Invest Invertir
Punish Panish Castigar
Tell a lie Tell a lai Mentir
Say the truth Sei da tru Decir la verdad
Exceptions Ex - sepchions Excepciones
Against the law Egents da lo Contra la ley
Hurt someone´s feelings Jert someone´s fillings Lastimar los sentimientos de alguien
Obvious Obviaus Obvio
Depends on the circumstances Dipends on the cirrcunstances Depende de las circunstancias
Half truth Jalf tru Verdad a medias
Not worth doing Nou wuort doing No vale la pena hacerlo
Count on Caunt on Contar con (Depende)
Trustworthy Truos-guordy Digno de confianza
Truthful Trutful Sincero
Keep my Word Kiip my word Mantener tu palabra (Promesa)
Have confidence (in) Have confidens Tener confianza
I trust my best friend Truast Yo confio en mi mejor amiga
Rely on Ruuy-la-ion Depender de
Said me (Incorrect)

Grin gruin Smile

Thrilled Truill-ed Excited and very pleased
Hospitality hospitaliti Friendliness to guests
Remote ruimout Lugar remoto-Far away
Doze dous Dormitar-Sleep lightly
Odd odd Strange

Raise awareness Rueis-aguerrnes Sensibilizar-Concientizar

Decline Diclain Disminución
Increase Incriss Aumento
Protected Proteccted Protegido
Extinct Exs-tinq Extinto
Endangered Endenyerr En peligro de extinción
Habitat Jabitat Hábitat
Dense Dens Denso
Environment Enva-yior-ment Ambiente
Remain Ruimein Permanecer
Suffering Saferring Sufrimiento
Rarely Ruir-ly Casi nunca
Illegal Iligol Ilegal
In the wild In the Guaiold En la naturaleza
City Apartment Suburban home
1-There is a lot of noise 1-the internet does not reach this place
2-There are a lot of pollution 2-There could be wild animals
3-All the things cost a lot 3-If something but happen we are going to
4- There are few parks delay in asking for help
1-There is more security 1- The air is cleaner than the city
2-There is a good communication 2-The price of the products are cheap
3-There are job opportunities 3-You don´t have a lot of stress because
4-We have access to all kinds of services You can live of the vegetables you sow
Skyscraper Eskais-grueiper Rascacielos
She proposed a solution
Proposed Propousdt Ella propuso una solución
Construction Constracc-chion Construcción
Obstacles Obstacols Obstáculos
Transports Truens-ports Transportes
Withstand With esteand Resistir a
Accommodate Acomodeit Acomodar
Efficient Efichent Eficiente
Sustainable Susteinebol Sostenible
Got around Got arraund To solve
Considered Consider Considerar
She considered to move
Goods Guds Bienes

Architect Arquitek Arquitecto

Edge Edch Borde
Blueprint Blupruint Plano
Leaky Liky Agujereado
Get access to (a place) Get access to Obtener acceso a(un lugar)

Snapshot Esnatshot Instantáneo

Projects Proyects Proyectos
Erode Irroud Erosionar
Low-lying Lou-lauing Bajo
Dams and dikes Deams and Daiks Represas y diques

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