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Project Reflection and DP update

This project is about the U.S history and voting rights, human rights and women rights. In this project I

am part of the timeline group. In this group we are making a timeline about all this important event.

me and jang are making a poster about the stop Asian Hate Movement. The essential question we are

going to answer is how this history event makes the community in the U.S now. We also make ballot

boxes for the exhibition to show we learn about how the voting is changed over time. The perspective

for this comes from what we have learned in class.

The movement I am working on in humanities class is called the Immigration Right movement. This is

a movement that still happens today in the U.S. This movement can be connected to the big event we

studied in class , which is the civil rights movement in the 1960s. because the Civil Right Movement is

about that everyone is equal and everyone should be treated equally as other people. I think this is a

new insight to me.

The thing I am curious and wondering about is are there other events in other countries that are similar

to thi? And how are other countries looking at this problem? Will this kind of problem go away?

Because I think the immigrant rights problem is a big problem for every country in the world.

Both the humanities and the chemistry exhibition went very well, I think every student in the

exhibition is fully prepared for the exhibition. Something awesome in this exhibition is the parents. It

seems like they were very enjoying the exhibition and they were interested in the topic we studied.

And we have many different kinds of shows to show what we have learned. We have a lot of cool art,

and a timeline about important events about the U.S history. and we have someone singing a song that

she made by herself. Something I would do differently as an individual next time is not just stand there
and wait for people to ask me questions about the timeline, what I would do is if someone is looking at

the timeline or other project next time I would tell time what is this project about and what is some

new cool movements that happen tell them how is the new movement is connect to the old movement

we have long time ago. During this exhibition my peers do a good job on explaining the timeline.

Overall, I think this exhibition was a successful exhibition.

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